Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 133

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Episode 133

The main character, Jeong In-ho, was born as a child with poor empathy skills.

He knew that he should not harm the other person, but he thought the reason for doing so was, ‘In that case, the other person will be angry at me, so it is a disadvantage.’ Sentences such as ‘because the other person is hurting’ and ‘because that is a bad thing’ were common sentences that young Jeong In-ho could not understand.

But it was adaptable. There was a desire to improve and also good acceptance. It was simply because ‘my parents are stronger than me’, but whenever Jung In-ho’s parents spoke, he tried to understand and accept them.

It’s just that the parents gave up on the main character too quickly.

“That thing is a monster, not a human!”


“I never know when they’ll stick a knife in my back. huh? Baby please… let’s throw that away. I’m so scared now that I can’t do it. I don’t think I can bear it…”


“Are you listening to me?! huh? Are you listening?! “Who do you think will take care of it after you leave the house?”

Surprisingly, the protagonist was heartbroken by his parents’ verbal altercation.

Just because you have less empathy than others doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings. He was sufficiently attached to his parents that he learned that it was love, even if it was not obvious. Even if it was an obsession, Jeong In-ho never caused any harm to his parents.

However, when the main character cried or said he was hurt during such a story, his mother and father looked down at him with disgust in their eyes. Later, the main character thought that they probably thought that Jeong In-ho was complaining of pain that did not hurt in order to get attention.

They misunderstood the protagonist’s sincerity and clicked their tongues, saying that Jung In-ho was becoming more clever by the day.

“I… what if what I give birth to becomes a murderer? I’m sure that… it’s going to cause big problems later. “I know.”

“…don’t do that in front of the kid.”

“If that’s the case, you can take care of it, okay? How dare you say something like that when you don’t even come home from work? Do you know that it’s getting late to get off work?!”

“I told you that the workload has increased.”

That’s how the main character spent his childhood, almost neglected.

The reason why it is said to be ‘half-way’ is because the main character’s parents were not very interested in his food, clothing, and shelter, but were persistent in providing him with an education.

They acted as if they would teach the protagonist all the ethics, morals, and norms in the world as long as he was at home. And the main character thought that if he accepted all of this, his parents would accept him.

However, the main character only realized a little late that to his parents, ‘Jung In-ho’ was nothing more than a would-be murderer. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have even considered that type of education.

Unfortunately, the protagonist had already come to yearn for ‘goodness’.

“what? police? firefighter?”

“Yes, then we can catch the culprit, put out the fire, and save the people…”

“Don’t talk nonsense…! You catch a criminal and save someone! Why do you keep lying to your mom even though you tried so hard to tell her? huh? “Why are you doing this!”


I couldn’t bear to say in front of him that I was ‘truth’ instead of lying.

However, the protagonist was no longer a blank slate and also had emotions. Because his attachment to his parents, who ignored his sincerity, had long since turned into love and hate, he also had no choice but to show his dissatisfaction.

“…it’s annoying.”


“It’s annoying.”

It would have been better if I had shown anger or hatred in those words.


The parents’ reaction was not anger or hatred, but ‘fear.’

“H… honey.”



At the child’s first complaint, they acted as if they had heard a warning about a murder.

Since then, the situation has gotten worse. They used violence against the protagonist when they saw him, and when he entered the house, they almost imprisoned him in his room. Perhaps because he was concerned about the gaze of others, he took a bath, but even that was more like washing things. It was none of their business if the child was submerged in water and struggling or not breathing well.

The main character’s parents acted as if their violent actions were justified. Because one day soon, that monster will come to harm us. It would cause us trouble and pain, so I thought acting like this right now was self-defense.

Finally, one day the day was clear.

“…I’m going to kill you.”

The main character made up his mind that he was going to kill his parents.

The child was quite meticulous. At my age, under such circumstances, I thought that killing in self-defense would be acceptable to some extent in society, and I thought I should kill those people before I got any older. He actually held a kitchen knife in his hand.

However, the funny thing was that his parents died before the protagonist’s wish came true.



“You are Inho.”

It was said that his parents were murdered by a madman.

Not in my hands, but in someone else’s hands.

“Inho will live with his uncle from now on. got it?”


It was a terrible truth.

The fact that I regretted that more than not being able to kill him.


In the end, as they said, I was a monster who wanted to kill people.

The fact that I ended up being trapped inside by following the words of the people I hate most in the world. The one and perfect truth is that I will never be a good person.

It made the main character, Jeong In-ho, laugh.

“i look forward to.”

Sincerely and


* * *

So there were few things the villain could do for the protagonist.

“It’s a gift.”


“If you need to, use it yourself.”

Still, it was the best.

No one would probably believe it, but it was sincere.

* * *

And back to the current situation.

‘I’ll take a quick look.’

Jaeheon Lee was preparing to die.

When the healing fruit is used, if the target with the wound dies, the transferred pain disappears. However, the wounds of Noh Yeon-seok and Ha Seong-yoon that Lee Jae-heon treated did not come back, so it was clear that he had to die quickly for the main character team to live long.

No, the obvious fact is that it was the most efficient choice that was win-win for both parties.

‘Of course, after I die, I think the kids will have a bit of a mental breakdown…’

You know that the manager trusts you, right? Lee Jae-heon was talking nonsense to the point of being refreshing.

You are not ruined by doing nothing. I tried hard, but I failed, so I can be less mental, right? right? Anyway, I did everything I could. If you know grace, you should slowly become independent.

Thanks to the main character, my mind became a little clearer, so my empathy ability improved a bit, but that didn’t mean my mental state, which had already gone away, came back to how it was before I became aware of my past life. In fact, it would be difficult for anyone to show proper empathy when facing death. Currently, Jaeheon Lee was preoccupied with things that needed to be sorted out after his return.

And the person who needed to die right away was none other than Song In-myeong.

“That guy probably went to pick berries…”

I don’t know the exact time, but it was a bright white morning. Or lunch.

Lee Jae-heon, who was in good health, joined the collection team with Detective Hong’s consent, and this team included those two, Song In-myeong, Seo Jang-hwa, Kim Ki-jeong, Ha Seong-yoon, and Kang Min-ah. There were still things I had collected before, but it wasn’t that strange even though I was already exploring.

‘I also fully recovered… I guess I was left with some regrets because I couldn’t finish the job last time due to the monster disturbance.’

In particular, Seo Jang-hwa seemed determined to withstand the mental attack of the abandoned dog monster this time. At least that’s what Jaeheon Lee thinks.

And now he was a little further up the lake, away from the eyes of other foraging birds.

If I were to be specific, it would be a point close to the place where the group previously settled down and rested.

“Since I got out like this, I’m going to listen to some nagging.”

It doesn’t matter.


I’m going to die soon.

“…It’s nice to see you like this again.”

He let out a low laugh as he looked at the vines swaying in his field of vision. Now, I had already realized that I was cooperating with a monster, but I thought I was out of my mind.

But in the current situation, is there any other support group as reliable as that guy?

“I’ll catch it and bring it back.”


“So, don’t make a fuss.”

He was asking for cooperation from no one else but the green algae monster.

‘I don’t know why, but he seems to be quite friendly towards me.’

Plus, let me add one thing.

‘A monster is the perfect way to break a detective’s cool.’

It is said that there are no rulers in the collecting area except for the water snake monster, but the green algae monster is a different story. In particular, a water snake monster with a neutral attitude would not have tried to deal with a more aggressive green algae monster. No matter how much one’s territory is invaded and destroyed.

So, if only the green algae monster caused a stir, Lee Jae-heon could avoid Detective Hong Gyeong-jun’s eyes and provoke the killer. Because they were picking up food ingredients, they stayed quite far away from the pavilion, so there would not be much damage to the main character or the rest of the resting party.

‘Apart from that, we’ll be busy with defense battles… but even the current survivors will be able to withstand that much.’

Of course, I didn’t know how well the green algae monster would listen to Lee Jae-heon’s words.


“…That’s right.”

The toothed vine left without a sound.

Once again, the green algae monster was a pretty good support group.

‘It’s so convenient to be an ally.’

Of course, Jaeheon Lee did not trust that.

I don’t know why that monster only asked for one prey. I don’t know how his lucid dreams and the other side of the world are connected. What does the green algae monster really want and what will change due to my actions? In my head, I don’t know if it’s right to be safe now.

However, he had a knack for creating situations that did not exist.

“…Then I…”

It was also the same for hunting.

“Let’s find an excuse.”

There are two people, the hunter and the prey.

‘There has to be an excuse to get the reaction you want.’

I’ve stimulated him enough so far, but it wasn’t enough to make him rush at me blindly.

Looking at it objectively, both Lee Jae-heon and Song In-myeong should have been assholes. However, Lee Jae -heon wanted to be a better dog than Song In -myeong. Wouldn’t there be a good starting point to create at least a possibility as to why the two ended up trying to kill each other?

And in Jaeheon Lee’s opinion, there was a story that was quite plausible.

“dead body.”

Any human corpse other than that of a child.

The person Song In-myeong killed.

‘Or people.’

It had to be somewhere around here.

‘It’s strange that when we made a fuss just to shovel… the abandoned dog monster meekly retreated.’

He recalled the memory of running wild with a monster in the middle of the night.

The reason abandoned monster monsters go on a rampage is because they are hungry, and they fill their stomachs with material food. I understand that they were excited because there was only a small amount of fish intestines, but it was even more strange that they retreated so obediently.

The child’s body appeared to be quite healthy, even though it had teeth marks here and there. Abandoned dog monsters tend to become more harmful the younger their target, so they probably went crazy with hunger and then opened their mouths when they realized that their prey was young. That was the only way to explain the child’s corpse, which had an intact face and hands.

‘But then why did they meekly back down?’

If your stomach is not full, your excitement will not subside easily.

Lee Jae-heon thought there would have been casualties from Detective Hong Gyeong-jun’s team, but other than a few injured, the survivors were in good condition.

‘At least no one lost a fistful of flesh.’

So that means there was other food.

“Where is it?”

Lee Jae-heon smiled as he looked around at a quick pace.

In the story, there was an old man among the group of college students. They had been described as having joined since entering the park, so the question was why he was no longer visible.

So, let’s think about variables. variable variable. What changed was that there was a man and a child in this park. Lee Jae-heon definitely saved the boy, who was presumed to be President Choi Jeong-man’s son, but there was no reason to come to this distant park just for that reason. The flapping of the wings so far has been too weak to be considered a butterfly effect.

‘The child said he felt like an adult had pushed him to the ground.’

Detective Hong Gyeong-jun and doctor Ha Seong-yoon said that it looked like it had been thrown away as prey. If so, the highest probability is that he used the child as bait and ran away. At that time, it was the middle of the night when the abandoned dog monster was running rampant.

‘And a finger-shaped bloodstain.’

Although Lee Jae-heon was unconscious when he first saw the child’s body, he checked the blood stains on the tree and his head hurt so much that he passed it over without thinking much about it. But if you think about it now, isn’t it such an obvious story?

Perverts with strong convictions always leave their mark.

“…Are you enjoying the thrill?”

A trace that even the distracted Lee Jae-heon could notice.

“You piece of trash.”

This is Song In-myeong.

He had already committed murder.

“You hid it well.”

Lee Jae-heon’s mouth widened as he looked at the neatly torn pieces of meat.

There were dog-like footprints scattered all over the place and a lethal amount of blood spreading everywhere. The parts of the body that were occasionally visible were listed so dirty that it was hard to believe they were original. It was a sight that Jae-heon Lee would also have been disgusted by if In-ho Jeong had not greatly relieved his accumulated mental fatigue.

However, his eyes first landed on the tree.

“…Finger-shaped blood stains….”

For the second time, I touch the relatively intact body of a man above my shoulder.

“Knife marks and…”

And finally, the place where the gaze was directed was towards a pile of bushes that looked clean.

As I searched through the faintly pressed bushes, there was an object that Jaeheon Lee immediately caught in his hands.


A bloody jackknife and a pair of latex gloves.

Jaeheon Lee smiled with satisfaction while appreciating the momentarily shaking air.


(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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