Star-Embracing Swordmaster Chapter 253

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Children’s Song (2)

The world inside the tree was so warm and comfortable.

It was a world I really didn’t want to leave, like a mother’s arms embracing me.

“…Where should I go now?”

However, some of the children at the campfire were following Josef.

As if no matter how young children are, they can’t stay here forever.

-mister. Where do we go now?

-Didn’t you know the way?

However, this world they are wandering in is a world of trees with no exit.

Josef, who had been dragged here unintentionally by a root that had pierced him, had no idea where to go.

“That’s right.”

I thought there must be a place for me to come in and a place to go out, but all I could see was pitch blackness.

In a place lit only by the bonfire behind them, the children began to grab Josef’s collar one by one as the surroundings grew increasingly darker as they moved forward.

Kwasik! Kwazijic!


The sound of something breaking was heard above Josef’s head as he was wandering around like that.

A sharp noise was heard for the first time in this place where there had been only comfortable silence.

Josef raised his head at the light above his head that came along with the noise.

– Let’s stop now!


Someone’s voice that seemed to come from far away, like an echo.

– Let’s stop now!

However, the voice that was clearly audible no matter how far away it was was clearly the voice of the driver who was with me.


“Aaaah! “I got hit!”

Along with Nibelun’s screams, pieces of the carpet that had been torn apart were flying.

Vlad and Nibelun sway back and forth as if the image was not a lie.

They were barely able to keep their feet on the mysterious piece of cloth, but they only stumbled precariously on the falling carpet.

“Good work.”


However, even at the moment he fell, Vlad was looking at the tree in front of him.

To be exact, he was glaring at the woman who was chanting a spell from the highest point of the tree.

“No matter how damaged it is, isn’t it enough to go down alone?”

“Vlad? “Vlad?”

“Then go carefully!”

“No, right? Surely not?”


The world that is now in Vlad’s eyes is a world where Auguste tells us about finding the most right path.

That world was now illuminated by a fiercely flying stem of root.

As if there was no other way out.

“I hope not too!”

Vlad started jumping from the carpet, narrowly avoiding the roots.

The wingless dragon gritted his teeth as he felt the dizzying feeling of falling, but now this was really the only way.


Quack! Quad deuk!

Just as he was about to fall, Vlad took advantage of that moment and plunged his sword into a passing root.

The overwhelming sense of shock coming from his fingertips was painful, but Vlad did not let go of his hand until the end.


Vlad crawled up the root using his sword as a handle and started running towards the tree in front of him.

Riding on vicious roots that growl like snakes.

The headless knights on the tree began to murmur towards Vlad, who was climbing the roots.

-That guy is coming over!

-Vlad of Shoara! That crazy guy!

– Stop it! Cut off the roots!

The roots were shaking my body as if I hadn’t expected them to come riding on me, but a swordsman must never lose his balance at any moment.

The heir to the one-hit-kill technique that must make the battlefield his own anytime, anywhere, did not lose sight of his goal despite the tremors.

[There are them right in front of you!]


[What did I say? Did you teach me how to suppress the momentum!]


Vlad’s splendid horizon cutting through the pitch-black roots with Quijano’s voice.

From the end of the golden horizon, a shining world began to soar.

Although it was smaller than the moon above, it was definitely a light that everyone down there could see.

“If you want to block my path, pay the price!”

A golden world where you can easily jump over headless knights.

The tribes of Ramasht just stared dumbly at Vlad, who was jumping over them.

Without even noticing the golden sword wind blowing right in front of them.

puck! Bubberbuffuck!

The sight of black roses blooming wherever the wind touches them.

This gorgeous painting, drawn with rotten black paint, reminded me of the knight of the blue moon seen in the rose’s smile.

[excellent! It was recreated perfectly!]

I didn’t tell you, but I followed the light of the blue moon that was deeply embedded in my world.

Vlad, who had recreated Godin’s swordsmanship, began to run towards Ramachut, leaving behind the flying fragments of the knights.


To reach the moon.

In order to reach the moon that needs to be destroyed this time.

The path I wanted was clearly engraved in Vlad’s footsteps as he ran like that.

“Get out of the way, you bastards!”


They roll to avoid the roots flying overhead and crush the headless knights that stand in their way.

It was a space above the trees filled with dark crowds, but once Vlad started accelerating, his advance was even more fierce.

“Stop! Ramasht!”

In order for a person on the floor to fly up, he or she needs a distance to jump.

Even though the place where I am running is full of mud.

“I told you to stop right away!”


Just like that, Vlad was jumping.

Towards the woman who created this entire tragedy by stepping on the countless blades beneath her feet.

“……Vlad Aureo!”

The light rushing towards her was very clear.

Therefore, the Ramasuit that I hastily created without stopping the spell I was memorizing had a barrier, but it was just something as light and fragile as glass.

Kwasik! Kwazijic!



The altar of Ramasht stands tall like an obelisk.

The small altar was full of fragments of shattered barriers.

However, even though he rolled over the sharp debris, Vlad’s advance did not stop.

“I’m not giving you time this time!”


A blond knight who rushes forward as if he won’t repeat the mistake he made earlier.


“Huh …….”

In the distance and time that was not allowed at all, the gestures of the Ramasuit wielded in time were not easy to end.

bang! Kwasik!


“Stop fucking! “Stop!”

Through the gap that was dug like that, they hit her pretty face and cut off her delicate fingers.

In front of the dragon’s teeth striking with such ferocity, Ramachut let out a scream of pain.


Chiik –

A vicious hand grasping Vlad’s armor as if it couldn’t stop like this.

Through that touch, sorrow, pain, and all kinds of curses clung to Vlad, but the dwarf’s armor made from the breath of a young lizard was heating up fiercely as if it would not tolerate a single impurity.

“How many more people are you going to kill? “You crazy bitch!”

“Children… my children.”

“So how many more people are you going to kill for those children?”

Vlad grabbed Ramachut’s messed up hair and dragged her, showing her the scene below.

The world below, where the pitch-black trees take root, is rather like hell.

Now, in a place where you can’t even trust the ground you’re standing on, it’s just filled with countless screams, with no distinction between the north and the center.

“Do you see those people? “What are you going to do if you kill all those people?”

The knight’s voice, pointing to the hell of royalties, was full of anger that even he himself could not handle.

However, in the eyes of the dark woman who had already become absorbed in her purpose, it only seemed like a clue to my world, not someone’s scream.

“…It’s so dirty, isn’t it? Right? “No one can survive there.”


“How can you tell my children to live in such an ugly place?”

The woman was shedding tears.

For the children who can no longer breathe.

The tears the woman shed were clearly the same light as the black moon seen above.

“My children don’t live in a place like that! “I will let you live in a clean world without such dirty things!”

Madness towards God and madness towards children.

Vlad, who was looking at the two, was at a loss for words when he saw the pure madness.

Fanatics who cannot relate to each other because it is not their world.

Looking at them like that, the knight of this era felt like he was going crazy.

“……okay. Do things like that. “I will do my job.”

However, unlike these people, the world that Vlad keeps is not anyone else’s world, but my own world that I created myself.

My world, filled only with what I saw, heard, and learned, kept Vlad upright even through all the madness.

“I won’t go crazy. “I will never go crazy like you guys.”

I hope that in this crazy world, I will not lose the color of the star that I first embraced.

In the midst of Achiuk, full of madness and pain, Vlad raised his silver sword with that promise.



With Ramasht’s scream, Vlad’s sword dug into the ominous altar.

It was a sharp scream that felt as if his soul was being shattered, but Vlad gritted his teeth and did not show the slightest hesitation in his gestures.

“Let’s stop now!”

Jet-black tears begin to bulge out from the tip of the blade that violently opens the wound.

Vlad’s eyes, noticing those tears, were filled with a sadness that was difficult to hide.

“I feel sorry for the kids! “Let’s stop now!”

Quad deuk!

Vlad’s sword cutting through the pitch-black altar.

Every time the sword flashed, the black moon above began to let out a silent scream.


A woman who is a mess and crying and a black moon falling.

As if it couldn’t leave the poor things alone, the tree in the sky lifted up its roots, but Vlad was no longer there.




There was an altar that was collapsing underfoot.

An altar to feed the countless deaths below and to raise the black moon above my head.

[Don’t fall for it! This altar is a connection between the worlds!]

The world of trees begins to appear beneath my feet.

In that world filled with nothing but pitch-black space, there was only an endless abyss waiting for Vlad with its mouth open.

“Holy shit!”

Vlad falls into a dark world alone without a wizard to explain the mysteries.

No matter how much he stirred, Vlad was slowly sinking in a world with no place to hold on to.



But Vlad didn’t know.

Even if you are falling into this dark place, you are like a shining star to those watching from below.


There was a hand reaching out towards Vlad, who was falling endlessly.

The hand, which was uncharacteristically white and skinny, was clearly the hand of someone Vlad knew well.


The cute hands that are stretched out countless times along with him.

The hands of the children who reached out from the invisible darkness together with Josef were clearly held out for Vlad.


“…I’m sorry.”

Andrea held the young deacon’s hand and looked at the black moon above.

The current sight of the moon was clearly too harsh for the young boys, so Andrea had no choice but to apologize.

“I hope it doesn’t stop though.”

But even so, the boys’ song must continue.

No matter how harsh the world you see in front of you is, you are children who will have to live in this world from now on.

“If you don’t sing, who in this world can speak of hope?”


The current scene is bound to be too hideous and scary for the children of the next generation to see.

However, Andrea was a person who knew very well that there was only hope for children.

“We will carry all of these things with us, so I hope you guys will continue to sing.”

To cheer on those ahead, to comfort those who have already died.

Andrea’s Rosario was shining as she asked him to do so.


A woman was crying under the moon falling from above.

It was so pitiful that the world was sinking towards this dirty world.

However, there was a song that resonated even in this world where women were said to be dirty.

“You really found a lot! “Why are you here!”

-I’m sorry. It all happened for a reason.

The song the boys were singing was echoing throughout the battlefield.

Not even a single star rises while listening to that song.

“Now let’s go home.”

Vlad, who was saved by someone lifting him up, was smiling with an angry expression as he looked at Josef right in front of him.

Like all the children here are smiling.

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Star-Embracing Swordmaster

Star-Embracing Swordmaster

Star-Fostered Swordmaster, The Stellar Swordmaster
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Vlad, a destitute youngster from the slums, held an unwavering admiration for knights. Following an encounter with a bolt of black lightning, he started hearing a mysterious voice. One fateful day, a knight cloaked in the shimmering glow of the blue moonlight appeared, completely upending Vlad’s existence in the back alleys. This extraordinary event proved that even a faint star concealed among the darkest corners of the nocturnal firmament can still radiate its brilliance, should it yearn to shine.


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