Star-Embracing Swordmaster Chapter 283

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Kihano Gaiden – For another meeting (complete)

It was a spire that raised its head vaguely as if piercing the sky.

And a ray of lightning rushed towards the spire with fierce force.


Quagga River -!

With a fierce roar, the head of the windmill began to explode.

When viewed from a distance, the fragments of the windmill shatter as if firecrackers were exploding.

The villagers began to cover their mouths one by one, as if surprised, as they saw the countless fragments of light coloring the hill.

“……There is only one device left.”

However, the lightning that started in the sky has not yet lost its shine.

Quijano’s left eye, wide open, was still shining white.

Quihano, the knight who drew his sword for the young spirits who are still suffering.

He began to slide down the golem’s shoulder, carrying a light borrowed from the sky.


The path of lightning started from the head, went down the shoulders, and began to extend to the wings.

Samonte, who had an intuition of where the road would end, quickly swung the controller, but Quijano’s senses, which were already highly sensitive, had caught the golem’s movement.

-Kihano! Here we come again!

Andrew warned again as he saw the golem’s fist flying from above.

However, as the situation unfolded, even he could only stare quietly with his mouth wide open.

“……What is that.”

The golem’s arm was falling towards the high sky.

It was lifted roughly as if someone had grabbed it.

Everyone here raised their heads in unison at that ridiculous sight.


Beneath the golem’s arm, which was slowly being lifted, was Quihano, who was still holding the sword and gritting his teeth.


It felt like a huge mountain was passing by.

Quihano’s sword, which made contact with his fist, let out a loud scream and sparks flew out, but only Quihano’s wrist was constantly moving, twisting the golem’s momentum.


A defensive technique unique to duelists that draws the sword of an approaching opponent in a circular motion.

The technology, which was said to be difficult to realize even in human-human competition, was now being reproduced through Samonte’s windmill.

“Kihano…… Frausen. “You bastard!”

Quijano’s entire body, burning white, is like a star.

Sarnus’ eyes, who knew well what that meant, began to tremble mercilessly as if they had encountered a strong wave.

“little bit more!”

Quack! Kwazizig!

There was a loud burst that could be clearly heard even on the distant hills.

It started with the golem’s shoulder joint, which had far exceeded its range of motion.

Samonte’s windmill began to let out a mournful cry as he saw his arm being broken miserably, unable to withstand the force he had swung.


There was a view beyond the arm of the golem that had been pushed away.

It was the windmill’s blade that was still slowly rotating and squeezing the young spirits.

“I can see it now.”

My own painting that I had drawn only from my imagination, doubting whether I could dare to do it.

However, the reality I see now clearly matches the picture I drew.


A ray of light was leaking from Quijano, who found it at the last moment.

It is the same color as the starlight brought from the sky by the boy who touched the clouds.

Quihano’s left eye, filled with that color, was shining towards the axis of the wing visible in front of him.


For the little children who were crying because no one came forward.

A starlight that jumped in for them began to shine on the hills of Consuegra and rush towards the golem’s chest.


With the sound of something breaking, Samonte’s windmill began to harden like a stone statue.

The left arm that could not be recovered was still stretched out toward the sky.

And there were colored lights starting to flow along the frozen arm.


Kihano, who saw the light, smiled happily.

One star that falls after completing its duty and countless stars that are only now beginning to rise toward the sky.

The place where they intersected was filled with a brilliant light that had never been seen before.


“……Is that an aurora?”

On a hill littered with all kinds of debris, Quijano was laughing helplessly.

Kihano was lying down as if his strength had run out, but the reason he was able to smile was because there was a gorgeous wave of light shining over his head.

“With a scene like this, it wasn’t a loss-making business.”

The young spirits that had been freed from the clutches of humans were wandering around happily, dyeing the sky with their colors.

A sight as if a huge sheet of silk were covering the sky.

Looking at today’s sky, which he could see because he did not look away, Kihano began to wave his hand.


A fire-breathing lizard, a sparkling butterfly, a squid as small as a fingernail, and even a white snake staring at me with its tiny eyes.

There were still many children circling around him, but Quijano, who was already exhausted, could not understand what they were saying.

“OK got it. see you later.”

So I can only tell you that I will see you later.

I don’t know when, but if we’re meant to be, we’ll be able to see each other again.

As if they understood what he said, the young spirits began to surrender their bodies one by one to the aurora rippling in the sky.

“…It’s nice when I look up.”

Quihano was smiling as he watched the spirits leaving like that.

Today’s sky that I can see because I didn’t turn away.

In the sky we were finally seeing, countless stars were twinkling ceaselessly toward Quijano.


An unknown small town with a summer feel.

At this tavern, not far from Consuegra, there was a lively atmosphere, perhaps because of the rumors being heard.

-I told you so. I heard you took down a really distracting golem!

-A golem controlled by an evil wizard! Not a dragon, but a human knight!

-What did you say your name was? Was it the Quijanora of La Mancha?

Quijano, the knight of La Mancha.

A man who protected the village of Consuegra against an evil golem.

It was such a huge sight that the rumor spread vividly and is still going from village to village and city to city, exalting Quijano’s name every day.

“You did something really big.”

However, Quijano, the protagonist of the rumor, was lowering his head in a comical manner, unable to even swallow the bread he had stuffed in his cheeks.

“What did I tell you before you left?


“I told you to be quiet. If possible, keep it out of sight.”

The first village we stopped at after leaving Consuegra.

There, Quijano, who was eating warm bread for the first time in a long time, was rolling his eyes, unable to even pass the bread he was chewing because of Pedro in front of him.

“But you destroyed the golem? And a golem that is sponsored by Dragulia?”

“Sigh. “All of you are standing here….”

“As if that wasn’t enough, they even gave the key to the prison to the elf who was imprisoning him.”


The sound of someone swallowing their saliva was heard over a table filled with silence.

The sound came not from Quijano, who had his mouth full of bread, but from the boy next to him.

Unlike Quihano, who was acting slyly as if he didn’t know anything, Yan, who was shaking like an aspen tree, was full of anxiety that he couldn’t hide.

“That’s so strange. “I obviously handed it over without anyone knowing.”


Pedro’s face began to harden little by little as he looked at Quijano, who wasn’t even making excuses anymore.

Since there was a justification for destroying a runaway golem, it could be a sufficient solution.

However, no matter how much Frausen he was, arbitrarily taking out the elf that was under Sarnus’s control was a pain in the ass.

“…Don’t go anywhere near the capital for the time being.”


The bag he put down with those words looked quite heavy.

This probably means that you should stay away as far and as long as possible, as much as the gold coins contained within.

“Leave as quickly as possible. “There are rumors that Dragulia has already taken action.”

The tone of voice telling him to leave was cold, but his added words clearly showed his concern for his younger brother.

Quijano has already failed twice to Dragulia, who pursues perfection.

Moreover, unlike before, it was showing shining potential, so the derogatory name Frausen’s bastard alone would no longer guarantee safety.

“Well, I guess I couldn’t hide it forever.”

Young birds have to leave the nest someday,

whether voluntarily or unwillingly.

Pedro stood up, looking at his younger brother who had probably been unable to fly for too long.

“ ……brother.”

He was the younger brother who didn’t know when he would see him if he left now, but he didn’t show the slightest hesitation in the sight of Pedro leaving the bar. He looked firm and

resolute, as if he should do this too, but Quijano, who wasn’t used to separation yet, just quietly walked behind him as he left. He just recited.


After winter, spring. And now, summer full of green leaves.

A knight, a boy, and a frog walking in the middle of that season stopped for a moment as they looked at the crossroads ahead.

“This is it .” “Where should we go?”

Because it was a crossroads in four directions, north, south, east, west, and west, Quijano, who could not decide on a goal, had no choice but to get lost in worry. Still, it was

fortunate that he knew that he should not go only north toward the capital.

“First, go east, where the wizard I know is . “How about going? I want to get some information about my body.”

“I would like to go south if possible. Pedro also said this earlier. You have to be careful of dragons.”


Are you going to go east for Andrew? Are you going to follow Pedro’s advice and go far south?

It was a direction that couldn’t be easily decided because each person’s advice was for a good reason, but eventually a voice came from a completely different direction. Quijano started to turn his head at the sound of birdsong.

“What is this?”

A bird was hovering over Quijano’s head as if telling him to quickly prepare a place for me to land. It

was clear that it was a falcon, but unlike an ordinary jeonseo, the one spreading its fierce wings was a peregrine falcon that can only be seen in the far west.

“… …painting?”

A peregrine falcon landed lightly on my outstretched wrist,

just in case. As expected, the flue hung as thickly as it was large contained not a typical letter but a picture from an unknown sender.

“What is this? Mr. Quijano?”

“I don’t know either.”

Quijano was scratching his head as he watched the peregrine falcon adjusting its wings as if he had no idea.

“Still, it’s a familiar drawing style.”

Kihano, who had been looking down at the picture for a while, could feel that the picture he was looking at was somehow familiar.

Each brushstroke is truly the work of a craftsman.

The vivid painting, which seemed to be a direct copy of the visible scenery, clearly resembled someone’s painting I had seen once before.


Even though I saw it in a dark prison, the scene of Consuegra seemed to become brighter before my eyes.

Quijano remembered the platinum-haired woman who had painted the picture, and only then was he able to recognize who had painted the picture he was currently holding.



“Which direction is the elf city?”

“You mean Alfheim? That place is in the west.”

A wild cat came to visit Quihano, who had no place to come and no place to go.

Looking at the picture that came to him like a revelation when he was at a crossroads in his life, Quihano turned his head toward the west.

“Then let’s go west.”

“West? Why is it going west all of a sudden?”

Instead of going south or east as he had been talking about, Quijano suddenly says to go west.

Andrew and Jan tilted their heads as they looked at him, but Quijano was already taking steps as if he had decided on the direction he was going to take.

“Good. “The sword was broken anyway, so I was planning to buy a new one.”

The duel with the golem was so intense that Quihano’s sword lost a lot of its teeth.

In some ways, it can be said to be a wound of glory, but to a knight, a sword is a precious companion that must always be with him.

“I heard that dwarves are so good at making swords. “Actually, I’ve wanted to have a sword made by dwarves for a long time.”

It is said that if you pass through Alfheim, the forest of elves, you will find Murkheim, where the dwarves live.

And it is said that all the swords made there are not famous swords.

“By the way, Mr. Quihano.”


“This picture is so amazing. “Look here.”

The road heading west that I started walking like that.

Jan, who had been walking along the road for a while, suddenly opened his eyes and pointed at Quihano a picture drawn by an elf woman.

“At first, I thought it was a painting of the night sky, but that wasn’t the case.”

It was a painting given to me to put in my backpack, but it seemed like my interest was piqued.

That’s because there were other scenes hidden within that could be seen if you looked closely.

“If you look here, don’t you see something?”

A painting that looks like it depicts a pitch-black night sky.

However, when I looked closely at the picture, I saw a completely different scene than the night sky.

“If you look here, it looks like a city, right?”

“oh. “I see.”

“It’s small so it’s hard to see, but doesn’t the area around this star that looks so complicated give it the feel of some kind of alley?”

It was a painting that looked like the night sky, but if you look closely, it depicts a dark city.

For some reason, Quijano felt as if his eyes were being drawn to the small star stuck in the corner and emitting a faint light.

“…It’s an interesting picture. “The stars were drawn on the ground, not in the sky.”

Even though it wasn’t in the night sky, there was a small star there that seemed to say it was a star.

A small but shining golden star.

Kihano, who felt sorry for the guy who seemed to be struggling somehow, ended up stroking the guy with his finger without even realizing it.

“What is this?”

Quihano didn’t know it, but the picture he was seeing now was a sight he would see in the very distant future.

However, Kihano was slowly moving towards that fate that could not be reached yet.

Towards the star that knows how to shine alone even though it is not high up in the night sky.

Therefore, the step you are taking now is probably a step toward meeting.

Kihano Gaiden (complete).

Author’s review

Dear readers. This is Q10.

With today’s final manuscript, Sword Master Embracing the Star has been completed.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been with us so far.

It breaks my heart to think that this is the end for both Vlad and Kihano, but I think it’s time to let go because our story is over.

At first, it was an article that I thought could not be paid for. The growth was so slow that I actually tried to quit writing.

But now I have completed it safely and am writing to thank you all. All of this was created by our readers.

That’s why I did my best to finish it. I hope that the ending that leads to another meeting, not the ending that ends with a breakup, is the ending you wanted.

There are a lot of things I want to say, but the simpler the breakup, the better.

Just as Quijano left for Vlad again, I, Q10, will also greet you here to meet you again.

thank you!

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Star-Embracing Swordmaster

Star-Embracing Swordmaster

Star-Fostered Swordmaster, The Stellar Swordmaster
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Vlad, a destitute youngster from the slums, held an unwavering admiration for knights. Following an encounter with a bolt of black lightning, he started hearing a mysterious voice. One fateful day, a knight cloaked in the shimmering glow of the blue moonlight appeared, completely upending Vlad’s existence in the back alleys. This extraordinary event proved that even a faint star concealed among the darkest corners of the nocturnal firmament can still radiate its brilliance, should it yearn to shine.


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