The Bullied One Is Too Good at Fighting Chapter 45

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< Bullying is too good at martial arts (45) >

[Slap!! hit!! Ibrahim is overwhelming with the car flawless strike!!]

[Ibrahim couldn’t recover the damage he received in the 1st round!! Ah, I’m struggling from the beginning of the 2nd round!!]

In the beginning of the 2nd round, Mugyeol had the initiative.

Puck puck pew-.

“Wow, ah ah.”

“Mu-gyeol-ah, go and fuck it up–!!”

The audience cheered each time his fist hit Ibrahim’s guard.

Every time the sound of a sharp kick echoed, the audience stood up one by one.

As the atmosphere at the venue grew hotter, Ibrahim was beaten and unable to breathe.

The temple, the chin, the back of the ear, the liver, the stomach, the ribs…

Mugyeol applied the rush to all vital parts of the body except for the genitals.

Ibrahim just had to hold his guard up and wait for the stormy rush to pass.

Every time a stone-like fist came through the guard, my mind was dizzy.

Every time I took a deep breath, it felt as if my ribs were going to pierce my liver.


But even in the midst of that, Ibrahim could feel it.

That Mugyeol isn’t doing his best.

When a situation arises in which he can break the guard with repeated hits, he deftly slows down.

Even if the referee shows signs of stopping the game, he stops attacking like a ghost.

‘이 개새끼가 지금 누구를 가지고 노는 건가!’

However, even in the midst of that, the damage continued to accumulate.

No matter how much the body is made of drugs, it is impossible to ignore the direct blow to the vital point.

Every time the awl-like open-finger glove stabbed the pinpoint, Ibrahim had to let out a gasp.

A mixture of pain and anger boiled like lava.

Just finish this round.

I’ll make you regret not finishing.

I will knead those pretty features into dough.

Any method can be used for that!

The moment when the flawless fist went to Ibrahim’s eye socket.

Ibrahim, who slipped his fist, reached out his hand as if he had been stabbed in the eye and appealed to the referee.

“Eye! Eye poke!”

Of course, it was a blatant lie, but the RCF referee was not sharp enough to distinguish between truth and smoke.

[Ah, Ibrahim seems to be appealing that his eyes were stabbed!! I’ll watch it again in a slow screen.]

[Uh… I don’t think it got stabbed in the eye. Cha Moo-gyeol didn’t even open his fingers. Why did the wind pressure prick your eyes?]

[Cha Mu-gyeol, now it seems that he has polished his martial arts skills. How many rounds will he have?]

[Now, the referee will stop the game and check Ibrahim’s eyes. Ibrahim’s behavior is not good!!]

Woo woo woo-.

Even in the midst of the audience’s boos, Ibrahim did not care.

I bought time as much as possible by acting with all my body and at the same time checked the condition of my legs.


Ibrahim glanced in the direction of Integrity.

He didn’t even protest, even though he knew he didn’t poke his eye out.

Rather, they even looked at Ibrahim, who was acting passionately, as if he was pathetic.

Those eyes ignited Ibrahim’s anger again.

Although his physical strength has been restored, his wounded pride has not recovered at all.

Ibrahim gnashed his molars and burned his will to fight.

As soon as the match resumes, it is a wrestling fight.

Whether you hit the counter or not, stick close and drag it down to the ground!

“Now fight-!”

The moment the referee resumed the fight after the medical check.


Ibrahim quickly lowered his stance and threw a tackle at Immaculate Legs.

It was a tackle that was prepared for a counter, but Mugyeol couldn’t even raise a fist because his attitude was low.


The moment he fell into his arms, Ibrahim was sure of success.

But this time Mugyeol quickly pulled his lower body back and defended the tackle with a sprawl.


The perfect tackle defense, as if he knew a wrestling attack would come.

[Cha Mu-gyeol is a wonderful sprawl ah–!! I once blocked Han Dae-geun’s tackle in ‘Real Fighter’ with that sprule!!]

[Ibrahim moves again, but his body looks dull!! Given that intense damage, in a way it’s only natural!!]

‘Damn it!’

No matter how much drugs you pour into it, it doesn’t become a diamond.

Two crescent moon kicks into the abdomen, and blows applied throughout the first round of the second round.

Those times were enough to take away Ibrahim’s speed.

With the loss of speed, the only weapon left for him is probably the ground game.

However, in a rock-paper-scissors game, if you know what your opponent is going to do, it’s so easy to deal with it.

Ibrahim’s anger slowly turned to fear as he failed to gain the upper hand in a wrestling fight.

To be pushed back in hitting and in ground fights?

‘Then what should I do now?’

In the meantime, Moogyeol recovered his standing posture.

Maintaining the clinch state, he quickly puts short upper hits around Ibrahim’s chin.

Puck slap-.

‘Damn it, I have to get out…’

But even if I tried to avoid the fist, there was no way to escape because the flawless left hand grabbed the back of my neck and wouldn’t let go.

Puck Puck-!

An artistic short upper that delivers impact even when hitting short.

By the time Ibrahim went to meet Allah once again after the blows continued to three rooms and four rooms.


This time, Mugyeol released the clinch by slapping his ears with the palm of his hand.

Ibrahim’s mind, which had flown into the sky, came back with a dizzying pain in his cheek.

[Oh, that’s ‘Stockton Slab’!! It is also the signature technique of the Diaz brothers!! A technique to humiliate the opponent by hitting the ears!!]

[The crowd cheers!! Ibrahim, who showed no manners from the press conference, was already a public enemy!! Cha Moo Gyeol is punishing Ibrahim properly today


“Break it down to the very soul!”

The audience thought that ‘Stockton Slap’ was only meant to humiliate, but the reality was different.

It was a slap on the cheek to bring Ibrahim back to his senses right before he fainted.

It was like a kind of encouragement, so to speak.

Get your mind right dude.

You can still hit more!

‘What the hell is this bastard!?’

Fear slowly absorbed the rage and consumed Ibrahim completely.

I’ve never met an opponent like this before, combining sparring, real matches, and street fights.

A guy who wakes up a fainting opponent and beats them up.

This is not a torture chamber, this is the Octagon!

The fear of a stranger you’ve never seen before.

Ibrahim tried hard to suppress the fear.

‘I’m going to fuck you and eat it!’

It was Ibrahim who made a reckless tackle as if running away in fear.

But is it because I completely lost my concentration?

His tackling stance was higher than before, and Moogyeol had already turned his pelvis perfectly while falling to the ground.

The fact that the angle of the pelvis is turned means that you can try a sweeping motion as soon as you land on the floor.


As soon as Moo Kyul fell to the floor, he bounced up like a spring and performed a wonderful sweeping motion.

It was Ibrahim who tried to tackle, but rather, Mugyeol occupied the top position.

[Sweep–!! Successful sweep!! Cha Moo-gyeol now has the upper hand on the ground!!]

[From the moment he was tackled, it seemed like he had already thought of a sweep!! A very elegant ground technique!! Rather, Ibrahim is crushed underneath!!]

Mugyeol tried a guard pass like lightning without rest.

Ibrahim tried to respond with a half guard, but this time Mugyeol lifted his butt and put his knee on Ibrahim’s stomach.


A ‘knee on belly’ control where you place your knee on your opponent’s stomach.

It was a hellish technique for Ibrahim, who had already suffered damage to his liver.


A scream came out of my mouth, but Mugyeol blocked Ibrahim’s mouth with his hand, interfering with his breathing through the mouth.


Now perfectly in control, Mugyeol clung closer to Ibrahim.

“Couldn’t you be like a coward and do a verbal tap (declaration of surrender verbally in a situation where you can’t tap)?”


Ibrahim once again felt extreme fear.

The reason this child covers his mouth with his hand is not to obstruct his breathing.

They completely shut their mouths so they can’t declare verbal tap!

Ibrahim now looked like a large herbivore struggling to escape from a predator.

I barely twisted my hips to escape the on-belly position, but Mugyeol moved swiftly and took the side mount.

He stretched out his fist like an animal caught in a trap, but he couldn’t do any damage to Mugyeol.

Even at that moment, the body’s damage rapidly consumed Ibrahim’s physical strength.

The drivetrain is alive and well, but like a car that cannot run due to a broken engine, Ibrahim gradually lost his will to fight.

Taking advantage of that gap, Mugyeol even grabbed the Crucifix (an extremely dangerous position in which the opponent’s arms were completely tied up using his legs and one arm) and completely ridiculed Ibrahim on the ground.

[Crucifix–!! It’s perfect to catch Crucifix!! Now, Mugyeol Cha has a perfect advantage on the ground!!]

[Ibrahim, who was attacking with tremendous momentum in the beginning of round 1, now looks like he has completely lost his will to fight!!] The

Crucifix position is a nuclear weapon to end the war. It’s like a button.

Whether it’s a choke or pounding, the perfect position to end the match the way the caster wants.

However, Mugyeol never rushed to attack.

As if he was out of stamina and unable to attack, he spent time with only passive pounding.

[Ah, I got a good position, but Cha Moo-gyeol seems to be lacking in stamina too!! You’re not actively taking the offensive!!]

However, Ibrahim’s heart was completely broken.

This Crucifix position is nothing more than the flawless chaining him to the crate.

An overwhelming difference in talent that can never be overcome even if drugs are poured into the drum.

I didn’t know that I would only feel that wall at the Asian Games.

When there was no movement in the ground situation, the savage referee raised the two players to their feet.


With the help of the referee, he escaped from the Crucifix position, but Ibrahim already had neither the strength nor the will to fight back.

The only thing left is the reflexes inputted into the spine.

And there was only the fear of chamugyeol imprinted on his whole body.

[Now, the match resumes with the two players standing up!! It seems that a lot of stamina was exhausted from the fierce match in the middle of the 2nd round!!]

[How will this match end!! Cha Moo-gyeol slowly approaches Ibrahim!!]

One step, two steps.

Mugyeol slowly approached Ibrahim.

There was only one reason why I didn’t finish even though I woke up Ibrahim who had passed out by hitting the ears and caught the Crucifix.

Ibrahim Mahmudov Something that instills in him an indelible sense of fear.

Looking at Ibrahim, Mugyeol was convinced that he had succeeded.

The beast that ran rampant with ‘Lloyd Rage’ disappeared without a trace, and instead, a frightened herbivore was waiting for execution.

Now Mugyeol is ready to finish the game.

Ready to deliver the most painful form of finish allowed in the Octagon.

Moogyeol, who had finished preparing for a kick in a southpaw stance, strongly stamped his right foot on the canvas.

The preparation for the ‘Crescent Moon Kick’ that made it difficult for Ibrahim in the first round.

‘That’s coming again!’

Ibrahim reflexively tightened his guard towards the center rather than the side.

‘If I get hit with that one more time, I’ll die!’

But this time it wasn’t the crescent moon kick.


An honest middle kick that kicks hard down the side of the body.


The moment the middle kick landed on his side, Ibrahim felt that his ribs were in serious trouble.


His back was bent at a nearly 90 degree angle.

However, Mugyeol seemed unwilling to stop.

oh oh oh oh–!!

This time, a super strong light body shot exploded and even shattered the ribs on the other side.

“Turn it off…”

Now Ibrahim couldn’t even afford to stand still.

A full power left uppercut hit the chin of Ibrahim, who was falling weakly.


A fainting KO with no room for judgment.

The referee immediately crossed his hands to announce the end of the game, and Mugyeol raised his right hand.


At that moment, Jangchung Gymnasium was filled with cheers from the audience.

Round 2 2:28 Middle Kick – Right Body – Left Uppercut Combo KO.

It was the moment when Cha Moo-gyeol’s 2 consecutive victories in his pro debut were confirmed.

[Poetry Fainting KO] Ah–!! Cha Moo-gyeol has won 2 consecutive wins since his professional debut!! Both wins by KO with super powerful punches!!] [

It was a perfect KO without any need to check!! Ibrahim is being carried away on a stretcher unconscious!!]

[This is the skill of an underage fighter in his second professional debut!! I can’t believe it!! Cha Mu-gyeol eats the fighter from the Caucasus this time!!]

Cha Mu-gyeol-! Car flawless-!

Car flawless-! Car flawless-!

The hall was filled with Cha Mu-gyeol calls, and Mu-gyeol jumped onto the cage to repay their support.

Moogyeol, who climbed onto the cage, found Im Jin-soo before anyone else.


Im Jin-soo was running around with an expression almost crying.

At least I didn’t want to lose to a guy with the last name Mahmudov.

Im Jin-soo probably felt the same way.

The moment Jinsu and Im shared a high five, a hologram suddenly appeared in front of Mugyeol’s eyes.

[Fight mission ‘Hunting time’ accomplished.]

[1000pt reward will be provided!]

As always, a hologram message indicating that the fight mission has been completed.

But this time, one more message came to mind.

[Win streak bonus will be paid!]

[Current win streak record: 2]

Win streak bonus This is a new concept that has never existed before.

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The Bullied One Is Too Good at Fighting

The Bullied One Is Too Good at Fighting

The Outcast Is Too Good At Martial Arts, The Strongest Outcast
Score 8
Status: Completed
Cha Moo-gyeol, a mixed martial artist, falls into a vegetative state while engaging in martial arts in a no-weight class after being tricked by Chairman Jang. Afterwards, Cha Moo-gyeol is used to renew Chairman Chang's image. Eventually, he dies and is possessed by the body of Cha Mu-gyeol, a high school student with the same name. A solid body with S-class durability. A status window ability that can upgrade martial arts abilities. It's different this time. With the unfulfilled dream of the strongest man, the fight to get revenge on Chairman Chang begins.


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