Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 172

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Episode 172

‘You’re worried about this.’

Jaeheon Lee was impressed.

Well, where does the trait of being ranked 3rd among sunfish go? Even though Song In-myeong was scary and suspicious of this group, he was ultimately suffering because of his personality. It may not have been so strange that I approached Jaeheon Lee first, who was already feeling sad and worried, given his personality.

‘That’s why I got swallowed by a centipede while trying to save someone in the flower garden.’

Of course, it wasn’t that bad because I didn’t have enough money, but in any case, I was being threatened by a murderer and I was caught in the middle of a cult or brainwashing group. In the midst of all this, it was truly unusual to be comforting a 6-year-old kindergarten student while worrying about someone else. To put it bluntly, he seemed like a brat.


Fuck, that’s right. I’m not in a position to think like that right now.

‘At this point, Police Officer Kim would not have resolved his misunderstanding about this group.’

I was also concerned about what Detective Hong Gyeong-jun, who I encountered while vomiting blood that wasn’t blood, said. He made a statement in a similar vein to the misunderstanding of police officer Kim Yeon-woo.

Fortunately, in the last episode, Song In-myeong was the first to hit the player before he became interested in this side of the story. At the time, Kim Yeon-woo was also talking nonsense like ‘Wow, you get along well’, so it was an issue that could be easily overlooked if you attacked at the right time and said ‘We have a good relationship’.

But by chance, Song In-myeong is here.

‘Fuck you trash. It’s not fucking helpful. I’m going to grind this crazy brain in a blender and pour it into the food waste bin…’

The words from my past life that I had buried for a while came out spontaneously.

It was even more absurd that he seemed to sincerely believe in the ‘Jung In-ho cult leader’ theory. Even Detective Hong and Police Officer Kim couldn’t see for themselves how we were and what the situation was, so why on earth does that bastard Song In-myeong believe such a delusion as fact?

It’s true that the main character is a disgusting chick, but he’s still a little bit younger than he is….



Lee Jae-heon’s brows stiffened at the faint sound of the dog whining. Are you hallucinating?




There’s no fucking way that’s possible.

‘I know, I know.’

Isn’t this a snow ball or something?

‘Kang Min-ah was harsh from the moment she spoke, but damn it.’

Actually, it was something I expected to some extent. That’s why I couldn’t fall asleep even with my eyes closed. It is natural for an animal that has tasted human touch to return to its owner. I thought it wouldn’t be much different because it was an abandoned dog monster.

The voices of two students were heard in Lee Jae-heon’s ears.

“…is this the sound of a monster?”

“At that time, when you weren’t there, Park Da-hoon, a monster that looked like a dog came…”

“Huh? “Then isn’t this dangerous?”

The faithful watchmen quickly noticed the faint sound and began to worry about who to wake up. Since it was his first important mission, he must have been more sensitive. Unlike other adults, we don’t have much physical talent other than jumping on our two legs.


In the end, Jaeheon Lee had to get up.

“What’s going on?”


As she lowered her voice so as not to wake others, Park Da-young also lowered the volume. For Dayoung Park, a student who had encountered a monster abandoned dog once before, the current situation must have felt quite burdensome.

“It was a long time ago. Yeonhee came when she was crying…”

“Abandoned dog monster?”

“…was that an abandoned dog?”

As expected, there seems to be something about the word ‘abandoned dog’ that tugs at people’s hearts. Kang Min-ah also did that, and Park Da-young’s expression also became quite subtle.

Lee Jae-heon, who lightly ignored that, asked.

“So what’s the problem?”

Instead of Park Da-young, who hesitated, her younger brother Park Da-hoon opened his mouth.

“I think that abandoned dog monster is nearby.”


Jaeheon Lee took a moment to organize the situation in his head.

‘I’m not sure, but there’s a high probability that the main character and Chief Kang are awake, but based on the atmosphere, it doesn’t seem like they’ll wake up right away. ‘There’s a monster monster dog running around nearby…’

He continued after contemplating for a moment.

“Maybe… he looks like a monster I know.”


Park Da-young and Park Da-hoon’s expressions became very strange at the same time. I noticed that his words did not simply mean ‘I know’, but ‘we have built a close relationship’.

Their furrowed brows, narrowed eyes, and slightly open mouths as if they were doubting their own ears seemed to indicate why they were brother and sister. Even though their ages, genders, and appearances are different, the fact that they can make such similar facial expressions is definitely a mystery of genes.

‘It’s the same as not asking any more questions.’

Park Da-hoon, who hesitated, slowly opened his mouth.


This was said instead of asking, “What kind of nonsense is this?”

‘He’s quick to notice.’

And he definitely humbles himself to the person he is trying to attack.

Da-Hoon Park has quick feet and good stamina, but he is not capable of fighting someone, and Da-Young Park has a good head but lacks physical ability. Basically, they are people who have made it a habit to humble themselves and speak to ‘adults’, so in fact, I should have thought that this was closer to a survival instinct than an instinct.

That’s why Park Da-hoon gave an odd answer instead of saying, ‘Why didn’t you tell me that?’ Even though it’s a very trivial thing, I don’t want to offend ‘Lee Jae-heon’.

“…You can ask why I didn’t tell you.”

And this was also an opportunity to provide some minor mental care to the two siblings.

“It’s not that great. I just didn’t say it because I didn’t have time to say it. “The atmosphere was clouded by that strange man named Song In-myeong.”


“Anyway, I don’t think it’s going to be a big problem, but can’t we just quietly move on like this?”

There was no need to hold on to this topic for long. After all, these thoughtful people had a knack for translating sentences from fleeting conversations into their brains and analyzing them. If you leave him alone, he will interpret it in a positive way on his own, so Jae-Heon Lee, who was already very busy and sick, only had to solve the problem at hand.

In response to his question, Dayoung Park held her younger brother’s hand, who was trying to say something, and nodded repeatedly.

“Yes yes yes. Of course it’s okay. “It’s what you do.”

“…Oh, okay… thank you.”

“I just hope you don’t get hurt more. “If you don’t mind.”

Her eyes were on Lee Jae-heon’s hand. It was a hand that had been bitten by a monster stray dog before the sun set, and now had somewhat faded teeth marks.

‘…I didn’t think it would be a concern.’

In fact, Jeong In-ho and Ha Seong-yoon did not pay much attention to Lee Jae-heon’s hand. It was partly because he avoided other people’s gaze, but the reason he was able to do that in the first place was because, apart from the fact that there was a lot of blood, there were no clear marks left on his hands. There were some scabs, but my hands were so dirty that they were hard to see.

However, it seems like he couldn’t avoid the eyes of those who are the most recognized writers.

“That can’t be rude. “I’m always sorry.”

“It is us.”

If the main character was awake and listening to this conversation, a fire would be exploding inside him, but Lee Jae-heon pretended not to notice and quietly moved outside of the vacant lot where the light from the bonfire reached.

And a dog was found shivering and hiding not far away.

“…Did I sprain my eye?”

What the fuck is that dog, that thing is a monster. It’s a monster that is eating away at my precious mind…

‘Please take care of your sanity.’

Lee Jae-heon pounded his head with his hand, cursing his thick bean pod that turned even a normal monster into a cute puppy. Perhaps because his mental power had decreased, his physical condition had deteriorated beyond imagination and his judgment had also decreased, and it seemed like he would be in a bit of trouble if this condition continued.

When the abandoned dog monster started shaking in surprise at Lee Jae-heon’s behavior, I thought it was a pity, but I was relieved to see that it only trembled and did not do anything dangerous.

‘I’m glad my lost spirit and spilled blood didn’t become meaningless.’

He quietly bent his knees, made eye contact, and gently called out to the monster.

“…Come here. That’s right, I’m good at it. “You’re pretty.”


“Oh my, you’re so pretty. Wow, I hear you well. Very smart. huh? pretty.”

The monster especially waved its tail at the word ‘pretty’. Considering that although monsters of the same species may look similar, they are actually all different creatures and have their own characteristics, it seemed highly likely that the monster’s favorite word was a compliment such as ‘pretty’. He seemed particularly happy when he heard that.

Lee Jae-heon blinked when he finally came up to me and rubbed his head, even though he was grunting as if he was quite scared.

“…Let’s see, paper….”

“Isn’t this Pompitz?”

“Hey, I’m surprised.”

Seeing Lee Jae-heon expressing his surprise in a casual tone, Park Da-young, who quietly approached him, looked embarrassed.

“I’m sorry… I followed you because I was curious.”

“No, there’s nothing to be sorry about, but…”

“Park Da-hoon is still on guard duty. The other adults didn’t wake up either. Do not worry!”

“I wasn’t worried about that.”

Looking at her slightly excited appearance, Park Da-young seemed to be quite happy that she had a ‘secret of our own’. Well, when people have something to share like this, they feel closer. It was no wonder that Park Da-young, who always pretended not to be like that and was desperately tied to human relationships, was excited like she is now.

“Is it okay for you to look at this guy? So, my head hurts or my stomach hurts…”

“Ah… I’m fine. “I guess my mind is healthy and I’m not particularly scared.”


It’s a bit funny to hear the words ‘mentally healthy’ come out of that chick’s mouth.

‘If I had to guess, he would be in the top 5 crazy guys.’

Of course, the undisputed number one is our main character. In fact, Song In-myeong is unrivaled at the moment, but the direction is different, and I plan to let him go soon, so I left him out in advance. Jung In-ho is still a chick and has much more potential to grow in the future than that artistic idiot who has no answers.

Lee Jae-heon, who was thinking about what to say, slowly nodded.

“…He’s strong….”

“Is that so?”

“Then I know that our Park siblings are strong.”

Usually, the combat power of the residents of the white house on the hill is much stronger than that of ordinary people. This is also the reason why our group has been able to survive so far in this crazy side world….

“…No, more than that.”

Lee Jae-heon, who barely managed to keep his mind from flying far away, continued speaking.

“Pompitz? Isn’t that it? A crossbreed between a Pomeranian and a Spitz….”

“Huh? “Do you understand?”

“This guy is Pompitz?”

Jaeheon Lee muttered that and put his hand into the armpit of the panting, panting monster dog and lifted it up. Of course, it can make you scared or put a strain on your body, so instead of floating in the air, feel like you’re standing up with both feet on the ground. The monster just smiled and waved its tail passionately, as if it liked being touched by people.

Okay, okay. If you look closely, it’s quite…

“…is it Pompitz?”

“I know it well because it is a species raised by a friend. Isn’t it exactly the same as when I shaved off the hair myself? “Right now, he looks a bit like that, but if his fur were a little more abundant, I would be able to tell just by looking at him.”

“Well, the fur is a bit sparse, but if you look at it, it’s cute. “It’s funny what you do.”


“…Fuck yes. “I guess I’m really tired.”

Lee Jae-heon sighed at the word ‘cute’ that even Park Da-young of the world couldn’t agree with.

But maybe it was because I was getting used to it, but the fact that it looked really cute was more of a problem. Since half of dogs are made up of fur, wouldn’t these dogs look pretty to other people if they just took good care of their fur? It’s one of the few benign monsters officially recognized, and this makes a lot of sense.

Lee Jae-heon, who thought for a moment, opened his mouth.

“…Shall we take a wash in the lake?”


“No, if the world behind the scenes is based on human thoughts… Isn’t there a reason why these guys became dirty? Just like the guys at the abandoned dog shelter became really cool after they caught me and groomed me. …”

Maybe it was because my head hurt, but I could feel my vocabulary deteriorating with my whole body.



There is a moment of silence.

“…Have you ever raised a dog?”

Da-Young Park asked a question that would naturally be asked.

Jaeheon Lee responded to that.

“I raised it.”

“Wow, it really doesn’t suit me.”

“i think so too.”

In a past life.

‘I didn’t raise him in this life because it was a hassle.’

The past life was also a past life, but before I remembered it, Lee Jae-heon in his current life was not particularly normal. How easy is it to be the first person to come to work early in the morning and the last person to leave work late in the evening for the fun that most office workers crave? Although his direction was very dull, he was a truly crazy person in his current life. Even though he was single and lived alone in a large house, this crazy crazy guy didn’t feel very lonely.

Lee Jae-heon’s vanity did not give him a chance to be lonely, and all the luxury goods that filled the closet made him happy. This means that while I was eating well and living well on my own, there was no need for a military family member to feed me and clean up my poop.

‘It takes a lot of determination to take in another family member with whom you don’t communicate in the first place…’

However, now that I remembered my past life, I didn’t have any special feelings for the dog.

“People told me to raise them and held me by the chin.”

There were only three dogs that Eoyeongbuyeong took charge of.

“…You gave me a dog to raise?”


“That’s very irresponsible… You shouldn’t force someone else to raise your dog… It makes both the dog owner and the dog unhappy…” “

This man is happy that our Dayoung has the right way of thinking. .”

“Ah, thank you.”

“You take this again.”

Park Da-young, who was quietly watching, asked.

“But that. “Who gave me the puppy like that…?”


Normally, I would have kept my mouth shut and not answered, but perhaps because the screws were loose in my head, I didn’t really feel like doing so. Lee Jae-heon, who rolled his eyes for a moment, looked at the abandoned monster dog again and opened his mouth.

“A long time ago, I… um.”


“…People you liked?”

I don’t know if it’s okay to express it this way.

“Yes, people who liked it gave it to me. “Approximately three people each gave me just one animal.”

“…Were they people you met in the other world?”


It was all a connection from a past life.

A junior who doesn’t listen takes one. There is a girl who is a good match for me. The child she gave birth to brought one…

‘Oh, isn’t it?’

Also, if you add a female later and see her fawning, shouldn’t it be said that she is one at a time? It’s like taking on the guy I originally raised, along with his wife and small children.

As I was thinking about something else, I heard Park Da-young’s cautious voice.

“Those… what kind of people were they?”

“Everything about people’s lives is obvious. One good guy, one bad guy, one good guy, one bad guy… I’m not sure. “I think I thought so before, but I don’t know anymore.”

“Did those people bother you?”

“Don’t worry, I made you suffer.”

Dayoung Park said.

“It’s a lie.”

“It’s true.”

I bullied them so much that they all left.

“Because they ruined their lives….” “


“…Oh, crazy. Has your brain lost strength? “Forget it, it was all nonsense.”

Lee Jae-heon massaged the face of the abandoned monster dog generously and then immediately removed his hand. She looked strange because of her patchy skin and colorful plastic button-shaped eyes. I kept thinking that she would look much prettier after washing in a small lake.

The monster snuggled into Lee Jae-heon’s arms as if he wanted to take his hand.

“Isn’t this cute?”

“…I don’t think you should show that in front of other people.”

“You’d think I was possessed by a monster. I know. “He seems to think he’s out of his mind these days, so we need to be careful about things like this.”

Park Da-young, who hesitated for a moment, spoke again.

“Still, it’s kind of cute. It really looks like a puppy… When I saw it before, it looked really fierce. “I guess you’re really good at taming dogs.”

“is it.”

“I know this, there are no bad dogs in this world….”

“Use it.”

“Kang Hyuk….”

“Oh, I’m not making fun of a man who is still much older than he is in his 40s. “There’s no dried blood on my head.”

“Sir, I haven’t even finished talking yet.”

Dayoung Park, who had been choosing her words for a long time, opened her mouth.



“I’m sorry I keep asking, but will you stay with us?”

When I raised my head and looked at him, I saw the student’s face filled with anxiety.

“Sometimes it seems like he’s more comfortable with monsters than people like us, so…”

“Is that weird?”

“I’m anxious. “I think I’ll make a living with monsters who are easy on the inside, rather than people who arbitrarily burden me.”

“Look at what this kid who just barely turned 20 says.”

“So, even if you become a real monster later, you have to stay by our side. Even if you turn like that green algae or crumble like this puppy… don’t go anywhere.”



He answered willingly.

“I’m fine.”

* * *

Maybe what student Park Da-young said was right.

These monsters were things I had seen all along in my previous life, but the common sense of the people around me and their resulting behavior were very different. To put it more clearly, it felt like I was living with monsters I had never seen before.

In the meantime, this situation where you have to shout, ‘I am a monster like you all’…

“But you still love me, baby.”

that’s right.

“Hurry back to my side.”

You are right my love.

“I need you.”

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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