The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 61

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Chapter 61 Miners at the Iron Mine (3)

The accident occurred in the No. 8 mine in Area E.

Morkan, who ran to the scene of the accident in a hurry, shouted urgently through the crowded crowd.

“what’s the matter!”

“Mr. Morcan! Tunnel 8 has collapsed!”


Area E.

It was recently under development.

I heard that the miners will be put in soon while drilling the tunnel smoothly, but an unexpected accident occurred.

It wasn’t even an earthquake, but it was an accident.

It’s not a common situation, so I immediately started to grasp the situation, and the worker who had just been in tunnel 8 said with a white face.

“As you know, shaft 8 has to go underground. I confirmed that there was no problem with the ground or the pulley on which the moving device was hung, but suddenly one of the walls collapsed and the moving device collapsed. The problem was that there was a worker working right underneath. Of the misfortunes, fortunately, it was lunchtime, so only one went down, but given that there was no reaction immediately after the accident, it may have been buried in the dirt and the moving device.”


That was bad news.

collapse accident.

It was literally a variable.

No matter how thoroughly the condition of the ground was checked, it was the mining industry that one could never know when an accident would occur.

The reasons for the collapse may vary.

It could be that the ground was strained by hooking up the mover, or maybe something went wrong with the heavy rain a few days ago.

sure thing.

An accident happened.

There was a worker in the basement, and the worker’s life was in danger.

‘How can I do this?’

I felt like I was losing my mind.

The way down to the basement is broken.

If so, it would be too risky to send someone to rescue the injured in a situation where it would be difficult to approach the accident site and the ground would collapse again.

In the end, there was only one way.

Rescue the injured by lowering the ladder after securely repairing the collapsed ground. It was the only way to ensure safety for both rescuers and rescuers.

Seeing Morkan in trouble.

The worker brushed it off.

“We must save it! I’m going to die like this!”

an imminent situation.

It was then.

Before Morkan could speak, Roman stepped forward.

“Guide me to the place of the accident. I will go.”

at that point.

Morkan and the worker looked back at Roman with puzzled faces at the same time.

Courage and guest spirit are different.

And, of course, Morkan judged Roman’s decision as a guest.

“Absolutely not! Bocchan is the eldest son of the Dmitri family. In the process of rescuing the wounded, if the young master is in any danger, we will be severely punished for neglecting it. After understanding the situation… … .”

“If you do, it will be too late.”

Roman stopped talking.

According to the worker’s explanation.

The method Morkan said could not be said to be for the wounded.

“The moving devices going underground weigh hundreds of kilos. If you are under it, you may not be able to save the life of the injured the moment you delay. It cannot be denied that the method you mentioned is the safest, but even if you send people down after checking the ground, it is virtually impossible to remove the mobile device without any tools. Then, in the end, someone who uses the power of mana is needed. And I can solve all those problems by going down myself.”

aura test.

A human who lives in the realm of superhumans.

Like Roman said, it was also a good way to directly rescue the injured.


“Isn’t that something we don’t know about? The only thing I’m worried about is one thing. Master Roman is a swordsman and I know what a great person he is, but we can only worry about the worst.”


“Tell me.”

“I told you. Why did you come to the iron mine?”

More than Roman said.

Momentarily, Morkan’s eyes widened greatly.

“People with the surname of Dmitri have to fulfill their responsibilities. Leadership is not a position to lord it over others and seek only comfort and personal happiness. This, too, is a duty I must shoulder. Dmitri’s person suffered a collapse, and I am present at the scene just in time to solve it. If I still run away, ignoring the danger, then I am not qualified to live as Dmitri.”


No, not Baek Joong-hyuk.

He lived his whole life as a leader.

In the process of conquering Murim, he saw a lot of blood, but Baek Joong-hyeok’s Murim reached a peaceful era.

That was the result of Baek Joong-hyeok’s values. Just as he always stood at the forefront on the battlefield, Baek Jung-hyeok received the loyalty of his subordinates as a leader, but he never took the title of leader lightly.

If you need.

went straight out

I took responsibility and took risks.

Values as a heavenly demon.

Having always lived in dominion, Roman knew how to act when faced with danger in real life.

‘If I run away, people below lose trust. In order for people to give everything under the name of Dmitry, under the name of the heavenly demon. I have to show myself that I am worthy of that kind of loyalty.’

Wounded left in the basement.

A man I don’t even know

Taking the risk to save him wasn’t a pragmatic option, but Roman thought otherwise.

to rescue the wounded.

People’s attitudes will change.

The miners will change favorably with Roman, which will make future plans easier.


It was a kind of performance.

A golden opportunity to earn the public’s trust while doing your duty as a leader.

If the justification and ideals match.

There was no reason not to step out.

“young master… .”

Morkan was speechless.

He didn’t know Roman’s intentions.


As he spoke of Dmitri’s duty, his heart was moved by his determination to risk it for the wounded.

Roman Dmitry.

he was real

It was to the point of maddening resentment that I had once rejected him.

“… Be careful. You must be safe.”

“I will go.”

There was no more time to delay.

Roman left Morkan behind and quickly moved to the area where the accident occurred.

Passage down to tunnel 8.

A normal person would need a ladder to get down to the basement, but Roman jumped as soon as he arrived.


light engineering.

Roman’s movements were like those of a swift beast.

Like a goat going down a cliff, he rode down the wall quickly and was able to step on the ground in an instant.

It was difficult to see the surroundings due to dust and darkness.

It was because the transporter had crashed and destroyed all the torches, but it wasn’t too much of a problem for Roman.


Concentrated mana into the eyes.

Even if it wasn’t like daylight, I was able to grasp the situation around me to some extent.

‘The injured… … .’

I looked around.

Due to the collapse, the surroundings were a mess.

Most of the tunnels that I worked hard for had collapsed, and large stones were piled up around the mobile devices embedded in the floor.

If there were people down here, they might have died instantly.

Fortunately, no such misfortune happened.

I checked around the mobile device and saw a young man lying on the floor.

There was no consciousness.

When I checked my pulse, I was able to confirm that he was still alive.

‘It’s fortunate out of misfortune.’

In the catastrophe of the sky collapsing.

Fortunately, the man did not fall under it.

Although he was hit by stones falling from all sides, blood burst from his head and his legs and arms were broken one by one, but his life did not appear to be greatly affected.

The fate of man was indeed interesting.

Although this man experienced a catastrophe where lightning fell from a dry sky.

Luckily, there was someone like him around who could solve the problem just in time.

‘You are not destined to die.’


wrapped around the man.




Roman climbed the cliff the same way he came down.



“Mister Roman saved the wounded!”

Come out.

A large crowd gathered.

They heard that Roman was going to rescue them himself.

So, I was waiting with my feet stomping, but soon after, Roman succeeded in rescuing the injured.

It was an unbelievable sight to see with your own eyes.

It would have taken a considerable amount of time just to go down underground and come back up again, but Roman appeared carrying the injured so quickly that it was no longer worth the fuss people made.


put down the wounded

cheering people.

Now was not the time to care about their reaction.

Roman checked the condition of the injured and ordered a worker next to him.

“Bring something that can be used as a splint.”



The worker jumped in surprise at Roman’s scream.

Even though it doesn’t affect life.

The broken arm and leg seemed to require immediate action.

Roman inspected the injured body and poured mana into it.

After suppressing the effect of pain and bleeding, I touched the injured part with my hand and put the bones together.

thump thump.

Just listening to it made a terrifying noise.

People with weak hearts turned their heads at the cruel sight, but Roman continued the treatment as if nothing was wrong.

to that look.

Morkan, who was trying to help Roman, couldn’t help but be surprised.

‘I can’t believe he’s so skilled.’

The act of treating an injury.

It’s not easy.

Roman, in particular, was showing the boldness of matching the bones with his own hands rather than simply applying the medicine.

It’s impossible if you don’t have confidence in yourself.

Roman’s appearance was different.

It was a series of twists and turns, including going down the tunnel and saving the injured, as well as treating them.


Roman was used to this kind of treatment.

In a world of weak meat that was like a plate of thin ice.

Injuries were like everyday life.

In order to survive, Baek Joong-hyeok personally fixed broken bones and had many experiences in reviving dying subordinates.

I didn’t learn medicine, though.

The experience accumulated in real battles taught me how to deal with emergency situations, and the injuries suffered by the man who fell in front of me were nothing.

in a past life.

Baek Joong-hyeok also had the experience of directly pushing in and suturing the intestines that were bursting from a split stomach.

Of course, the healing touch had to be skillful, and the cheering people only spit out exclamations at some point.

The worker brought a splint.

After firmly fixing it on, Roman looked up at Morkan and said.

“Take the wounded to the therapist right now. Simple first aid was given, but professional treatment would be required to prevent sequelae. And if he says he needs a potion for a cure, tell him to ask for a perfect cure, I will pay for it.”

“All right.”

Morkan winked.

Other workers rushed in and picked up the injured, who quickly loaded him on a stretcher to the therapist.

A situation that happened in an instant.

Morkan’s heart was still beating.

Accidents happen.

Roman directly rescued the wounded.

and even treatment.

Perhaps it was because he had experienced too many things at once, and he stared at Roman with dazed eyes.


Roman stood up and looked at Morkan and said.

“I think what happened today is the ‘safety issue’ you mentioned. Even if you prepare thoroughly, you can’t help a disaster that suddenly strikes. From now on, as a person with the last name of Dmitri, I will try to solve the difficulties you are experiencing by any means and methods. It probably won’t take too long.”

Right now at this moment.

Morkan felt an indescribable feeling.

It didn’t matter other than solving the problem.

That he listened to the voices of the miners.

That alone made me think that Morkan would respect Roman Dmitri from now on.

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The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

Heavenly Demon Wants to Live Quietly
Score 7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Cheonma’s story who wants to live peacefully and quietly in his newly acquired life.


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