The Blood Knight’s Villains Chapter 524

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My Villains Chapter 524

67. Lord of Icebobalt (17)

Heila carefully completed her plan. While I corresponded with the Marquis of Eavon, I was prepared for a journey that was sure to be long.

The first was the in-line. With Heila and I outlining our course, it was time to choose who to accompany us.

First of all, Ellen is included.

Since one of the main purposes of my trip to the kingdom was to investigate the Dawning Council and track down the dark knight, it was only natural that I would work with Ellen and the Palace of La Palais.

The Grand Master of the Palace, Aktupir, who heard of this, expressed his objection.

This old horse warrior had been staying in Eisbobalt and monitoring the situation since the Blademan War. In his view, it was a foolish choice to accompany me, who was excommunicated by the Church of Elganore.

As rumors spread that the palace and I were involved, activities in Milan were restricted, so Aktupyr’s concerns were reasonable.

Of course, it was a sound that wouldn’t work for Ellen.

“It’s bullshit. Again.”

“This time too?”

“huh. That old man’s nagging is always like that. You are a human who lives with unnecessary worries.”

No matter how much you say it, you’re talking bullshit to an elderly person who is three times older than you. Isn’t that too harsh?”


“What is it? Not too bad?”



No matter the situation in the palace or the situation in the kingdom, it seems that there is no option for him to separate from me.

If I had decided to stay with Eisbowald, I would have been forced to part. No matter how selfish and reckless Ellen was, she couldn’t abandon her duties as the palace’s high master.

In fact, just sticking by my side for the past two years was enough of an abandonment of duty, so this time I had to force myself to stand.

But I, too, have decided to head for the royal road. Aktufir’s concerns were not enough to keep him from me.

As much as Ellen was with them, Master Hagni and ‘One-eyed’ Simos ‘Spell Thief’ Saitsu also came along as an appendix.

Master Hagni was a wizard who was recognized as one of the palace’s leading geniuses, even if not as good as Ellen.

Skilled in fire magic and earth magic, he hired the ‘Black Wolves’, a group of bounty hunters, to track down Ellen and was the one who attacked our party in Modos.

At that time, after being taken prisoner, Ellen accompanied Ellen on her way back to the palace, and by chance she was also with her when attacking the mausoleum of the great wizard Radakalin. In the meantime, Ellen corrected a few lines of spells and saved lives, becoming something of a disciple to him.

One-eyed Simos was a criminal with a history of horsemanship under the alias of ‘Green-Haired Moses’, and a swordsman with a talent for magic.

After signing a ‘contract written in blood’ (without effect) with me, I acted as Ellen’s escort, learned a few spells from her, and became an official disciple.

As a result of concentrating on magic training, his swordsmanship was still at the level of a soldier, but he was able to handle four lightning-type spells and two cold-type spells. Shall we say that he has transformed into a decent battle mage?

The spell thief Saitz is the one who killed Ellen’s teacher, Grand Master Jemar, and stole the palace’s forbidden book. In addition, he was the culprit of all sorts of problems by dedicating the forbidden book to the dark knight and trying to summon an illusion in the Guistol region.

He was tricked by Ellen into drinking the ‘Memory Elixir’, which became a tool to prove his innocence.

Later, thanks to the mercy of El Ren, who became the High Master of the palace, he drank the ‘Time Elixir’ and regained his former form. Although he has now become Ellen’s errand boy or slave, he should be grateful for having regained his youth and intact limbs.

Aktufir plans to move separately with the disciples from the palace dispatched to Eisbovald. The first reason was that the party shouldn’t grow too large, and the second reason was that they had to join the other grandmasters coming out of the palace.

Also, if I had to look for a third reason, it would include Ellen’s aversion to Aktupyr’s nagging.

The bundle goes with it, of course.

First of all, it is because of the bank. Because we need the bank’s active help to covertly travel the royal capital.

Together with the ‘Assassination Team’ and the ‘Witch Hunters’, the Bank is a group that operates in the Kingdom of Milanol as its main stage, and at the same time is a secret society that serves the owner of the Pasa Sword. If Mungchi, the owner of the Pasa Sword, went directly to the royal capital and seized the bank, he would be able to secure more information and a wider range of maneuver.

Even if it wasn’t for the bank, the bundle would have been taken. He is a master of stealth, so he will be able to make a big difference in situations where he needs to avoid being seen.

If necessary, he is thinking of infiltrating the bundle into Tomasia Monastery to take out Princess Yuril. Of course, since the Street of Glory is one of the most heavily guarded places in Middle-earth, such a simple method would not work, but as a last resort, if you set fire to the royal palace or its vicinity, you will be able to create a gap for the bunch to dig in.

Perhaps a few members of the secret society will follow the group, but there is no need to worry. They’re not the ones who will show themselves in front of me anyway.

On the other hand, Atalanta showed interest at first when he heard that he was finally heading to the royal capital, but seemed to quickly cool down after hearing the rough plan.

“It’s going to be a pretty frustrating trip…

” “Well, I guess. Because I have to avoid the eyes of the royal faction and the Church of El Ganore.”

“Will it be the same after arriving at the capital?”

“uh. You have such a distinct personality on the outside that you won’t be able to go out recklessly.”

She pondered briefly, then finally shook her head.

“Then I’m done. I’m not going.”


“huh. It won’t help much anyway. Wouldn’t it be better if they went to the capital and started a siege? I don’t have much confidence in acting secretly…

It’s an Atalante who shows a strong side in large-scale battles to the point of being called ‘the devil of self-confidence’. It was a pity that he did not have that much power, but he could not be taken by force.

She suffered severe psychological damage from years of abuse of mental power and oppression by Asun. Given that condition, it was better to avoid stressful situations as much as possible.

It’s not just about caring. If she, with the mighty powers of Vision and Void, went insane from the stress of being in stealth, it was obvious that it would be a difficult task to handle.

Atalanta, leaning against me and groping my chest, showed a cool look in her eyes.

“And they said they would pass through Angst.”

“Because we have to take a boat in Proshafen.”

“Then never go. I don’t even want to see that one.”

I sighed inwardly.

Since he was on his way to Proshafen anyway, he was going to deal with the Nudane problem as well. If Atalanta accompanied them, the effort required for this would be reduced to half and half…

“Isn’t it going to be over in half a year anyway? Bye. If I miss you, I’ll follow you.”

“You talk like you’re coming next door. Do you know how far the royal road is from here?”

“Let’s go leisurely as if on a cruise…

Oh, are you going to leave the bicorn?”

“uh. I’ll ride to Proshafen, but I can’t take you beyond the blade. We can’t advertise that the red knight is here.”

“Isn’t it? Then can I ride while you’re gone’?”

“…okay. Do as you will.”

“Wow really?”

Atalanta was overjoyed and thanked her with a kiss. As usual, his hand and lips moved gently to her ass, so I had to sigh again and push her away.

Princess Theodora could not be together.

Like Princess Yuril, Theodora also had the experience of being confined to the Tomasia convent for a long time, so it would be of great help if she were with her. This was an advantage that more than offset the risk that there would be many people in the royal capital who would recognize her face.

However, it was at this timing that Theodora was summoned from the main altar on the Calan Bridge. Thanks to this, the princess was in a situation where she had to go to the headquarters within this month, that is, to Miteltang, the imperial capital.

“What happened all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know yet. I didn’t write the reason otherwise. Judging by the fact that the deadline was set within this month, it doesn’t seem that urgent…

The date the letter was delivered to Princess Theodora was February 8, so there was plenty of time. Of course, it wasn’t leisurely enough to accompany him on the road trip.

Theodora, who was in the midst of sparring with me, wiped the sweat with the sleeve of her doublet and fixed her wooden sword and shield.

“Maybe it was related to the southern expedition.”

“A southern expedition?”

“I know that the church also played a significant role in the emperor’s great victory over the sultans.”

The princess charged in a surprise attack with her shield at the fore.

Instead of kicking the iron-shaped shield with my foot, I swung to the side and, as if waiting, a wooden sword rose up from behind the shield and aimed at my neck.

It was an obvious tactic, so he slapped his wrist at the same time as he let it out easily.

Even though he was full of strength, Theodore did not let go of the wooden sword and did not even shed a heartbeat.

“Whoa, that’s good!”

cheerful laughter.

Unlike very ordinary swordsmanship, this paladin, who had superhuman patience and toughness beyond that, seemed to enjoy the savory pain that flowed through his wrist, although that couldn’t be the case.

Theodora poured out an offensive without stopping, and I returned an elaborate counterattack with each sword attack. She didn’t blink an eye even while being hit in succession on

the shoulder, forearm, waist, and thigh .

Because of her naturally slender frame, pale green eyes, and pale blond hair, which made her rather strong muscles look colorless, Theodora seemed to be an ignorant young lady at first glance because of her beautiful and good-natured impression.

However, when it came to battle, she was as reckless, tough, and rough as Ute Quay or Fritz. I had to subdue her by mobilizing grappling in the end.

“ha! Good luck.”

Proving her sincerity with her facial expression, Theodora took off her doublet and threw the water pitcher the maid gave her onto her head. Even the cold water pumped from the deep well seemed to be not enough to cool her down, steam rising over her shoulders.

“I heard that as compensation, you decided to establish several parishes and church territories throughout the colony.”

“Diocese and church territories. Are you trying to evangelize the colonists?”

“Surely that is not the main purpose? It is the duty of all shepherds and believers to spread the gospel of the Lord.”

Wearing only a cotton sleeveless vest, she shook the water from her hair.

Princess Theodora would always stick to her solid armor or holy clothes. However, perhaps thanks to the periodic sparring that had been going on for two years, at some point, he would appear defenseless in front of me like he is now.

The first few times I was distracted by the voluminous chest, but now I have mastered the art of controlling my gaze. Thanks to that, I can now pay attention to my forearm, which is full of bruises and cuts.

“Are you going to leave it as it is today?”

“then. You always said that.”

The maid, who had been waiting, hurriedly brought a coat and handed it to her, as if she was embarrassed to see Princess Theodora wearing only a sleeveless vest. Instead of wearing it over her shoulder, the princess held it loosely around her body and wiped the water from the nape of her neck.

“Struggling to avoid pain makes you afraid of it. Facing pain squarely is the attitude of a warrior and the quality of a priest. As a paladin, how can I avoid this?”

It didn’t make much sense to me, but I just nodded my head appropriately because it wasn’t something to say without accepting it.

Theodora planned to sail to Oros and then head overland to Mitteltang. They should have been together until Proshafen, where the roads overlapped.

Iofiah volunteered to follow, saying he wanted to follow.

“Every warrior needs the advice of a shaman.”

“is it?”

“is it so. As Mother Goddess showed me, Phoenix-sama is a warrior with a particularly harsh fate, so she needs the advice of a particularly excellent shaman.”

“A particularly good shaman? Who is that?”


Iofya exclaimed with a shocked face.

“Of course it is me!”

To sum up his subsequent persuasion, as a soul shaman, he possessed abilities that were clearly distinct from wizards and priests, so he would surely be useful in his work in the royal capital.

In the process of establishing the Free Regiment by collecting the slave corps and magic corps of Alzenberg, she experienced a significant level-up, in other words, a level-up. One person or more will be generous.

However, it seems that he is only around level 30, and he is only 19 years old, so he cannot relax. The fact that he still looked like a child because he had features similar to those of Asians due to his racial characteristics added to this distrust.

“…Why? Wouldn’t it be better to wait for Utequai here?”

“The brother-in-law is doing the duty of the brother-in-law. As a great warrior. I have to do my part.”

“Then I won’t even know if my cheeks explode again.”

“…I’m an adult now too! No matter what I do, I am past the age of being scolded by my brother-in-law!”

Eophyya, who had been badly beaten by Utequai for snooping on a dangerous battlefield during the War of the Blades. However, compared to that time, she has matured more externally, mentally and in terms of abilities, so it would be good to respect her judgment.

I’m still not sure about his combat power, but since he can transform into a squirrel less than half the size of my fist, there won’t be any problems with stealth. Considering the soul shaman’s bizarre skills, you might be able to get some unexpected help.

In addition, he discussed with Confair about which of his subordinates to take and how many troops to mobilize.

Shortly after I ascended to the throne, Confir, who received the surname ‘Ajoelton’ and was knighted, became my military commander and commander of the combat brigade.

As the military commander, he controls the forces of each village, settlement, and fortress, while as the combat brigade commander, he controls the Free Regiment Assault Battalion, Silver Sword Battalion, and Training Battalion. To put it simply, it was safe to say that he was managing and supervising all troops in the territory except for the Eisbobalt City Guard.

Very fortunately for me, I accepted this massive spanking as an honor overflowing for a conductor. Thanks to this, he carried out whatever task I entrusted to him without hesitation, and it was clear that he would take care of it well if I did the task of organizing the troops to mobilize for the trip to the capital.

“But, my lord, this work is completely different in importance and danger from your daily duties. Your lord will have to direct you.”

I responded with a grunt to the confier’s serious words.

“What are you talking about? Where are the unimportant things? Isn’t it important to clear the roads and deal with the goblins in the forest?”

“Important. So I hope that the governor will receive the guidance of the lord even in such trivial matters.”

“Of course I want to. But am I a bit busy? There are so many things to do in the manor. A mountain, a mountain.”

“…isn’t that the lord doing a lot of work like that mountain? Oh anyway, Lady Heila”

“I’m not talking about that right now.

I trust you, so I leave everything to you. so is this one What’s the difference if you discuss with me? I’ll do as you say anyway.”

“There is no point in complaining. Because Lady Heila has asked the lord to directly accept the payment. ”

“Oh really. Hey, who are you under?”

“I’m your master’s subordinate. So let’s talk about childish things later.”


Clearly ignoring my mumbled muttering, Confair laid out the combat brigade organization map on the desk.

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The Blood Knight’s Villains

The Blood Knight’s Villains

Score 7.5
Status: Completed
“Dark World,” the game I, a thirty-year-old salaryman, had devoted my entire youth to. “What the fuck is this…” When I opened my eyes, Dark World had become my reality. The pouring rain, dripping hot blood, and a cold blade. At the moment of my impending death, I came into this familiar world.


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not work with dark mode