The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 527

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Episode 527

Raon gaped at Aris.

‘I wonder if that will work.’

No matter how much Glenn is a transcendental person who stands at the top of the continent, his opponent is the Dragon Lord.

Because dragons are a race that ignores humans themselves, such a threat did not seem likely to work.


Before my grandfather, he was my father!

I couldn’t understand why he said he was my grandfather and not his father, even though we were much closer to him. He was a truly unique person.

‘I need to prepare for a fight… hmm?’

However, contrary to the expectation that it would have no effect, the Dragon Lord trembled his chin as if he was embarrassed.

“…That person is Glenn Sieghart’s grandson?”

The Dragon Lord’s strong voice cracked for the first time. The huge tree with no end in sight seemed to be shaking.


Raon’s eyes widened as he looked at the pale Dragon Lord.

‘This works?’

I never thought that the Dragon Lord, who is not an ordinary dragon and controls all dragons, would be oppressed by the name Glenn.


The Dragon Lord swallowed his voice and turned his gaze in this direction. His lips curled inward as he examined the hair and eyes one by one.

“They certainly have similar faces and temperaments.”

“What am I going to do by telling a lie that will soon be discovered? I am a grandson who carries on his blood. “I cherish it more than anyone else.”

Aris tilted her chin as if teasing the Dragon Lord.

“What should I do? “Do you want to try it?”

She sneered and asked him to show off his strength like before.


The Dragon Lord cleared his throat and waved his hand.


Rather than starting a fight, he collected the wave of mana that was spreading endlessly. The powerful energy wave that dominated Aikar subsided before he could take a single breath.

“Why aren’t you coming? “They say they will protect the continent.”

Aris curled up the corner of her mouth as if she wanted to continue her provocation.

“I don’t know why it is for the sake of the balance of the continent that you take Kaibar’s dragon heart and body, but you have to do what you have to do.”

“There is a huge amount of high-purity mana within the Dragon Heart. If used incorrectly, serious problems could arise in the balance of the continent.”

Even during this time, the Dragon Lord kept his mouth shut, saying that he was only doing it for the good of the world.

“Then what about Khaibar’s body?”

“If you use the dragon’s bones, claws, and horns, the weapon will be stronger than anything else…”

“Is that enough to threaten the balance of the continent?”


The Dragon Lord’s quivering lips stopped at Aris’ mocking question.

However, he did not open his eyes, revealing his nobleness, as if he still thought that he was doing something for the world.

“good. Then I’ll help you get it.”

Aris raised her arms and stretched them back coolly.

“Labawin. “Take it out.”

“All right.”

Lavawin opened the subspace pouch. He took out a rainbow-colored dragon heart and handed it to Aris. It seemed like he completely trusted his master.

“Now take it.”

Aris lightly threw the dragon heart, caught it, and gave a narrow wink.

“If you take this instead, that guy’s grandfather might go find another dragon and rip out his uvula. “Maybe one or three will die.”

She grinned, saying she would return one dragon heart and take three.


The Dragon Lord exposed his white teeth towards Aris.

“I know a man named Glenn Sieghardt. There’s no way he would make a move on something like that…”


Aris interrupted the Dragon Lord’s words.

“You met the King of Northern Destruction in the center of the continent. Do you know why he appeared there?”


“It’s not to catch a demon lord like you. “I came here to save this guy.”

She shrugged her shoulders and said something ridiculous this time.

“That makes sense…”

The Dragon Lord retorted, then closed his mouth.

‘No, his movements were strange at the time.’

Glenn Sieghart had no interest in either the Demon Lord or humans from other factions.

Instead of fighting the Holy Sword Master and the White Blood Cult Leader, he entered the barrier that suddenly appeared and searched for traces of the missing swordsmen.

This is something that Glenn Sieghardt could not have imagined during the Continental War. It was clear that he had changed from before.

‘If that’s the case, there’s a real possibility that he’ll attack another dragon…’

If this blond-red-eyed human is Glenn’s favorite grandson, as Aris said, then there’s no telling what he might do. It was right to avoid potentially dangerous situations.


The Dragon Lord chewed his lip as he looked at his hand shaking on his staff.

‘I said it was the last warning.’

Glenn had declared that if he interfered with his work one more time, he would go to war with the dragon.

The others in Sieghardt were not afraid at all, but there was one monster called Glenn that was a problem.

I couldn’t think of a way to kill him after he broke the Holy Sword Lianju and peeled off his skin.


Raon let out a sigh as he looked at the Dragon Lord who was lost in thought.

‘That works?’

What Aris said wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either. Glenn came there to save both Gwangpungdae and Cheongeomdae, not just me.

It was a lie that could be seen if you thought about it a little, but looking at the Dragon Lord’s expression, it seemed like Aris’ words had made sense.

-Why are there so many words!

Lars pulled out his face and frowned.

-Because King Bon will rip out that shiny lizard’s neck. Just hand over yourself!


I was slightly attracted to him, but there was no guarantee that the Demon King would descend again, and it was obvious that the wounds I had recovered from would only get worse, so I pushed Ras away.

“Take it for the sake of the balance of the continent. “It’s here.”

Aris approached the Dragon Lord and held out Kaibar’s Dragon Heart.

It was a clear provocation, but the Dragon Lord narrowed his eyes sharply without reacting.


The Dragon Lord took one look at Raon and let out a low breath.

“I’ll back off this time. But you’d better be careful. “It’s not like his name can protect you forever.”

“what’s the matter? “Aren’t you going to protect the continent?”

Aris turned her shoulders and smiled as if she knew that would happen.

“Does he seem scared of his grandfather?”

“…I’m not afraid of him. All we have to do is avoid unnecessary fights in order to maintain the balance of the continent.”

He made an excuse so ugly that he could hardly be called a Dragon Lord and struck the ground with his staff.


The Dragon Lord disappeared into golden light just like when he first appeared.


Raon shook his head as he looked at the place where the Dragon Lord had disappeared.

“Are you running away now? “Dragon Lord?”


Aris giggled and nodded. She handed the Dragon Heart back to Lavawin and pushed back her scarlet hair.

“You know this from seeing Kaibar, but that’s what dragons really look like. “It is the pinnacle of naeronambul.”

“That is correct. “They are crucian carp who think that their actions are always right and for the good of this continent.”

Cuberud also lowered his eyebrows deeply, as if he didn’t like the dragon.

-Humans are well aware of the characteristics of lizards.

Ras nodded, looking at Aris and Cuberud.

-Dragons are strong from birth and become strong without any effort, so their way of thinking is different from other creatures.

The guy twisted his mouth, saying that dragons were completely unnecessary in this world.

“Still, I never thought it would be that ugly….”

Raon let out a laugh. I can’t forget the sight of the Dragon Lord who started the fight first making a crude excuse and running away. It was refreshing, yet absurd.

“Ugliness is a basic characteristic of lizards.”

Aris scratched the bridge of her nose, saying she would get used to it from now on.

“By the way, Aris.”


“Why did you call the head of the family my grandfather? “It would work better to say he is Aris’ father.”

“I’m warning that guy.”

She slightly pursed her lips as if asking why she was asking such an obvious question.


“A warning that if I touch you, my father will come out.”

“That’s a bluff.”

“I’m not bluffing.”

Aris said absolutely no and waved his hand.



When Raon was about to refute that statement, Lars shouted.

-Because it’s all over. Get ready quickly!

‘Ready for what?’

-I have to tell them to eat grilled dragon!

Lars thrust his fist in, saying he would kill me if I let this go.


I sighed until the ground disappeared and approached Aris.

“Hey Aris?”


“I have something to tell you…”

“Tell me. “Because I can listen to almost anything.”

Aris nodded, telling him to just speak.

“I’ll do whatever you want, too.”

“Me too! “If you ask me to teach you my sword techniques, I will give it to you!”

Kuberod and Lavawin also smiled and told him to just say anything.

“Then can I roast the dragon and eat it?”


The three people, including Aris, turned their heads with expressions that were even more absurd than when the Dragon Lord appeared.

* * *

Sieghardt’s battle against the family.

The swordsmen guarding the House of Lords tilted their heads as they looked at the dusty ceiling.

“Is it an earthquake?”

“Well, there are almost no earthquakes in the North.”

“Then what? “Why does the entire building keep shaking since morning?”

“Wouldn’t the head of the house be angry if we continued like this?”

The prosecutors swallowed their saliva as if they were worried that the entire Gajujeon was shaking.

Roen passed the swordsmen with hardened complexions and headed to the throne room. He opened the rickety iron door, entered, and raised his gaze.

Coo coo coo coo!

Glenn, sitting on a golden throne, was shaking his left leg. Due to the strong shaking, not only the throne room but the entire Gajujeon Hall was shaking as if there had been an earthquake.

“…Did you understand?”

As soon as Glenn saw Roen, he swallowed his saliva and leaned his upper body forward.


Roen smiled slightly and nodded.

“It’s not that there was no damage, but Lady Aris, Labawin, and Master Raon are said to have returned safely. Kaibar…”

“That’s enough! “Is Raon okay?”

Glenn shouted Raon’s name as if he had no interest in Kaibar.

“yes. In fact, it is said that he has recovered from the wounds of the upper battle. “They say you played a big role in capturing Khaibar.”

Roen relayed the report from Aikar to Glenn.

“Big role?”

“It is said that Master Raon pulled out Kaibar’s dragon heart.”

“Pull out the Dragon Heart? “It’s like that guy.”

Glenn let out a refreshing laugh. His legs, which had been vibrating all day, finally stopped shaking.


Roen smiled softly as if he found Glenn amusing.


Glenn must have been a little embarrassed, so he cleared his throat and made a lame excuse.

“Don’t look at me like that. “I only asked because I thought it would be bothersome in many ways if there was a problem at sea.”

“That annoying thing almost happened.”

“What do you mean!”

He jumped up from his throne, seemingly forgetting that he was making an excuse.

“They said the Dragon Lord suddenly appeared and threatened me.”

“Threat? What a threat! “What did that lizard say!”

“It is said that after arguing to hand over Kaibar’s dragon heart and body, he was ready to attack if he did not give it to him.”

“That damned bastard…”

Glenn clenched his fists. As his anger became a thought and unfolded, strong tremors began to occur not only in the family battle, but throughout Sieghart.

“Fortunately, Aris sent it back without any problems.”

Roen waved his hand as if he was okay for now.

“I don’t like it.”

Glenn gave a cool look and smoothed his chin.

“Should I take this opportunity to kill them all?”

His voice calmed down as if he was sincere.

“It may not be impossible, but the damage on our side will be great. “Even Oma will get involved, so the problem will only get bigger.”

Roen took Glenn’s words seriously and offered a brief analysis.

“They say Rod gave up first, so I think it would be better to leave it alone for now.”

He smiled and said that since the Dragon Lord had bowed his head, he would just endure it for once.


Glenn clicked his tongue briefly and leaned back on the throne.

“So when will Raon return?”

“Aris didn’t say anything. If you want to see it, come in person…”

Roen lowered his head as if he was sorry.


Glenn stamped his foot without realizing it. The vibration of the long legs began again.

“Order him to return immediately! “Come back right away!”

That day, the prosecutors at Gajujeon suffered from chills all day due to unknown vibrations.

* * *

A festival was held in Aikar.

Although many people died, there was significant material damage, and recovery was not complete, the expressions on the faces of those enjoying the festival were bright.

Just as the mourners at the funeral forced themselves to laugh and chat, everyone had a good time, comforting the dead and blessing the living.

However, there was also a quiet place, like a library, away from the festival.

A workroom inside the battleship temporarily used by Cubberud.

Raon was biting his lip as he placed a frying pan in the furnace. He looked at the dragon meat on the pan and let out a low sigh.

‘Why isn’t it ripe!’

The dragon meat was not cooked at all even though it was grilled using the heat of the furnace. The pan was likely to melt first due to the heat of the furnace.

‘This isn’t meat, it’s like ore!’

Its elemental resistance was so high and its flesh was filled with mana that it seemed to be able to withstand the fire of a furnace.

-Concentrate! All the juice is gone!

Lars slapped me on the back of the head, telling me to focus on cooking.

‘There’s no juice left! It doesn’t matter if you cook it to make it juicy or not!’

-Is there a wizard nearby who can use Hellfire?

‘Is it common for people to be able to use 9-circle magic?’

-Anyway, they are incompetent people.

Lars clicked his tongue as if he didn’t like it.

-Then use your fire. It will take time, but it will ripen.

The guy pointed his finger at me, telling me to add the heat of comics to the fire in the furnace.

‘It’s a bit weird to use your military education to eat meat…’

-He seems like an idiot. What is the reason for the existence of Muhak?

‘To become stronger.’

-Then what should I do to become stronger?


-You have to eat it! In the end, eating this meat is no different from you practicing martial arts!

‘That’s bullshit.’

Raon shook his head with pitiful eyes.

-Because it’s bullshit! This means that you should open it quickly!

Lars patted his thin belly, saying he was starving to death.


Raon frowned and added the manga ball’s heat to the flames of the furnace.


The flame in the furnace grew noticeably larger, but the firepower did not correspond to that size.


Raon narrowed his eyes as he looked at the flames.

‘Are you saying that the power does not become stronger when the flame touches the flame?’

The fire ring was operated and the movement of the flames was closely observed.

The flame of the furnace and the heat of the cartoon ball were similar, but had different flows.

‘Then, if we match the flow here…’

When the heat of the cartoon ball was moved to match the flame of the furnace, the size of the flame decreased and the heat more than doubled.


The frying pan became red, almost melting, and the surface of the dragon meat began to very slowly turn brown. The meat finally started to cook.

‘This was it. Even if they have the same properties, there is a way to multiply rather than add…’

– Don’t get enlightened while cooking! You guy with a knife stuck in your brain!

As we were learning more about the properties of flames, Lars shouted.

‘i get it. okay.’

Raon let out a shaky breath and focused on the flame. As Lars said, while I was grilling the meat, being careful not to let the juices escape, I heard the sound of the door being kicked in from behind.


Aris leaned against the wall, holding a bottle of alcohol in both hands. I usually wore casual clothes like swimsuits, but today it was even worse, probably because I was drunk.

“Are you really going to eat that?”

When she saw the dragon meat, she burst out laughing as if it was ridiculous.

“yes. “I have to eat something…”

“I’ve heard a lot of people say I’m special, but not like you.”

Aris smiled and came next to me. As her hair swayed, I could smell the cool, clean scent of sea flowers.

“No way….”

Raon shook his head. I thought that no matter how unique I was, I was not as good as Aris.

“Is it starting to ripen now?”

“yes. “Even the flames of the furnace didn’t work, so I added to my heat.”

“I will help you.”

Aris came over, giggling, and placed his finger on the furnace. Colorless waves spread from her fingers, and the heat inside became even stronger.

Chiyiyi profit!

As the meat cooked faster, it gave off an appetizing aroma.

-Now! Pour in the butter!

Lars quickly gestured to put the butter he had set aside on the pan.

Raon nodded and put a lump of butter into the pan.

The butter melted instantly and turned into yellow water. If I left it a little longer, it was ready to stick to the pan.

-Soak the meat in butter water!

‘Why am I doing this?’

As I was clearing my head and soaking the dragon meat in melted butter water, Aris, who had put down the bottle of liquor, came up next to me.

“I have a gift for you.”

“A gift?”

Raon stopped his hand and tilted his head.

“You promised something when you left for the expedition.”


At first, I remembered asking Aris for the Sea Serpent Heart.

‘Now I can finally make my mother’s artificial dantian.’

I got the Drake Heart right away, but I was frustrated because I couldn’t get the Sea Serpent Heart, but I was finally able to complete it.

Thinking about how happy Sylvia would be, I naturally smiled.

“It looks like you like Sylvia.”

Aris smiled and curled her mouth.

“At times like this, you feel like my age.”


I couldn’t say yes or no, so I closed my mouth.


Aris smiled even brighter and opened the subspace pocket. As I was looking at her hand expectantly, a bone suddenly popped out, sparkling with iridescent colors. Not Mr. Serpent Heart. It was Kaibar’s dragon heart.


She held out the dragon heart as if to take it.

“Why are you doing this?…”

“If you say you are making a danjeon for your mother and my younger brother, then you should get the best one. Where are you going with Mr. Serpent!”

Raon ate his food without receiving the Dragon Heart.

If it were my job, I would have wanted to refuse because it was burdensome, but since it was the material that would make Sylvia’s Danjeon, I couldn’t easily say no.

“Of course, I’m not just giving it to you.”

As I awkwardly stretched out my hand, Aris pulled back the Dragon Heart. Her eyebrows narrowed.

“There are conditions.”

“What are the conditions…”

If he were to give away a Dragon Heart instead of a Serpent Heart, it couldn’t have been an ordinary condition. It was clear that the conditions were dangerous or difficult.

‘It could be asking me to join the pirates or help out for a few years…’

As Aris waited nervously to see what she would say, her red lips slowly parted.

“My conditions are simple.”

Aris widened her frowning eyebrows and curled up her mouth.

“Call me aunt! “I decided to call you aunt when you come back alive!”


-Quickly call me aunt and turn over the meat! It’s all burnt!

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Raon’s entire life had been lived as a dog on a leash. Through a twist of fate, he obtained a new life. Wrath remained in the wreckage of his destroyed leash. Finally capable of standing on his own feet, he decided to live life by his own will. He would slay anyone standing in his way… Even if they were a god.


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