Steel-Eating Player Chapter 128

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Episode 128 [Black Orc Legion Landed on the West Sea – 3]

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Black tentacles came from deep underground and were climbing up the building.


“Crazy… where on earth did that come from?”

Kang Seo-yoon, who jumped off the half-tilted building and landed on the ground, fired an arrow.

The shape of the tentacle could not be clearly recognized because the city center was covered with a thick layer of white dust.

Still, as she is a shooter type player, she quickly analyzed the appearance of this giant monster.

‘It’s crawling out from deep underground.’

It appears that it was summoned from an underground facility and destroyed the basement floors of the surrounding buildings.

That is why buildings that could not withstand the load had no choice but to collapse like sand castles.

She then took a closer look at the monster’s appearance using a skill called ‘Hunter’s Eyes’.

And finally, I was able to confirm its identity to some extent.

“Uh… it’s a snake?”

A red eye floats at the end of a series of long, smooth curves that resemble tentacles. Then, the mouth with its fanged teeth opens wide and bites the outer wall of


building, crushing it.


That’s it. There wasn’t just one head of the very large crusher.

A total of nine strands rose from a hole in the ground, billowing behind the whitish dust.

‘That’s… Hydra!’

Hydra was a top-class magic beast that was difficult to encounter even if it was a world-class ranker. Even

Kang Seo-yoon, ranked 4th in this country, had only heard of it, but it was the first time she had actually seen it.

‘Damn, if that thing is fully summoned and starts dreaming of poison, the problem will become bigger. ‘

In mythology, Hydra’s poison was famous for causing even gods to commit suicide.

If we don’t stop it right away, it will soon spread terrible poison throughout this city.

‘Will my attack… work?’

Even though Kang Seo-yoon had such doubts, she lowered her posture and raised her voice.


moment her arrow hit the guy’s fourth head, a strong explosion occurred.

But the guy didn’t flinch.

Tsutsutsutsu. ——

She just closed her eyes for a moment, opened them again, and started rolling her red eyes back and forth.

Kang Seo-yoon quickly hid behind a truck.


Then, she operated the switch on the arrow sheath and replaced the tip with 100% pure orihalcone. .

If you aim for the eyes with this, you will be able to inflict effective piercing damage.

– Now, everyone, calm down! That’s a huge boss monster just by looking at it, right? I know because I was bitten by something like that a while ago, but I can never deal with that kind of thing alone, so let’s not act brave. ! Huh?

At that time, the voice I heard in my ear was Oh Gyeong-pyo.

He was right.

For the first time in a very long time, it seemed like I was facing an opponent that I couldn’t dare to show off.

– So, let’s all gather together in one place and systematically do what we do best. ?

“Phew… but I don’t have time. “The summons will be completed soon.”

– Representative Kang Don’t forget that the person who will summon that thing is here.

“That’s right. As expected, it’s a boss monster… If you’re a player, you must be a summoner with a higher level of spirit.”

If the summoner was a black orc, it would have been at least a boss monster level shaman.

And there would have been formidable warriors to guard him.

“So, is that bastard underground?”

This voice was Han Taesan. Before he knew it, he was standing behind Kang Seo-yoon.

Then, he brushed off the dust from his clothes and walked towards Hydra without hesitation.

“Hey! Don’t be arrogant and think of us all hitting together!”

But Taesan Han didn’t seem to listen to those words and lifted his head and looked somewhere.

“Tsk—that bastard Lee Hyun-wook is here again….”

“Huh? Lee Hyun-wook came here. So what happened to Ganghwa Island? ”

– Um, I heard that Lee Hyeon-wook is currently at the forefront of the Ganghwa Island raid operation. Where is he?

It was Oh Gyeong-pyo who asked that. He was listening to the status of the Ganghwa Island battle in real time.

“Then what is that?”

Taesan Han raised his index finger and pointed to the sky.


Before we knew it, dark clouds were filling the Seoul sky, and lightning was shaking within them.

Kang Seo-yoon also nodded.

“That looks like the lightning skill Lee Hyun-wook used, but… ..”

She also witnessed Lee Hyun-wook using something like that during the Jeju Island Phaeton Raid.


At that moment, a siren sound began to sound above my head.

“Uh… it sounds like it’s coming from Laputa?”

– It looks like this is telling us to avoid it, so let’s retreat quickly!

They instinctively widened the distance from Hydra.

At that moment, the world turned white.


Soon, hundreds of lightning strikes hit the hole. It fell on the Hydra that was squeezing out.


At first glance, it looked like an overwhelming amount of electric current, not like light falling, but like a pouring stream of water… The remains of the collapsed building bounced around. It hit the buildings in the area.

That wasn’t the end. It’s not the end


The lightning that struck like that didn’t discharge, but rose again and turned into a huge electric sphere.

In that state, it wrapped around the Hydra’s entire body, noisily entangling it and frying the whole thing. .

The hydra’s body cooks quickly, as if it were being placed in a giant microwave oven.

“Hmm… Is this the kid that Lee Hyun-wook was taking around?”

Han Taesan clicked his tongue and looked up at Laputa.

Park Jun-mo was also attracting public attention along with Lee Hyun-wook.

However, he could not show overwhelming power like Lee Hyun-wook.

“When did that guy become this big again?”




Despite being hit by such a huge barrage of electric current, the Hydra was perfectly fine.

Before I knew it, the monster’s gigantic body was covered with a black veil.

“…At that moment, someone applied a significant level of defensive magic.”

And after that, several black orcs appeared.


At the same time, the Hydra’s nine heads and 18 red-hot eyes emerged from the smoke.


As many as 105,000 ‘magic metal items’ were buried throughout Ganghwa Island.

If we take into account what was buried in other islands, the amount was truly astronomical.

‘Securing this amount of weapons in a short period of time was only possible because the government took action.’

This was the result of the military arsenal operating at full capacity day and night over the past few days at Lee Hyun-wook’s request.

‘…The people’s money has been replaced with my firepower, so I have an obligation to use it properly.’

Meanwhile, most of the 105,000 were occupied by a new weapon called ‘Fire Trap’.

[Item Information]

– Name: Fire Trap (Advanced)

– Effect: Caution! When a large impact is applied to the center, a ‘flame explosion’ occurs.

The operation method of this item was set to ‘peony explosion’ rather than ‘mana injection’. Although this was dangerous to handle, it had the distinct advantage of being able to induce a ‘chain explosion’ by investing a small amount of mana.

In other words, if the burial was done well, Lee Hyun-wook could have blown up all 105,000 by himself.

And it just became a reality.

And it was so perfect…


The Ganghwado Island seen from the sky was absolutely miserable. Every surface is covered with pale gray smoke and it is boiling, almost like looking down at a lump of burnt charcoal.

And the coast and some of the flat terrain where the Black Orc troops were concentrated were completely turned upside down, as if they had been plowed by a huge plow. Desperate cries are constantly coming from there.

Additionally, system messages announcing public acquisition were coming up in front of Lee Hyun-wook.

– Gain achievement points by defeating Black Orc warriors. (+4)

– Gain achievement points by killing Black Orc warriors. (+7)

– Gain achievement points by killing Black Orc elite warriors. (+11)




‘With this trap alone, 2,105 animals were killed in one go.’

That only applied to the numbers that clearly took their breath away.

‘If you include the number of people maimed by the explosion, the number will be several times higher.’

In other words, they succeeded in delivering a blow to the invaders that made them lose their senses. No matter how brave the Black Orc was, there was no way he could maintain his sanity as the explosion erupted beneath his feet.

However, it could not be said that that alone brought victory.

There was a need for a clear conclusion that could put an end to this war.

‘Yes, starting right now is important.’

-Chik—The landing operation on Ganghwa Island begins.


Soon, the air convoy, led by the steel fleet, began to advance.

Additionally, hundreds of rubber boats waiting at sea started up all at once.

The empty Ganghwa Strait was suddenly covered with all kinds of things.

It was a quick attack, like a pack of hyenas who had seen a water buffalo collapse from illness.

All of them move quickly and emit all kinds of magic towards the black dome.

Dozens of magic shots concentrated on a single point…


Soon, one side of the black dome was crushed and water poured out like a glass window breaking

– a crack appeared at point 3-1! Infiltrate there!

The black smoke that covered Ganghwa Island has dispersed, but gray smoke from the explosion remains thick. The ROK AMT landing force used the phenomenon as a ‘smoke bomb’ and advanced boldly.


Flame magic flew from somewhere and was aimed at the rubber boat, but fortunately it missed. Since visibility was blocked, it was virtually impossible to hit the small rubber boat crossing this long strait.

– Chick— Snipers Identify and destroy anti-aircraft weapons on the coast and in the mountains!

The snipers lean out and raise their bows and crossbows from the magical aircraft capable of stable hovering. And the ‘anti-aircraft weapons’ that survived Lee Hyun-wook’s ‘blasting’ are destroyed by concentrated fire.

– Seal team 1 lands successfully. All private houses are on alert!

– Seal Team 4 lands successfully and occupies the right mound!

Through the stream of communications, it was clear that the landing operation was proceeding successfully.

– 9 Black Orcs appear at 11 o’clock and shoot to suppress them!


The Black Orcs, already devastated by the explosion, were unable to offer much resistance.

“—Deploy a magic shield on the entrance to the follow-up landing force of the Priest 2nd Platoon!”

“Prepare for enemy attacks by forming a shield wall on the downhill slope at 3 o’clock!”

The island takeover operation was carried out systematically according to the ‘scenario’ that had been practiced several times in the past few days.

Thus, in just five minutes, hundreds of AMT troops landed and took up positions across the island.

Immediately after, blue beams of light—teleports—began to fall one after another all over the coast.


The ones who walked out from there were the ‘support players’ who had gathered at Gimpo International Airport.

Among them, the teams capable of long-distance teleportation seemed to have boldly arrived first.

“Huh—this is the island controlled by the Black Orcs, right?”

“Wow crazy! “You really blew up an island by yourself, right?”

They looked around, drew their weapons, and took up positions by team.

However, unlike the previous AMT landing unit, it seemed relaxed and somewhat clumsy.

“Now come to your senses and quickly prepare for the raid! “You have to eat at least one more, right?”

“Everyone, don’t forget that this is a big event and this is truly an opportunity that will never come again!”

Shouting out this greedy line, he started hunting down the Black Orcs that were still alive… The attack was truly powerful. Perhaps it was because of greed that he became stronger… “Oh

! “These guys are barely holding on for an orc?”

“Hey, don’t let your guard down. But I heard the elite Black Orcs are pretty strong, right?”

“Hahaha, so you’re not an orc at all? Die, you bastard!”


About a hundred black orcs in relatively good condition came rushing in, but they were quickly cleared away.

Meanwhile, Lee Hyun-wook was just looking down at the scene in the air.

“Wow… Look at that bastard, Steele, he’s leisurely looking around like he’s some kind of general.” “You’re doing it, right?”

“Really, don’t you think you’ve already accumulated as many ‘achievements’ as you can? That’s a bit unlucky…” “

Hey, I just killed a few birds with that one shot, and now I’m just going to play around in peace.”

However, in fact, Lee Hyun-wook was scanning the center of Ganghwado Island through Hugin.

If an air attack of this magnitude had occurred, the boss monsters would be preparing for ‘Phase 3.’ If

the moment was not quickly captured, an unexpected counterattack could be allowed. But

‘That’s strange… didn’t Stonox come in person?’

The center of Ganghwa Island was still covered in thick black smoke, but there was no trace of Stonox.

No, not even any other boss monsters were visible.

‘Oh, what is that?’

At that time, he noticed some suspicious traces in his field of vision.

There were a number of black orc corpses lying around in the black smoke.

However, there were no traces of an explosion on the ground there.

Perhaps Lee Hyun-wook’s ‘blasting’ occurred momentarily using some skill. It seemed like a defense.

Yet, so many black orcs were dead in one place…

‘That… was used as a sacrifice.’

The ‘sorcery’ used by the Black Orcs has the same root as ‘black magic’.

However, the sorcery has a high cost. And the price is mostly ‘human sacrifice’, and the Orc King Stonnox uses his overflowing troops as expendables to protect the ancient gods. It was a use of power.

Clear traces of hundreds of sacrificial animals were found in the center of Ganghwa Island.

However, as Lee Hyun-wook observed, no wide-area skills or summoning skills were detected.

That means…

‘.. ….It is a large-scale space movement magic.’

Lee Hyun-wook hurriedly turned on Mana Messenger and called Yeo Sang-min.

“Yeo Sang-min, check what’s going on in Laputa right now.”

Yeo Sang-min’s alter ego now existed in both Pridwen and Laputa.

Therefore, we were able to immediately recognize the situation on both sides.

– Oh, I think an unidentified giant monster was just summoned to Seoul Station.

Now I felt like I knew what was going on.

The moment the explosion occurred, they seemed to have changed their strategy in an instant.

They probably judged that a long-term sit-in was meaningless after a significant number of troops were retired.

The goal is to achieve the desired goal by directing all remaining forces to key targets.

Hyunwook Lee took out several items from the subspace of an AD-2.

That was the ‘Iron Golem Core’ obtained from CAR.

A total of 5 Lee Hyun-wook scattered them throughout Ganghwado Island.

And when mana is given –

blah blah blah –

the metal pieces scattered everywhere begin to coalesce around the iron golem’s core.

They fused so quickly that in an instant, four iron golems were born.

– ‘Master authority’ for the Iron Golem has been secured. (4/43)

“Uh… what is that all of a sudden?”

The players around him looked puzzled.

However, one of them that was especially significant was that ‘fusion’ was still in progress.

[Item Information]

– Name: Ancient Iron Golem’s Core (Hero)

– Effect: When infusing mana It attracts surrounding metal and becomes a ‘golem.’ (Depending on the amount of mana injected and the amount of surrounding metal, the size of the created golem can be expanded up to 2 times.) ‘Was the original size of this guy around 12m and 1000t

? But can it go twice that much?’

This meant that a huge steel golem measuring up to 24 meters and 2,000 tons was born.

And now, there was a truly enormous amount of metal lying around here.

This was because 105,000 ‘fire traps’ were oxidized throughout the island.

Creating a monster of that size There was a huge amount of metal left over.

And Lee Hyun-wook threw several items on top of it as if he were sprinkling salt.

They were iron stakes made of 100% pure adamant, and the amount was about 30 kg. Of course, that guy. It is an insignificant amount compared to the size of. At most, how many fingers can be made up?

‘But it is an effective enough amount to make just one weapon.’

Lee Hyun -wook made a 30kg Adamandt and made it into a window.

Then he pulled the other metals and formed a 20m window – two

things .

He grabbed the pole.


When the 24m tall metal giant took one step, an earthquake shook the entire Ganghwado Island.

And with each step, pieces of metal buried around it flew out and expanded its body. .

It was a spectacle so great that it brought this fierce battle to a halt.

“Crazy, how hard is it to get that iron golem core intact? What is that big thing?”

“No matter how you look at it, Lee Hyun-wook is controlling it… How is that possible?”

But the scene that happened next was even more incomprehensible.


Some kind of hook came out of Pridwen’s lamp door and started tying up the bodies of the golems. “

No way are you going to transport them by air or something like that?” “It’s not a big deal, is it?”

“That huge weapon box was also teleported by hooking it up like that?”

“Oh, that means they have the technology to open the portal on their own…”

No one expected what Hyunwook Lee was trying to do.

His body, which was floating in the air, slowly moved and entered Fridwen’s lamp door.

“Director Woo, I I’m going towards Laputa. “Please clean up after yourself.”

And at that moment, Pridwen and the iron golems disappeared at the same time.



Laputa rocked as the 2042-ton metal giant landed in the airship port of the Order Tower.

「(X_X) Ugh! “The airship port… was partially damaged, Master…”

Talos’ startled voice flowed into my head.

And I could also hear the gray dwarves’ voices quacking in the distance.

「(+_+) Oh! What is that beautiful giant?」

“Move to a spot with a good view of Seoul Station, Sangmin Yeo.”

Yeo Sang-min controlled Friedwen and went out of Laputa’s dome.

He soon looked down at the scene taking place near Seoul Station below.

“…Hmm, it looks like a few buildings are empty?”

And among the mess, Hydra, a nine-headed monster snake, looked down.

“Did you say that when Hercules caught Hydra, he pressed down its head with a heavy stone?”

Hyunwook Lee muttered like that and controlled the Ancient Iron Golem.


It moved its heavy body slowly and stood near the railing of Laputa.

“I guess I should let you know that rain isn’t the only thing I can drop.”

At that moment, the 2042-ton metal giant threw itself into the air, holding a 20-meter adamant spear.

A huge shadow was cast over Seoul Station.

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Steel-Eating Player

Steel-Eating Player

A player who eats steel, Steel-Devouring Player, Steel-eating Player, Steel eater
Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Lee Hyunwook, who originally had the ability to control steel in the world. He tried to protect the world but ultimately failed and the world was destroyed. Following that, he was given the opportunity to return to his military days and build up efforts to prevent the world from being destroyed one by one. An army + Hunter + Regression + Savior “In this life, I’ll be a real hero.” Will Lee Hyunwook be able to save the world this time?


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