The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 626

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Chapter 626

: Raon faced Denning Rose’s eyes that felt like guns and sighed.

‘Well, it’s even weirder that those crazy people don’t come.’

Seonggeomryeon are crazy people who consider swords and swordsmanship sacred and would even kill their parents and siblings to gain advanced swordsmanship.

It would have been even more strange if they hadn’t come because they were the ones who would break into the Six Emperor’s living quarters in order to obtain the Sword Zone’s legacy.

“Who came from Seonggeomryeon?”

“I’m Kroi, the demon sword master.”

Denning Rose took out a document and placed it on the table. The name of Croy was written at the top, and his whereabouts were written below it.

“He is a person who rose to the highest level of master before the Seonggeomryeon disappeared.”


I had heard of the demon sword lord Kroy in my past life. His footwork was so excellent that some even said that his real weapon was not his sword but his feet.

“Then it is possible that he has now reached the rank of Grand Master.”

“Do you remember Lisrn?”

While Denning Rose was talking about the demon sword master, she suddenly brought up Lithrn’s name.

“Of course I remember.”

Lithrn was a black market agent who guided him to the Thran tribe when he went to rescue Judiel. He was a former assassin and he followed my instructions well, so it was firmly etched in my memory.

“He also said that he couldn’t properly see the demon sword master’s steps. Baek Sa-woo, the previous owner of the tomb map, is also well-versed in footwork and stealth, but he was caught right away, so it wouldn’t be strange to say that he is a grand master in footwork, even if he doesn’t know swordsmanship.”

Denning Rose tapped the document with his finger, saying he was someone to be careful of. Her heavy heart seemed to be ringing in a dull sound.

“Then the Demon Demon Sword Master must have already entered the Tomb of the Sword Zone.”

Unlike the martial spirit demon Baek Sa-woo, the Demon Demon Sword Master had excellent military strength, so it seemed like he would have found the tomb of the Sword Zone and entered it at once.


Denning Rose shook his head with calm eyes.

“The demon sword master is also just moving. “I don’t think I have fully interpreted the map yet.”


“In fact, it is not an interpretation, but rather an inability to find the terrain that has changed over hundreds of years.”


I understood what he meant. Hundreds of years had passed since Dogeomjon’s death, so much had changed since the map was made, so it seemed like the location of the tomb could not be found.

“Both Muryeonggwiguk and Baeksau gradually headed west as they moved from the neutral area where Sieghart and the Balkar Kingdom meet.”

Denning Rose raised his tone and took out a map.

“And now Demon Demon Sword Master Kroi is here.”

Her fingers pointed almost to the ends of Sieghardt and Valkar. As I went a little further, the words ‘Black Tower’ caught my eye.

“If our black market predictions go by, the grave will be around here.”

Denningrose rolled his finger and drew a triangle with Sieghart and the Black Tower of the Balkar Kingdom. It was a neutral land that did not belong to any of the three powers.

“Currently, the area around here is in chaos as not only the Six Emperors but also neutral forces and retired masters have appeared. “The martial arts people who are blinded by the sword zone’s martial arts are even massacring ordinary people.”

Denning Rose frowned, saying the situation was not good.

After carefully reviewing the area pointed out by Denning Rose, Raon took out a bag of gold coins that he had packed in advance from his subspace pocket.

The table shook as the heavy bag of gold coins was lifted.


“I will buy all the information about this in real time.”

“You can track it, but are you really going to go? From what I heard, you were on a reconnaissance mission…”

“I was on a reconnaissance mission, so I have to go.”

Raon touched the map that Denning Rose had pointed out with his finger a moment ago.

“We can’t just leave the pigs blinded by the treasure.”

The Tomb of the Sword Zone is good, and catching the Demon Sword Master is good, but the most important thing is protecting the family’s territory. I couldn’t leave these guys who threatened Sieghardt’s safety alone.

“It won’t be easy. The Six Emperors are of course dangerous. “From ancient masters who have turned their backs on the times, even retired people whose names are hidden are appearing.”

“it’s okay.”

Raon shook his head with a faint smile.

“If I can’t get through that, I’m going to die next year anyway.”

“Life or death…”

Denning Rose nodded briefly as if he understood what was being said.

“I guess they won’t listen even if I try to stop them.”

She sighed and brushed the hair from the back of her neck.

“Then, in the name of the black market, we will have to do our best to provide assistance. First of all, the location of the demon sword master…”

“No. That’s next.”

Raon pointed at the map with his diagonal finger.

“The first thing to do is…”

* * *

After meeting Denning Rose, Raon headed to the 5th training ground.

Gwangpungdae prosecutors who had been waiting in the training hall gathered in front of the podium.

Even though their vacation wasn’t over yet, the prosecutors were sweating from their foreheads while wearing their training uniforms.

Everyone started training voluntarily after just one day of rest.

Those guys have now become training fanatics just like themselves.

“My lord.”

Martha bowed her head in a polite manner.

“All 1 group has arrived.”

Unlike when she was the head of the unit, she showed clear respect and example. I thought it would be the least followed, but it was unexpected.

“All two groups have arrived.”

Runaan raised his hand with blinding eyes. It was an honorific title, but it didn’t seem like an honorific title.

“All three groups have arrived.”

Buren came out last and bowed his head.

“Good work.”

Raon nodded lightly and looked at the entire Gwangpungdae. Perhaps because they were training at the training center, no one seemed dissatisfied even though they were ordered to convene while on vacation.

No, there was just one person.

“I’m going to die. “I see two worlds.”

Rimmer, who was sitting leaning on the podium, waved his hand.

“I’m dying from exhaustion, so why are you calling me?”

Rimmer groaned, holding his head as if the hangover had not gone away even though two days had passed.

Raon ignored Rimmer and looked down at the Gwangpungdae and parted his lips.

“As you all know, we were assigned a mission at the round table.”

“I heard! “It’s a reconnaissance mission!”

Dorian raised his hand.

“Just hearing about reconnaissance makes me feel at ease. “I don’t think anything will happen.”

He smiled and said he was grateful for the safe mission.

“It must be boring.”

Martha clicked her tongue as if she didn’t like it.

“Who would invade Sieghardt’s territory?”

“That’s something you don’t know.”

Burren looked at Marta and shook his head.

“The name Sieghardt is not invincible. “I’m sure you’ve been through enough, right?”


“It is a noble mission to protect and explore the family’s territory. Everyone, come to your senses.”

He strengthened the morale of the Gwangpungdae with his neat voice.

‘Is it because of Karun?’

Burren’s personality seemed to have become a little harder because of Karun’s accident. My shoulders seemed heavier than usual.

“I can sleep while walking.”

Runaan blinked, thinking that her sleep time would double. To say something like that right after Buren finished speaking, his consistency was remarkable.


Raon clapped his hands to attract the attention of the Gwangpungdae.

“Chief of Team 3 is right.”

He looked at Buren and nodded.

“Some of you may have already heard, but a storm called Sword Zone’s Grave is currently brewing on the continent.

“I heard it too. “I heard there’s already an uproar?”

Crane raised his hand.

“But that grave has nothing to do with us.”

“that’s right. “We just need to scout.”

Other people nodded as if they had heard about the tomb.

“No, it doesn’t matter. “It is a well-established theory that the location of Sword Zone’s tomb is not far from Sieghart’s territory.”

“Is that really true?”

Burren’s eyes widened as if he didn’t know that. The other prosecutors also opened their mouths in vain.

“okay. Our mission is to circulate through Sieghardt’s territory to identify and eliminate potential threats. In other words, it has a lot to do with this incident.”


Marta pursed her lips and approached the podium.

“You were sent on a reconnaissance mission targeting that from the beginning, right?”

Raon smiled slightly without answering.

“As expected, our leader is crazy.”

Martha smiled coolly, contrary to the statement that she was crazy. He seemed to like it much more than simple reconnaissance.

“How did you come up with such a thought when it was your first time attending a round table…”

Buren shook his head as if he didn’t understand.

“The real person I am is the person I am.”

“I heard that shyness is good in times like this.”

“It’s the tomb of Sword Zone…”

The other Gwangpungdae swordsmen also smiled brightly as if they were interested and talked about the tomb.


Rimmer quietly watched Raon and Gwangpungdae from behind without saying anything. A gentle smile appeared on his lips.

“Let’s chat later.”

Raon again attracted the attention of Gwangpungdae.

“The Tomb of the Sword Zone itself will be dangerous, but it will be a difficult journey as numerous monsters are gathering around it. “The vacation isn’t over yet…”

He continued, raising his finger.

“We are accepting applicants for this mission. “Those who don’t want to go can rest at the family home.”

I meant it. Since the vacation wasn’t over yet, I didn’t want to take everyone with me.

“What are you talking about!”

Marta furrowed her brows and jumped forward.

“The time has come to let go of three weeks of bullying by you, so why are you refusing to do so?”

She clenched her fists until they made a clenching sound, saying she wanted to crush the enemy right away.

“That’s right.”

Buren chewed his molars gently.

“I trained in hell for three weeks, and I should enjoy the effects!”

He also grabbed a sword to relieve the accumulated stress.

“No one will be able to sleep at all.”

Runaan’s eyes widened as he shouted that he wouldn’t let the others sleep either. Even so, it wasn’t particularly scary because my eyes were blind.

“I’m coming too!”

“If you let it go, it will chase you even if it means crawling!”

“I will kill them all!”

“No, I will bite your neck off.”

Not only the leaders, but the entire Gwangpungdae gnashed their teeth with ferocity.

Their eyes are not human, but dog. It also flashed yellow like a crazy dog.


Dorian watched without raising his hand until the end and had no choice but to raise his hand.

‘The momentum is good, but…’

Raon tilted his head, looking into the half-turned eyes of Gwangpungdae.

‘Why does everyone seem crazy?’

-Has this made a thorn in your conscience? You made me crazy!

Lars blurted out something absurd. The guy furrowed his eyebrows as he watched the madness of the firestorm burning more and more intensely.

-Even the circus zookeeper gives you food and sleep, you crazy bastard!


* * *

Lucerne Village, located across Sieghart and the neutral zone.

An unprecedented number of warriors have entered a small village where all villagers live by jointly managing an orchard.

“This is the place. “Search everything.”

A middle-aged man riding a black horse showed his fierce eyes and pointed his finger.

It was Danju Bulant of the Black Red Regiment, known as the Wind of Death in the White Desert.


“Open all doors!”

“Don’t miss a single ant baby and look for it!”

Magical bandits wearing black hoods on horseback destroyed the village and cut down the apple trees.

Although their weapons were different, the magic enemies’ eyes were all filled with the fire of desire.

Quad deuk!

The apples grown with great care by the people of Lucerne village burst open after being crushed by the horses’ hooves. The apple trees were being cut down endlessly, leaving the orchard looking empty.

“Why on earth are you doing this!”

The chief of Lusen Village approached Bulant, who was riding a black horse.

“Please stop!”

“If those trees die, we die too!”

“I’ll give you money!”

The villagers followed behind the chief, knelt down and bowed their heads.

“Do you want to die?”

The sword image across Bulant’s forehead wriggled strangely. It’s not a question. If I said one more word, I was going to kill him.



The village chief and the villagers, who had never experienced the existence of a warrior, stepped back, their blue lips trembling.


The deputy leader of the Black Red Band, wearing an eyepatch over his left eye, approached Buland and bowed his head.

“I cut down all the trees in the orchard and searched the house, but there was nothing. “Is this really the right place?”

“There was definitely a mark engraved on this side of the map I saw when the demon sword master killed Baek Sa-woo.”

Buland shook his chin, saying he was sure.

“But nothing came out…”

“Set it on fire.”


The head of the division widened his eyes as if wondering what he was talking about.

“Even though the tree has been cut down, you still can’t inspect it properly because of the bushes. “Set everything on fire.”

“But this area is Sieghardt’s land. “If they show up…”

“Sieghart is probably preoccupied with the Demon Sword Master right now. “As long as it’s done quickly, that’s all.”

Buland waved his finger, saying that they should settle the issue quickly and let’s go.

“Well, I understand.”

The head of the division seemed to think that would be a good idea as well, nodding his head and gathering his men.

“Set fire to the orchard and village.”

“As instructed.”

Four wizards wearing gray robes poured out flames from their grasps.

The red-hot flames ran like animals and engulfed the entire village and orchard.

“Mu water! Get some water! hurry!”

The village chief trembled and shouted to bring water. He overcame his fear, crawled on his knees and approached Buland.

“Please stop! I’ll give you all the money I have! Please…”

As he rubbed his hands, Bulant slashed the spear he was wearing on his shoulder.


The village chief was leaning over with a black hole in his chest.

“Huh huh huh!”

He tried to stop the wound in his chest, but the blood continued to flow as if a dam had broken.




The villagers sat down in a daze, as if they couldn’t believe that the village chief was dead.

“Take care of all these too.”


“I was waiting for you to say that.”

“As expected, this is comfortable.”

“Do you know anything about Sieghart?”

The bandits rode off with eerie smiles on their faces, saying that things had become easier.

Just as the heated spear was about to stab the villagers, a huge explosion erupted from the entrance to the orchard.


The magical enemies standing guard at the entrance were thrown into the flames with their bodies torn apart.


Bulant glared into the gray smoke and lifted the spear that had been lowered.

“Open the way.”

A shadow rising from the gray smoke lets out a low voice.

The moment the faint voice hit the ground, three swordsmen jumped out.


The black-haired, dark-eyed female swordsman who charged in first extended her sword forward. A huge energy like a tidal wave condenses in the sword play and then explodes at once.

The bodies of the sub-danju and elite guards guarding the vicinity of Buland were torn apart.


The blue-haired swordsman following behind draws a graceful light like a crescent moon hanging in the sky. A neat line that was not present in royalties stretched out, and the necks of the wizards who were preparing for defense were snapped like toys.


A female swordsman with purple eyes walked out last and swept the floor with her sword. Young frost spread along the wind at the tip of the blade, freezing the legs of both the magic bandit and the horse.

“What are you guys…”

Bulant took a step back and his lips trembled as he looked at the flaming sword symbol on the swordsman’s clothes.

“Z Sieghardt?”

He gasped and grabbed his spear.

“Why is Sieghart here?”

As if in answer to his cry, the sound of cool steps echoed from the cracked gray smoke.

that buck

The black-haired swordsman who exploded his body, the blue-haired swordsman who cut off the wizard’s neck, and the purple-eyed swordsman who froze the entire magic bandit all retreated.

What rises behind the three are red eyes that burn brighter than the sun. Just looking into those eyes made my heart tighten as if it was going to explode.

“Now wait!”


The blonde-red-eyed man calmly shook his head. I know. There is only one young prosecutor who wields such monsters.

“Raon Zighar….”

“I think you were unlucky.”

Bulant’s head fell with an eerie sound.

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Raon’s entire life had been lived as a dog on a leash. Through a twist of fate, he obtained a new life. Wrath remained in the wreckage of his destroyed leash. Finally capable of standing on his own feet, he decided to live life by his own will. He would slay anyone standing in his way… Even if they were a god.


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