Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 1

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Episode 1

I know that I have a dirty personality.

This wasn’t just empty words; it became even more clear when I remembered my past life.

I had such a nasty personality that people around me would leave with both hands and feet.

But to be honest, it was a bit unfair.

“If your past life was so shit, shouldn’t your current life be a little better?”

How can life be so shitty one after another?

Lee Jae-heon muttered that and lay down on the bed.

I was so out of my wits that I couldn’t even change my clothes properly. Today was the weekend, so I almost missed work without notice.

Lee Jae-heon, who was staring blankly into space, began drooling and tearing out his head.

“My life is a mess…”

Even though I was a brat, I tended to avoid swearing as much as possible, but when I remembered my past life, swearing started to stick in my mouth.

If people around you see this, they will lament that the old scumbag has evolved into a cursing person.

However, the world he lived in in his previous life was a place where he could not survive without swearing.

In order to survive in a place where there were no human rights regarding the value of life and people were dying frequently, it was impossible not to become harsh-mouthed.

Lee Jae-heon, who was pondering the memories of his past life, scratched his head and raised his upper body.

‘Understanding the situation comes first.’

It was a kind of obsession and a habit he could never shake off in his past life.

Lee Jae-heon, who always wanted a better life even in a world like no other, learned how to make calm judgments to avoid the worst, no matter how bad it was.

Even though I had the horrible experience of recalling my past life, it was no exception.

When he got out of bed, the first thing he did was head to the kitchen.

He took out a sharpened kitchen knife in the cold kitchen, which was probably because he had only eaten out and not done much cooking recently.

I think they said it was a Damascus kitchen knife.

He examined the sharpness of the knife for a moment and repeatedly closed and opened his hand.

“Let’s see….”

Whirik tak.

Lee Jae-heon checked the feeling in his hands by throwing and turning a small kitchen knife around.

He was one of those common office workers.

Although he held a high position as a manager, he at least did not have the talent to boldly throw his sword and play like this.

Even if I did use a knife, at most I could only use a knife to cut a steak.

Nevertheless, Jaeheon Lee easily achieved a technique that would have been impossible just yesterday, and this made him think of a hypothesis.

It was a pretty plausible hypothesis for something that came to mind in a short amount of time.

Just as I inherited the memories of my past life, wouldn’t I also have inherited the skills and powers from that time?

‘You can’t imitate actions based on memory alone.’

If you wanted to use a technique, you had to build enough muscles and learn timing.

No matter how clearly he recalled his past life, there would be limitations, but surprisingly, he was able to copy the hand habits of his previous life.

This meant that muscles that did not exist until yesterday were developed overnight.

In addition to simple memories, he became capable of learning skills from his previous life.

‘…Of course, it’s unrealistic to recall memories of a past life, but…’

I was a little puzzled.

The world of my past life and the world of today were not at all the same.

Abilities that seemed only in novels here were taken for granted in the previous world, and the environment here couldn’t have been the same as there.

However, if you can learn skills from your past life, how will abilities that cannot exist here appear?

“…I feel a little uncomfortable.”


He muttered softly, then grabbed the knife he was playing with with one hand and lowered his forearm.

Bright red blood dripped down along with the familiar sound of skin being torn.

Perhaps naturally, Jaeheon Lee tilted his head as he looked at the wound that did not heal right away.

“Are you saying this can’t happen again?”

The standard is really strange.

He mumbled and looked for a bandage in the living room drawer.

In my previous life, my body regenerated within 10 seconds when injured.

Seeing that it doesn’t work now, it looks like it didn’t inherit the ability to quickly self-regenerate, unlike the technique it showed with the sword.

Lee Jae-heon found a first aid kit, applied medicine to the wound, and wrapped a bandage over it.

To stop the bleeding, I put gauze inside and put pressure on it, and judging from the natural behavior, it seemed that not only knife skills but other actions were also learned along with memory.

Moreover, he was feeling the pain of his wound very dully.

Before I remembered my past life, even a single cut on the palm of my hand made me feel bad, but now, even if I cut my arm long with a knife, I don’t feel much emotion.

I thought that maybe the mental element had become similar to my previous life.

After that, Lee Jae-heon examined his entire body for a long time to see how much it resembled his previous life.

What you can do, what thoughts you can think, and what your capabilities and limitations are.

After about three hours had passed, he was able to come to a superficial conclusion.

Jaeheon Lee chanted lowly.

“Are you saying that only what can exist in this world is possible?”

No matter how strange the ability, it meant that it was possible if other people saw it and said, ‘Wow, that works?’ rather than ‘What nonsense?’

After thinking that far, Jaeheon Lee soon lay down on the living room floor and stared blankly into space.

The smell of blood lingered in the sunlight-filled living room.


It’s ruined.

‘I’m really screwed.’ He was


dumbfounded that he burst into laughter.

Recalling my past life, I panicked a bit and started off by checking my body, but now that I had regained some composure, a sense of reality that I should have felt a while ago hit me.

It’s crazy, but he really was reincarnated.

But yeah. Even though reincarnation itself is unrealistic.

Even taking that into account, how can life get so twisted? Why did I remember my past life only now?

Lee Jae-heon muttered in a hollow voice.

“No, if you’re going to be reincarnated, you better do it properly…”

This was the world in the novels he read in his previous life, and the main genre was stories about survival of those impoverished under the age of 19.

For your information, it is rated 19 not because it is erotic, but because it is cruel.

* * *

In this world, there was a place called ‘the other side of the world.’

Strictly speaking, it was not a common name that everyone knew.

Most people do not even know the existence of the hidden world, and even those who know about it call it different names.

However, because he referred to that place as the other side of the world in the novel he had read in his previous life, Lee Jae-heon also referred to that place as the other side of the world.

In the novel, Lee Jae-heon was killed in it.

‘The main character and his party did not kill him, though.’

Jaeheon Lee left the house wearing a light coat. I was planning to organize my thoughts by looking around the places that appeared in the novel.

The other world is another world that reflects the original world.

Because they share time and undergo the same changes, buildings built in the original world are also built in the other world.

It may not be quite the same, perhaps much older, scorched, or mostly broken.

In such a side world, there are no humans, there are beasts, but there are monsters created by the thoughts of the original world’s humans.

They attack people who have been consumed by the underworld once a year.

In the novel, Lee Jae-heon died with his limbs torn apart by those monsters.


Even thinking about it now gives me goosebumps.

The novel he read was rated 19+ because it was cruel, but the world of his previous life was already cruel and impoverished.

There is no need to say more about what it means to be classified as 19+ even in such a world.

Of course, Lee Jae-heon in the novel was a guy worth dying for.

There were two high school students who were preyed upon by the underworld, and after tricking them and using them as bait, they escaped alone from a building infested with monsters.

As soon as I escaped, I was eaten by monsters, but I remember it clearly because the description was so detailed.

Jaeheon Lee drove the car and headed to the park near the company.

It was a recently newly constructed park, and I remembered it being advertised as being the only forest in the city.

He parked the car near the park and stared at the park visible through the window.

“…was the first one here?”

This was the place where the people swallowed up by the underworld first gathered.

The main characters were people who were near the protagonist’s company.

An elderly woman taking a walk in this park and a high school brother and sister buying cake at a nearby cafe. The owner of a flower shop was taking a break after making a bouquet for a customer.

And several passers-by who were on their way to several employees working at the company.

For your information, everyone except Lee Jae-heon and the main character were torn to death by monsters in this park.

Even Lee Jae-heon died not long after, so it can be said that there are a total of 5 main characters in the group.

‘There may have been more people who didn’t appear in the novel.’

Those who gathered at this park said that they were embarrassed by the empty roadside and gathered at the park where they could hear people, so some who did not move quickly or were less aware of the situation may have been outside the park.

Looking at the description described later, it seems that no one other than those five people survived.

Jaeheon Lee, who had been looking around the structure of the park, moved his car again and came out to the side of the main road.

The place he was heading to was none other than the hospital.

‘Second, let’s get the necessary medicine here.’

The medicines were so specialized that they stopped by a nearby pharmacy again, but this hospital was the first place the main character and his party visited after leaving the park.

I remember stopping by to treat a female student whose leg was severely cut by a monster.

Jaeheon Lee approached the counter of a quiet hospital because there was no one there for some reason.

“I made a reservation for teacher Ha Seong-yoon.”

“Oh, you can go to room 12.”

“thank you.”

He bowed roughly and headed toward room number 12 as he was told, and the hospital’s unique white treatment room caught his eye.

Inside, equipment to treat patients was lined up.

The doctor sitting in front of the monitor raised his head and looked at him.

“Patient Lee Jae-heon?”


“I heard you hurt your arm. Can I take a look?”

Jaeheon Lee nodded, took off his coat, pulled up his shirt, and held out his arm that was wrapped in a bandage.

As if the hemostasis had worked properly, there was no more bleeding.

Is it because I saw treatment that was more effective than expected? The doctor’s eyes widened for a moment as if surprised, then he returned to his calm face and looked for a small pair of scissors. He asked, putting it on Lee Jae-heon’s bandage.

“Let me cut the bandage. are you okay?”

“it’s okay.”

“Then please excuse me for a moment.” The


maintained scissors quickly cut off the tightly banded bandage, and Lee Jae-heon blinked lazily at the sound he had heard so many times in his past life.

A reflexive drowsiness came over me.

But the drowsiness disappeared at the sound of the doctor’s voice.

“…The wound is bigger than I thought.”

“Is that so.”

With nothing to say, Jaeheon Lee just kept his mouth shut.

Was it because he failed to take into account his past life and current regenerative abilities, or was it just because he was panicking that he couldn’t make a cool-headed decision?

What could have been a small wound, he ended up making a large cut.

‘I was out of my mind.’

Jaeheon Lee nodded inwardly.

At the time he held the knife, he was in a panic and had no time to spare.

The wounds were made to check the regenerative ability, but because the body was identified with the body of the previous life, the wounds were as large as before without hesitation.

If I had any sense of sanity, I should have thought about what to do in case my abilities declined.

However, there were no treatment tools in Lee Jae-heon’s house other than the small first aid kit.

In particular, since there were no threads or needles for sewing open wounds, even for clothing, I had to stop by the hospital to treat my wounds.

He saw the doctor’s brows furrow and quickly straighten.

It seemed like this wound was offending him, so Lee Jae-heon just looked away.

the doctor asked, removing the gauze from his arm.

“Have you taken your medicine? “Painkillers or something…”

“I came here without taking them just in case.”

“It must be quite painful.”


Only then did Jaeheon Lee realize that he had reacted wrong.

“…Yes, it hurts.”

The old Lee Jae-heon would not have reacted so calmly to a wound of this magnitude.

That’s probably true for most people. There was a long wound on my arm that was bleeding profusely, but he was so indifferent.

Isn’t this a reaction that can’t be shown unless you are familiar with the hurt?

Lee Jae-heon looked at the doctor’s reaction, wondering if there had been some misunderstanding.

“May I ask how you got hurt?”


This is a misunderstanding.

I don’t know what the hell I was misunderstanding, but judging by the doctor’s perplexed look, it seemed like there was a very strange misunderstanding.

I don’t know what it is, but I don’t think it’s that.

Lee Jae-heon came up with an excuse he had thought of in advance at home.

“I got hurt while cooking.”

Of course, it was an excuse that didn’t work.

But he also had a situation.

Anyway, I couldn’t say, ‘Sir, I remembered my past life and tried to see if I could regenerate like before, but I couldn’t regenerate, so I had to go to the hospital.’ That’s why it was difficult to come up with a convincing excuse.

Ten out of ten doctors who saw this wound would believe it was a knife wound.

It wasn’t even a very shallow wound, so it was clear that the wound was intentionally inflicted with will, but in this case, the question was who had that will.

If someone else says they did it, it’s a crime, and if they say I did it, it’s self-harm.

It was an unpleasant result as I had to be taken to the underworld two days later.

But I thought that if I told the story out loud, the doctor would just get over it.

In any case, anything related to an injury like this would be quite a pain, so the doctor, who was already busy, thought he would accept it if the patient just ignored it.

However, the doctor in front of him seemed to have a stronger sense of duty than Lee Jae-heon thought.

“It can’t be. “This is clearly a wound inflicted by someone with force.”


“If you need the police, we will contact you on your behalf.”

It was a deplorable thing. I can’t believe there are people like this in this day and age.

Lee Jae-heon opened his mouth slightly, half dumbfounded.

Past life aside, even in today’s world, it is rare to find a doctor who cares so much about each patient’s situation.

As it happened, Lee Jae-heon chose that rare doctor and made an appointment.

He felt a pain in his head for some reason and shook his head.

“It’s done. “I did it, so please give me treatment.”


The doctor nodded silently.

Jaeheon Lee probably guessed his answer, so he sighed again without trying to hide it.

“It looks like I’ll need quite a few stitches. Do you mind if I use anesthesia?”

“Okay… no, I understand.”

I made a mistake again.

‘What kind of crazy person would be crazy enough to ask for multiple stitches not to be anesthetized?’

Lee Jae-heon, that crazy guy who almost became a modern-day Guan Yu, was so grumpy that he clicked his tongue.

Even if I remembered my past life, my existing crappy personality didn’t go anywhere.

The doctor asked in his characteristically calm voice as he was partially anesthetized and sewing up the wound with medical thread.

“I believe you have studied first aid.”

“…I studied privately.”

“Yes, normal people put gauze on the wound. Therefore, hemostasis does not work well.” The doctor


inserted a thread into the edge of the wound and continued speaking.

“I don’t usually think of putting gauze all the way into the wound.”


“Just thinking about inserting something into a wound hurts. In fact, I have sometimes seen people faint while trying to stop the bleeding like that.”

“Is that so.”

“You have a lot of patience with patients.”

Lee Jae-heon’s expression became quite sour. Aside from the doctor’s skill in trying to dig up information so casually, I was sure that he really misunderstood something about him.

When the treatment was completed, the doctor opened his mouth with a serene smile.

“It’s actually a soluble thread, so you don’t need to come back to the hospital. Do not use your right arm for the time being, and even if you use it, avoid shock. “You can pick up your prescription at the counter.”

“thank you.”

Lee Jae-heon bowed roughly and left the treatment room in no hurry.

Until now, Lee Jae-heon hadn’t done anything illegal that would cause him any particular harm, but he felt uncomfortable because he didn’t know how the doctor had misunderstood him.

He stopped at the pharmacy and bought some medicine and drove the car looking much more at ease.

* * *

“…I’m tired.”

It was almost 8 p.m. when Lee Jae-heon returned home after finishing his drive.

Is it because I wandered around thinking about the locations and locations of buildings that appeared in the novel, or was it an aftereffect of going quite far for the first time in a long time?

Or maybe it was because he was worried about the world he would be dragged into two days later, he was quite exhausted.

Lee Jae-heon, who quickly changed his clothes and lay down on the bed, looked at the calendar on his phone and blinked his wet eyes.

‘Tomorrow is the 28th.’

And the next day was March 1, the start date of the novel.

The timing is truly perfect. If you’re going to remember your past life, please let me know at least a month early.

As soon as I remembered my past life, tears came to my eyes at the prospect of being taken to a 19-year-old impoverished survivor.

Lee Jae-heon, who had put down his cell phone and was staring into space as a habit, opened his mouth.

“…What happens when I die?”

In his previous life, he had a body that couldn’t die even if he wanted to.

If you die before the set time, your corpse will be revived no matter how horribly broken it is. Of course, no one liked resurrection like that, but since he was reincarnated like this, he became curious.

There was no way something like the previous life would happen in this world where the limits of medical technology, let alone resurrection, were clear.

However, he experienced something crazy that brought back memories of his past life and was able to imitate the techniques from that time.

Jaeheon Lee had a headache because nothing was consistent.

If I die, will I be resurrected like I did in my past life? Or will it just die?


I don’t know.

‘You’ll know when the time comes.’

Jaeheon Lee closed his eyes to clear his complicated mind.

It was inevitable that I would be taken to the underworld anyway, and it was difficult to survive in it.

In the end, one day, a situation will arise where Lee Jae-heon will also have to die.

Then, won’t you know then whether I will be revived or if I will just die?

‘It would be nice if he died, but if he came back to life…’

Lee Jae-heon sighed.

“I’m going to be amazed.”

I don’t know how it would happen, but he could have been in a situation where he didn’t die right away and survived.

In that case, Jaeheon Lee had to win the favor of the protagonist for the sake of minimal safety and survival.

Only the main character found the right path.

‘Of course, the relationship between me and the main character is the worst right now…’

He quickly concluded.

If he could achieve what he wanted, even if it meant putting on a ridiculous play, he would do it.

In any case, since I was going to end up relying on the main character, it was better to leave my modest pride aside.

If you have to live anyway, shouldn’t you live a better life than the last time?

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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