Steel-Eating Player Chapter 162

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Episode 162 [Yggdrasil, Green Wave, Dragon of Death – 2]

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Red-hot flames soared and began to consume the ‘Green Wave’ that was filling the ground.


Thousands of green vines writhed strangely, as if they were burning snakes to death.

They were troublesome things that grew and regenerated at a faster rate no matter how much they were burned.

But now, all the effects were blocked due to the curse of ‘Balmung’.

‘In other words, it stopped the heart of the gigantic creature called Green Wave.’

As a result, the board tilted as it should, and Lee Hyun-wook prepared for checkmate and the final blow.

At his gesture, four Moglei were struck, and two of them set off a ‘shockwave’.

Kwa 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 light——!

The ground caved in again due to the enormous shock wave, and a huge amount of debris poured into the hole underground.

This time, there was no way to support the weight, so the dark elves underground were buried as is.

“Just in case, I’ll make sure to finish off the guys in that tunnel!”

And Maru stepped forward and squeezed the debris in, completely blocking the oxygen hole.


As the ground was crushed like that, the ‘flower buds’ that rose like towers began to break. In response, a few strands of green waves that were still alive rushed in to support the stem of the flower bud, but the danger was the same.

“This is ridiculous… How can you do something so ridiculous…”

Floss Ruber, who was standing above him, looked at Lee Hyeon-wook with a mesmerized expression.

“How on earth could you come up with such a wicked trick?”

Earlier, after hearing information about Steele Rain from the villain side, he planned a way to capture him.

If his metal weapon was caught in the green wave, he would have no choice but to become defenseless

… “You killed all my men…”

At that time, metal weapons began to emerge one by one from the rubble.

Hundreds of swords and spears that had previously been swallowed up by the Green Wave were released.

Like a pack of wolves baring their teeth in great rage. Sharp blades flashed.

And now Floss Ruber had no way to block them.

Shhh! Shhh! Shhh!

Soon, hundreds of metal weapons were shooting at the targets and flower buds floating defenselessly in the air. It shot out.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it’s coming!

“Try to stop it somehow!”

“How the fuck can I stop this!”

Originally, the flower bud was supposed to have a strong magic shield, but the roots were necrotic, so the effect disappeared.



“Please help me…”

In the end, the dark elf druis standing on the half-broken flower bud all at once. However ,

Plos Lubermann scattered seeds in the air, granting rapid growth, and a

wide man-eating plant that looked like a Venus flytrap bloomed in the air, blocking the barrage of metal weapons.


that was it . It was only a temporary evasion…. There were

hundreds of weapons flying freely

in the open air in all directions,

so I couldn’t avoid them all.


In the end, Palenote landed in her abdomen. A vine sprouting from her back pulled it out, but another Pale Knot hit her side, followed by a spear hitting her thigh.


It was a whopping level 119 boss monster, but as it was an elementalist type, its defense was not that good.

However, that did not mean that it was completely defenseless in

terms of defense . After boarding the seed, it traveled long distances through space.’

In other words, she was probably still avoiding Lee Hyun-wook’s attacks and looking for the right time to use that escape skill.

Sure enough, in an instant, white smoke filled the area around her body with a popping sound.

Then, a flash of light was seen from about a hundred meters away. There, she appeared:

“Cook, Steele Lane was great, but next time, such miscellaneous techniques won’t work!”

Wasn’t she already sure that she would succeed in escaping, so she was saying something like a farewell?

She took out a fruit and gave it rapid growth, and the fruit grew huge and wrapped around her body. It was as hard as a walnut shell, and all kinds of magic circles appeared on it. This was drawn:

‘Okay, that’s the escape skill for that problem.’

Lee Hyun-wook grabbed a bag of mogley and glared at her,

“Haha, it’s already too late!”

She had a strange smile on her face. She was already well beyond the range of several tens of meters. She thought that no matter what Lee Hyun-wook did, he would not be able to stop her escape skills. ‘If you think that way, you are completely wrong.

Lee Hyun-wook held the moglai with both hands and activated two skills at the same time, swinging it with all his might. At

that moment, mana burst out from the moglai and completely pushed out the air in the area. The air that was pushed out became a huge storm and the plants that rose up. All the leaves were blown away.

Kwa, and one, and one, and one!

Then, Floss Ruber struck the burnt fruit and sent it flying back hundreds of meters.

“Wow, I think a wind like this can break my spell.” What more!”

When people first encounter this skill, everyone just thinks that way. It’s just a strong wind….

‘But the real attack follows the storm.’

Just before the magic circle was completed on the surface of the escape port, when Floss Ruber was filled with relief, hehe



There was a flash and she realized it had passed her by.

“What… wow…”

Only then did Floss Louver realize that his lower body was falling down.

“Ka’s blade…”

It was not easy to predict that there would be a sharp blade of wind hidden in the turbulent storm. No.

‘As expected, the space cutter is good for catching people off guard.’

Two skills were created by applying the orb of the Moglei Sylph from the previous life….

Lee Hyun-wook felt the taste of the skill from his previous life after a long time and reaped the great sword.

– Congratulations! Boss Monster Forest Manager Floss Ruber You have defeated it!

Soon, Flos Ruber’s body, cut in two, began to fall to the ground like fallen leaves.

“…Are you done?”

Kim Se-hee asked behind him, and Lee Hyun-wook nodded.

“For now, this scene is over, but they will still be everywhere in Yggdrasil.”

Next, they blew away the metal weapon and searched Flos Ruber’s body to obtain several items.

The first thing I picked up was a very small gourd with a tree drawn on the outside.

[Item Information]

– Name: Rapid Growth Elixir (Heroic)

– Effect: The growth rate of beings who take this fruit increases significantly.

‘This is an item that is considered the best opportunity to increase specs among druids.’

Previously, there were several scenes where forest elementalists cast ‘rapid growth’ on plants. However, this item is a bit more special because it applies to not only plants but also animals.

However, it was useless for Lee Hyun-wook because he did not have any animal-type relatives to promote his growth.

‘…Does this even apply to dragons?’

Come to think of it, Seo Eun-ha’s dragon egg would soon hatch. However, since the growth of a dragon takes quite a long time, it seemed like it would take quite a long time for it to become full-powered, but if you use this… ‘…it wo

n’t become an adult right away, but it will significantly reduce the time required for growth.’

Next, I obtained a second hero-grade necklace, which was an option that increased spirit affinity.

Since this was a suitable item for Kim Se-hee, an elementalist, Lee Hyun-wook presented it to her.

“Now, take this, Team Leader Kim.”

“Wow… Hero level…”

And the last one was a fist-sized crystal ball inside a black cloth bag.

[Item information]

– Name: Room of Solitude (Special)

– Effect: Unknown

‘ This is… a pocket space, right?’

I didn’t know what was inside, but it was obvious that opening something like this was dangerous.

Didn’t the dark elf druids previously open pocket spaces and take out monsters?

‘Of course, that’s not the case, and it’s probably some kind of reward, so I’ll just keep it for now.’

And at that time, the two whirlwinds that seemed to be colliding in the western sky were also gradually coming to a stop.

Perhaps the Spirit King’s daughter had arrived in time and succeeded in persuading her father.

‘Then, shall we go show off now?’

Even so, there was no way he would turn a blind eye to the person who saved his daughter, right?

And he knew the details of the Spirit King Quest to some extent. If he

negotiated based on that, he would be able to obtain more hidden items.


At that time . Somewhere deep underground in downtown Yggdrasil…

Several lights were moving along a complex, tangled, damp passageway.

They were the villain Mario Lima, his minions, and a few dark elves.

However, they soon came across a dead end. And Mario Lima looked back and said,

“Dariush, look at this. “It’s a pretty big guy, so this means we’re almost there, right?”

In response to his question, a man named Dariush came forward and looked at the dead end.

“Yes, this is definitely rooted in the center. Yes, it can be seen as meaning that it is all there.”

That’s right. What was blocking their path was not a wall, but a huge root. And what they were stepping on was also roots. The walls and ceiling were also roots… That’s right, this entire space was a maze made of huge roots. “Now, if I just move these roots… Dragon

. “The prison of will appear.”

The sound of dry swallowing was heard from somewhere.

A dragon… I go to face such a being.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.

But Mario Lima had a smile of conversion on his face.

“If we bring out Nidhogg in the main event we have prepared, they will be quite impressed. Ugh.” A

dragon named Nidhogg is trapped in the ‘Root Prison’ in the underground part of Yggdrasil.

After receiving such information, the villains left a long time ago. I’ve been planning to liberate that being since then.

“Okay, the ‘hacking’ operation I’ve been working on for three months is a complete success.”

Dozens of tree elementalists are mobilized to attempt to ‘communicate’ with Yggdrasil from its roots and tame it.

Although Yggdrasil is originally monitored under the control of Donald Harris, his power does not reach the edges, so if you work carefully, you can control the movement of the roots like ‘hacking’.

As a result of moving the roots little by little to create a path, we reached the hidden ‘root prison’.

It was an infiltration operation that took a very, very long time, as if escaping from prison by digging into the ground with a spoon.

“Now, start quickly! I provoked the Spirit King just for this moment, so there will be no next chance!”

The reason he kidnapped the Spirit King’s daughter and provoked him was actually to divert the attention of Donald Harris, the manager of the World Tree. He, who always hides in Yggdrasil, went out and faced a huge challenge, and was aware of his secret movements digging into the roots. “ If

the old man resolves a misunderstanding with the Spirit King and returns home, he will notice us.”

In this way, the tree’s elementalists placed their hands on the last root and began ‘sensitivity’ and ‘control’.

Soon the roots began to wriggle and slowly opened like an automatic door, revealing a huge pupil.

“Huh… okay, I’m leaving.”

Mario Lima takes a deep breath and takes his first steps into the darkness.

– Caution! You have entered the taboo space ‘Root Prison’.

At that moment, Mario Lima raised his right hand and everyone stood still.

“…Shh everyone, turn off the lights.”

All the lights disappeared, and only their suppressed breathing slowly flowed into the vast darkness. As if in response, a heavy breathing sound came from the depths of the darkness….

It was a heavy sound,

as if a huge machine was starting up… The whole world shook quietly.

“…How can these weak and evil parasites be in front of me?”

At that moment, everyone groaned involuntarily. Although it was just a voice, the intimidation contained within it was truly enormous. Even though I anticipated this and put up a ‘mental barrier’, it was difficult to endure.



Dragon Fear As that primal fear penetrated my mind, all my muscles lost strength.

‘It’s a crazy, truly enormous monster.’

Even level 81 Mario Lima felt out of breath and his knees shaking.


As it stood up and took a step closer, the earth shook, and then red eyes appeared.

In the darkness, a being with a darker color fills the entire field of vision. Because there wasn’t even a wisp of light, it couldn’t be seen with the naked eye, but there was a strange weight that one could instinctively sense… that was a dragon.

Mario Lima walked forward, knelt on the floor, and bowed his head into the darkness.

“Oh great being, we are those who long for the second coming of the true King.”

He knew that the nature of the dragon race was to be arrogant. That’s why, from the beginning, he used excessive honorifics that did not fit today’s sensibilities to please Nidhogg. “So I blinded the wicked manager of the World Tree

. Afterwards, I will come and visit you in person!”

“It’s a very nice thing to hear and a nice smell to smell. That means… the door is open.”

Nidhogg slowly began to get excited as he felt all the things flowing in from outside the hole.

I finally realized that the moment to escape from this hellish dungeon had arrived.

In other words, because he was in such a good mood, Mario Lima boldly made his demands.

“Yes, that’s right! This is the door we built over a long period of time in order to dare to contribute to the King’s second coming. So, we would like to ask you a favor. … Please punish the manager of the World Tree!”

Nidhogg laughed softly at this. However, because he was so big, his laughter alone shook the earth.

“You pathetic human…”


“How can you ask me such a favor when that is my long-standing destiny?”


“Soon the earth will burn, so when the mountains of ashes are piled up, tell me a bigger wish.” “

Ah, I am devastated!”

“But I have something you owe me… so don’t refuse me.”

“Speak, O king!”

“I am a being who wields death magic. My power comes from death.”

Nidhogg is a dragon from Niflheim, the land of the dead in Norse mythology.

It is said that it usually eats corpses and flies around carrying the dead during Ragnarok.

Based on that setting, Nidhogg before us deals with the power of ‘death’.

“This body has been sleeping for a long time under the disgusting force, and has lost strength.” The

world’s largest holy relic, the ‘Saint’s Dome’, is built right on top of this ‘Root Prison’. The real reason it was built in Yggdrasil is In fact, it was to suppress the dragon of death called Nidhog.

The reason Donald Harris was able to control this monster, which was difficult to suppress even with the power of Yggdrasil, for a long time was because the powerful holy relic was weakening Nidhogg’s power.

‘But if he were to be set free, he would blow up the entire Saint Dom.’

The moment one of the locks that restrains this gigantic monster is disturbed, the monster goes on a rampage.

“In order to spread my hard wings, I must take ‘death.’”

“Uh… then… you can take this fresh life here!”

At those words, confusion spread across the faces of the subordinates standing behind Mario Lima.

“Huh? Vice President, what is that….”

But before they could finish speaking, Nidhogg’s eyes flashed. It was magic.



The bodies of 11 players and 12 dark elves flew into the air. It floated and was pulled into the darkness. A brief meal was made

, and Nidhogg

let out a satisfied sigh and spread his wings. A gust of wind rose


the narrow space, forcing Mario Lima to lie down closer to the floor. 「

…Now you can witness the king’s flight.」

“Wow, king, before that, there is one thing I need to tell you in advance.”

At those words, Nidhogg’s eyes showed a hint of displeasure. It was just about to take off.

“…It must be something serious enough to delay my flight, which is about to begin after a long time, right?”

But Mario Lima stood up and raised both hands as if he still had something to say.

“Well… there’s a dragon slayer out there. He might be a little annoying, wouldn’t he?”

Dragon Slayer Hearing those words, Nidhogg folded his wings and lowered his head and asked,

“A human who killed a great dragon? Is that true?”

He, Steele, had recently killed Aji Dahaka and achieved the ‘Dragon Slayer’ achievement. “Yes, to be exact, it was a black dragon named Aji Dahaka, and he was killed by that guy not long ago!

“Hmm, then do you know how many dragons that human has harmed so far?”

“Oh, that’s… only one. Yes, only one!”

“Then… it is highly likely that defeating the dragon was just a fluke.”

“… Yes?”

“There is no need to worry, you weak human. Even the dragon slayer’s meager power has its own level. A person with only one experience of slaying a dragon would not dare to fold his wings!

” His body was lifted into the air.

At the same time, Mario Lima was also forcibly lifted up by a mysterious force.

“Uh, uh…”

Immediately after that, he passed through the open root passage in the blink of an eye and hit the ground at some point.


tearing down the dozen-story building that stood on top of him with his body, soars up and spreads his wings…


Mario Lima felt like his head was spinning as he had covered such a huge distance in just a few seconds.

And before he knew it, the night view of downtown Yggdrasil unfolded before his eyes…

Looking down at the magnificent scene, Nidhogg, an 81-meter black dragon, snorted. But

“…Did you disparage me? Why did you lie to me?”

Strangely enough, Nidhogg gave off a somewhat displeased look.

And the being’s jewel-like eyes seemed to waver slightly. .

It was deep anger and embarrassment that was absolutely unbecoming of that being.

“Huh? Wow, king, what kind of lie have I told you?…” 「

I feel like there are three weapons here with dragon blood in them.」

「Yes? That doesn’t make sense. The dragons that have appeared so far aren’t like that…”

Mario Lima turned his head to follow Nidhogg’s gaze.

And there, he spotted someone floating near the branches of the World Tree.

Hundreds of weapons . A man glaring at Nidhogg with his arms around him…

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Steel-Eating Player

Steel-Eating Player

A player who eats steel, Steel-Devouring Player, Steel-eating Player, Steel eater
Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Lee Hyunwook, who originally had the ability to control steel in the world. He tried to protect the world but ultimately failed and the world was destroyed. Following that, he was given the opportunity to return to his military days and build up efforts to prevent the world from being destroyed one by one. An army + Hunter + Regression + Savior “In this life, I’ll be a real hero.” Will Lee Hyunwook be able to save the world this time?


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