The Youngest Son Of A Rich Family Chapter 278

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[278] About bowing your head 3

< Sungho Construction HW Construction Namgwang Development. Consortium confirmed for Dubai Special. Announced that the consortium is open all the time and that any qualified construction company will join at any time. Expected to receive orders of at least KRW 2 trillion in the industry. >

“Ha! Look at this… Lee Hak-jae… were you serious?”

Vice Chairman Vibrator threw down the morning newspaper and pressed the intercom.

“All the Dubai teams to the meeting room.”

He threw the newspaper at a dozen people who had gathered in an instant.

“Did everyone see this?”


“how is it? Are there a lot of companies that cheated on you?”

“It’s all exciting, but there are only a handful of companies big enough to join this consortium. Everyone grumbled that the cut-off was pretty high.”

“So it’s a media play?”

“I expect so.”

Vibrator is thinking two ways.

First of all, dokyacheong!

“Isn’t our financial situation bad?”

When I asked where they were most vulnerable, everyone only looked at them.

“When do you think the money tied to Incheon New Town will be released?”

Saying that a rosy future was certain, they made all kinds of lobbying to preoccupy the area, and as a result, they secured the largest area.

But let alone the roses, they are only walking on the thorny path. It is unknown when the government-level infrastructure will be laid, and only a ghost town-like result is left with only gray cement high-rise buildings.

Unsold units continued to appear one after another, and there is no promise when the tightly locked funds will be released. They are barely holding on with the intention of shifting responsibility to the government if the government changes.

“I expect that the next regime will make a breakthrough.”

“What if the regime doesn’t change?”

“I can guarantee that. In the ruling party, there are no strong candidates for the presidential election, and people who are stubborn are trying to grow acorns, and the opposition party only needs two strong candidates to win the primary. The preliminaries are more difficult than the finals.”

“It’s a bill in my hand… but I need cash right now, so this is going crazy.”

The people gathered in the conference room were grateful that their master was a vibrator, not Jin Young-gi.

The person who strongly pushed the Incheon new town project was Vice Chairman Dong-gi. It’s a difficulty that started with his own wrong judgment, so he doesn’t stir up his subordinates.

If Jin Young-ki was the vice president…?

He would have forgotten the fact that he had pushed for it and would have brushed it off every day to get rid of the unsold stock. Of course, 10 people would have been decapitated by holding the Amon people accountable.

“Vice President. HW Chairman Lee Hak-jae reached out his hand first, but you accept it as if you couldn’t win.”

second alliance. This is how people below think.

“Come now?”

“The consortium is open. Wouldn’t this be courtship for our cruiser?”

Vibrator looked around the conference room and said.

“Is everyone of the same opinion? Join hands with them?”

When I asked while waving the newspaper, everyone nodded.

“Then get as much money as possible from the financial sector. I will share with them only what is lacking.”

“No more, Vice President. Financial credit can’t afford it. It has already been used in Incheon New City and Burj Dubai construction. Even corporate bonds are impossible.”

The answer that came right away was the youngest man in the meeting room.

It was a bold answer, but the meeting room did not freeze. This is because the vibrator vice-president does not get angry even if he speaks more cheekily.

“Are you sure? Can you take responsibility for that statement?”

“yes. The only way left is to borrow the group shares as collateral.”

“Then leave it and borrow it.”

The young man said, looking at the vibrator’s expression, not sure if he was serious or not.

“It is safe to reduce the expected order size. It is my opinion that passive management is better until the tied up money is released.”

“I don’t know when an opportunity like Dubai will come again. Wouldn’t it be foolish to go safely passively?”

“In a two-out full count at the end of the ninth inning, the reverse of a hit or a home run with bases rarely comes out. Most games end in an out.”

Vice Chairman Vibrator smiled slightly as he saw the man answering bluntly without losing a single word.

“Make a proposal again and send it to Chairman Lee Hak-jae. The consortium is led by our cruiser, with painting and. Everyone go out.”

As people stood up, the vibrator looked at the young man from a moment ago and said.

“There’s a little left for Jin.”

The expression of the male vibrator was much softer.

“Taejun, did you accurately grasp the financial situation?”

“Your father. We contacted all commercial banks and this is their official response.”

Jin Tae-jun, the eldest son of Dong-gi, is the head of the Management Support Headquarters and oversees the funds of the construction and heavy industry affiliates. Although he is a young man in his mid-thirties, he took control of the group’s life in a short period of time with the halo given by his father and the position of general manager.

“Taejun. There will be no progress if we conduct aggressive management only when our condition is good. Always be in an aggressive stance. Look at the pitcher, not the batter, in the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs and a full count. Pitchers are already exhausted. Throwing over 100 balls, can your shoulders be fine? Everyone is tired and tired. We’re not alone.”

Vibrator said as if telling. At least he belongs to the diligent side and is a sincere son, but he is very timid. Always check safety first and take steps.

It’s perfect as the head of the management support division, but it’s not enough to become the chief executive. It was Vibrator’s heart to want to grow more bowls within 10 years.

“When you’re having a hard time, you have to grit your teeth hard enough to be an ace. Even if our situation is not good, it is the head of the Business Support Division’s job to sell even the stone ring in the closet to raise funds. Crying that it is difficult to find money is a sound that can only come from the head of the department. Be mindful.”

Director Jin Tae-joon knew that if it wasn’t for his son, he would have heard one voice.

“sorry. I showed my lacking side at the official meeting…”

“It’s okay. You can do better next time. Making the same mistake twice is unforgivable. got it?”


“okay. look out Get your money back.”

The vibrator tapped on my son’s shoulder.

Although he is lacking, he is a son who does not lag behind.

* * *

“Chief. Director Jin Tae-joon has come to visit us.”

The secretary opened the door and spoke in a slightly embarrassed voice. People who come suddenly reject it, but since it is the owner’s family, it must have been difficult for her too.

“I ask you to come in. it’s okay.”

Why did you come? Is it father’s errand?

“Do-joon. I don’t know if I interfered or not.”

“no. are you okay.”

Everyone is over 30, so I’m going to take a seat one by one. Jin Young-joon, the eldest son of this family, has already been promoted to vice president of Sunyang Electronics at high speed.

Did Jin Tae-joon already have a managing director?

There are so many kids, I can’t remember where they are playing executives.

“How long has Taejun hyung been at the headquarters? Didn’t you learn how to work by walking around the construction site?”

“A year is over. We’re in the same building, but we’re very seldom together. right?”

“That’s right. how was the scene? Did you have a hard time?”

“Did I roll right? I just licked the surface of the watermelon. It has been three years since I got used to field terms like Horigada, Uchibanashi, and Shiage. Hehe.”

I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I always show off the fact that I’ve rolled a little on set.

“I think you did it right?”

It’s been a while since I’ve seen your face, but I’m not very close with my cousin, so I’ll end my greetings here.

“By the way, seeing that you suddenly came, you must have something urgent?”

“Oh you know? Dubai.”

Well, if this isn’t the case, I’m not the kind of person who would come to you on purpose.

However, I can’t do everything to imitate this person and that person’s management. I need to draw the line early.

“Taejun hyung. Let’s ask one thing before we talk about work.”

“huh. say.”

He seemed a little nervous about what words would come out of my mouth.

“If you want to talk about work with me, don’t say anything you can’t take responsibility for. And you have to speak with authority. Don’t even bring up a story that you can’t decide whether it’s okay or not and that needs to be approved. This room is where decision makers gather. Or a place where someone reports to me.”

Jin Tae-joon’s expression hardened. I would never have thought that he would reveal so blatantly that his and my position were different.

“There are four rooms where you can make decisions in the main building in Sunyang. This room, two vice-presidents’ rooms, and an empty president’s room. If Taejun hyung is the decision-maker, tell the business, otherwise talk to the person in charge. Then the person in charge will report to me. Then I will make a decision.”

It was funny to see Jin Tae-joon’s reddened complexion as if he had fallen leaves.

Yes, at least the second eldest father’s children were cheap.

First, if it were the children of my uncle, I would have screamed with pride.

“I’m sorry if you make that face. Anyway, since today is the first day Taejun hyung came to my room, you can feel free to say whatever you want without any preconditions.”

I want to give points even for not kicking out. patience is awesome

Is it because I’m getting old? Or does it mean that it is so urgent?

“okay. just look at me today From now on, I will come back with the right to decide. haha.”

Taejun hyung changed his expression with an awkward smile.

There is no next. It will take ten years before we get our hands on the right to decide.

“I will just say the conclusion. There are a lot of projects that construction has put on, so we are very short on funds. Now is the season for sowing seeds, so when you harvest, you return it right away.”

“Isn’t it called relief and not relief?”

“huh? What do you mean?”

“Oh no. I thought it was because it was farming. But I already told my uncle. Our financial affiliates also don’t have enough money to spare. it’s hard.”

“I like your personal money too. It’s my first request, so don’t refuse it with a single knife. Think about it. I’ll pay you plenty of interest. Everyone knows you have a lot of money.”

“okay. I’ll give it a try, but don’t expect too much. Not as much as rumors.”

“You don’t have money to spend tens of billions of won to help the less fortunate? Lower your standards. There will be enough money to lend you.”

“Oh, when is that the enemy? At that time, it happened because I accidentally made a lot of investment profit, and now it is a level of rolling a pun.”

Thinking it was an obvious refusal, Jin Tae-joon’s face hardened more and more.

“Taejun hyung. If you’re really in a hurry, take out the ssamjit money you’ve been trying to spend first. Do you know what money lenders are most curious about? Isn’t that person not spending his own money and borrowing other people’s money? Don’t you think you don’t want to lose and I can afford to lose? It is like this.”

“It’s not like that. I told you! Just think about it.”

“know. But if you think Dubai is a real opportunity, go all-in. That way I can trust you too.”

“For that, I don’t have the right to decide yet.”

It’s enough to put in this much wind. Now it remains only for them to decide. No one can escape the temptation of Dubai’s splendid skyline.

The construction industry all over the world can’t resist the temptation and jump at it like a moth. Can they be the only exception?

“First, I will meet the financial sector. If it is Sunyang Construction or Heavy Industries, we can increase the credit limit even more.”

“I already checked. They all shook their heads.”

I smiled and looked straight at Taejun hyung and said.

“It would be hard to ignore if I told you that I, who has a tight grip on the Sunyang Group’s financial affiliates, would? Horses weigh different things. Hehe.”

The thought hidden in Jin Tae-joon’s eyes.

If this was what you wanted to hear from me, I did pretty well.

I don’t know if I’m still digging my own grave.


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The Youngest Son Of A Rich Family

The Youngest Son Of A Rich Family

Reborn Rich, Youngest Son of a Conglomerate
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2017 Native Language: Korean
[How could a s*ave know more about money than a master such as I] A quote by the president of Hanbo Group, Jung Tae Soo during the Congressional hearing. They are called employees, salarymen, but in truth they were s*aves. I was a s*ave. But I’ve put everything I’ve had to become a butler. Instead, all I’ve got was an ending befitting of an abandoned s*ave. And the blessings of the god.


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