The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 448

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Episode 448

Raon looked down at the middle-aged man who identified himself as Baekrangdo with a cold gaze.

‘Baekrang is also Dunkern.’

He was an impressive man with narrow, small eyes and a hooked nose like a tree hole dug by Song Chung-i.

Looking at the body trained like a steel tower, I could feel that he was still not letting go of basic training.

‘I hear that name here.’

He was a thief who had been famous for 20 years before he lived as an assassin, but he did not know that he would be included in the White Watch.

‘But his reputation has nothing to do with it.’

Now, the Cheoljeondae is seriously injured and needs to rest, and the hostages who were kidnapped by the Black Tower are still terrified.

He was in a position to take responsibility for all of them, but he suddenly jumped out and said that he would argue with Sieghart, so it didn’t look good.

“What did you say just now?”

Baekrangdo put his hand on the sword while shooting his eyes full of anger. It seemed like they were threatening to pull it out at any time.

“Are you going to pull it out?”

Raon did not shrink in the slightest from Baekrang-do’s eyes, but kept a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“Pull it out. I’ll blow those palms off.”

He said, “Do whatever you want,” raising his chin.


Baekrangdo laughed and wrinkled his brow.

“It was as the boy said. it’s crazy. That’s insane as well.”

He turned to Hyeol Woon-gyeom, whose shoulders were trembling, and snapped his fingers on the sword.

“Do you know what you are doing?”

With Baekrangdo’s angry words, his hot momentum burns. Like the sword he wore around his waist, a heavy and sharp energy pressed against his shoulders.


Raon frowned at the force of Baengrangdo, which seemed to stab him with a thick awl.

‘It’s pretty heavy.’

Unlike Maryun Binghyang, who believed only in demons and barriers and ended up not being able to demonstrate her original abilities, I could feel the momentum of a warrior who polished her martial arts properly. It didn’t seem like it would be easy to subdue.


I can’t back down.

There are people to protect, and the owner of this land is Sieghart. You should not be afraid of Shin Ju-o-ling, who hid in the gaps of the Six Emperors and raised a flag.


Raon nodded calmly and struck the sheath of the Jecheon Sword.

“We are giving character education to bullies who come into our territory and do things wrong.”

“Whoa, I’m really out of my mind.”

Baekrangdo sighed and twisted his lips.

“It is said that this is Sieghart’s territory, but isn’t it near the barrier without inspections? Even Ouma would not do anything to attack even though he had not committed any crimes!”

“That’s right.”


“That’s right.”

Raon stood in front of Baekrangdo with cold eyes.

“It’s not for tourism purposes, and even using artifacts in places where disappearances have occurred, doesn’t that mean there’s some ulterior motive?”

“We just wanted to gather information. Cutting off your arm for being in hiding is absolutely unacceptable!”

“You are the one who is insane. that guy.”

With a laugh, he pointed at Hyeolun-gyeom behind Baekrangdo.

“That guy named Hyeolun-gyeom attacked me first on this land, should I put up with that too?”


Baekrang-do turned around with his eyes wide open as if he did not know that.

“I couldn’t help it because I had been asking too much in the first place. I was just trying to scare you.”

Hyeol Woon-gyeom couldn’t look into Baekrang-do’s eyes and lowered his head.

“So I just said let’s go back…”

He continued to tease, not feeling ashamed.


Baekrangdo shook his head, clutching his forehead.

“I didn’t know that such a thing existed. But we had no intention of attacking Sieghart. I just wanted to gather information about the Black Tower.”

He bit his lip, his eyes slightly shrinking.

“information? good info In this day and age, information is power.”

Raon sighed softly.

“He understands…”

“Isn’t there still a line that needs to be followed?”

He stopped Baekrangdo from speaking and raised his mouth.

“I can understand why you didn’t tell me that the Iron Guard was kidnapped by the Black Tower here. Because you are neither Yukwang nor Oma. It would be satisfying if the two of them just hit each other. But…”

Raon looked back. I narrowed my eyes as I saw the hostages trembling in fear, not knowing what was going on.

“They are not innocent. It has nothing to do with the Six Emperors, but with the Gods of Heaven. People who lived peacefully were kidnapped and sacrificed, but instead of rescuing them, they said they would keep their mouths shut and only steal information? It’s fucking.”

He glared at Baekrang Island with dry, sunken eyes and continued.

“Did you declare your neutrality? The way I see it, you guys and Ouma are no different. They are monsters who will do anything for their own good.”

In the cool voice with his hair standing on end, Raon’s discussions he had accumulated so far were contained.


Baekrangdo bit his lip as he looked at the people wearing rags.

He wrinkled his forehead, unable to refute Raon’s words, which contained both justification and agreement.

“If you understand, follow me.

Raon gestured to Baekrangdo.

“Because I need to know what you guys are hiding and what your relationship is with the Black Tower.”

“All I can say right now is that we have nothing to do with the Black Tower. And…”

Baekrangdo shook his head without moving from the spot.

“I cannot follow you.”

He put his hand on the sword again and raised his hot eyes.

“okay. I knew it would come out like that.”

Raon smiled and grabbed the blade of the Jecheon Sword.

“I was wondering what the cause is, and even though I lost everything, I’m just trying to find my own reality. That is the root of you rats.”


Baekrangdo let out a long sigh at Raon’s provocation.

‘There must be more losses than gains today.’

In fact, he also instructed me to return with only Hyeolun-gyeom, but I couldn’t stand it when I saw his arm cut off.

I came up with the idea that Sieghart was ignoring the White Watch, but I didn’t expect things to turn out this way. There was no justification, situation, or good part.

‘It’s best to take care of yourself and step back.’

Raon’s power seems to be of the highest level as a master, but he must have consumed a lot of strength while fighting Maryun Binghyang in the barrier.

It was best to subdue and leave this place as quickly as possible.

“Come anytime.”

Raon spread the black dragon cloth and used the sense of the tale.

‘It’s not an easy opponent.’

The qi wave felt as a sense of gigam is huge like a mountain. He was the one who reached the highest level of master with only one sword, and he did not use magic or tricks, so if he tried to win easily, he would be counterattacked.

However, my heart jumped a little at the thought of an opportunity to properly use the swordsmanship I had learned from Glenn and Rektar.

‘If he doesn’t come, I’ll go first… um?’

While reading the energy of Baekrang Island and trying to pull out the Jecheon Sword, another being was captured by the sense of the tale.

‘The ugly thing is the same here.’

Raon turned his eyes toward the forest on his right and clicked his tongue briefly.

In the depths of that bush, the white lotus lord Irond was shining his eyes like an owl.

‘Are you waiting to step in if I lose?’

Irond was aware of this situation, but hid his presence.

It was clear that he was condescending to come out and help when there was a problem.

‘It can’t be like that.’

Raon swore that he wouldn’t hand over even the slightest ball to Irond, and tightly wrapped around the Celestial Sword.

“I want to solve it through conversation, but is there any way?”

“All of you just need to follow Sieghart.”

“That is impossible!”

Baengrangdo let out a muddy spirit and pulled out the sword. A pedantry that has reached its peak. Like his nickname, a white wolf-like blade came out like a thunderbolt.


Raon was already reading Baekrangdo’s momentum. In an instant, he unleashes the Jecheon sword and captures the flow of Cheongwoo. Red flames gushed out with a clear sword.


In the center of the lake, swords collided with swords, and fierce winds spread in all directions.

Kudo deuk!

Raon and Baekrangdo pushed their swords and swords at each other, ignoring strong qi with the shield of aura.

“As I heard, it’s quite good!”

Baekrangdo twisted his sword to slash the Jecheon sword, then struck a sword vertically. It was a strong herbivore that refined strength and speed to the limit.

Raon narrowed his eyes as he saw Baekrangdo’s attack that seemed to shatter the sky.

‘Is it similar to a mad sword?’

Baekrangdo’s Doyeok had a beast-like part like his nickname. It felt like wielding a weapon with a sense of the moment rather than a standardized herbivore.


I stepped on the advance. He raised his sword and struck it, creating huge ripples in the lake.

The energy of the cartoonist wrapped around the sword body spread as if it were in full bloom, creating a huge pillar of fire.


Sword strikes and sword strikes collided, ignorant shockwaves exploded, and the lake rocked as if it had become a great ocean.

“Not yet!”

Even though Baekrangdo was blocked from the front, Baekrangdo did not panic and aimed for the neck with a thick voice.

“Not bad.”

Raon licked his lips and stepped forward on his bent knees. Leaving thick footprints in the lake, he slashed down the herbivorous blade of his mad sword.

The mad beast that Glenn and Rektar had sharpened their teeth let out a ferocious roar.


The sword and the sword collided head-on, and a waterspout that surrounded the lake soared.

Raon and Baekrang-do poured out sword and sword attacks at each other in the fiercely howling storm.

After countless exchanges of herbivores, it was Baekrangdo that bounced off first.

Chiyiyi profit!

Baekrangdo knelt down on one knee as his back was torn and pushed away by the fierce dragon current.


He bit his lip in disbelief as his sword gripped his hand.

‘How did this happen…’

His martial arts level was higher and he had more auras in his sword, but he couldn’t believe he was pushed back.

“It’s a lie! It does not make sense!”

Baekrang-do screamed and unfolded the feast of Baek-soo.

A sharp force, like the claws of a tiger called the King of the Mountains, fell on Raon’s head.

He seemed furious, but his head was still cool.

‘I’ll definitely avoid it.’

Because he’s a prosecutor.

Since counterattacking after avoiding such a thick offensive was the basis of swordsmanship, Raon would also avoid it.

But that was his goal. The fierce battle that follows Chanjanpyo will tear through Raon’s body.



Raon did not avoid Chanjanpyo. Rather, he ran out as if he was frustrated and broke the flow of unemployed water. It seemed that he was not a prosecutor, but an ignorant thief.

“Are you really going to fight me head-on! A battle of attrition never loses!”

“A war of attrition?”

Raon tucked his chin in a corner and curled up his lips.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Not avoiding is how I fight.”

With those words, he unfolded his mad sword in succession.

Zeng! Damn it!

A battle of strength and speed with sword and sword. Normally, Baekrangdo, which has a higher level of achievement and stronger power, should have had the upper hand, but it was Raon who pushed ahead.


His sword, which refined the skill of Kang and Kwaejung to the present limit, exerted more power than the sword of Baekrangdo, and the body beyond that of a human tiger supported it.

Raon had a chance of winning from the beginning and fought a head-on battle with Baekrangdo.


Baengrangdo’s pupils pushed away by the thin sword shook violently as if hit by a wave.

“This guy…”

My heart tightened at the absurd power that seemed to break the basic logic that swords are fast and colorful and swords are heavy and strong.

‘I’ll be pushed back at this rate!’

equivalent. No, it should be seen that it has risen to a higher level. I had to let go of my disrespect and move in a more favorable direction.


Baekrangdo forcibly broke Raon’s sword attack and dug into the inner space.

He stretched out his left fist, which was not clenched. It meant that he would attack them with a fist at close range.


Raon neither panicked nor backed down. It was an option that Baekrang-do, who had a lot of practical experience, could choose.

With his left hand, he used the thunderclap fist he had learned during his trainee days and struck Baekrangdo’s fist.


Is it because the surprise attack that I thought was perfect collapsed? Baekrang Island’s narrow eye sockets widened to the size of a lantern.

But he didn’t run away either. He charged again and unleashed a snipe and a punch at the same time.


Fists holding swords and swords collided one after another at a close distance where they could hear each other’s breathing.

There was a roar like a thunderbolt, and the ice sheet shattered and melted.

The two of them leaned against the flowing lake and stretched their swords, swords, and fists at each other’s breathing holes like a gale.

‘The level of martial arts and practical experience are excellent.’

Raon licked his lips as he saw Baekrangdo frowning.

‘Now let’s change the way.’

The power of Baekrangdo is real. His inaction was too good to subdue by force alone, so I wanted to try other swordsmanship.

“We are still far away!”

Baengrangdo bit his lips and hit the sword. Faster and more powerful than before. A gigantic energy ate up the space in an instant and pushed in.

“I am also starting from now.”

Raon didn’t push with force like before. He subdued the mad sword and the manga artist, and used the glacia and snow wind sword.


The blue-glossing blade of the Jecheon sword cut off Baekrangdo’s strong energy as it slammed down like a mountain.

The sword of Baekrangdo slipped and hit the ground, but the Jecheon sword did not move from the spot. It was the result of capturing softness and change in the snow wind sword.


Baekrangdo raised the sword from the floor with malice burning in his eyes as if he was having a nightmare. A ghastly river rose, evaporating the cold lake.

Chee Hee Hee!

Raon lowered the center of gravity and unfolded the azure sea of snow wind swordsmanship. The silver gale descended diagonally and gently pushed back Baekrangdo’s sword attack.

“What nonsense!”

Baekrang-do struck a series of swords while panicking as his strong qi was blown away by the wind.

Each attack was powerful enough to overturn the entire lake, but the silver wind created by Raon never broke through.

“Now it is my turn.”

After passing away all of Baekrangdo’s sword attacks, Raon threw out the Jecheon sword with his left foot.

The shimmering coldness that was lingering on the sword extended like a flash war. It was the audience red of the snow wind sword.


Baekrangdo drew a semicircle on the road, but Cheongcheonghong flexibly pushed back the coating and left a deep scar on his back.

“This is the end of my patience…”

He raised his sword while biting his lips until Baekrangdo bled.

Above the silver sword, unimaginable boulders gathered. A sharp wind blew and the whole lake was black and blue.


He let out a heavy spirit and struck the sword. The technique did not change, but the level and power contained in it were on a different level. There was no way to stop it even with the stronger snow wind blade.

‘Then I just have to go the other way.’

Raon gently rolled up the Jecheon Sword as if to lose strength and stepped out with his right foot.

He brushed the rough surface of the lake and stretched out his sword, which had been tilted backwards.

What dwells on the blade is neither red flame nor blue cold. A pure white shadow flowed from behind the sword body and spread like sunlight.

Raon Sieghart’s

Type 5 Baekyeongseom.

A white wave that grew huge like a shadow emerging from a greatsword wrapped around Baekrangdo’s sword.


The strong energy formed on the sword struck by Baekrangdo is erased, the strength disappears, and the speed and weight melt away.

Deuk Deuk!

The sword brushed by the white shadow was broken in half, and the only thing left in place was the eyes of the white wolf with astonishment.


Scars stretched in an oblique line from Baekrangdo’s collarbone to his waist, and red blood gushed out.


Baekrangdo dropped the sword that was cut in half into the wavy lake and knelt down.

Raon smiled lightly as he looked down at the Jecheon Sword dripping with blood.

‘He’s grown up to Baekyoung Island.’

Following Hwaryeong’s mad sword and snow wind sword, I felt that Baekyoung Island had also changed.

Glenn and Lektar’s teachings were melted in all the swordsmanship he had learned.

“Oh, the devil. It must be the evil demon’s swordsmanship…”


Raon kicked the chin of Baekrangdo, who was trembling in pain and fear, and blew it away.


He flipped his eyes and jumped over, floating in the surging lake.

Raon grabbed the sinking Baekrang Island by the collar and pulled it up and threw it out of the lake.


Hyeol Woon-gyeom screamed in fright as he saw Baekrang Island that had fallen to the side.

As Raon approached Hyeolungyeom, he saw Lars sitting on his shoulder.

‘You know the atmosphere. Seeing how quiet it is at times like this.’

Unlike usual, seeing that he was quiet without speaking, he seemed to be good at grasping the situation.

-…wouldn’t you?


-There are four pieces in one set, but first of all, you have to put in mint chocolate and taste the new product of the month. No, if you put two mint chocolate and choose chocolate and strawberry from the other three, the place to put the new product… It

wasn’t quiet because it matched the ‘…’ atmosphere.

I was thinking until

Raon shook his head as he looked at Baekrangdo, who fainted.

‘The devil is much milder than you think…’

An insectivore.

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Raon’s entire life had been lived as a dog on a leash. Through a twist of fate, he obtained a new life. Wrath remained in the wreckage of his destroyed leash. Finally capable of standing on his own feet, he decided to live life by his own will. He would slay anyone standing in his way… Even if they were a god.


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