The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 566

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Episode 566

As soon as Raon opened his eyes, he realized that his world had changed. Grand Master. I could feel that I had stepped into the realm of super-rise, which is not common even in Yukwanggoma.

My body feels heavy, as if I have fallen into the deep sea. My arms and legs didn’t move very well, as if I was hanging on a rock.

But the world went by more slowly and heavily. This seemed to be the world the Grand Master would face when he opened his mind with all his might.

-You crazy guy!

Lars jumped out onto the bracelet and widened his eyes.

-Where in the world is there a monkey that falls into a trance in the middle of the battlefield? Just how big is your liver!

The guy shook his head, exclaiming that it was absurd.

-Why on earth is this guy breaking the wall! This is so unfair!

‘I’ll play with you later. ‘Be quiet.’

Raon left the crying Ras behind and faced the distorted eyes of the Yonghyeongeomju.

‘It’s strong.’

The power of the Yonghyeongeomju holding the magic sword Creatus was felt to be beyond the word strength.

However, thanks to Rimmer holding on to the guy until the end and reducing his Magi and Aura, there was a way to win.

‘It has to end now.’

I get a feeling. The current powerful force cannot be maintained forever. Before this state of awakening ended, the head of the Yonghyeongeomju had to be cut off.


I raised the Jecheon Sword while reciting the manga-gong’s phrase engraved in my head. The pillars of fire that connected heaven and earth spread to eighteen and surrounded the Yonghyeon Sword Master.

Each stem was a prison of flame filled with Kang Hwan-level firepower.

“Like fireworks!”

The Yonghyeon Sword Master tried to escape the heat of Mugeumhyang by swinging the demon sword Creatus, but the eighteen stems of flame engulfed the demon energy and made the flames stronger and stronger.


He struck down the demonic sword violently, as if he did not understand the flames devouring demonic energy. Creatus spewed out terrible demonic energy as if running wild, but the flame never went out.

Raon calmed his eyes and narrowed the scope of the flame prison with intent.

‘This is Mugeumhyang.’

Mugeumhyang is a special art that does not simply attack or defend, but creates a prison with strong resistance to demonic energy.

It’s a martial arts skill that Sieghardt’s ancestors used to fight a monster whose black and white eyes were reversed, but I never thought I’d be able to use it so quickly.


Yonghyeon Swordmaster seemed to have realized that Mugeumhyang had resistance to demonic energy, so he drew out his aura full of demonic energy and split the bar of flame. The condensed auras created a powerful explosion that shook Mugeumhyang.

“Damn it!”

He threw himself into a small space where one child barely escaped. Even if he got burned, it seemed like he was trying to escape Mugeumhyang.

“I have to pay the rent and go.”

Raon tightened the flame bars when Yonghyeongeomju tried to escape from Mugeumhyang.


The rapidly narrowing flame stream carved deep burns into the legs and waist of the Yonghyeon Swordmaster.


… I didn’t expect his wrinkled eyebrows to straighten, perhaps because of the pain.

“What on earth have you done!”

“I don’t know.”

Raon shook his head, aiming his sword at the Yonghyeongeomju’s eyes.

“under! How arrogant you are with only one scar! “The fight begins now!”

As if it was humiliating to be defeated in the battle of momentum, Yonghyeon Sword Master created a wave of energy so powerful that the atmosphere was crushed.

“Two wounds? “Can’t you even count?”

Raon channeled the power of Yonghyeongeomju and raised his finger, pointing to the burns on his waist and legs.

“shut up.”

Yonghyeon Sword Master raised his magic sword with eerie eyes.

“How dare you just stand at the starting line!”

On the black blade, magic energy and auror burned at the same time, spreading an eerie darkness.

“This is not the starting line, but the finish line where your head will be blown off.”

Raon curled the corners of his mouth and raised his sword. The flames flowing through the blade converged at the edge of the sword, and a sphere of light as brilliant as the sun burned. Kang Hwan. The Grand Master’s unique skills were finally in his hands.

“I told you to shut up.”

“Then why don’t you tell me?”

“Shut that snout!”

Yonghyeon Swordmaster could not hold back his anger and brought out the demonic sword Creatus. A force made of demonic energy spun at an astonishing speed and twisted space.


Raon pushed the Jecheon Sword into the swirling vortex of magical energy. Kang Hwan, wrapped in red light, delved into the darkness.


The manhwagong’s Kang-hwan and the demonic Kang-hwan collided, turning the earth between them upside down and splitting the black sky.

On the sinking ground, Raon dug into the space of Yonghyeongeomju. The flame wrapped around the silver blade cut through the demonic energy with his will to never be broken and moved further forward.


Yonghyeongeomju was pushed back and chewed his lip until it bled.

“How can this be…”

He glared at Raon with wide eyes, as if he couldn’t believe he lost in a power battle.

Raon stepped on the Taehwabo and followed Yonghyeongeomju. As if Rimmer was pushing his back, he rode the wind and raised Hwaryeong.


A red wet tree blooms at the tip of the sword. As if experiencing all the joys and sorrows in a split second, the flower petals that fill the branches stretching to the sky fall.

Hundreds. No, thousands of pieces of flame opened a red path filled with Raon’s intention. The pure flame petals became a storm of flames and enveloped the Dragon Xuan Sword.

“That’s it!”

Yonghyeon Swordmaster roared and raised the blade of his magic sword.

Creatus revealed thick branches and sprinkled black leaves as if he had returned to the silk tree, the tree of the demon world, before becoming a sword.


The black leaves emitted from the blade of the demon sword Creatus crushed Hwaryeong’s red petals.

The previous Hwaryeong let the petals sink like this, but the current Hwaryeong was different. The split petals came together again to form a second storm.


Yonghyeongeomju’s eyes twisted. When he tried to stab the magic sword again, the condensed flower petals moved towards each other.

The red petals burned the black leaves and fell on the branch created by the magic sword Creatus.


The moment the black tree was decorated with red petals and revealed its eerie beauty, an enormous amount of heat exploded, randomly destroying the magic energy and aura of the Dragon Sword Master.


The condition of Yonghyeongeomju, which came out through the red heat, was not good. His long sleeves were in tatters, and his face and left arm were badly burned.

“Damn it…”

He chewed his lip, looking down at his cooked arm.

“What! “What is it with you that you can unleash such force as soon as you climb over the wall?”

Yonghyeongeomju rushed towards him, screaming as if it was absurd. It seemed as if a devil had written over his noble-looking face.

“It’s not my strength alone.”

Raon answered calmly and raised a sparkling flame. The space where the blade grazed continued and a wall rose.


The rosary wall, literally a wall of flames, completely blocked the sword of Yonghyeongeomju.

“Ganghwan’s wall?”

Raon delved into the space of Yonghyeongeomju, which was embarrassed. He struck deeply with the Jecheon Sword, which was wrapped around the flame of the prayer wall like a sheath.

“How dare you!”

Yonghyeongeomju reacted immediately like a warrior who had become a grand master and raised Ganghwan’s shield with his magic sword.

Raon drew the Jecheon Sword with its heat rays all the way to the end, as if it didn’t matter whether he defended or not.

Cartoon baller Cheonhwa.

Red island.

The thickness of the young heat rays on the sword body was split thinner than a thread and twisted the space.


Yonghyeon Sword Master Kang Hwan’s shield is slightly cracked. He didn’t make a mistake. The blade of the enemy island, imbued with the magic of the space sword, split Kang Hwan.


Yonghyeon Sword Master urgently tried to unite Kang Hwan, but Ra On’s sword strike had already passed through his chest.


Because of the heat, the red blood evaporated before he could see the world, and a terrible burn was engraved on Yonghyeongeomju’s chest.

“What the hell…”

Yonghyeongeomju took a step back, his hand clutching his chest trembling.


Raon stepped forward with his left foot and thrust his sword, which had been tilted back, forward. Young flames swirled around the sword, drawing the shape of a fire dragon.

A breath of flame spewed out from the gaping maw that seemed as if it would devour the world.


Yeomryonggyeol. The fire dragon’s roar exploded, and the ground where the Yonghyeon Sword Master stood melted as if it had turned into a lava field, and black smoke rose.


Raon swallowed dryly as he looked at the blade of the Jecheon Sword with a light golden flame blooming.

‘Is this really a cartoon ball?’

Manhwagong was a strong swordsman even when he was a white flower, but when he became a heavenly flower, he displayed a different level of power.

It seems that Sieghardt’s ancestors created this sword from the beginning with grandmaster-level swordsmen in mind.

‘I want to keep this feeling going.’

If this moment ends, it will be difficult to return to the current state for a while.

In order to speed up the timing, I had to get used to the sense of the present.


Lars jerked his face up.

-You have been too weak to use King Bon’s skills properly until now! You should be able to follow along a little bit now!

He said his technology was even greater and even told me how to operate it.


Yonghyeongeomju let out a rough breath as he left the black burning ground. There was no piece of his long gun left, and his entire body was covered in scarlet burns that looked like earthworms had crawled on him.

“Isn’t it hot?”

Raon sneered and stretched out his hand to the Yonghyeon Sword Master. He stretched out his grip as if to grab his head and pulled Glacia out.

The final battle of the Demon King of Anger.

Silver Aurora.

Blue brilliance flashed from the grasp, which was spread out like a deer’s antlers. The moment I saw that light, a blue cold air was already wrapping around the Yonghyeon Sword Master.


The blade of frost penetrated the burn wound, and the wound of the Yonghyeon Sword Master turned black and died.


The Yonghyeon Swordmaster tried his best to walk, but the silver aurora followed him like a leech, putting enormous pressure on his legs.

“I mean, shut up!”

Yonghyeongeomju could not stand it anymore and slammed the demonic sword into the ground, creating a storm of demonic energy.

However, even the demon energy froze in the cold, extremely narrowing the space in which he could move.

A magnificent power filled Raon’s legs. He burst into the ground and ran forward until he reached the right side of Yonghyeongeomju. A cloud of blue light filled the left hand that stretched out without hesitation.

The final battle of the Demon King of Anger.

Eunwol Majang.

The bead that floated between the palm of the hand and the right shoulder of the Yonghyeon Sword Master split apart, creating a wave of cold frost.


The decisive battle of Raon Bay, which was different from Las’s Eunwol Demon, bloomed, and Yonghyeongeomju’s right upper body froze.


The Yonghyeon Swordmaster vomited blood and retreated, trying to erase the coldness of the Eunwol Demon Hall with the flame of his demonic energy, but the coldness never went out.


Lars shook his round fist and grinned.

-Did you see it? That’s the King’s art! I’m no match for the fireworks you use!

The guy stretched out the corners of his mouth, saying that Glacia is superior to comics.

‘It’s simple…’

In the past, they criticized me for imitating them, but now they praise me for imitating them well. When I’m with Lars, I don’t know which melody I should dance to.

“That doesn’t make sense. How can the person who has now become a Grand Master…”

Yonghyeongeomju’s cypress lips trembled as he removed a piece of ice that was sticking to his flesh.

“You still don’t know.”

Raon looked at Yonghyeon Sword Master with pitiful eyes.

“You have become weaker more than I have become stronger.”

“What do you mean…”

“Did you feel anything while fighting our great lord?”

With the Yonghyeon Sword Master in front of me, I proudly turned around. I chewed my lip as I looked at Rimmer, who still didn’t know if he was dead or alive.

“The great lord deliberately allowed you to spread demonic energy at will, consuming the power of the demon sword and your aura. In the end, even though he collapsed, he trapped demon energy in his body.”


At those words, Yonghyeongeomju’s complexion turned yellow. The eyes of the guy chasing Rimmer trembled.

“That person doesn’t fight for no reason. “We calculated everything and created the current path.”

Raon watched as Yonghyeongeomju’s complexion gradually darkened and quenched his appetite.

‘There’s no need to tell me the most important part.’

I raised my sword. A golden glow burned above the silver-gray blade. Like the light of dawn opening the sky, an auspicious energy spread through my son-in-law.

“Our master can only make fun of us. “You are not someone who can be ridiculed and ignored.”

I walked towards the Yonghyeon Sword Master, clutching the remaining remnants of awakening.

“Rimer! “You filthy bastard!”

Yonghyeongeomju ran out screaming loudly. The heavens and earth shook as if not only the demon sword Creatus but all the energy he possessed had been extracted.

Raon advanced into the turbulent demonic energy and raised his auror.

The aura that surged from the bottom half of the battle wrapped around the intention of the top half of the battle with the firmness of the middle and middle battles. The auror that went through three rounds turned into golden flames and wetted the blade of the Heavenly Sword.

Raon and Yonghyeon Sword Master thrust red and black sword strikes at each other’s breath without any time to say anything.


As the Jecheon Sword and the Demon Sword collided from the front, a crack stretched from the sky to the ground.

Power and strength and the rising Muhak and the rising Muhak collided, and shock waves of immeasurable intensity exploded one after another. My son-in-law’s land was overturned and trees were uprooted.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was a fierce clash, but the superiority and inferiority were quickly revealed.


The hilt of the demonic sword Creatus, which contained all the power of the Yonghyeongeomju, crumbled and the magical blades began to scatter.

“Why the demonic sword…”

His eyes trembled as he looked at the hilt of the demonic sword being crushed.

“This is a seed planted by our great master who called you stupid.”

The Yonghyeon Swordmaster may not have known it because he was being chased psychologically, but Rimmer put wind into the blade of the magic sword and created a thin twist.

The seed he left behind opened the way for Yonghyeongeomju to beheaded.

“Now wait!”

Raon ignored the embarrassed cries of the Yonghyeon Sword Master and pushed forward with the Jecheon Sword. The golden flame burns, engulfing the demon energy. The small sun that rose above the sword spread majestic light toward the center of the dispersing demon energy.


There was an enormous impact, and the buildings of the Rachion family collapsed like dominoes, and black smoke rose to the sky.


When Raon lowered the Jecheon Sword, the appearance of Yonghyeongeomju, with his upper and lower body completely separated, was revealed. He could barely breathe thanks to the magic sword that was about to break.

“I, I, to a brat like this…”

“Your defeat. No…”

Raon looked down at the soon-to-be-dead Yonghyeongeomju and gestured towards Rimmer.

“It is our victory.”

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Raon’s entire life had been lived as a dog on a leash. Through a twist of fate, he obtained a new life. Wrath remained in the wreckage of his destroyed leash. Finally capable of standing on his own feet, he decided to live life by his own will. He would slay anyone standing in his way… Even if they were a god.


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