The Youngest Son Of A Rich Family Chapter 155

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[155]Give or receive 3

“So, is the investigation ongoing?”

“I requested attendance as a reference. But…”

“Don’t hesitate to tell me. why? Are you having trouble?”

“Unexpectedly, I even touched Miracle Investment. Rumor has it that I have a close relationship with the president.”

“What is closeness? They’re stealing my company one after another. haha.”

The president could see that there was no hostility in Chairman Jin’s smile.

“If you shake it off, nothing will come out, so how is it? Did my daughter-in-law have an accident? Is it difficult to rectify?”

“no. Anyway, your daughter is a victim of losing a lot of money. And no matter what the process was, the company’s money was returned to its original state. As long as the shareholders don’t step up, it can’t be a big issue.”

Jin Seo-yoon made up the money by selling his personal property, stocks. There is no reason for shareholders to step out, and the majority shareholder is a miracle anyway.

“Then, what will happen if our president doesn’t issue a special order? Are the Eastern District Prosecutor’s Office and the Southern District Prosecutor’s Office fighting a proxy war by pointing their swords at each other?”

“They are colleagues from the same company. How could that be? We will only check the facts we have uncovered and draw conclusions. We will discuss it with each other.”

“Then there is no reason for our president to care too much.”

“Actually… there’s just one thing on my mind, so I’d like to check it out, Chairman.”

“Tell me.”

“An investment company called Miracle. Is it really a place that has nothing to do with the president?”

“Why does that take?”

Chairman Jin looked at the prosecutor general and asked back.

“Ajin Group, Sunyang Motors, Daeah Engineering & Construction… Now, they are swallowing up even the Sunyang Department Store Group one after another. If you look at the changes in your stake, you have a fairly large stake in Sunyang. It is not possible without the president’s connivance.”

“It’s a car, I sold it because I didn’t have a dollar to pay for hot money during the IMF, and it’s a department store, it was stolen because my stupid daughter had an accident. There is no connivance or anything.”

The Prosecutor General became a little more rigid in his tone.

“I don’t know if you received any information, but the Financial Supervisory Service started to keep an eye on Miracle. Foreign capital is obvious, but its color is ambiguous. Is it speculative capital or solid capital…”

“Money is just money, where is the color? Please stop doing nonsensical things.”

“It is speculative capital that got out of the IMF. It is natural to be vigilant.”

Chairman Jin smiled softly and shook his head.

“I know them well, but they are not speculative capital. Think carefully. He came with dollars, took over a failing company, and even paid for all the overdue salaries of the employees. Do you think speculators would do such a thing?”

“Then, I will accept it as meaning that there is no problem even if the FSS starts an investigation.”

The smile disappeared from Jin’s face.

“It has already started.”

“yes. I understand that you have also sent an official letter to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service requesting cooperation.”

“That’s a lot of shit too. haha.”

The Prosecutor General, who had been quietly watching Chairman Jin’s empty smile, quietly stood up.

“I am well aware of the intentions of the President. We’ll keep an eye on you and if something special happens, we’ll get back to you.”

“is it so. I apologize for bothering you.”

“No, Mr. President. Then…”

As the Prosecutor General bowed and stepped back, Chairman Jin frowned as he glared at the tightly closed door of the study.

“How much did he get from Yeong-gi?”

Lee Hak-jae smiled awkwardly.

“sorry. It is difficult to grasp even the money that comes and goes.”

“The Financial Supervisory Service?”

“We have confirmed that Vice Chairman Jin Young-ki has been messing around.”

“Oh, a guy who is old enough to be old enough to be so scared… Tsk tsk.”

Seeing Chairman Jin click his tongue thinking of his eldest son, Lee Hak-jae had a rather serious expression.

“Are your opponents usually scary? It’s hard to be vigilant even for a moment. Even if it were me, I would have wanted to nip it in the bud before it matured.”

“If you rush when you run into a scary guy, you lose. It is wise to look for opportunities. Anyway, make the FSS chief and the president step down after this general election. It’s too light to be swung by Youngki.”

“Are you saying be courteous?”

“okay. Give enough funds for the general election and just give me a word.”

Ginger is ginger even if he seems to have stepped back from the frontlines. Not usually spicy.

The way to avoid blinding President Jin is very simple.

Either stand by President Jin or not stand by anyone else.

“Then do you intend to leave Do-jun like this? If Vice Chairman Jin Young-ki hangs on, he will have to respond to the prosecution’s summons at least once.”

“If he’s aiming for this spot, he’ll be coming in countless times in the future, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to look around in advance.”

Chairman Jin tapped his large leather chair and said.

“I’m a law student… I’m not going to work, but I’m going to show up first. haha.”

President Jin’s expression, which had been hardened by Lee Hak-jae’s joke, also relaxed a bit.

* * *

“Not usually, right? our youngest?”

“I know. I’m a bit surprised too At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but after seeing three cases in a row in one month, I felt like I knew it was Yoongi’s work.”

“What did you think of covering up the corruption of the department store owner with an entertainment article?”

“People are crazy about it. Stealing money from business owners. It’s not a matter of a day or two. I’m fed up now.”

The two brothers talked with dejected laughter rather than bursting into anger. Because his brother’s counterattack was really ingenious.

“The prosecution liked that the burden was reduced. The Hanseong Ilbo broke it in the first place and gave me a reason to investigate, so it’s okay. They say it’s easier to deal with it quietly now.”

Nothing has changed anyway, so Jin Young-ki felt comfortable. Having the name Sunyang in the media for no reason is a negative factor for herself.

“By the way, I heard a rumor that the Dongbu District Prosecutor’s Office is investigating your brother, is it true?”

“Seo-yoon asked Ji’s husband. At the Dongbu District Prosecutor’s Office, Choi’s connections with the West occupied all key positions.”

“This… hyung, I’m sorry for having to suffer alone. Anything I can help with?”

“I know you don’t have the heart to do it, so don’t talk nonsense. Put some pressure on the guys in line below you. Let’s shake Miracle properly this time.”

“good. I can do that much. Let’s get it done before the general election.”

When the brothers held hands firmly to rob one of their nephews, I appeared at the Southern District Prosecutor’s Office.

The prosecution also paid a lot of attention. From the underground parking lot, I went straight to Room 710, Financial Investigation Division 2 on the 7th floor. It’s not that I’m difficult, it’s probably because I’m afraid of my grandfather’s eyes.

“Don’t you have to go to the interrogation room, prosecutor?”

“I just need to get a few statements from witnesses. why? Is there something important enough that you have to go all the way to the interrogation room and make a statement?”

“I need to know what’s important? If you have any important questions, I will tell you to the best of my knowledge.”

Prosecutor Lee Kang-sik’s fever began to rise as the blue-eyed young man grabbed the horse’s tail without showing any tension.

“The world has gotten better. If it was like before, I would have put it in front of the wall and had time to reflect first… Then the conversation will go smoothly.”

Boasting strength from the start?

but. No genealogy, no rich father-in-law, and crawling all the way up here leaning on one head, but seeing a guy with a Seoul National University genealogy, chaebol grandfather, and good looks sitting in front of him, anyone would think the world is unfair.

They say the best way to be friendly is to reconcile after a fight. Shall we try a scratch?

“Prosecutor. Do you have a complex?”


“Seeing that he was called in as a reference person, treated as a criminal, and boasted of his strength, I suddenly thought that way. Why is the person who holds the highest power in Korea so sharp…?”


A small conference room attached to the examination room spoke quietly to the prosecutor who was shouting, “Leave.”

“Prosecutor Lee Kang-shik. Lower your voice. Shouting doesn’t change the fact that I have to go down to the Cheongju District Prosecutor’s Office next month.”


This time, he couldn’t shout and only opened his eyes wide.

“What are you surprised about? The appointment of prosecutors in Korea is not even a state secret. Oh, is it really a secret that only prosecutors know about getting a little pocket money from a wealthy friend caught in a drunken crackdown? It’s no secret either. Because of that, I have to go down to the province.”

“this person…!”

Only moaning escaped from between his teeth. A reference person who knows his own private parts. This has never happened before, so you won’t be able to come up with a way to respond.

“Investigation is the responsibility of the prosecution, but anyone can conduct an investigation. Comparing the prosecutor’s investigation of my background with public power and the prosecutor’s background investigation with the power of my own money, the thickness of the documents will be two or three times thicker than mine. Don’t waste your strength and let’s finish it simply. Not a speck of dust would have come out of me anyway.”

Prosecutor Lee Kang-shik could not easily open his mouth.

The only person holding a knife in the prosecution office was always the prosecutor. But today, this seat has two swords. It was clear that he was at a loss when he realized that the knife I was holding was pointed at his own throat.

This is not the prosecutor Lee Kang-sik, but the human Lee Kang-sik.

It’s natural to be taken aback by the unexpected, but the key is how quickly you shake it off.

The swordsman glared at me for a long time before catching his breath and opening his mouth.

“I thought he was an immature little guy, but the grandson of a conglomerate is scary. I’ll be visiting the prosecutor’s office more often in the future.”

“Didn’t you say the opposite?”

“The accidents and accidents of immature people end with summary prosecution. Even if you had an accident, would you have a big accident? For example, embezzlement of 10 billion won.”

“I will take it as a compliment. If you have nothing to say, can I go?”

As I moved my butt, the swordsman pressed my shoulder.

“We caught a situation where Jin Seo-yoon withdrew company funds like money in his pocket. And when I filled my pockets with money again, the shares of Soonyang Distribution went over to a company called Miracle. I’d say it’s a coincidence. Because I don’t believe it.”

“Can it be a coincidence? I used company money and sold stock to make up for that money.”

Prosecutor Lee Kang-shik was a little surprised when he gave me the answer he wanted.

“I transferred the company money to a shell company and paid it back. I wouldn’t put interest on that money for a few months, so I’ll be fine with it. I’ve given you the answer you want, so let’s go.”

I put my hand on my shoulder and stood up.

“No matter how much you brush it off, the opponents of the forced investigation, which only leaves a few dandruff, are the conglomerate families that control the country. The blade could come back in case of emergency, so I would have entrusted it to a non-mainstream prosecutor who would go down to the provinces and just pretended. The guy who asked me to investigate is not an ordinary big man.”


“If there is a problem, the prosecutor will wipe it out, so there is no problem with the safety of those with genealogy.”

I held out my business card to Prosecutor Lee Kang-shik, who widened his eyes.

“You’re lucky, our Prosecutor Lee Kang-shik.”

This prosecutor only looked at my eyes and business card alternately, but did not extend his hand.

“Take it. Think of holding a thick rope instead of a genealogy. This is the business card of a person who may become a tycoon who will cause big accidents in the future.”

He still didn’t extend his hand, but his eyes were different. I try to keep my self-respect.

I shoved the business card into his pocket.

“Come see me when you need me. I will tell you that I am very different from someone like Vice Chairman Jin Young-ki.”

First of all, start with these small puppies. I don’t know who the smallfish will come with, though.


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The Youngest Son Of A Rich Family

The Youngest Son Of A Rich Family

Reborn Rich, Youngest Son of a Conglomerate
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2017 Native Language: Korean
[How could a s*ave know more about money than a master such as I] A quote by the president of Hanbo Group, Jung Tae Soo during the Congressional hearing. They are called employees, salarymen, but in truth they were s*aves. I was a s*ave. But I’ve put everything I’ve had to become a butler. Instead, all I’ve got was an ending befitting of an abandoned s*ave. And the blessings of the god.


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