Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 107

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Episode 107

“Sometimes that happens.”

In Lee Jae-heon’s past life, he often encountered situations like this. More precisely, it refers to the phenomenon of feeling the urge to kill under the influence of an external being.

The regenerative ability that allowed him to survive even if his limbs were cut off was something rare even in the world of his previous life, so Jaeheon Lee was at the forefront of most operations. And these people on the front lines were also leaders who were responsible for leading the rest of the team.

The leader, who plays the role of head, had to be able to understand the status of other team members and use it closely.

“I have an impulse.”


“…I want to kill someone.”

So, it wasn’t that difficult to come back to the present and explain how precarious Lee Jae-heon was. All I had to do was just follow the reactions they gave back then.

Lee Jae-heon wiped the area around his eyes as if pressing it once.

“If you don’t pay attention, your head becomes empty. “It feels like someone is artificially pushing out my thoughts rather than simply slapping me.”

“…Who is pushing it away?”

“I do not know. I just often get sleepy, can’t think, and feel nauseous. And I know I can’t just let this happen.”


“Because I… feel like I’m going to kill someone.”

Take a break.

“…I don’t want to do that.”

I inform you that all of this is not my will.

‘You have to make it feel like you’re holding on.’

His personality has already been criticized. It was improbable to suddenly give in just because I had the urge, so I had to at least pretend to hold out. I had to do this much so that it wouldn’t be too sudden when I kept my promise to the green algae monster later.

I clenched and unclenched my fist once. I don’t know exactly what emotion is involved in this movement, but since it was a behavior that my teammate in my past life often showed, I thought that the person watching would interpret it on their own.

“…Actually, so. “I thought it was better when you all ran away.”

“The words are so strange.”

“Even if I go crazy here and now, everyone can still survive. “I thought… if you stay far away, I won’t have to kill you.”


“I’m sorry.”

Lee Jae-heon, who spat out a dry apology, calmed down his expression. He hadn’t shown much until now, so it was strange to see him show so much confusion now.

I had to slowly come to my senses and look like I was facing reality.

“First of all… yes, this is my current state.”


“Maybe something has gone wrong since the day I was taken away by that monster. Actually, everything was fine up until then and I hung out with that bastard for quite some time that night. “We stayed together until dawn.”

“…What about blood?”

Kwon Yeon-hee asked, lowering her head as if she was thinking a lot.

“Is that why you vomited that blood?”

“…Other than that, I have no clue. “It may be strange to say this now, but I am a pretty healthy person.”

“I guess so.”

“You didn’t have to cough up blood. “Do you understand how dumbfounded I was when I suddenly started to cough up blood even though I had no chronic illness?”

“That’s not something that will end just because it’s ridiculous, Manager.”

I tried my best to end the conversation in a light tone, but even so, I couldn’t raise my head. On the contrary, judging by the fact that their clasped hands were shaking slightly, they seemed to be quite confused.

And Jaeheon Lee thought.

‘Passing over is complete.’

At the same time, the possibility of unexpected hemoptysis was definitely concluded.

Ah, anyway, all of this is because of the green algae monster, and I hid it because I was afraid it would be difficult if you found out, but that’s what you asked. right? I even tried my best to hide it so people wouldn’t worry about it, but it was so hard that it became obvious, so I guess I didn’t do anything wrong.

‘Honestly, there’s no way to explain exactly how hemoptysis occurs… but the patient usually doesn’t know why he or she is in pain.’

After organizing his thoughts, Lee Jae-heon took a step back with a calm expression. I’m sure the main character wouldn’t have woken up the stupid, useless people, but since I didn’t know when it would happen, I decided it would be better to sort out the situation quickly.

“If you don’t have any further questions, please go in and sleep. As soon as the sun rises, I have to go look for Director Kang and the students…”




However, Kwon Yeon-hee did not seem to have any intention of sorting out the situation yet.

“What if it’s a virus or something? So what if the manager suddenly dies?”

“…Did you even listen to me properly? It’s not me I have to worry about now, it’s other people like you. “I knew who I was going to kill, so…”

“There’s no way the manager would kill someone else…!”

“….” It’s so


hard to make a living.

‘I crave nicotine.’

I thought maybe if I could escape from the other side of the world for a little while, I might try smoking a cigarette.

Of course, Lee Jae-heon in his current life is a non-smoker, so he has very clean lungs, but there is no need for that in the face of the desire to smoke. The memories of his past life that were currently encroaching on his brain were craving sweet smoke.

No, putting everything aside, what’s wrong with you?

“…such…irrational beliefs are not good, Kwon Yeon-hee.”

“Why is this irrational? Don’t you know the manager’s status right now? “Don’t you even remember why you look like a zombie?”

“That and not knowing when I might kill someone are two different things.”

“ah…! I won’t kill you! You’ve always acted like you would commit suicide if you felt like killing someone else, so why are you doing this to me? Seriously! “If you wanted to say something like that, you should at least save yourself!”

“…Huh….” Are

you wondering if that is the same as this, you soft chick?

‘How can there be nothing that goes your way?’

At this point, Jaeheon Lee should have realized that there was a problem with his plan from the beginning, but he couldn’t give proper feedback in a civilian body with no regenerative abilities. Even now, it was an unrealistic level of recovery, but compared to my previous life, it was nowhere near as good.

The chick, who had no idea how fast it was burning, clung to Lee Jae-heon’s waist and cried. As a very short person was sitting and hanging, his posture became very awkward, but the sadness of a civilian suffering from a cracked mentality could not be helped.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuquuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu us me me us us us us us us us us us



“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Just because someone vomits some blood doesn’t mean they’re going to die, right? “I’m not going to die like that, so please calm down.”

“The doctor said that most people who vomit blood are at risk of death…”

“Do you really hate me?”


“No, that was nonsense.”

Thanks to saving the doctor, Jaeheon Lee was able to act a little more comfortably now, but he was still annoyed. Although he seemed helpful, he was a real nuisance.

‘I can’t just kill it.’

That’s what I thought, but in fact, the body could have been found somewhere in this park. When I heard about Jeong In-ho’s group, I heard that President Yoon and employee Kwon had been missing since they were put in a tree. I had no idea that Seham, who I often felt, would attack here. I was quite curious about where he was and what he was doing.

And another question was…


What was Doctor Ha Seong-yoon’s purpose?

Lee Jae-heon remembered Ha Seong-yoon, who showed great interest when he brought up the story about Mirror Lake and its surroundings. It was strange to think that he had been eaten unexpectedly, but the thick bandages he had on him and his attitude of just smiling calmly even under the other side of the world.

‘Is that really the face of someone who didn’t know he would be eaten by the underworld?’

That can’t be possible.

“…I don’t know why you’re crying so sadly.”

“Manager, your ability to empathize is at an all-time low….”

“You should just leave it at that and go to sleep. “As I said before, we’ll be moving as soon as the sun rises, so it might be better to get some sleep.”

“Such a dual personality.”

“Have you said everything?”

Jae-heon Lee was irritated by pressing employee Yeon-hee Kwon’s head with his hand, but at the same time, he thought of Dr. Seong-yoon Ha, who had no idea where he was. An extra and clue in this world who said he would be nearby but then disappeared somewhere.

He clearly had a purpose,




Ha Seong-yoon knew that he would be eaten by the underworld.

‘It was intended to be that way…’

It is true that people with mental defects are more susceptible to being preyed upon by the underworld, but that’s it. Other than that, everything is random. Just because a mentally ill person has a higher chance of being eaten doesn’t mean it’s 100%.

But Ha Seong-yoon had a bandage. I was convinced that I would be eaten by the underworld. This was not possible simply by ‘understanding’ the world behind the surface. A medium was needed to connect the underworld with the ordinary person, Dr. Ha Seong-yoon, and efforts were needed both inside and outside.

In order to change possibility into 100% certainty.

“Go and sleep.”

…No one is sane anyway.

* * *


Kang Min-ah continued with a puzzled expression.

“You said that because of the statue in the small lake?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Why on earth did you go there…?”

“I was out of my mind. “I heard a strange sound nearby, so I couldn’t climb the tree and ran away, but when I came to, I was in a small lake.”


“I guess I was out of my mind because I was scared.”

Doctor Ha Seong-yoon, who said that, did not look like someone who was scared at all.

He didn’t bother climbing the tree, saying he understood that people didn’t trust him. Instead, he sat leaning on the bottom and talked quietly, and his unique soft voice was clearly familiar to Kang Min-ah and the other two students.

‘It’s even weirder that he’s so calm…’

Wouldn’t it be strange to say that he is more trustworthy because of that?

To be honest, Kang Min-ah couldn’t imagine Doctor Ha Seong-yoon’s face turning white from fear. Unless it was related to Director Lee Jae-heon, other than that, he always had a gentle smile on his face.

“…So are you okay now?”

Kang Min-ah decided to ignore this discomfort and ignore it.

They have already ignored too many discrepancies to consider these things one by one. Now, we can’t just point fingers at each other and say we’re crazy.

“What about those eyes? “It hurts or I can’t see clearly…”

“There is no problem with my eyesight. However, it may seem a little scary to you. “Because eyes of this color cannot exist in the world.”

“I think it’s a little prettier than scary, teacher.”

Park Da-young, who was quietly listening to the two adults talking, quietly joined in and laughed.

“It’s very fantasy-like. There’s something like that, Geum-an. Don’t things like that usually have incredible abilities? “It appears often when you read novels.”


Doctor Ha Seong-yoon just burst out laughing at her question.

Kang Min-ah thought that he was avoiding answering for some reason, but Park Da-young next to her didn’t seem to care much. Even though her younger brother, Park Da-hoon, raised one eyebrow and squinted his eyes.


“I haven’t noticed anything unusual yet, but you never know what problems might arise. “You had better be careful when approaching the statue.”

“…I will do that.”

In response to Kang Min-ah’s answer, Park Da-hoon asked in a muttering tone.

“But where have all the dogs gone?”

“Well… I didn’t hear the monster approaching for a while. I wonder where it ran away?”

“Why are they running away? “You look really hungry. How can you be?”

“Hmm, a natural enemy has appeared…?”

“Then we should run away too. “If they were natural enemies, it would be dangerous for us as well.”


Doctor Ha Seong-yoon, who was listening to the brother and sister’s conversation, gently touched the earlobe and opened his mouth.

“It’s just my opinion…”


“They might have found another prey.”

The softly curved lips and eyes were clearly soft, but the situation described in the voice was not as sweet. It was about someone else being sacrificed to a monster.

Ha Seong-yoon placed his hand on his dark red side and continued speaking.

“Isn’t that right?”

His gaze was focused on Park Da-hoon.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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