Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 141

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Episode 141

To be honest, Lee Jae-heon was a bit stupid.

Although he knows his own shortcomings and shortcomings, he does not intentionally correct them, but this is especially true when it comes to things he vaguely knows about. I had a habit of unconsciously looking away and avoiding facing each other when I encountered something that might bother me or cause trouble.

The same was true for this world. Lee Jae-heon had a tendency to be overconfident in the contents of the novel he remembered, and did not consider that to be a problem. I never thought about it deeply.

So I didn’t expect Song In-myeong to kill Seo Jang-hwa like this.



“I didn’t mean for it to end like this.”

Because he loves his friends.

“It’s so unfortunate.”

It was a voice filled with such explicit sadness that anyone could clearly tell.

Although Song In-myeong’s inner self was never described in the story, there was at least a pattern of behavior. He was obnoxiously obsessed with anything related to the ‘work’ he was planning or working on, and got extremely angry when his plans were twisted. That was truly the psychology of a typical criminal.

So, for Song In-myeong, who is working on a work called ‘Friend’, he thought that Seo Jang-hwa was someone who should never be killed. That’s because Song In-myeong wanted to end his life with his two friends, so he didn’t kill them in vain like this in the original novel…. “….” “




Lee Jae-heon was not angry at the sight of Song In-myeong muttering while hugging Seo Jang-hwa’s body with both arms, but was just dumbfounded. I felt like I was seeing an idiot from a century that shouldn’t exist in the world. What he was feeling was probably close to pathetic.

Of course, that idiot had no intention of writing a third-rate novel that made no sense, such as ‘He killed his friend because he didn’t know true affection even though he was in true friendship or love.’ It was clear that the waste was close to radioactivity and could not be simply disposed of.

Moreover, at least Song In-myeong was very serious and thoughtful about his own feelings. Even if a person who considers even his own emotions to be a work of art and is quite crazy, there is no way he would not be able to distinguish between true affection.

So, that’s just

‘I killed her even though I knew it was true affection.’

I couldn’t do it unless I was really crazy.

“Now that it’s like this, I guess we’ll have to go with our potatoes.”


“Well, I don’t think this is too bad. Dying with my friends in a fantasy world.”

That type of criminal preferred to commit something and get out of life, only if their plan went awry. Seo Jang-hwa probably wanted to kill Song In-myeong in a more pure state before finding out more about him. This is a fool who tortures a person hanging from a cliff just to create a piece of art.

When I put down the novel and thought about it, it finally hit me. Although he clearly knew that he was such a bastard, Lee Jae-heon did not expect that Seo Jang-hwa would be killed by Song In-myeong.


Hong Gyeong-jun, who had pulled Lee Jae-heon off the cliff while wondering what kind of motion to take, spoke first.

“What are we going to do now?”


“Murder is a very bad crime. The fact that he showed it openly in front of me can only be seen as a request to be locked up in a cage.”

Lee Jae-heon thought after hearing those words.

‘You’re mentally broken.’

Even if he doesn’t pretend to be like that, Hong Kyung-jun has a high level of pride, but he proudly committed murder in front of him, who identified himself as a detective several times, so he probably felt ignored.

Also, in a situation where he suffered a mental breakdown, Hong Gyeong-jun showed an aspect of identifying himself with the law. In short, Song In-myeong blatantly ignored the law in front of people who are currently obsessed with the law.

It looks like you have some personal trauma as well. Even though he felt strange all this while, he was unable to do anything until people were dying, and even witnessed people dying in front of his eyes. It was even stranger if Detective Hong was still in his right mind.


Lee Jae-heon glanced at Kang Min-ah discreetly and nodded inwardly.

‘Nothing works.’

The waist that had been stabbed by Song In-myeong, whom I had forgotten, throbbed.

Kang Min-ah, who had been hit multiple times by the monster and Song In-myeong, suffered direct trauma to her tattered body and was still unable to come to her senses even after being pulled up from the cliff. There is a high probability that Noh Yeon-seok will come to visit them soon, and if he sees that, he will also have a mental breakdown.

However, if Noh Yeon-seok comes, Kang Min-ah’s safety will be guaranteed. So far, he has only shown a dull appearance as he has been using up all his stamina to hold on to something crazy, but isn’t Noh Yeon-seok in name and name a second-in-command physically strong man? If we were to focus on simple physique and physical strength, he would probably be better than Hong Gyeong-jun.

At that time, a dull pain came from my back.


I’m not sure, but it was probably a signal that the fruit handed to firefighter Han Do-yoon had been used.

‘I think it was written to Ha Seong-yoon, who is not here, but that would mean that Noh Yeon-seok came nearby.’

For the sake of later availability, I deliberately tensed my back muscles and showed signs of pain for a moment.

“…I hope you fall off the cliff obediently.”

It seemed like Song In-myeong saw that.

“Wouldn’t I have killed Janghwa because I was satisfied?”


He sighed as his mind suddenly became dull.

I don’t know what it was, but it didn’t feel good to bear the mental burden of someone who had been stabbed in the back four times. So I gathered my wits and continued my thoughts.

Conductor Kim Ki-jeong, who seemed to have followed the group, was hiding behind a large tree. Judging from his awkward posture, it seemed like he arrived late and saw Song In-myeong killing Seo Jang-hwa. And in fact, at the civilian level, that was an appropriate response.

Lee Jae-heon, who had nothing to worry about, made eye contact with Song In-myeong. I think he wanted Seo Jang-hwa’s death to be a huge blow and provoked him in that way, but he couldn’t be completely calm, so he looked a bit dazed.


I exhaled slowly.

And, consciously, as if unconsciously, he quietly grabbed Kang Min-ah’s hammer that was on the ground. On the contrary, under his hand, which had become limp and reduced to a piece of meat, there was already a lot of blood.


A large green figure appeared in the distance into his field of vision.

There were quite a few people here watching Jaeheon Lee.


Then, gather your emotions again.

“Is there any reason I shouldn’t kill you?”

“Jaeheon Lee.”

Hong Gyeong-jun finally looked back at Lee Jae-heon, as if he had belatedly accepted the whole situation, but he did not intentionally react to his explicit actions. The current ‘Lee Jae-heon’ should have been filled with only the thought of wanting to kill that guy.

Well, in the first place, ‘Lee Jae-heon’ had no intention of living. As Song In-myeong said, Lee Jae-heon became another monster due to the green algae monster, but the reason he did not commit suicide was because his physical condition was bad. I thought that if things stayed like this, even if he really turned into a monster, others would be able to kill him.

However, now that Jaeheon Lee has recovered, he plans to die as soon as possible, even if it is not Song Inmyeong. With that in mind, he gave gifts to Do-yoon Han and Yun-byeol Lee and also intended to kill In-myeong Song.

“I’m a monster too.”

I am a monster who is at great risk of killing people.

“You’re a monster too.”

That was a monster that had already killed people.

In Jaeheon Lee’s opinion, we had to die for the people we wanted to protect.

* * *


It hurts.


It was a pain that I couldn’t get used to at all.

Every time I twisted my body even a little, my shoulder throbbed. The pain that twisted from the inside felt as if it would tear my skin at any moment and reveal bright red blood, and my nerves were stretched tight as if they were balloons full of air. I felt nauseous from the strange feeling of my bones being crossed.

Both my palms burned like an earthquake made of red-hot iron. I felt a strange pressure around my neck, and immediately after that, my skin started to itch as if I had an allergy. My legs were not only sore, but I felt a cool sensation at first glance, which made me even more confused. My body didn’t feel like my own.

“…what? “Where are you going?”

“I’ll just take a look at the people who went to collect. It’s not that far….”

“What’s not far? “You saw the monsters running wild just now, Yeonseok.”

I heard a familiar voice in my ear, but it was just a hum, so it was hard to interpret exactly what it meant. The intense heat made my brain melt and I couldn’t think properly.

“But it feels really strange.”

However, I could read the nervousness and anxiety in his voice. Anyone Jung In-ho knew probably thought that Noh Yeon-seok was feeling great fear about a certain situation.

After thinking that far, Jeong In-ho’s mind stopped thinking again.


My throat feels stiff.

It became clear to me that the act of breathing takes place through many organs. To that extent, the nerves in his entire body became so sensitive that they went crazy, tormenting Jeong In-ho.

monster? Yes, I just said a monster came. But what is a monster? Do monsters other than humans exist in the world? But everyone is scared. Wait a minute where am I? Why am I here? Why am I sick? Why are you being so stupid? What, why, why….


I suddenly stopped thinking.

This was because he instinctively knew that it would hurt a little less, and soon after, his reason whipped Jeong In-ho again. In order to relieve the pain, he had to go back and forth between consciousness and unconsciousness over and over again.

“If that’s the case, I’d rather go with you. “It’s dangerous, right?”

“…I don’t like it… You’re not good at running.”

“That’s true, though. But no matter what, this is….”

The voice gradually becomes more angry.

But it wasn’t because of resentment towards each other. All of their unfair and sad feelings were directed at themselves, and since Jung In-ho had suppressed reason, he recognized it. They were blaming themselves and the current situation itself.

“It’s okay for me because I’m good at running. I can come back soon. “It’s real.”

However, although the voice was familiar, In-ho Jeong felt that the person speaking those words was unfamiliar. To be exact, the various emotions contained within it and the firm voice made it feel that way.

“It’s because I’m really anxious… It shouldn’t have taken this long, but it’s getting late. “It’s also strange that a monster attacked earlier.”


“So, I’ll just take a look at it once. I know I’ve done a lot of stupid things in the past, but this time I can do really well. “I did a lot of exercise…”

The emotion was suppressed in his trembling voice.

Even if I couldn’t guess what it was exactly, I could tell that the guy who had been acting incoherently and incoherently had made up his mind. It was a voice that promised to do something.

“That’s because I’m so worried.”


Jeong In-ho vaguely understood who he was worried about.

Ah, maybe.

‘…Is Kang Min-ah in danger?’

Immediately after remembering that, Jeong In-ho’s brain turned white again. This body wasn’t really suited to thinking properly, and it continued to cause him pain that was driving him crazy. My whole body throbbed, some parts felt hot, and other parts felt itchy or even cool.

So, even when the female and male voices intersected several times and one side could no longer be heard, In-ho Jeong did not notice anything strange. I didn’t realize that someone I knew well had left this cave-like pavilion.

Only in a daze could I think of the owner of this pain.



“…Ugh ah….”

Jaeheon Lee.

It reminded me of Manager Lee Jae-heon.

In fact, if you are someone you think of when you are sick, it would be good for your mind and body to think of a kinder and kinder person. Perhaps, if the owner of the pain he was currently experiencing was not Lee Jae-heon, Jung In-ho would not have thought of that old, grumpy, and bad-tempered person.

But I couldn’t help but think of Lee Jae-heon. because.


It was because Jeong In-ho was experiencing a terrible nightmare…

―Oh, this is really not dying.

A disgusting voice rose up inside my brain.

Hatred. contempt. aversion. What are the emotions inside? Why do you hate me so much? Admiration. Astonishment. pleasure. The completely incompatible emotions were intertwined in such a complicated way that it made me feel sick, leaving me dazed.

-A monster is a monster.


―Is something like this even dead? It’s absolutely disgusting.

Even though he knew that this was an auditory hallucination and that it was not directed at him, Jeong In-ho wanted to deny it. It was a voice so explicit that any living person would want to reject it.

So no.

-How… is that possible? How can people do that?


―They said he was a fucking monster. I should have believed you when everyone called you a monster. Even though you do that, are you still a human? Please get stuck in the mud and never come out again. It rots like that forever. I am me


– It wasn’t that I believed you.

How many times do I have to say no?


The piercing voice was cold. It hurt that much.

Jeong In-ho felt an inexplicable sense of fatigue and nausea as he was criticized by people who did not even know his name. Among the emotions he was feeling, there was no guilt, but he had the urge to put a knife in his own throat and die.

At the same time, I was so exhausted that I was convinced that I couldn’t even do that.

-You were bad.


―If he was a villain, he should have gone out and searched like a villain. Before I do this. You should have died in the most miserable way possible before you ruined the person you loved most in the world.


―Thanks to you, I became a criminal who killed my loved one. Isn’t it?

The pain that pounded his entire body and the voice that pierced his brain tormented Inho Jeong.

―Can I give you a good tip?


―If you want to keep your team as long as possible. If you want to finish the job without killing a single person, if you want to get good grades… Just go out there and block it with your body. You can do that.

At first glance, a cheerful, seemingly cheerful voice passes by.

-They say you don’t die easily.

At that moment, I felt angry and angry, but it subsided surprisingly quickly.

Jeong In-ho realized that these were not his feelings. All of these auditory hallucinations were not directed at him, and the emotions that rose and fell along with them were not mine. Didn’t Jung In-ho bring all the pain he could have brought from Lee Jae-heon?

What Jeong In-ho and Lee Jae-heon experienced at that moment was….


It was not a process of resignation, but a process of understanding.


Jeong In-ho, who noticed that, felt the misery that must have been his.

There were no more auditory hallucinations. Maybe all the voices I was hearing didn’t exist. Maybe I just felt that way. Someone was talking into my ear and it was an illusion.

So what did you say? What did you think?

‘…what did I hear?’

A feeling of haziness wells up inside my brain.

He vaguely recalled voices sharply criticizing and collapsing, but Jeong In-ho was confident that he would not remember those voices in the future. I had that feeling.

So in conclusion, all that remained was Lee Jae-heon’s own feelings. Constantly sinking below the surface and becoming stagnant. I don’t have enough reason left to think, my whole body hurts, my mind is confused, and I have intermittent impulses that I don’t know what they are…

“Are you okay, In-ho?”

I was just that tired.



“I’m really… always sorry.”

It was hard.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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