Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 176

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Episode 176:

For Yoon Garam, Ha Seongyoon is like that.


He is an idealistic person.

It wasn’t a story about the type of person I wanted to date or that I wanted to become like that someday. It’s just that Doctor Ha Seong-yoon is the most complete and perfect in Yoon Gar-ram’s world. I didn’t think that way from the beginning, but it came very naturally as I lived my life.



A chilly wind came in like a wave, and the golden bell shone with a bright tone.

“It’s been a while, boss.”

“What flower would you like today?”

There were many people who admired Ha Seong-yoon, although they may not have the same feelings for him as Yoon Gar-ram. He was a respectable role model for many junior doctors and a trustworthy colleague to his classmates and senior doctors. Friendly yet always calm. The goal is to be a great doctor who can heal anyone in front of patients.

Garam Yoon likes Ha Seongyoon like that.

“Do you have forget-me-nots?”

“…You ordered that last time too.”

“My friend especially liked it.”

“I see.”

I respect you.

I am in awe. I worship. respect. I praise you. I admire it. Respect. I revere A person who is infinitely close yet distant, infinitely kind yet cold-hearted.

Even if all the words that could be used were used, there was no way to fully express this contradictory love that Yoon Garam had.

“How are you, teacher?”

You used to be particularly obsessed with keeping records.

“Forget-me-not’s flower language is famous. “Don’t forget me.”

“…I’m always thankful and sorry to Garam.”

If he touched the wall he had built, Ha Seong-yoon just smiled sadly. She never scolded Yoon Garam, but whenever she saw that expression on her face, she backed away without realizing it. It was like seeing a sanctuary that should not be tampered with or destroyed.

Even in the midst of all this, you are kind to me.

“Me too… I’m always thankful and sorry to you, teacher.”

I enjoy this peace simply because I was a patient of ‘Dr. Ha Seong-yoon.’

Even though I don’t deserve it.

“So, how are you feeling these days? “It’s still cold, so dress warmly.”

“I take good care of my clothes.”

Garam Yoon, who skillfully grasped the meaning of the question that went around and around, burst into laughter. He was concerned about her unusual tastes and her past. Some may dislike it as excessive, but Yoon Garam loved Ha Seong-yoon’s unique and vague consideration.

“Today is a little different… Contact me this weekend. I’ll probably have time around Sunday. “I think it would be nice to have a meal together after a long time.”

“You need to rest, but I’m not sure if I’m causing too much trouble.”

“There is no need to say that. It’s all because I like it… and I’m no stranger to CEO Garam Yoon. “She is like a daughter to me, so I have to take good care of her.”

Every syllable uttered is so sweet and lovely.

“…me too”

I love you.

“I am also a teacher…”


please let me burn in the fire just once.

“You are like my father.”

They are suffocating, unable to move, under the tall trees and leaves that cover the sky. You will struggle from the heat that will melt your skin. He will pound here and there with his burned, swollen hands to escape, and he will always look at me with shock and fear over his neat and gentle smile.

Ah, then. People like you will make me feel relieved that I am alive even in such a situation.



“Run away.”

A sinner like me cannot help but love.



A dull bursting sound spreads throughout the flower shop.

“…Well, what. “What is this?”


“teacher…? Oh man. mister?”

Even when my flowers turned into monsters and drooled, you remained calm.

“Hide under the table.”

Garam Yoon saw Ha Seong-yoon’s eyes shining red with strange joy.


You may not have truly been human.


Do you know that you have very pretty eyes right now?

Ha Seong-yoon’s eyes, which I saw at that time, seemed to contain a flame, an incredibly cold flame, and my heart was stolen in an instant. The light, which at first glance resembles blood, but shimmers like a haze, resembles a beautifully burning flame.

So please just this once.

“are you okay.”


“Everything will be okay.”

Please burn in the middle of the forest.

Please give me the most beautiful death in the world I know….


When Lee Jae-heon brought him back to life.


I felt my cozy gutter being torn apart by the light.

I couldn’t accept it.

* * *

“Mr. Yoon Garam?”


Yoon Garam woke up and looked at Lee Jaeheon with a strange gaze.

Lee Jae-heon seemed to be contemplating whether this was real or not, but he felt like he was having a nightmare and wanted to take care of his image. He approached him with the intention of waking him up, but his wrist was caught and it was a shocking situation for Jae-heon Lee. It was even more so because the hand he was holding was the one that had been bitten by a monster abandoned dog.

‘Rather than holding it for defense, it felt more like a child holding his mother’s hand in his sleep…’

Yoon Garam, who belatedly realized that he was holding Lee Jae-heon’s hand, was so startled that he withdrew his hand.

“Ahhh…! sorry.”

“There is nothing to be sorry about.”

Jaeheon Lee thought to himself as he touched his wrist, which was quite numb.

‘The ghost power is strong.’

In the story, it was described as not having very good physical strength, but I guess that and grip strength were separate issues. Well, surprisingly, people who run flower shops are really strong. Perhaps because he was tired, Jaeheon Lee tried to ignore the nonsense going around in his head and immediately opened his mouth.

“I thought you were having a bad dream, so I tried to wake you up. “I apologize if my interference was pointless.”

“No, I just… I’m sorry. “I had a strange dream.”

Lee Jae-heon’s heart dropped when he heard the words ‘strange dream’, but it was only when he realized that Yoon Gar-ram’s complexion did not belong to a regressor no matter how he looked at it, Lee Jae-heon swallowed a sigh of relief.

‘I think Kang Min-ah will open her mouth soon, but if Yoon Ga-ram joins in, it’s going to be a headache.’

Above all, according to Ha Seong-yoon’s testimony, the final form of Yoon Gar-ram in the last episode was almost like a monster.

Considering that his eyes were completely green, it’s a bit hard to say this, but he seemed to have achieved awakening in his own way. For Lee Jae-heon, who was trying to lead that ‘awakening’ in the right direction, there was nothing good about Yoon Gar-ram remembering the previous episode. No matter how much Lee Jae-heon was, he didn’t have the confidence to handle a boss who had completely turned around.

I say it all the time, but restoring a broken spirit takes an effort that is incomparable to restoring the body.

“It was a strange dream. Are you okay?”

“Yes, of course. “It was a dream at best.”

As Lee Jae-heon, who knows Kang Min-ah’s case, he couldn’t easily ignore the statement ‘at best it’s a dream’, but since he was the other person, he decided to roughly understand it.

“I’m rather worried about the manager’s condition.”

“That’s it… aren’t they all similar? “It’s not particularly pleasing to me.”

“You went somewhere last time and hurt your hand.”

“I admit I was careless.”

Lee Jae-heon continued with a strange sense of injustice.

“But rather than saying I did something majorly wrong, it was just the situation…”

“If you hadn’t taken action yourself, you would have been healthier than you are now.”


Look at how people keep saying things have gotten easier these days.

‘I’m not going to say anything because I feel like I’m feeling more familiar with it, but it’s annoying as is.’

The old man’s temperament emanating from his soul cried out, saying, ‘How come a young man so young is trying to make friends with adults?’ But since he couldn’t ruin the image he had worked so hard to build up until now, Jaeheon Lee just kept his mouth shut. Objectively, from their point of view, ‘Lee Jae-heon’ was right to have done something wrong.

Looking at him like that, Yoon Garam smiled vaguely.

“The manager is really kind.”

“…I don’t think it’s that bad.”

“No, he’s really sweet. I….”


“I think those things are great.”

His eyes, staring into space as if recalling something, were slowly tinged with green.

“Chief, you get hurt for someone else. You act as if it’s natural. “It’s natural for sick people to become sensitive, but I’ve never seen the manager get so irritated.”

“…Don’t you think too favorably of me?”

Even though he said that, he was quite satisfied on the inside.

‘It seems like what I did last time worked quite well.’

This is an imitation of a line that Ha Seong-yoon said to Yoon Gar-ram in the past. To be honest, it was such a cringy and long-winded line that I wondered if it was right even after saying it, but looking at Yoon Garam’s reaction now, I think it was the right answer. Compared to before, the way he looked at Lee Jae-heon seemed noticeably softer.

Garam Yoon met his gaze and continued speaking.

“You said that at the flower shop too.”

“Flower shop?”

“It’s where we first met. “Do you remember how you saved me with Teacher Ha Seong-yoon?”

“Wouldn’t it… be hard to forget that?”

“thank god.”

A smile resembling a mist flower spreads through the air.

“…Did you say I’m obsessed with fire? He just keeps looking at the bonfire. The manager must have sensed something strange about me and said something like that…”

“I won’t deny it.”

“I’m saying this because I said it was okay to say it, so it’s the manager’s fault for giving me the leeway.”

And the smile gradually becomes deeper.

“It must be strange, right?”


“I lost my entire family in a fire accident. “I got burns all over my body.”


“But I like fire.”

The gaze that had been on Lee Jae-heon was suddenly focused on the bonfire again. The green light above the still dimly twinkling eyeballs looks as if it will consume the great fire.

Indeed, this is a character with the talent of being the final boss that concludes an episode. If we leave it like this or take a turn in a strange direction, it will try to burn everything down like in a novel.

“I like it when something is on fire. Even though my entire family was burned to death, there is nothing I can do. I know I’m not normal, but I don’t think this is simply a matter of taste…” “

…Mr. Yoon Garam.”

“So I’m glad.”

The end of the muttering voice trembled.

“I thought it was really… fortunate that you saved the man from the flower shop.”


‘It seems like they call it that in private.’

It’s probably not much different from Ha Seong-yoon sometimes calling CEO Garam Yoon “Ga-ram.” We first met when we were students and have remained in a relationship ever since, so it wasn’t unusual for them to have their own nicknames at the time.

“Do you know how I felt when Manager Lee Jae-heon came into the flower shop and saved the man? I can’t really put it into words. “I have no intention of doing it.”

“…I did something wrong.”

“It can’t be. “I just wanted to say thank you…”

Yoon Garam, who hesitated, continued.

“In one way or another, Jaeheon Lee came into my life.”

‘Interrupted’ didn’t really have a good connotation.

‘Well, since he wanted to kill Ha Seong-yoon, it must have been inevitable.’

Nevertheless, he must have been truly grateful. President Garam Yoon was a case of a combination of a less-than-sane mind and a less-than-sane taste or constitution, so he himself must have been suffering from great stress over his own contradictions. It was worth feeling a sense of gratitude along with a strange sense of regret.

“Of course, it’s something I should be grateful for… but if I’m feeling a little resentful…”

“That’s right.”

“What do you think?”

So, Garam Yoon asked once again.

“It must be strange, right?”

The answer was fixed.

“…are you okay.”


“Everything will be okay.”

Lee Jae-heon raised his hand and stroked Yoon Garam’s head. At that brief contact, Yoon Garam bit her lip, but that didn’t mean she tried to reject his touch. In a way, it seemed like she instinctively wanted that kind of contact.

The faint green light disappeared and the remaining dark brown eyes stared at Jaeheon Lee.

“I can help you.”

Even while laughing and crying, Yoon Garam did not deny him.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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