Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 13

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Episode 13

Lee Jae-heon’s desired position among the group was not particularly suitable, but he was a very helpful person.

In a word, he is ‘a person I don’t really like, but I can’t throw him away.’

However, Lee Jae-heon, who was so confused between his past life and his current life, and whose mental power was lowered due to the influence of the other side of the world, and whose judgment was clouded, earned the favor of the party more than he should have.

I was laying the groundwork step by step to get rid of it now…

“…it is a wound that only occurred not long ago.”

“But it looks like the wound is big enough to require stitches. “I know it would be much faster if the manager helped me, but that’s still not the case.”


“The manager has been getting hurt since a while ago.”

No, if you say that, what happens to other people?

‘It seems like those people were intentionally tricking me.’

Lee Jae-heon was so dumbfounded that he couldn’t control his expression.

If he did it without knowing, he would just pass it off as a swear word, but now the main character was deliberately using words that made the group feel guilty.

It meant that they were aware of his intention to distance themselves and were interfering with him.

However, the reason Lee Jae-heon was unable to respond right away was because he did not know how much the other person understood.

‘Do you even know that you guided the movement…?’

Jaeheon Lee’s brow furrowed.

He led the group to stop at a flower shop and go to the park, and in the process, he acted to prevent me from feeling any guilt or pity for my injuries.

Perhaps even after leaving the company, he would have been worried about Lee Jae-heon getting hurt, but he would not have blamed himself.

That’s because the other party members didn’t instigate the injury.

All of this was Director Lee Jae-heon’s own decision, and he never criticized the group for the results.

Since he always made old-fashioned remarks here and there, he must have felt at ease with the current situation.

In addition, the mind devastated by the underworld may have played a role.

And all of this was as Lee Jae-heon guided.

Of course, more than a certain degree of favor or concern was unexpected, but at least I had been careful not to feel guilty.

Lee Jae-heon blinked his eyes, feeling embarrassed.

‘I think I realized that you were trying to keep your distance…’ After

hesitating for a moment, he opened his mouth.

“What’s wrong with that?”


“Why do you think so deeply about it and just do it because you can?”

The main character informed the group of Manager Lee Jae-heon’s suffering, which they had been overlooking until now, and Lee Jae-heon asked what was the problem. Here, if there was a laughable response, it meant that the other person noticed his induction.

But perhaps fortunately, the protagonist simply showed an embarrassed reaction.

“…Are you serious?”

Distorted eyes and twisted eyebrows.

Judging by his facial expressions and voice, he probably didn’t know that the flow up until now had been guided by Lee Jae-heon.

‘Well, how much effort have I put into building it up until now?’

Lee Jae-heon, swallowing relief, shrugged his shoulders and answered.

“I can’t even joke?”


“I just said it. I just said it.” “I was joking because Assistant Manager Jeong was being a bit sensitive.”


“I know that my body is a waste, so let’s not be a hassle.”

So, the main character’s judgment now seemed to be roughly ‘the party is trying to distance itself while being overly sacrificed by the party.’

I think he was probably feeling skeptical about his current team members and worried that they would no longer help him.

Of course, it was completely irrelevant to Lee Jae-heon, who only tried to create psychological distance.

He relaxed, relaxing his stiff shoulders.

‘No matter how gross it is, it’s still a chick.’

However, the situation was not over yet.

“So… what are we going to do? “It’s getting late at night. Do you want me to just rest?”

Lee Jae-heon tried to distance himself but failed. If it had gone according to his plan, the company team members, who would have been slightly hurt and distanced themselves, felt guilty inversely, and looking at their perplexed looks, separate from the people they met at the flower shop, it was a judgment that was almost certain.

And Lee Jae-heon had no intention of destroying the teamwork that had been carefully built between the group. Since the attempt to clearly attract only Lee Jae-heon’s dislike failed, this had to be recovered before it became completely dark.

The protagonist responded to his words.

“I guess that would be good. “If monsters come out anyway, I’ll have to ask for the manager’s help, so how about taking a break until then?”


“Just tell me roughly what needs to be done and I will prepare accordingly.”

I really, really, will end up leaving this position someday.

‘Look at how they don’t want to take responsibility.’

Lee Jae-heon pressed his temples in despair.

Thanks to the fucking disgusting main character, I ended up in a situation where I had nothing to lose and nothing to gain.

This is not a real dog.

However, Lee Jae-heon, who had anticipated this situation about a minute ago, had no choice but to go with the flow.

“…dry grass, paper, and…twigs of different thickness. “Come and find me.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“The thin branches can be a little wet, but the thick branches should be as dry as possible.”



He hesitated before spitting out the words.

“If a monster comes out, you have to deal with it, so it’s good to have something you can hold and swing.”

“All right.”

“If you bring it, I will light the fire, so first…”

“I will light it.”


I don’t fit in with that bastard.

Lee Jae-heon thought once again about the emotions that Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho felt when he joined the company and laid down his pipe on the floor in despair.

Even though it wasn’t long before I thought about it, the plan I had worked so hard to plan failed due to an opponent I really disliked, and the psychological blow I suffered was severe.

In the meantime, the protagonist took the doctor and the flower shop owner with him, and considering that the people left behind were all office workers working under the same roof, even a three-year-old passing by could tell what his intention was.

Lee Jae-heon sighed as he saw his companions openly looking at him.


Is this now… the part where I need to save my energy?

‘I killed him?’

It’s not like giving you some kind of illness or giving you medicine. Lee Jae-heon, who suddenly looked like he was playing drums and janggu, stared into space with tired eyes.

To put it a bit extremely, thanks to the fact that the positions of the perpetrator and the victim were reversed in an instant, the authority to open his mouth in the current situation almost exclusively belonged to Lee Jae-heon.

In other words, it was Lee Jae-heon’s right and duty to resolve the current awkwardness.

He wiped his face and opened his mouth.


“yes yes.”


What the fuck are you doing?

Lee Jae-heon continued speaking, holding back the irritation and discomfort that poured out from deep within his heart.


But in the current situation, there were no other words I could say other than these.

Of course, Jaeheon Lee was not sorry at all. If he was a perpetrator, his conscience was too worn out to feel sorry for the other person, and if he was a victim, he had nothing to say as a victim.

If you say, ‘I did that because of you!’ when you already feel guilty, what will happen to the current situation?

In the end, the only preface Jaeheon Lee could come up with was ‘I’m sorry.’

This is in the sense that we shouldn’t feel guilty because you and I each hit equally.

Fortunately, intern Noh Yeon-seok, a chick, followed through with his intentions.

“Oh no! It’s me. “I kept saying pointless things… and clouding the mood…”

“I was just being sensitive.”

“No, that’s not it…”

He hesitated before continuing.

“…I’m sorry, Manager.”

To Lee Jae-heon’s dismay, intern Noh Yeon-seok was apologizing sincerely.

But in Lee Jae-heon’s opinion, he did nothing wrong.

Of course, he saved his life by sacrificing his arms and legs, but the friendly act of daring to match the manager made him feel uncomfortable, but in any case, wasn’t all that arrogance a mistake in Lee Jae-heon’s calculations?

In the end, it wasn’t Intern Noh Yeon-seok’s fault.

However, thanks to the protagonist who was too clever and pretended not to have any sense, Lee Jae-heon’s big picture collapsed, and we, not the protagonist, were paying the karma.

Following intern Noh Yeon-seok, other members of the group also spoke one by one.

“I was sorry too…”

“Me too.”

Chief Minah Kang continued.

“The manager kept getting hurt because of us, but we didn’t do anything.”

Hey, look at the atmosphere going on.

‘The main character is this disgusting bastard.’

Lee Jae-heon was inwardly lamenting as he slapped his forehead.

This was a situation I had already expected from the moment I noticed the main character’s slander, but actually experiencing it made me cringe and become even more annoyed.

I would have done less if I had been caught up in the main character’s scheme without doing anything, but perhaps because I knew that this was the result of a failure of my own plan, I felt even more embarrassed.

However, it would be really crazy to say, ‘I guided you through all of this, so there’s no need to be sorry.’

In the end, there was nothing Lee Jae-heon could do other than willingly accept their apology and cheer them up again.

The problem was that in Lee Jae-heon’s past and present lives, he had never done anything to ‘receive a sincere apology from the other person and build their spirits up.’

He said, pressing his throbbing head.

“It’s okay, this was the most efficient.”




“No, I’m not saying you’re bad… it was my choice anyway…”

Is something going wrong now?

He suddenly felt that he had given the wrong answer, but there was nothing he could do.

In order for a person to correct a mistake, he or she must have the right mind and ability, but Lee Jae-heon was not even able to recognize which part of what he said was wrong.

However, it was true that he sensed that the atmosphere was moving strangely, so he tried to comfort them using what he knew.

Of course, in the current situation, Lee Jae-heon’s consolation may be funny, but he was the superior who led them until now, so there was nothing too awkward. At least that’s what he judged himself to be.

Lee Jae-heon pursed his lips several times and continued speaking.

“It’s just the situation… everyone has become sensitive because the situation is like this.”


“I’m a little tired too, so Yeon-seok was just being sarcastic, and that’s just… something like that. When things are hard, it’s hard to think kind thoughts. “The words weren’t very nice, but the people listening might have been a little annoyed.”

At Lee Jae-heon’s words, the faces of the office workers, including intern Noh Yeon-seok, turned white.

“…Did I show that I was annoyed?”


“I’m sorry.”



Jaeheon Lee sighed inwardly.

‘Well, they were hiding it because they wanted to hide it.’

It’s something he’s felt many times in his life, but if he could pick up what I just said, he wanted to do so.

Because my mind was going back and forth, my words rarely came out as intended.

Their only superficial sin until now was that they just watched the old manager’s one-man show.

In short, he felt that favor was a right, but now, due to Lee Jae-heon’s remarks, the crime of ‘relying on only one person and getting annoyed’ has been added.

Of course, since they were all seasoned members of society, except for the interns, their faces were not very noticeable.

So, they could have just buried the guilt in their hearts and passed by, but Jae-heon Lee dared to bring the fact out, and their sin was clearly revealed.

And of course this wasn’t what he wanted.

‘This isn’t my role in the first place…!’

Jaeheon Lee gritted his teeth quietly.

He was comfortable treating others with extreme efficiency and receiving resentment, but not only did he not have the aptitude for mediating such trivial conflicts, but he also had no interest in it.

Lee Jae-heon was very embarrassed by this situation, where people were exchanging apologies like kindergarteners over something that was not a big deal.

In the end, Lee Jae-heon had to listen to the group’s confession in a half-liberated state.

‘I don’t know, I guess they’ll take care of it when the main character comes.’

It might be any other matter, but since Lee Jae-heon was the one involved, I couldn’t possibly have the will to resolve this matter.

He felt that his mind, which had already become sloppy due to the influence of the underworld, was becoming dazed, and he half-listened to intern Noh Yeon-seok’s words.

“Actually, I was just ignoring the advice that the manager gave me on a regular basis…” “

? “Then do you listen to it?”


“That’s all old school…”

Lee Jae-heon suddenly came to his senses.


Have I cheated on myself now?

He tried not to look embarrassed and looked at the reactions of his companions, and sure enough, their expressions were not very good.

The faces that had been gradually distorting from before now seemed full of doubts.

Lee Jae-heon thought about how to resolve the current situation.


“…Let’s just move on.”

“Oh yes…”

In the end, there was no other way than to just shrug it off and move on.

I don’t know, so I don’t want to explain. The atmosphere has already been a mess and I am so stressed out that there is no way I can afford to correct my own slip of the tongue.

Jaeheon Lee spoke to the group who were rolling their eyes here and there.

“Anyway… Since we both made mistakes equally, let’s stop thinking about unnecessary things and take a good rest until the rest of the group returns.”

“Yes, manager.”


And then there was silence.


I felt like committing suicide if I could.

Look at this incredibly awkward and burdensome atmosphere.

It was getting dark so we finished it in a hurry, but even a passing dog could tell that the stitching wasn’t done properly.

He covered his eyes with one hand and sighed.

‘What on earth do these people see about me…’

Up until now, I was becoming somewhat self-objective, but now I couldn’t even tell what they thought ‘Lee Jae-heon’ was.

He was an old man with a golden spoon and a parachute.

Although he was an old man, he was a good person in his own way. He was a man confined to a company and an expert at survival.

Still, I thought it was the same thing as being an old guy, but in reality, he was a person who was sensitive because we pushed him to do it… But he even seemed to be very calm and self-deprecating for being so sensitive.

Lee Jae-heon, who briefly summarized the flow so far, soon got a headache and stopped thinking.

There was no way I could objectify myself while I was already in confusion thanks to the other side of the world.

I don’t know if this is really being misunderstood as a dual personality.


He clutched his dazed head and leaned fully against the wall-shaped sculpture, looking up at the setting sky.

In the original world, I thought it was around the time when the sunset was setting.

Lee Jae-heon, who was quietly staring at the sky, blinked as he felt drowsiness creeping in.


Oh, I don’t know.

‘Appointment Manager Jeong will sort things out.’

He decided to believe in the abilities of the main character in the 19-year-old impoverished survival story.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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