The Blood Knight’s Villains Chapter 521

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My Villains Chapter 521

67. Lord of Icebobalt (14)

Heila left the hall after the leaders’ meeting and hurriedly headed for her office.

Eisbowald’s permanent residence had a simple and calm atmosphere inside, unlike the rough and intimidating exterior. The long hallway leading east and west of the building was paved with smooth turquoise-colored flagstones, and narrow, elongated windows were interspersed on both sides of the walls. The sun shone obliquely under the transparent glass windows, illuminating the entire hallway.

Heila almost jumped across the hatches. Their expressionless faces and hasty steps create a strange incongruity.

The servants passing by and the soldiers guarding the stairs saw her and simply bowed, but it was a normal reaction.

“I have to tell them to prepare tea.”

“Tell me what Are you already doing it?”

“By the way, are there any coffee beans left? I heard that products aren’t coming in these days because of the winter storm.”

“Deacon Hicks got it this morning.”

“The butler? where?”

“I must have brought it from the mansion. Or did you get it from the Nobles of First Street?”

“Is Aunt Bertie serving tea today?”

“Or maybe Mrs. Roffin. why? do you want to do it?”

“of course. At a time like this or some other time, I will show His Excellency a face.”

“Even crazy years are big. You can then be roasted whole.”

“no way. Is that real?”

“Of course it is real. I heard about it from the cart driver in the mansion…

As the young maids went down the stairs whispering among themselves, the armed men who stood guard glanced out the window with their hands on the longsword permals at their waists.

“Is it already this time?”

“I know. Just shift soon.”

“Anyway, let’s not relax. If I get pointed out by the ruler for no reason, the week will be tiring.”

“None of your business. It was three days ago that I almost got robbed in a group because of your bastards, but what?”

“…That’s because Captain McKaig was waiting for it. As soon as I saw it, I came with the intention of robbing the platoon at the Yeongju Hall.

“Then did I do a good job by leaving only the empty handle in the dagger case?”

“Fuck, I have a bad back these days…

“You asshole. If you weren’t from Keibor, your hair would have been blown off long ago.”

“No, shut up.”

The daily noises of Yeongju Hall subsided on the third floor, the top floor.

Excluding Phoenix and Heila, fewer than ten people regularly visited this floor. There were only a handful of servants, a manor sorcerer who cast detection spells three times a day, and crossbowmen standing guard on the rooftop.

At the center of this peaceful top floor was Heila’s office.

A room that can be said to be the best spot in the Yeongju Hall, overlooking Eisbowald’s First Avenue beyond the large rose chest. It was also larger than the count’s office on the other side of the hallway and the bedroom attached to it.

The reason Phoenix decided to give this room to Heila before the lord’s house was even completed was because he was sure that he wouldn’t be stuck in the lord’s house for too long.

Even after the manor house was built, he ruled the manor on the road, in the garrison outside the city, and in the mansion of his fiancée, so it could be said that it was an accurate decision

. With a quick but calm motion, she took out a mirror and small porcelain bottles and set them on the table.

These were items sent by a certain grand merchant to express sincerity. It was also the only bribe that Heila could not refuse, considering the soundness of the administration of the territory and not accepting any private gifts from others.

The first thing to do was to wet cotton with lotion made from olive and hemp seed extracts and wipe the face. Next,

a moisturizer made of myrrh and frankincense, said to have been made by alchemists in Asuberg, was evenly applied to the face. Then, as I was about to lightly coat the powder made of safflower and pearl powder, someone knocked on the door.


“Your lady. may I come in?”


The middle-aged maid opened the door and smiled slightly as she noticed Heila busily dressing up.

“I thought you might need some help.”

“that’s right.”

As if there was nothing more to say, the maid approached Heila with a comb. As she started combing, she glanced at the cosmetics spread on the chest.

“You don’t use perfume?”

“huh. I don’t think he likes it very much.”

Heila hesitated for a moment before continuing.

“They say I smell better.”

“oh. Does our Count say something like that?” Heila nodded quietly as Roffin covered her mouth and glistened.

The maid, who had been serving this young and beautiful lady for the past year and a half, had a vague idea that her silence meant she was embarrassed.

“Be envious… Other citizens would never dream that the Count is such a kind person.”

“huh. it is a secret.”

“Of course, ma’am. Who do I dare to tell?” The middle-aged maid let out a snort mixed with laughter at the appearance of a peerless beauty who showed a slight but definite excitement.

“…Is it perhaps a secret that my lady is such a cute person’?”


“It’s a joke, a joke.”

Heyla’s natural hair was so fine that Ropin finished combing it in an instant and began to tidy her up. At the same time, he shook his head as if he couldn’t understand.

“Anyway, our count is a very unknown person. It seems affectionate yet nonchalant, cold yet passionate. It confuses everything.”

“that’s right.”

“Besides, you have to buy it a little expensive. In fact, where in the world is there a woman with a lady-like face and a kind heart?”


“Even if all the other girls in the mansion are combined, they are not as good as Miss Heila. You know me well too, don’t you?”

“OW huh.

“What the lady needs most right now is nothing else. Confidence and assertiveness. There are people who are more beautiful than the lady. There are people who are benevolent. Are there noble people? Whether it’s in the mansion or outside, I can’t find it even after washing my eyes.”

As Heila nodded, Lo Fin continued to complain in a slightly agitated voice.

“Nothing to mention, nude lady, Ellen-sama is very jealous, even if she is jealous. Well, since the Count is so lecherous-no, charming, it’s natural to have strong feelings. But no matter how it is, it’s normal for rumors to burn people to death. Where? To be the wife of a lord of hundreds of princes, not a mere lowly nobleman, you have to be popular… Roffin

was one of Heila’s favorite maids. Good dexterity and meticulous handling of work are basic, and for a talkative personality, he was heavy-mouthed and loyal.

In addition, if you listen to her words quietly, you will be filled with confidence that you did not have, so it was good to have her by your side except when you are working.

By the time Ropin’s chatter refreshed her mind and regained her composure, Heila felt a commotion behind her.

“oh. The Count must have come.”

Rofin, who followed Heila’s gaze and looked out the window, quickly put away the mirror and cosmetics. Then, after looking around the room and checking the arrangements, he left the office.

Gently wiping off the powder that had fallen on the chest, Heila calmly prepared to meet Jeong-in.

Entering the office, Phoenix smiled slightly at Heila, who greeted him as usual.

“I am working?”

“huh. sit down.”

After greeting her eyes, she sorted out the stack of reports and scrolls of letters piled on the table.

Phoenix stood for a while and admired her appearance.

Her small, white face was as beautiful as ever, and her lips, redder than cherry, were mesmerizing. The elegance created by the lowered eyebrows and upright posture made even the ink marks on the fingertips feel elegant. Heila had to work hard not to be conscious of the persistent gaze. The satisfaction she felt was exactly proportional to the amount of time Jeong-in was silent.


After clearing his throat and coming to his senses, Phoenix sat down on the sofa on the other side of the chest of roses and put on an apologetic expression.

“Are you busy these days? What is it? Did you finish the pottery problem?”

“Herrent decided to mediate. The pottery statues will be detained for ten days and then released.”

“Is it okay if I let you go like that? No matter what, they are the ones who came all the way in and set up a mess.”

“I’ve said it a few times, but to the people here you are a conqueror. It also has a great reputation. Besides, he later became a suppressor without hesitation.”

“So now it’s your turn to be a compassionate protector, not a stern oppressor?”

“that’s right. The young people are afraid of you enough. It’s good to show a softer side for the next few years.” As Phoenix nodded in agreement, a maid carrying a tray entered the office. When a pair of teacups and sweet treats were prepared, Heyla sat across from me and said,

“I heard the news. You said there was a problem in the capital?”

“uh. Nashal Anwei is gone.”

Ever since Phoenix sat on the throne, Prince Defelken has been giving and receiving help from La Palais Palace in various ways. Except for those recruited in exchange for wealth, half of the territorial wizards of Bang Baek-ryeong were disciples of the ‘singing mage’ Epos, and the rest were raised by the battle wizards of the palace.

Under these circumstances, the disappearance of Nashal, who has become a grand master rather than any ordinary magician, is an event that requires vigilance at the territory level.

“The suspect is either the Dawning Council or the Royal Palace.”

“What do you think of Ellen?”

“He said he would have to move himself. They seem to think that if you take three grandmasters with you, you’ll be able to handle whatever happens. Um, everything and everything is going to be destroyed.”

“In general, that is correct. But it is the royal road.”

“That is what I mean. It’s a situation where we’re not sure how Zacharys will treat La-Palais.”

The King of Milanol is, in name and reality, the most powerful person in the kingdom. It was only natural for such a king to be teeming with monsters wearing human masks.

Calliora, the captain of the Guard, has nicknames such as ‘The Sword Demon’ and ‘The Most Dangerous Man on Earth’.

Kellestel, a great magician called ‘Advisor of the Six Kings’ and a noble courtier among the nobles.

Ohgi, a spirit swordsman with the soul of a bear, ‘transforms’.

The king’s first rider and the most noble baron, ‘Thunderbolt Sword’ Geisel.

The patriarch’s henchman and El Ganore’s first cathedral knight, ‘Holy Sword’ Fergal Lann.

Aekaris, the ‘hungry lion’, a king who is reputed to be a descendant of the ‘conqueror king’ Zeot, with fearsome skills and even more savagery.

There are only six people that Phoenix immediately thought of, and countless other strong people, Yongdamhohyeol, is the place called the royal road.

No matter how powerful and bizarre Ellen and her grandmasters were, any conflict with King Zacharys would be a disaster.

“Besides—this is assuming the worst—the palace might be involved in what’s going on in the Council of Dawn.”

“There is a possibility. It’s an incident in the royal capital, which is no different from the bosom of the king.” “So, for now, I plan to go undercover as Nashal did. In addition to that, Mungchi also decided to provide support through the bank. So…

Poy Nix, who had been tinkering with his coffee cup for a while, slowly opened his mouth.

“I guess the time has come.”


Heila met eyes with Phoenix with transparent, shining black eyes that seemed to be able to see through the opponent.

“No royal road. It’s too dangerous.”

“It must be dangerous. But the extent to which you are concerned”

“Following the members of the Dawning Council, now even the Grand Master of the Palace is missing. It’s a situation where you can’t be safe even if you stay by Ellen’s side and escort her.”

Her tone was relaxed and calm as usual, but Phoenix could sense the resoluteness hidden behind it.

“But you’re not just aiming for that right now.”

“…What are you talking about?”

“Princess Yuril.”

Phoenix kept his mouth shut.

“You have been excommunicated by the Patriarch, and Zacharys considers you a thorn in the eye.”


“But you’re going to hide in the royal capital and investigate the disappearance of the magicians?

“I’m just doing what I’ve been putting off so far.”


Heila spoke words she hadn’t said before, with eyes that seemed almost lifelike.

“I will never allow it.”

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The Blood Knight’s Villains

The Blood Knight’s Villains

Score 7.5
Status: Completed
“Dark World,” the game I, a thirty-year-old salaryman, had devoted my entire youth to. “What the fuck is this…” When I opened my eyes, Dark World had become my reality. The pouring rain, dripping hot blood, and a cold blade. At the moment of my impending death, I came into this familiar world.


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