Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 202

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Episode 202

Kim Yeon-woo thought everything was like a dream.

I just felt it while looking at the pitch-black night sky beyond the window next to my bed. There was not a single star visible in the sky seen from the house in Seoul that I had managed to save, but the high places that had once been white as if they had been bleached or black as if dipped in ink were now colored. It was just amazing.

So I couldn’t believe I was alive.

“…Is it a dream?”

Maybe this space itself could be a dream.

Kim Yeon-woo sat on the bed for a long time and looked out the window. My mind went blank, I couldn’t think of anything, and my heart began to beat violently. I could hardly come to my senses due to the strange feeling of liberation, as if a heavy burden had been weighing down my entire body had been thrown away.

After about 30 minutes had passed.

“…Ahhh! cell phone!”

Kim Yeon-woo, who struggled to come out of his daze, urgently looked for his cell phone.

Fortunately, the item she was looking for was sitting on a laptop that was turned on, and she quickly found Detective Hong Gyeong-jun’s number in her contact list. The cell phone I used for work was in clean condition, with no missed calls or unread messages.

Regardless, he called Detective Hong Gyeong-jun, but he did not answer right away, and it was only when Kim Yeon-woo, whose anxiety was at its peak, called back about six times that he was finally able to connect with the other person.

“Detective? “Are you Detective Hong Gyeong-jun?”

―Yeonwoo Kim.

“…is there something wrong? Is it possible to make a call?…”

―It is possible. it’s okay. are you okay.


-It’ll be okay.

Unlike Kim Yeon-woo, who felt strangely calm, Hong Gyeong-jun still seemed to be wandering in confusion. I could feel it from the voice coming from the other end of the phone. It sank to a level that was unheard of even within the other side of the world.

-I’m just a little distracted.


-I think I went crazy for a moment.

Kim Yeon-woo understood what Detective Hong Gyeong-jun said. He seemed to be blaming himself for the oppressive behavior he sometimes displayed in the underworld. This was quite a burdensome behavior for Kim Yeon-woo, who knew what kind of person Detective Hong Gyeong-jun was, so it was understandable that he reacted this way.

Feeling sorry, Kim Yeon-woo said while holding the phone with both hands.

“Detective, it’s okay. “In the end, didn’t you do it to protect people?”

-thank you.

Hong Gyeong-jun, who answered indifferently, as was his habit, continued immediately.

―…and I’m sorry. I am also grateful that you did your job and protected people in such a situation.

“Oh, that’s…”

―Thanks to you, I was able to protect a lot of people. I thought he was a good person as expected.

“Well thank you. Me too…”

It may not seem like it at all, but Hong Gyeong-jun was generous in his praise.

―I apologize for not answering the phone right away. Not only was I out of my mind, but I was also curious about what happened to the other survivors, so I was looking into this and that.

“…another survivor….”

Only then was Yeonwoo Kim able to properly understand the situation he was in.

Kim Yeon-woo, who entered the other world, returned to reality when the green algae monster died, and Detective Hong Gyeong-jun also returned to reality and received his call, so the other survivors were likely to do the same. Kim Yeon-woo looked back on the faces he remembered, and soon stopped thinking about one person.

After hesitating for a moment, she spoke.

“…Jaeheon Lee, are you okay?”

Kim Yeon-woo thought that his duty was to protect the survivors, so it was inevitable that it would take a lot of time to run to the big lake to protect the survivors. In the end, all she could see was Lee Jae-heon’s head being torn off by a green algae monster and him almost dying.

But even with that alone, Lee Jae-heon’s last appearance was stuck in Kim Yeon-woo’s mind. Lee Jae-heon, who continued to live despite being in a state where he could never survive, made people feel not only cruel but also miserable.

“So, looking at the situation… it seems like too much time has passed and the monster died on its own. Or rather, I’m curious about whether Lee Jae-heon, who was trapped underneath, also came back alive.”

―That’s something I’m curious about, too…

Hong Gyeong-jun, who trailed off, continued speaking a beat late.

―Have you seen anyone walking around on the side of the road? I’m just talking about the passers-by you see outside the window of your home.

“Pedestrian… No, I called the detective as soon as I came to my senses.”

-Then I guess you didn’t even look in the mirror.


―I hope you’re not too surprised, but would you like to check in the mirror first?


Kim Yeon-woo reflexively raised his head and looked at the mirror on the dressing table in the room. I tried my best to ignore the strange feeling of anxiety creeping up my spine and looked away…


I saw a doll.


It was a wooden mannequin.

It was following me.

“Ah uh….”

―Yeonwoo Kim.

“…there is a monster monster. Monster…”

―Don’t worry, just calmly inhale and exhale again. it’s okay. Everything is fine.

At the same time as those words were spoken, the mannequin in the mirror had no face but looked similar to Kim Yeon-woo, moving and placing both hands on the surface of the mirror. When its head, which had been moving slowly and calmly like a human being, snapped to the right angle and stared at Kim Yeon-woo, her shoulders shook.


―That thing cannot come out of the mirror.

The mannequin looked at Kim Yeon-woo with non-existent eyes for several seconds and then took her hand away from the mirror.

It trotted over again, sat down on the bed, and looked at the mirror. Although the mouth, eyes, and even pores were not open, it was an unmistakable fact that he looked very similar to Kim Yeon-woo. Without turning its head, the monster slowly moved its hand to grab the phone with both hands and put it to its ear.

When I became completely like Kim Yeon-woo, the monster disappeared from the mirror.

“…What is that?”

-Perhaps it replaces the dead person in the other world.

“Are you…replacing the dead person?”

-It was late, but there were passersby passing by. I went outside the house to assess the situation, and saw that several passers-by were taking the form of mannequins, and the people around me seemed oblivious to the monsters.


-But all the things walking around outside were mannequins with eyes and mouths. If you didn’t look closely, it looked almost like a person. It’s a little different from the mannequin we see in the mirror…

he continued.

-It seems that when we die, these monsters in the mirror take our place.

Hong Gyeong-jun hasn’t figured it out yet, but mannequin monsters in reality are divided into two types. ‘Mannequin when the target survivor is alive’ and ‘Mannequin after the target survivor is dead’.

The former mainly works in mirrors and has no facial features, but the latter differs in that it becomes a dead survivor itself. In the latter case, the monsters that Hong Gyeong-jun sees on the street appear and act almost like humans. You can tell that it was a mannequin only because of the seams and faint wood patterns that are characteristic of wooden dolls. Only those who have been to the other side of the world could see their true nature.

Kim Yeon-woo, who blinked several times at those words, soon opened his mouth.

“… So… If Jae-heon Lee is dead, assuming we meet again, that kind of… monster… will be there in Jae-heon Lee’s place.”

-To do that, we first need to check where the other survivors are and what their condition is. I don’t know exactly which company Oseong works for, but if I find out somehow and wait nearby, I can meet Jaeheon Lee. The person who runs a flower shop and Ha Seong-yoon, who is said to be a doctor, also work at a soup restaurant… It may be inconvenient, but we will be able to meet again.

“is that so.”

―I will try to check as soon as I have time. We also plan to conduct an investigation into the case regarding Song In-myeong to the extent possible. I looked into it and found that student Vivian regularly posts posts on social media, so I think I can find out information about those students without difficulty.

“Is there anything I can do?”

The person who was silent for a moment responded to Kim Yeon-woo’s words.

―I think Song In-myeong… seems like the culprit we were looking for.

“…I hoped not.”

―Even if he wasn’t the guy we were looking for, he was the wrong guy from the moment he tried to kill people. Don’t worry about it, Kim Yeon-woo, just do your job as a police officer. If I had to emphasize this, I would like to ask you to maintain public order.

“All right.”

―I will contact you again later. If anything happens, please leave a message…

“Yes, have a nice evening.”

Kim Yeon-woo hung up the phone and played with his cell phone again in the quiet room.


The haziness comes again.

And think.


I should have been there, not Lee Jae-heon.

Not Lee Jae-heon, who is just an ordinary person, but me who was trained as a police officer. I got this job to protect people. Kim Yeon-woo, who had wanted to protect someone and make them happy ever since he was young, should have become bait for the green algae monster.

Her cat-like raised eyes were narrowed as she stared at the mirror.

“…I hope you’re okay.”

I don’t want everyone in the world to get sick.

The right to be happy is something that can be achieved more easily than you might think.

* * *

Since the day he returned to reality, Hong Gyeong-jun’s top priority was to check the condition of other survivors. The next task was to find out what Song In-myeong’s current situation was. I didn’t want to repeat the same mistake after committing a foolish act of failing to protect what I should have.

Hong Gyeong-jun applied for leave to find out the situation of other survivors, and the Homicide Squad’s response to him was as follows.

“Where are you hurting?”

“? “It doesn’t hurt.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

“Are you saying I can’t apply for vacation? If you call, we’ll come running right away, so you don’t have to worry about the incident. As I said, I have no intention of leaving the area….”

“That’s not true, because the guy who used to make a living catching criminals for fun suddenly decided to take a break. “Isn’t this crap?”

At those words, Hong Gyeongjun slightly closed his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

“There are times when I need a day off too.”

“…Are you just closing your eyes because you’re laughing? Fuck, every time you make that face, my stomach hurts, Kyungjun. Honestly, I’m scared. “I feel like something very bad is going to happen.”

“I’m just trying to move around and relax.”

“I don’t know you. If I go again, I’ll get into an accident… Please don’t just commit illegal acts. No, just don’t get caught. If you need a warrant, trust us as much as possible and try to persuade us first. What does it mean to be a good colleague? huh? I understand?”

“I know you will interrupt me again after you say that.”

“This bastard can’t even hide it anymore? You, you, you just attack somewhere out of nowhere again. “Kyeongjun, please listen to my sincere request that we don’t have to go out to catch you.”

“When did I do something like that?”

“…I guess you’re lucky that you didn’t join a cult or a terrorist group…”

He continued with a sigh.

“So what is it?” “What should I do?”

“Why are you asking such a big question when all you want to do is take a walk around the area?”

“Is it still at the exploration level? “Good, good.”

During the few minutes we talked, he wiped his old-looking face, but soon returned to his seat and rummaged through the drawers. Hong Gyeong-jun knew what gift he was giving himself.

A small piece of chocolate fell onto Hong Gyeong-jun’s hands.

“People cannot live without party. know? When you feel like you’re going to do something crazy, be sure to eat some chocolate to cool your brain. It’s all because people don’t have enough time. “Try taking a deep breath.”

The transparent plastic covering the chocolate rustled and made a small noise.

“…I know you were having a hard time about that.”

“It’s not like that.”

“We often think about it, but what would it be like for you who studied under that guy? They say it’s their taste and nature, but how many idiots are still in the violent crime scene because of that bastard? They say it’s so difficult to find people in the homicide department these days, but look at how crowded our neighborhood is. “It’s not just you.”


“Still, I’m going to rest and live. The living must live, it is not a story like this. I know you’re not that stupid. I know it all, but I’m telling you not to get too caught up in this kind of life. Everyone is already worried about the guy chasing after the guy who wants to catch him this time. Remember, that bastard isn’t just chasing you, we’re working too. Mr. Ha. Originally, it was correct for two people to go, but my stubbornness is pointless…” “


“If you need help, let me know at any time.”

At those words, Hong Gyeong-jun lifted his gaze from the chocolate and stared at the other person. Upon seeing that gaze, my colleague asked,

“Why are you so touching?”



The monster that ate my companion just looked at me with a very sensitive gaze.

The body with the familiar face on it has faint patterns and seams as if it were carved from wood. Unlike the faceless mannequins that Hong Gyeong-jun or Kim Yeon-woo could see in the mirror, these were traces of a monster that looked horribly human-like.

“…That can’t be right.”


Hong Gyeong-jun swallowed a bitter smile.

“Thank you always.”

90% of my colleagues were like this.

In fact, being a homicide detective is not an easy job to live in. From the moment I saw the mannequin monster wandering along the road, I expected that my colleagues might be like this too.

But what kind of system does it run on? Do these monsters really think they are who they are? Maybe this was all an act. Hong Gyeong-jun did not have the strength to fully bear the traces of the monster visible in small parts of the faces I knew well, such as the grain of the wood drawn on the face I knew well or the joints of the joints of the fingers.

He needed time.

“…I will return quietly without causing any accidents.”

This is the time when I can protect

people .

* * *

The next day, I ran into Jaeheon Lee.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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