The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 241

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Chapter 241

Raon went to the riverside alone. The river flowed proudly as if they had already forgotten the battles that had occurred just a moment ago.

“It’s still dark.”

The Gazelle River shimmered in turquoise as if green tea leaves had been sprinkled on it. It was so turbid that I couldn’t even think of a place like the clear river I had seen in my previous life.

‘I said it had nothing to do with the change of the Qinglou tribe.’

I asked the sailors just in case, but they said that the Qingru tribe became aggressive only after a long time after the river had thickened.

‘Still, it’s strange.’

The Qinglu people know more about water than anyone else. It doesn’t make sense that their runaways and the change of water have nothing to do with it.

‘It would be nice if I could say something.’

It was very disappointing that the Qingru could not speak like other sub-species.

Raon looked at the river for a while and then shook his head.

‘Let’s think about the river later.’

There are too many unknowns about the changes in the blue tribe and the color of the river. You have to stay here and find clues step by step.

‘Now is the time to prepare for a fight.’

The biggest reason why the villagers of Doran and the sailors passing by the Gazelle River fall for Tiller is the way they walk on water.

‘Because sailors are afraid of water.’

People who live by the river and the sea are ironically afraid of the river and the sea. The reason why people hold ancestral rites and pray for safety is because they are afraid of water.

‘That’s why Tiller was praised.’

Tiller trampled the river that everyone feared, driving out the Qingru tribe and saving people. It was no wonder that everyone in the village shouted and cheered his name since he showed his majesty like a god of water.

Raon smiled lightly as he recalled Tiller’s footsteps on the rough river as if it were flat.

“There’s nothing I can’t do with this one.”

‘Cause I’ve taken all the tricks out.

I slowly closed my eyes and resonated with the ring of fire in polarity. I focused my mind on the magnificent flow that resounded as rings collided with each other.

Emission is the default.

Tiller’s footwork is to rise above the water by emitting an aura from the mana circuit of Yongcheon, the center of his feet, just as he raises an aura from his sword.

It wasn’t that difficult if you knew how to do it, so after practicing on the ground several times, I approached the riverside.


Leon took a deep breath. Following the flow of Aura shown by Tiller, he operated the Glacia and stepped on the river.


The aura emitted from the soles of the feet creates concentric waves and the body rises above the water. It felt sticky and soft at the same time, like stepping on shallow mud.


Raon struggled with his limbs and frowned.

“This is more than I thought…”

Unlike when I practiced on the ground, it is very difficult to keep my balance. Due to the difference in the auras used on both feet, the body staggered from side to side.


Raon waved his arms like a reed fluttering in the wind and eventually fell into the water.


He sighed as he walked out onto land. It seemed that the balance of the body and the mana operated by both feet had to be in harmony to be able to stand on the water with both feet.


I stepped on the water while pulling Glacia up a little more. This time I tried to walk without standing.


Because of Glacia, thin ice is created on the surface of the water and you can walk slowly. It was easier to balance walking than standing still.

Raon has carved into his body and head the sense of being able to stand on the water while walking slowly, step by step, like a child taking steps.

After walking on the river for about two hours, I get a sense of it little by little. I stopped and stood in the middle of the Gazelle River.

“All right.”

Looking at the calm surface Raon was stepping on, he grinned. It was stable as if I was stepping on the ground even though I was standing still thanks to the senses that hit my body while walking in the water.

-You followed the greasy-looking footsteps earlier.

Lars crept out of his bracelet and frowned.

– It’s really a fucking ability.

The guy shook his head as he watched Raon’s feet slowly freeze the surface of the water.

“This is just the beginning.”


“It can be called complete only when you can step on the step on the water instead of walking.”

I can’t be satisfied with this much. In order to wake up the heads of those who have fallen into the North and South Alliance, you have to show better footwork than Tiller.

‘It’s amazing when I think about it.’

Raon let out a laugh. Originally, Sieghart’s name didn’t have much feeling. Even if he was ignored or praised, he thought it had nothing to do with himself. I thought only the people in the annex and Gwangpungdan were the only things that mattered.

‘But it wasn’t.’

When Doran’s villagers shouted only the North and South Alliance and Tiller, not Sieghart, his pride was hurt. He was full of the desire to properly show them what Sieghart was like.

It seemed that the Sieghart family was more deeply embedded in his heart than he thought.

– You guys don’t know how to walk on water.

‘There’s a Garambo method.’

Raon smiled and stepped forward.

– Garam? That must be the crappy footsteps you learned in the first place?

‘The Garambobeop is a footstep modeled after the flow of a river. It’s perfect for use here.’

The Garam foot method is a foot method that captures the proud flow of the river. I practiced it the most and it seemed like it would be good to apply it because it was similar to the movement of the river.

After modifying the garam foot method so that it can be used in water, Raon took the first step in oil painting.


Footsteps flow along the waterway like petals floating on water. Because it did not go against the river, it moved quickly and stably.


The second step open current reverses the river. Even though he is walking against the water, his speed does not decrease, but rather increases.

The reason is the lower body and aura. The two legs that stably balance and the energy of the glacia that spreads the calm flow cut through the texture of the river and achieved a light movement.

Raon freely roamed the Gazelle River while unfolding the modified Garambo method one after another. Because I applied the steps I had already learned, even though I didn’t spend a lot of time, my steps became natural as if I had practiced them all my life.

With a little more practice, it seemed possible to show the same level of footwork as Tiller.


Raon gave strength and stepped on the advance.

Damn it!

An enormous amount of cold air exploded from the center of the shoe, and in an instant, dozens of ice blades of frost sprang up on the water.

It was a noble shape, like a bunch of ice flowers or like a crown worn by the King of Frost.

“It’s fine.”

This is not the garam foot method, but a new foot method created by using the spurt technique extracted from Tiller. It’s a way to subdue and attack the opponent, so it will be quite helpful on the water.

“Your name is…”


Lars licked his lips as he tried to think of a name for his new step.

-It’s pretty elegant. It looks similar to the crown of ice flowers made by the original king.

The guy nodded as if he liked it as he saw the ice cubes growing out of the water like a crown.


-For a savage, he’s in good shape. In particular, the king will name the foot law.

‘What’s going on?’

Lars has been quite cooperative lately, probably because he ate delicious dishes and desserts for a while.

– Underwater shoes would be nice.

‘It’s a flower that bloomed from water.’

It looked like ice flowers were blooming on top of the river, so it didn’t seem bad.

‘I still like flowers.’

– Respect the taste. If you don’t like it, don’t!

Lars turned his head, as if telling him to do as he pleased.

‘no. Do you like it.’

Raon smiled and patted Lars on the shoulder.

‘I got a lot today too.’

-Is there something else?

‘Thanks to the eruption, I think I’ll be able to increase the speed of the foot sword technique.’

It seemed that the perfection of the new swordsmanship would increase if he used the technique of eruption that he realized after seeing Tiller. Glenn was right when he advised that life itself is the study of martial arts.

-joy. Even so, compared to the original king’s skill, the flea’s….

When Lars snorted, a message floated in front of his eyes.

[You were the first to invent < Woobeob >.]

[The ability of underwater language is enhanced by the effect of the title < Young Grand Master >.] [

Recognized by < Rage >.]

[All stats increase by 1 point.

] These were the rewards he got for making China.

– No hey hey!

Lars, who had been calm like a river, burst into anger and screamed.

-Where is this kind of reward given for making just one step like that! who allowed it!

‘You acknowledged it.’


‘You gave it a name, saying it’s a pretty good shape.’

-That’s basically a greeting, right? Since you’ve been taking good care of food these days, soulless words came out without the king knowing!

Lars shouted ‘hello’ in the languages of many tribes.

‘The system thinks differently.’

Raon smiled at the joy of his abilities. To take care of him even in this situation, Lars was an endlessly filling jar of honey.

“Please ask again next time.”

I waved to Lars and turned my back.

-The moment King Bobon finds the main body, he will break that system first!

In the middle of the Gazelle River where Raon left, the demon king’s scream that no one could hear rang out.


* * *

When they returned to Doran Village, Gwangpungdan was training in front of their temporary lodging.

“how is it?”

Raon walked over to Beren, who was wiping away his sweat, and leaned his back against the wall.

“I feel like a stranger. Young people are welcome, but old people are all looking for the North-South Alliance. We completely lost our players.”

Burren frowned and sat down on the floor.

“North-South Alliance. In particular, the affinity for the tiller is very high. Rather than walking on water, manipulating it, they only praise it.”

Crane sighed.

“It’s better to fight with fists. It annoys me to see you smile every time we make eye contact!”

Martha wrinkled her nose with her arms crossed.

“There is no ice cream shop.”

Runan lowered his shoulders as if he had eaten all the ice cream he had brought.

– Heo-eok!

Lars opened his mouth as if shocked by her words.

“Where did Lord Danju and Dorian go?”

Seeing that only the two of them were missing, Raon tilted his head.

“Both of them are friendly, so they get along well with people. Danju is drinking with the village chief, and Dorian is hanging around here and there.”


Both of them were famous for getting along well in Gwangpungdan, so they laughed.

“What are you going to do? Are you going to stay?”

“I need to gather more information, but I don’t think this is just a problem with the Qingru tribe.”

Apart from information from Belgana and Maureen, the Civil Alliance are not as good as the villagers think. There will definitely be something to bump into them.

“You will need to work hard soon, so keep practicing.”

Raon smiled as he gripped the blade of the Jecheon Sword.

“So that the name of the North and South Alliance will not be called in front of us again.”

* * *

The following evening.

An old but large fishing boat flows along the Gazelle River. The moon was bright and lights were lit here and there, so the fishing boats cut through the murky river without hesitation.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a full line!”

The brown-haired young man who was guarding the deck smiled and turned around. He walked over to Belga, who was standing in front of the key, and sat down on the floor.

“Your stomach is full of meat, what’s wrong with your expression?”

“It’s stuffy when you think about the village work.”

Belga sighed deeply as she held the key.

“Because of the North-South Alliance?”


“Everything looks fine to me. You are full of energy.”

The brown-haired young man clenched his fists.

“It’s all acting.”

Belga shook her head.

“It is true that the North and South Alliance protects us. I am not asking for money.”

The brown-haired young man tilted his head as if he did not understand.

“Right next to our village is Sieghart’s territory. They also didn’t touch us because it was burdensome to bump into Sieghart. But what do you think will happen if we put ourselves under the Civil Alliance?”

Belga pointed to the murky river that passed by.

“I will take money every time I cross the gazelle, and I will take money again every time I catch a fish. I will only wait for the future where exploitation will openly begin and nothing can be seen like that river.”

“I can’t believe that…”

“Of the meat that’s full of meat right now, we won’t have a handful left in our hands, right?”

It’s not a lie. All of the villages belonging to the North and South Alliance look fine on the outside, but on the inside, they are rotten to the point of filth. It is a dictatorial kingdom itself that only discloses money and cannot say a word against the North-South alliance.

“You and the elders of the village are being fooled by them.”

It couldn’t be a lie because it was the information I had obtained by giving money to a friend I met on a sailing trip this time.

The village elders don’t know because they’ve spent a long time in this small world, but the North and South Alliance are never good people. There was nothing different about Tiller.

“Ugh, it’s a bit scary to say that.”

The blue-haired young man behind the boat also trembled.

“But why did the Qingru tribe become like that?”

“I think it has something to do with the North and South Alliance.”

Belga looked at the dark water and narrowed her eyes.

“That too?”

“When I was about to send a request for support to Sieghart, the Civil Alliance appeared as if I had waited and became a hero. Besides, it doesn’t make sense that someone the size of a tiller keeps coming to protect us… Huh?”

He stopped talking and looked straight ahead. Waves stained black rose from the calm river, and ten pairs of red eyes glistened.

“That’s that…”


People who had been sitting comfortably swallowed dry saliva and stood up.


He bit his lip while holding the key until it broke the bell.

“Damn it….”

* * *

Raon returned to the village after training with Gwangpungdan on the second day of his stay in Doran Village. Limer was left, so I returned in the evening without much worry, but the village was busy as if it were on fire.

“La Raon!”

Maureen, who had come to visit with Belga yesterday, limped and ran.

“It’s a big deal!”

“A big deal?”

“The Cheo Qingru tribe came back and attacked Belga’s fishing boat. The boat is about to collapse now! Please…”

He knelt down to help his friends.

“Our Danju…”

“I’ve been looking for it, but I can’t find it!”


Anyway, this human.

Raon let out a deep sigh and raised his aura.

“Where is the location?”

“It is further down from where the Qingru tribe appeared yesterday. If you go in this direction…”

“Oh, I know that!”

The location was ambiguous, but Dorian raised his hand saying he had been there yesterday. He said he was making friends and went around briskly, which was helpful at times like this.

“Team 3 is waiting. Teams 1 and 2 go with me.”

“All right!”

“Let’s go, Dorian.”


Raon ran after Dorian, who started running with all his might. Since it wasn’t too far from the village, it didn’t take long to see the villagers’ torches.



A large fishing boat was wrecked in half in the middle of the Gazelle River, and the Qingru tribe circled around it, causing splashes and destroying the boat.


“Please save me!”

The sailors held on to the handrail of the sinking ship, but it was fortunate that the ship was large. If it was small, everyone would have already sunk and died.

“The stomach is dangerous!”

When he was about to jump into the water, the village chief who was already there blocked his way.

“The Qinglou tribe is a race that exerts greater power the deeper the water is! Swimming away now is tantamount to suicide.”

“Leave this matter to the North and South Alliance. I called you, so you should come soon.”

“you’re right. Unless there is a front line like the North and South Alliance, it is impossible to deal with the Qingru tribe in the water.”

“Unless you can walk on water like Mr. Tiller, jumping into the water is suicidal!”

Not only the village chief, but all the villagers shook their heads, saying that a North-South alliance was necessary.

oh oh oh!

A blue haze of cold air burned from the water-soaked sand Raon was stepping on.


“What is this…”

People spontaneously split from the cool yet magnificent air waves.

“North-South Alliance. North and South Alliance.”

Saying the name, I looked around at the villagers.

“The North-South Alliance cannot stand before Sieghart.”

“Oh no…”

“We don’t mean that!”

“I will show you.”

Raon jumped into the river with a confident step.

Cheer up!

Despite hitting the water with both feet, Raon’s body did not sink at all. It floated on the water calmly like a blade of grass.


“The radish floated!”

“Then Raon-nim is like Tiller-nim…”

“No! different! Raon-nim feels like riding on water!”

The villagers widened their eyes as they saw Raon floating on the water.

“Let’s watch it from there.”

Raon laughed coldly as he looked down at the people from above the river.

“What kind of place Sieghart is.”

I left those words and followed the Garambo method. My steps, smoother than yesterday, freeze the surface of the water and move quickly. Even at this moment, Raon raised the level of martial arts and refined his footwork.

Like a dolphin riding a wave, it rode the wave and reached the center of the river in an instant.


He kicked off the water and jumped into the air. After pulling down Glacia’s cold air from the short circuit from her right thigh to her ankle, she unleashed a tremendous amount of condensed power on her feet.


Water shoes exploded on the surface, and a huge crown soared in the center of the river.



The Qingru Tribe, who were about to attack ships and people, screamed as their hands and feet were tied to the crown of underwater shoes.



The sailors holding onto the railing of the ship let out a sigh of relief as they leaned on the round piece of ice in the center.


Raon frowned. There are three people standing on the ice right now. Belga, whom I met yesterday, was nowhere to be seen.

As I opened my senses, I felt the light breathing of a person on the right and the sound of urgent breathing from the Qingru tribe.

When I turned my head, Belga was swimming and wading through the water on the right, followed by two Qinglu tribes.

Chow ah!

Raon took steps again. With the Garambo method, which had a higher degree of perfection, he attacked the Qingru tribe and created a cartoonist.


The Qingru tribe fled into the water with their skin melted by the great heat storm.

“Miss Belga! Are you okay now?”

I tried to reach out to Belga, but he closed his eyes as if he had passed out, and I could see the little Blue Lou tribe hiding in the water below.


Raon pulled out the Celestial Sword. Just as I was about to strike it down, the Qingru tribe let go of Belga and shook their hands wildly.

“No! I!”

The clumsy but certain human language has lost power in its grip.

“Do you speak?”

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Raon’s entire life had been lived as a dog on a leash. Through a twist of fate, he obtained a new life. Wrath remained in the wreckage of his destroyed leash. Finally capable of standing on his own feet, he decided to live life by his own will. He would slay anyone standing in his way… Even if they were a god.


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