Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 194

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Episode 194

After the scattered survivors managed to return to the pavilion to regroup, some of them fell into panic when they learned that Lee Jae-heon had stormed out of the pavilion.

“Why were we doing this!”

“Ahh, Manager…! Argh!”

Noh Yeon-seok cried and shouted at how unfair it was, and Kwon Yeon-hee sat down, pulling out her hair. Fortunately, Noh Yeon-seok was unable to properly protect his partner, Kwon Yeon-hee, and Kwon Yeon-hee didn’t say much, perhaps because she was just watching the manager run away right in front of her eyes.

Among them, the ones who were most shocked were Kang Min-ah and Jung In-ho.

“…? yes? “Where did the manager go?”


“Yes? “No, yes?”

Kang Min-ah couldn’t accept the reality and kept asking questions, while Jung In-ho just gently swept the area around his eyes with one hand and calmly took a breath. While all kinds of emotions, including absurdity, anger, doubt, and resignation, were moving around inside the pavilion, there were more things that made the survivors anxious.

“Seeing as some people can’t see, it looks like they are lost or unable to move.”

“…I guess I’ll have to go look for it.”

“Since Mr. Lee Jae-heon dragged the green algae monster away, we must take advantage of this opportunity to maintain the condition of the survivors as much as possible. “A search is necessary to even find Jaeheon Lee.”

“If I tell you I’m going crazy, will you look at me strangely?”

“I don’t have anything to say this time.”

Jeong In-ho and Hong Gyeong-jun had a smooth conversation for almost the first time and sighed in harmony.

“I can’t see Ha Seong-yoon and Yoon Garam here. The last sighting of our team was between a small lake and this place, above our old base. There was also testimony that they saw a fire burning briefly for some reason.”

“For our team, Do-yoon Han and Ki-jeong Kim did not return. There isn’t a specific place where he was last seen, but he was mostly active near a small lake, so you can look around there. However, it is impossible to move right away, so we need to take time to reorganize…”

As we took turns attracting the green algae monsters, it took a long time for everyone to gather in the pavilion, and even then, there was strangely no information about the whereabouts of some survivors. . However, it was not possible to start a search right away as most of the survivors had difficulty even walking.

Jeong In-ho blinked slowly and leaned against the wall of the pavilion. Perhaps because of the vigorous movement, blood was leaking from the abdomen again.

‘…Furthermore, we are the only ones who are anxious because Director Lee Jae-heon has taken on the role of bait.’

Hong Gyeong-jun’s team’s dissuasion of Lee Jae-heon’s activities was simply an action from a humanitarian perspective. Because Lee Jae-heon’s condition was so bad, no one complained, saying, ‘Why is he resting alone?’ However, no one felt great anxiety or guilt toward Lee Jae-heon, who ignored several attempts to stop him and jumped out to play the role of bait. .

I would be sorry if I died while acting as bait like that, but unlike the last time, he was a stranger whom I had never met face to face even a few times. Since all the survivors had already been on the verge of death several times and no one had tried to stop Lee Jae-heon, there was no emotional debt. There were only a few people who were worried about what would happen if Director Lee Jae-heon died and wanted to get out right away.


So, to be honest.

I expected it to be like this.

“What should I do, Manager? You’re still not feeling well…”

“You’ve got the lighter, so you should be able to maintain visibility. Since I rested for about two days, I can only hope that I have some stamina stored up.”

Jeong In-ho sighed as he responded to Kwon Yeon-hee’s words.

‘Because I’m not the type of person who will listen to you trying to stop me.’

There was something that Jung In-ho felt about Lee Jae-heon after working together a total of three times. I’m truly sorry, but that doesn’t mean I’m someone who doesn’t move when I need to. If he could overcome an unfavorable situation for the survivors by consuming himself, he would do so even if he was sure he would die. It even seemed like he implicitly wanted death.

So, from the moment the green algae monster did not leave the vicinity of the pavilion, In-ho Jeong predicted that this would happen. Considering the distance between the two survivor teams, the limits of what each member could endure, and Manager Lee Jae-heon’s nature, it was something that could not be helped.

“…You’re probably still in a lot of pain…”

“…It’ll be okay.”

Actually, it won’t be okay.

“If we start searching as quickly as possible… we can find him safely.”

It seemed like I couldn’t find it safely.

‘The situation is too bad to be optimistic.’

It wasn’t just a physical problem. Lee Jae-heon had reached such a mental limit that he lost his temper and stormed out during a conversation with none other than Detective Hong Gyeong-jun, and the person who made him do that was the green algae monster. There was no way Jaeheon Lee could stabilize his mind while being chased by that guy.

Besides, it’s been a long time since it got dark. The other survivors formed several pairs and took turns attracting the green algae monster’s attention, but even they had two days at most. There was no way to know how long Lee Jae-heon, who was in an abnormal condition, could endure alone against the monster this evening.

‘So, maybe…’

He may have taken his own death as bait while keeping his own death in mind.

“Mr. Inho.”

“…Kang Min-ah.”

“I have no problem starting like this.”

“You can’t go alone.”

When Jung In-ho responded with a smile, as is his habit, to Kang Min-ah’s silent comment, the other person spoke firmly.

“Let’s go together then.”


“…I’m saying this because I know I can’t do it on my own.”

“That’s right.”

Kwon Yeon-hee and Noh Yeon-seok were looking at the conversation between Jung In-ho and Kang Min-ah as if they were a little unfamiliar. Well, I guess so. Because we remember the time they did not have. Jeong In-ho raised his hand and felt the smile on his face to make sure he was smiling before he took a step forward.

The place where it stopped was in front of Detective Hong Gyeong-jun.

“…Mr. Jeong In-ho.”

“I’m going to go first.”

“It would be too much.”

“You can’t kill someone who can be saved even if their limbs are blown off.”

“That’s far-fetched.”

“I know the world is one where such nonsense works.”

At those words, Hong Gyeong-jun, who was tapping his thighs with his fingers, gently tilted his head.

“It’s the opposite. It’s been a while since you took a break, and it’s not like you’re injured. In particular, Mr. In-ho Jeong received a stab wound from In-myeong Song, so there is a need to restrain his movements.”

“Aren’t you tired of controlling people like that?”

As I reflexively smiled at the boiling disgust, the other person stopped his fingers.

“I’m bored.”

“…Playing with me….”

“I’m seriously bored, too.”


“But I thought it was necessary.”

Jeong In-ho’s smile was slightly distorted.


“I apologize.”


“I guess I’ll need some more time to think about that.”

“You’re still clumsy.”

“That’s why I was always scolded by a senior I knew.”

“I don’t know who he is, but he is a truly wonderful person.”

“I think so too.”

What on earth is this conversation about?

Hong Gyeong-jun still had an expressionless face, but Jeong In-ho could feel that something had changed in him. A feeling similar to the one he felt when he realized that he was suspecting not only Jung In-ho but also Song In-myeong, weakly pierced Jeong In-ho’s brain.

“He always criticized me for not having a knack for choosing clothes. They scolded me for being sociable and not having a good eye for people. I may not be sociable, but I don’t think I have an eye for people, but…”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t.”

“I will admit that suspicion is excessive. This made a lot of people sick of it. Still, I have no intention of changing this since I have come this far with just this talent. “Even if it’s narrow-minded.”

“What do you want to say?”

“I’ll tell you up front, I don’t think I’m perfect.”


Jeong In-ho closed his mouth for a moment.

“No one can be perfect. Even if it exists, it’s just another entity with the drawback of being ‘perfect’. Not only am I not like that, but I have also heard many times that I am inconsiderate and overly subjective. “I admit it.”

“…Why all of a sudden….”

“I hate In-ho Jeong.”

“Crazy guy.”

“So, it’s only natural that In-ho Jeong dislikes me.”

Detective Hong Gyeong-jun shrugged his shoulders.

“You can do whatever you want.”


“I’ll do whatever I want, so the person who is more stubborn will win.”

“…It’s childish, really.”

“And Mr. Jeong In-ho.”

He continued speaking with a still stern expression on his face. His expression had not changed at all from before.

“…It is impossible to search right now. Unless you want to kill them all, it is better to observe the situation a little more before making your move. “I recommend you get some rest.”


Suddenly, Jeong In-ho’s smooth smile became distorted.

“Get out of here, you idiot.”

I felt so comfortable that it was annoying.

* * *




The corners of his mouth were red as he was breathing heavily.


Garam Yoon just sat there blankly, looking at his red-faced teacher.

A strange dome hanging vertically from a tree. The bizarre tree branches that make it up. And the dark dust inside. If she opened them one by one, she would have found them unpleasant or disgusting, but strangely enough, she felt comfortable. It was as comfortable as being wrapped in a towel soaked in warm water.


Ha Seong-yoon did not answer.


“Ugh uh….”

It was like this back then too.

“…Be quiet.”

No one answered me.

The fire burns in silence. Those bright red and colorful flowers clearly hurt the eyes and encouraged people to scream, but when they were eventually replaced with sound, all that remained was silence. The flame melts human vocal cords and burns life into ashes to be scattered on the ground.

Fire has no sound.

-I’m going to die.


-I will kill you.

But Garam Yoon hears the sound of fire flickering.

His burn-marked fingers carefully swiped the blood-soaked corners of his mouth. The slow, reverential hand, as if caressing an icon, soon caressed the doctor’s cheek and moved down to his shoulder. Garam Yoon quietly leaned his face against the upper body of Seongyoon Ha, who was lying down.


Cold blood soaks my cheeks.


My heart was pounding…

I could hear my heart pounding.

“…Am I strange?”

I hope you burn to death.

“It must be strange.”

Because no one in the world returns love as an enemy.

If the world of the dead in the Bible really existed, Garam Yoon would not have been able to fall into hell, let alone heaven. No cruel hell would have room for people like Yoon Garam.

“It would be strange…”

But nonetheless.

“Please tell me you are okay.”

It was both an admiration and a wish at the same time.

Garam Yoon raised his upper body, which was wet with Ha Seongyoon’s blood, and looked outside the dome. I don’t know if it was my mood, but the entrance to the dome, where the tree branches were tangled, was a little smaller than when I first entered. If it continues like this, I’ll probably be completely trapped and melt away little by little.


“…Garam ah….”

“Yes, uncle.”

I didn’t know if that wouldn’t be that bad either.

“I am here.”

If you were trapped in this narrow wooden box and started a fire, you would suffocate to death before it could even burn out.

“I’m here…”

That was also Yoon Garam’s happiness.


“It shouldn’t hurt.”

“…Run away….”

“…You shouldn’t do that….”

“Ugh… Haa.”


But yes.


That won’t make you happy.

“Tell me you love me.”


I was so scared and sad that I shed tears.

Garam Yoon probably wouldn’t be able to die together. The fire she started would stick to someone else’s body, not mine, and burn beautifully, and in the end, Garam Yoon would be left alone in the ashes-only pit again, crying. Even without seeing it, I could be sure it would happen.

“Tell me you care about me. Tell me I’m your family….” “


“Can you confirm that I’m alive.”

I was sad. I was so unfair and frustrated that tears fell. Garam Yoon just held Ha Seongyoon’s hand and cried endlessly. It was no different from an immature child clinging to his father and venting about the hardships of life.

“I’m so selfish.”

Nevertheless, I know that you will approve of me.

Good people who are relieved that I am alive in the end, even if I die in my fire. Foolish and lovely people. Those undeserved adults who might become my family….

“Am I strange?”

Yeah, it’s strange.

“You’ll still hug me, right?”

Yes, I will hug you.

“We will remain as family.”

Because you are good people.

Because they are extremely good people, they even accept and embrace Yoon Garam’s strangeness. They smiled at Yoon Garam and told her that she was okay and that she would be okay. Even if it was a lie, Garam Yoon needed an adult in her family who she could rely on like a huge tree.

Garam Yoon, who had been crying for a while, shakily moved his body and came out to the entrance.


Because the tears couldn’t stop.

“…Hahaha hahaha….”

I laugh.

At the end of that laugh, light spread in Garam Yoon’s eyes.


It was a gorgeously swaying recording.

Garam Yoon’s hand touched a tree a little away from the dome.

Obviously, he had dark burn marks from banging on and holding on to the burning door a lot when he was young, but surprisingly, his palms and fingers, except for the backs of his hands, remained white. Ha Seong-yoon said it was thanks to his good recovery ability, but Yoon Gar-ram thought that he might have been a complete monster from then on. The monster’s hand slowly wrapped around the tree trunk.

Her eyes stared at the pitch-black sky.


A yellow light resembling a flower appeared on the brilliant greenery…

“It’s okay.”

Even though he is a monster, there are people who approve of ‘Yoon Garam’.

Flames engulfed the tree in her hands.


She made eye contact and asked, crying sadly.

“…Where is Jaeheon Lee?”

It was when the day dawned.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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