The Player Hides His Past Chapter 34

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Episode 34. True nemesis (2)

The reason why the body, which was lethargic due to magical exhaustion, became normal.

‘Maybe it’s because of the synergistic effect.’

If the relationship between the demon hunter and the demon’s natural enemy simply improved combat power.

The relationship between Grandfell and the devil increased additional stats, including magic regeneration.

‘Unbreakable pride.’

To be straight as always.

I should be happy, but I just couldn’t like it.

Because I knew it through experience.

The fact that Grandfel’s settings are absolutely not omnipotent.

‘…It’s already scary.’

Because it took effort to realize that setting.

Even the A4 paper that I had to fill in tightly because it was not enough even with the physical training of the repeated quest.

How many nights did you forget because of the setting of a rare genius?

But now, even that hardship was worth it.

‘It’s not another devil, it’s a gigantic evil.’

To be precise, it was the incarnation of a gigantic evil, but anyway.

In other words, it is an enemy that makes even Harkon in the world nervous.

It would be absurd to confront such a guy in a state of magical exhaustion.

First of all, let’s be thankful.

While I was thinking about that, Harkon approached me.

“Lord Hoyeol, why did you visit the Yusra Islands…?”

It was because of the updated quest.

To put it bluntly, it must be because of the gigantic evil.

I replied as if it were natural.

“That’s right. Sir Harkon.”


It took a while for the pupil to dilate.

Harkon muttered to himself.

“…My negligence, Your Majesty. If only I knew a little bit sooner.”

To Harkon, if you were His Majesty, you would be talking about the Emperor.

There was no reason to respond to self-talk.

Of course, what is wrong?

I wasn’t even in a situation to roll my head.

“…everyone prepare for battle! come!!”

A splendid palace that seems to embody greed.

Because soldiers began to spring up around it.

It was not summoned, but the expression of springing up was correct.

Hood deuk-!

It was really crawling out of the ground.

someone shouted.

“It’s undead!”

Indeed, that was correct.

It was a skeleton that appeared after digging up the soil.

‘The undead are not demons…’

I checked the skill window.


Natural Enemy Relations: Fighting power increases dramatically when fighting demons.


The natural enemy relationship was still active.

The natural enemy relationship that was active even when the gigantic evil was crouching.

Now that it’s fully revealed, there probably wouldn’t be a need to check it out.

But I had to make a cool decision.

I looked around the battlefield.

I saw players in a hurry.

“I have to defeat it first to enter?”

“We must fight in a way that minimizes damage as much as possible!”

“I’d love to. There will be more competition on the inside!”

Unlike me, a demon hunter.

Players were unaware of the seriousness of the situation.

He seemed excited about the idea of attacking the Golden Palace and the Giants with excitement.

It could be.

golden palace.

From its appearance, it looks like something great loot will be poured out.

greed itself.

The Golden Palace just exists.

It is clouding the judgment of the players.

A symbol of innocence, of course.

Greed is an emotion that does not exist for Grandfel.

That means judgment is the same.

Thanks to that, I was able to make a rational decision.

‘I have to save my mana.’

incarnation of evil.

Its strength cannot be compared to that of Count Ascura.

I didn’t have the magic to waste on a skeleton.

In that sense, it was fortunate.

Because I had an ally stronger than anyone else.

Even if it was limited to the Yusura Islands.

“Lord Harkon. Are your promises still valid?”

“of course.”

After answering that, Harkon put on the helmet.


Then, along with the knights, they raised their swords and shields.

“I promised Your Majesty that I will be your sword and shield here. Sir Hoyeol, you have the authority to lead our Lion Heart Knights.”

he added a word.

“Furthermore, now that I know that you came here to defeat the devil. At least I won’t back down from the enemy in the slightest.”

Oh and match the heat.

The Knights of Lion Heart lined up in front of me.

I feel like I’ve become a great person.

I didn’t feel like being arrogant.

There is only me who takes even their loyalty for granted.

‘…I feel tired.’

But because I have something on my back.

Responsibility naturally followed.

In a word, it is ‘Noblesse Oblige’.

Why did I bring such a tiring setting and put it on? The me of the past…! At least this was certain. I just took some cool-looking words and put them together.

Regardless of the truth, of course.

I proudly opened my mouth.

said to the players.

“In order to fight the undead, the Lion Heart Knights need blessings and protection. If you cooperate, I deeply appreciate the favor.”

…It’s shameless to ask!

In short, it was the need for a buff.

God bless and bless you.

Because the undead, including skeletons, didn’t have a weakness like that.

Of course, I didn’t have that skill.

I thought about it.

‘I don’t know if it’s an order, but it’s a request.’

I didn’t know you would say something like this.

I have grown up because I have something to take responsibility for. what.

That’s not enough, so I’d be grateful for the favor.

Of course, players will still be cocky to hear.

I’m just going to give thanks without any specific reward.

Besides, if you consider the unpleasant gaze that was directed at me.

No one will respond…

“We will help…”

“We will cooperate!”

…I thought it was.

For some reason, the answer came at the same time.

I looked at the two men and women.

…Wait a minute, shouldn’t it be us?


The collapse progression that eventually fills up to the end.

The golden palace that appeared at the same time.

Nam Taemin murmured.

“In the end, it was as you said.”

-be careful. Taemin. It won’t be easy.

Yusra Islands.

It was too calm to be called a legendary treasure island.

Of course, it is said that ten named monsters were guarding the treasure.

It was because the rice cake thrown from the days when Arcana was just a game was so huge.

Nam Cheol-min continued.

-Don’t be greedy. Let’s go slowly.

Nam Tae-min blankly looked at the golden palace.

…Why am I staring at you like this?

Looking at the golden palace, I felt like I was possessed by something.

“uh? uh yes brother. You have to come to your senses.”

Nam Tae-min quickly shook his head.

And he told Gaon’s guild members.

“The opponent is a demon. Spirit enhancement item buff. Prepare what you can in advance. You don’t know when the battle will start… I didn’t have to say anything.”

Skeletons rising from the ground.

From demons to undead now?

“You were just fucking crazy.”

It was the moment when Nam Tae-min forced the corner of his mouth to rise.

“If you cooperate, I deeply appreciate the favor.”

…is this voice?

It was a hot voice.

Nam Tae-min, of course.

Even Nam Chul-min, who was listening with earphones.

– Taemin. It’s a chance. this!

It’s not someone else, it’s Ho-yeol’s favor.

Even if the other players didn’t know, the brother knew.

How many times have you seen Hoyeol’s abilities right in front of you?

So I couldn’t miss it.

“We will cooperate!”

answered reflexively.

And our eyes met.

“…What the fuck is it?”

Leonie, who is looking up at herself very disapprovingly.

“We will help… yo.”

Leonie The reason why she came out with forced honorifics was simple.

Those crazy things poked me in the side.

Quack cack.

Even screaming like a crow.

“It’s your sister’s favor!”


“No shit.”

Of course, Leonie himself had some will.

Just like Gaon’s brother Nam.

‘That monster.’

Leoni was also one of the people who witnessed Hoyeol’s ability right in front of her eyes.

Did you just witness?

Thanks to Hoyeol, the Berserker Guild became the main character of the grandiose title of first clearing a new rift.

‘It’s like repaying the favor.’

Grace had to be repaid when it was possible.

Above all, Leonie knew it well.

– I’m sorry. There is no car to give to you.

It means the narrow inside of Hoyeol.

Leonie swallowed a giggle inwardly.

‘Still, he said he would not forget the favor first.’

When it’s over, can we get a cup of tea?

I was licking my lips like that…

Suddenly, a huge uninvited guest named Gaon appeared.


Gaon and Berserker.

barbarians and berserkers.

with heat in between.

Tension ran between the two.

However, the war of nerves that did not seem to end easily.

“I remember you.”


It was over with just one word.


The world is so warm.

Even if it was an old acquaintance, we hadn’t had a proper conversation.

Are you willing to come forward like this?

I feel that Jung is still alive in the world.

‘I regret it.’

Taemin Nam and Leonie.

Both of them had a relationship during the Ascura Count Crack.

Back then, I was talking to these kind people.

‘It’s a lack of formality. There is no car to give away.’

…very simply said all that could not be said.

Of course, it was a word that Granfel had no regrets about.

All I could do was speak calmly.

“I will not forget the favor.”

“no way.”

At my words, Nam Tae-min waved his hand.

Gaon, the best guild in Korea.

And Gaon’s guild master Nam Tae-min.

Even if I wasn’t interested in players in the past, I couldn’t have known Nam Tae-min.

Just like in Korea, Nam Tae-min was a hero beyond a player.

“This much favor. it’s nothing. Mr. Ho-yeol…. No, should I say Mr. Ho-yeol? Anyway, I also got help from Mr. Ho-yeol!”

By “help”, I’m sure you’re talking about fighting in the square.

Should I call that helpful?

‘I was just lucky.’

Even if it was magic, it was all about building a wall.

It was only that he met an advantageous cavalryman in Sangseong and won a great victory.

But as with regret.

It was an emotion that Granfell lacked in humility.

“is it. There must be a give and take in everything.”

Even the Lion Heart Knights aren’t enough, until Gaon?

…I don’t know. Now I’m afraid of myself like this too.

I looked at Leonie.

“I am also watching your actions.”

Berserker Guild.

Although not as good as Gaon, it was one of the top guilds.

The image of her wielding the twin swords is still lingering in my memory.

I didn’t have a sword that I could wear, so I couldn’t follow it properly.


But why are you so surprised?

Leonie was clearly taken aback by my words.

There is no way this straightforward personality could pass this question.

“What are you so surprised about?”

“Oh no. what a surprise I…?!”

But to the point of forcibly questioning things that are difficult to say.

Because Grandfel is not a narrow-minded aristocrat again.

“Then I’m glad.”

Besides, now was not the time for friendly small talk.

The situation left only to rush into the golden palace.

Harkon said to the two of them.

“Thank you, adventurers. Your blessings will be of great strength in fighting evil.”

Lion Heart Knights armed with buffs.

A player who seemed to be a healer also approached me and asked.

“Is there any buff you need? A prayer from the goddess or a blessing. My skill proficiency is the highest in the Gaon Guild!”

I replied indifferently.

“I don’t believe in God.”

…I’m really going crazy. I really!

cringing speech.

Even after uttering such lines, his face showed no signs of changing.

I’ll be honest.

I’m more afraid of opening my mouth than the monster in front of me…!

‘Because prayer increases mental strength and blessing increases physical ability.’

I have both, but they were a one mana buff.

So I was just saying that there was no need for a buff.

damn it

Inner shame boils over.

So I didn’t hesitate.

towards the Palace of Greed.

moved quickly


before someone grabs the horse’s tail…!


AAU Korean branch.

Seong Hyun-jun accesses the Arcana official website.

I checked the update history that was added belatedly.

“…I knew this would happen!”

“what? Is there an additional patch out?”

“Your senior. I’m sure. This is something even Rayman couldn’t have predicted!”

Yusra Islands.

No, Yusura Kingdom to be precise.

It was a large-scale content that Seong Hyun-jun had been preparing since he was working as a developer for Arcana.

Not only Seong Hyun-jun, but the Arcana development team could not have known about Yusra Kingdom.

“No, if you’re going to do it alone, do it properly!”

The object of that resentment is Rayman Shen.

What did you do wrong?

“…Hyunjun. Am I the only one misunderstanding?”

“You can be mistaken. The setting was that the kingdom of Yusra was destroyed. Until Rayman Sean’s bastard goes missing and Cosmo is ruined!”

“But why did he come now…?”

Did the golden palace, which does not exist at this point, reappear? That too, along with an unheard-of monster called a giant.

“What are the seven deadly sins of greed? But add what you know.”

Fortunately though.

Even belatedly, additional updates have been uploaded.

We had to sort out any information that would be helpful to the players.

Because that was the role of AAU.


“…Senior Seo?”

Sung Hyun-joon didn’t say anything.

“This crazy.”

There was nothing different about senior Yoon Soo-gyeom.

A whitening mind.

Seong Hyun-jun struggled to open his mouth.

“But still, there are Knights of the Lionheart! In addition, Lee Ho-yeol is there. Large guilds are still in good shape…”

“Lion Heart Knights? Do you think the crabs will risk their lives here? I don’t know how lucky we’ve been together until now, but I can’t expect any more help.”

“…that’s true.”

However, the horse’s tail was immediately blurred.

Yoon Su-gyeom urgently called.

“Impossible! No one should ever enter!”

What came to mind on that monitor.

Disappointing update history.

『A new Collapse Rift ‘Golden Palace’ is added.

Appropriate level: Lv.600~650

New boss monster ‘Seven Deadly Sins Incarnation of Greed’: Lv.650

A new monster is added.

‘Soldier who can’t sleep’ : Lv.500]

Yoon Su-gyeom shouted.

“Really, everyone will die if this happens!!”




But that prediction was wrong.

no one died

It was like a single flash of light.

The flash is appropriately level 600 to 650.

Collapse cracks across the golden palace.

Expectations were once again wrong.

At the forefront was the Knights of the Lionheart.

“Knights of the lion’s heart.”

Harkon’s sword was stained with sword steel.

His eyes also shone resolutely, not to be outdone by the sword.

So, all expectations were wrong.

“Offer your heart. So that the Ho-Yeol Lord can reach the Geo-Eak!”

They really risked their lives.

“I found it.”

In the distance, the throne was seen as the embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins, greed.

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Arcana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with their in-game characters appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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