Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 187

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Episode 187:

The needle is inserted, the current is applied, and Song In-myeong, who was shocked, falls backwards.


Hong Gyeong-jun couldn’t take his eyes off him.

Recently, items such as electric shock guns and Tasers have appeared frequently in various media, so many people do not realize their danger, but if they are actually used, they can leave significant aftereffects on the other person. The pain is considerable and there is a possibility that it may leave trauma.

Of course, Hong Gyeong-jun was not stupid enough to hesitate against a criminal like Song In-myeong.


I just felt that the Taser was more effective than I thought.

“Is he dead?”

Those words came out without me even realizing it.

Even though Hong Gyeong-jun thought he was stupid, he couldn’t let go of his momentary doubt. This was because the Taser gun showed much greater power than expected. Would you believe it if a bright blue light briefly flashed outside Song In-myeong’s body as if an electric current was running through it? It was ridiculous.

It is even more surprising that Song In-myeong appears to be alive despite this. Even though he appears to have fainted…

“…! Jaeheon Lee!”

Hong Gyeong-jun left behind Song In-myeong, who had collapsed with a red face as if he was not dead, and immediately approached Lee Jae-heon. It wasn’t enough that he had been cut a few times by the opponent’s sword, and a small puddle of blood was forming at Lee Jae-heon’s feet, as if the wound had burst while moving violently. His hands and legs, frozen while standing, were already stained red.

“The bleeding is so heavy. Mr. Munsan will have already returned to his companions, so you can rest assured. “I think it would be better to get treatment quickly.”


“Mr. Lee Jae-heon?”

Hong Gyeong-jun, who rarely became impatient, called out to Lee Jae-heon, who was staring into space with a slight frown on his face.

“…Jaeheon Lee, may I look at your wound for a moment?”

“It’s not possible.”


“Do not come.”


“Don’t come.”

Hong Gyeong-jun bit his lip.

“I had no intention of harming Jaeheon Lee…”

“Is he dead?”

“What… what are you talking about?”

“Did I kill him?”

“…Jaeheon Lee didn’t kill anything.”


“I am the one who made Mr. Song In-myeong like that.”

Fear, shock, self-blame. Faint emotions on a pale face, perhaps due to blood loss.

Even though he tried to hide his embarrassment and only told the truth, Lee Jae-heon’s expression did not calm down. Hong Gyeong-jun felt embarrassed at the sight of him being so clearly out of his mind. Even at this time, the green algae monster would be approaching.

“Let’s leave for now. You probably lost a lot of blood and exerted too much effort, which must have put a strain on your body. “It is right to rest in a safe place.”

“…wait for a sec.”

“Jaeheon Lee.”

“Don’t come for a moment.”


“Okay, okay, I understand, so don’t come. “No, don’t come…”

He hesitated.

Lee Jae-heon, with a stiff face, was seen taking a step back.

“What if I kill you?”

Only then did Hong Gyeongjun know what the other person was most afraid of.

“…Jaeheon Lee will not kill me.”

He was asking what he would do if Hong Gyeong-jun approached Lee Jae-heon and showed his hostility and attacked him, just as he did to Song In-myeong just before. That was the reason why Lee Jae-heon was avoiding Hong Gyeong-jun right now.

‘Is this what you said when you said you were turning into a monster?’

I haven’t been able to meet Lee Jae-heon in the meantime, but other than him, I can often meet him and his other group members as they come and go to the park. The excuse he sometimes made when expressing his desire to meet Lee Jae-heon was that Lee Jae-heon was in such a state. They say that it is becoming a kind of monster that shows murderous intent towards humans.

In fact, the movements shown when attacking Song In-myeong just now were too foreign to be said to be human.


A person like Lee Jae-heon would have felt a tremendous sense of self-destruction.

“…I understand how you feel.”

“I just.”

“it’s okay. “I didn’t kill anyone and I didn’t hurt anyone.”

“I don’t want to kill you….”

“Nothing happened, Jaeheon Lee.”

There were many questions that came to mind, such as what kind of influence the green algae monster had caused him to be in such a state and whether it was also the reason why he ran out during the conversation with Hong Gyeong-jun, but there was no time to resolve them. Hong Gyeong-jun approached little by little, hoping that the other person would not reject his approach.

With about three steps left, I carefully stretched out my hand.

“Could you pass me the pipe?”


“If you give me that, Jaeheon Lee won’t attack me.”

More than anything, I was worried about infection of the wound.

‘There is a high probability that the palm is torn.’

The bandage on his arm, which was originally dark, was wet again. It would have been better if the blood running down my arm was soaking my hands, but the amount of blood shed was too much for that to be the only thing. It was probably because I was swinging the pipe with too much force while my palm was torn. The injury suffered by Song In-myeong may have also played a role.

Some of my fingernails had even fallen off due to what had happened, and if I held on to an unclean pipe in that condition, secondary inflammation could have occurred. If you’re holding something in your hand, the bleeding won’t stop properly.


“…Thank you.”

The pipe that Lee Jae-heon handed over without a word was completely slick with blood.

‘At this level, it wouldn’t be surprising if I collapsed right away.’

Hong Gyeong-jun looked anxiously at Lee Jae-heon, who did not make eye contact with me.

The only thing the other person was afraid of was ‘I might kill someone’, and even though this much blood had flowed, he didn’t look worried or scared at all about his condition. It may have been that I had less understanding of the situation, but it could also mean that I was familiar with bleeding. Hong Gyeong-jun felt it was closer to the latter.


At this level, it had to be seen as a problem at the level of common sense.

‘It would be better to put the matter regarding Mr. Jeong In-ho on hold for a while.’

Even if Jung In-ho really oppressed Lee Jae-heon or did something malicious to him, Lee Jae-heon’s current condition was not explained. This level was almost like brainwashing, but it was only natural that Jung In-ho would not have been able to create a problem of this level in a short period of time unless he had mastered amazing hypnosis techniques.

In order to twist common sense like this, you have to start working on it from a young age…

“Then, is it okay if we move together?”

Hong Gyeong-jun decided to bury this issue. Just like the case about Jeong In-ho.

“I know it’s hard for you to come to your senses, but a monster will attack you soon. When I arrived, I checked and it wasn’t that far away. “The vines that the green algae monster treats like minions will also be a pain in the ass.”

“…All right.”

“You have both your hands torn off, so it will be difficult for you to hold a weapon again. That was until I met Ha Seong-yoon. “Is it okay if I stop the bleeding with a handkerchief?”


“Then put your hand this way…”

Contrary to what I was worried about, Lee Jae-heon, who continued to breathe deeply, was slowly calming down. It looks like he still hasn’t been able to shake off the shock of ‘trying to kill a person with murderous intent’, but even Hong Gyeong-jun was able to admire that he was able to remain calm to this extent. I could already guess from the fact that he was still standing despite being injured, but his mental strength was remarkable.

Hong Gyeong-jun, who saw that his hand was in worse condition than he expected, wrinkled his nose slightly but neatly wrapped a handkerchief over it. The pitch-black handkerchief without any special patterns hid only a little of Lee Jae-heon’s red blood.

“…Actually, this may not be very effective in stopping the bleeding, but…”

At least it would reduce the pain.

“But it will still cover up the wound. “It may be uncomfortable, but it’s best to stay where you are and not loosen it as much as possible.”


Lee Jae-heon, who heard Hong Gyeong-jun’s words, repeated clenching and unclenching his hands a couple of times. When Hong Gyeong-jun was about to open his mouth again at the sight of the other person behaving as if he could not feel any pain, Lee Jae-heon, who made eye contact with him, slowly spoke.

“thank you.”

His face had suddenly calmed down, and not a single trace of confusion could be seen.

“…you’re welcome.”


‘Why so…’

Does he resemble that person? Why do I think like this?

Hong Gyeong-jun was able to ask that question only after blaming himself five more times.

* * *

‘Oh damn.’

I should have killed Song Ga.

Lee Jae-heon was inwardly slapping his forehead in sorrow and lamenting. There was no point in hesitating just because Munsan-gun was constantly watching. If Hong Gyeong-jun hadn’t taken out the Taser, he would have definitely been able to kill him, but he ended up being robbed of his turn.

I just hoped that the green algae monster or something else would eat the unconscious creature.

‘Still, I’m glad that the green algae monster was successfully brought in.’

After all, cute and obedient dogs are better than creepy and disobedient humans.

Lee Jae-heon, who raised a dog day and night from adolescence to old age in his previous life, hoped that Pompitz, which must have brought the green algae monster here, escaped on its own. If I meet you again after escaping from the other side of the world, I will definitely pass on the beef to you. I decided to stock up on a few tomahawks when I get home in preparation for my next trip to the underworld.

As I ran towards the group of survivors to avoid the creeping toothy vines, I saw two teams of survivors gathered in one place, as if Munsan-gun had faithfully followed Hong Gyeong-jun’s instructions. Although there were some who were invisible.

“Chief Huh. Where did Seo Jang-hwa go?”

“…I went to check if there were any monsters nearby. “With the police officer and the firefighter.”

Vivian’s expression did not look very good while answering Hong Kyung-jun’s question.

‘Well, the people who are supposed to be friends have all gone somewhere and are nowhere to be seen.’

One of them was even human waste that could not be recycled.

Lee Jae-heon frowned, unable to understand how that naive friend ended up becoming friends with a writer named Song In-myeong. There were so many stories that were not detailed in the book, including Hong Gyeong-jun’s Taser gun and the relationships between Korean university students.

Jeong In-ho called out to him with a noticeably brightened face, as if Lee Jae-heon didn’t seem to be worried at all.


“Ah, Assistant Manager Jeong.”

“Chief, are you hurt? Why are your hands like that again…!”

“I was holding the pipe…”

“I told you not to come forward!”

Why are you doing this when you went out alone and got your stomach pierced?

‘This is all your karma.’

Jeong In-ho, who did not know Lee Jae-heon, who had a grumpy expression on his face, kissed his lips a few times and lowered his head. Then the tears started flowing.

“…I’m sorry… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get angry. I’m really sorry…”

“Deputy Jeong? Hey, Mr. Jeong In-ho.”

“sorry. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”

At the same time, Lee Jae-heon was embarrassed to see him trying to wipe away his tears with both hands.

“No, it’s me. “I suddenly lost my mind…”

“I was wrong. It’s all wrong…”

“I said it’s okay, really. “Listen to what people say.”


Survivors who did not know the exact situation looked at them with pity or bewilderment, and Munsan-gun, who was holding the child Jang Seo-ah, sandwiched between the Choi family and his wife, expressed his sorrow. Whether or not he was aware of Jeong In-ho’s plan, he must have resented him for dragging him there, but it was also a sunfish-like distribution.

Hong Gyeong-jun, who was talking with the survivors to understand the situation, looked at Jeong In-ho with a strangely shocked expression. It was not appropriate to peck right now, so he was holding back, but he looked like he wanted to have a serious conversation later.

‘But is it still much better than the last episode?’

Perhaps last time, he was distracted by something and his mental power was significantly lowered. Compared to that, Hong Gyeong-jun in this episode showed some flexibility in his own way.

Lee Jae-heon, who had been looking around discreetly, looked back at the main character in front of him.


“I’m sorry….”

“It’s okay.”

Shaky voice and trembling body.

“It’s really okay.”

I think this was an acceptable whip.

If I had grown up better, this wouldn’t have happened, right?

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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