Star-Embracing Swordmaster Chapter 18

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Crying Woman (3)

“I am thankful to the Lord for taking care of my day again today…”

Late at night.

Priest Andrea at the garrison was ending the day with a prayer to God.

The young deacon who always accompanied him was praying with his hands together.

“Always serve me as a light so that I can walk on the right path…” The

young deacon, who was busy repeating what Andrea was saying, opened his eyes that had been gently closed when the prayer he was hearing was suddenly cut off.


Despite the young deacon’s call, Andrew did not recite a prayer.

Instead, he just stared at the silver cup with his eyes wide open.


Purified water contained in a pure silver cup.

It was crying, making small ripples.

It seemed like he was trying to warn me of something.

A winter field where the sun is setting.

A thick fog similar to that seen on the riverside was spreading over the punitive force’s garrison.

With the voice of a woman desperately searching for something.

-Baby, my baby.

It came with a thick fog and was made from someone’s tears.

-Where is my baby?




Xayar thought as he swung his sword.

This is a trap.

The surrounding circumstances were arranged to make a decision to cross the river, and it started at the time of sunset.

This ship was meticulously designed.

“Everyone look at me! “Form a square around me!”

Xayar closed his left eye, which no longer existed.

Then, a green aura like the Milky Way began to flow from the sword that Xayar was holding.

It was the only thing shining under the dark, setting sky.

“Gather together! Gather here!”

“We have a knight!”

According to Xayar’s instructions, the mercenaries who crossed the river formed a square.

The mercenaries who followed all their human instincts and gathered to Xayar’s side were only then able to calmly look at the beings that threatened them.

Wow –

ahhh –

they were dead.

And coincidentally, they all had black hair.

‘You got hit.’

Xayar sighed inwardly as he looked at the dead people with black hair who reminded him of someone.

A trap is something with intention.

It was created with evil intentions to hurt someone.

And although Xayar didn’t know who created this trap, he was able to tell that it was aimed at someone.


The ice on the river collapsed and he became isolated with his mercenaries.

These were traps to separate himself and Josef.

“Vlad! “Can you hear me?”

I don’t know whose intention it was, but the trap was successful.

Even if he tried his best to return from here, it would take half a day to reach Josef.


No, I didn’t know it would take longer than that.


A blond boy’s cry was heard from across the river.

It was a boy swinging a sword at the dead in the increasingly waning sunlight.

The boy’s flowing blonde hair was shining with the setting sun.

‘You’ll need at least one more sword!’

Just in case, I left three knights with Priest Andrea.

And since there were about 50 mercenaries waiting at the garrison, a smart Joseph would be able to withstand any threat.

I hope so.

“Vlad of Shoara! Fulfill your contract!”

Zayar thought of what was best for Josef even as the hands of death constantly approached him.

“What should I do-!”

“Go back to the garrison right now! “Protect Joseph according to the contract made before God!”

A loud cry mixed with the aura flowed across the river.

The arrogant boy over there dared to place conditions on his master.

And now is the time to fulfill contracts made without even knowing the subject matter.

“Right Now!”

“……All right-!”

From the corner of Xayar’s line of sight, he saw Vlad and Goth withdrawing their swords and hurriedly running back.

‘Oh God.’

As he watched the two people getting further and further away, Zayar prayed that God would save Josef.

I just hope that they, who put their will into it, return safely.

“Knight! “In the woods!”

And now is the time to take care of yourself.


There was a group of people walking out of the forest.

They weren’t frozen, but they were still cold.


With a bitter feeling, Xayar pointed his sword at those walking out of the forest.

Among them, towards the one who is most advanced.

“I came too late. “Rodrick.”

There was a knight there, with a distorted breastplate and a vicious white eye.


Even though it was a cold winter day, no white breath escaped from the corner of Roderick’s mouth.




Vlad’s sword suddenly cut off the thing that jumped out and blocked Goth’s path.


It seemed like he had just died, and black blood was gushing out.


“Where’s the horse!”

Hearing Vlad’s shout, Goth hurriedly turned his head to gauge the location.

Vlad and Goth’s situation might have been worse than across the river where Xayar was.

There were at least ten of them gathered together and they were accompanied by a knight, a symbol of force.

“excuse me! “Lord Xayar tied him up over there!”

“let’s go!”

But there was only one Goth standing next to Vlad.

‘I have to run away!’

Vlad had no options to worry about.

The only way left was to run away toward the garrison with all my might.

Avoiding and cutting down.

Vlad and Goth ran up the riverbank toward the place where Xayar had tied up his horse.


“excuse me!”

Fortunately, the spirits of the dead had not yet reached Xayar’s horse.

“Loosen the rope!”

Vlad turned back and cut down the approaching dead, giving Goth time to untie his horse.

“Hi! Hehe! Hey! “You’re nice!”

Purr- Horses

are timid animals.

It must have been a great horse, worthy of being ridden by a knight of the Bayezid family, but even so, it would have been impossible not to be frightened by the ominous sounds coming from all directions.



“done! it’s okay! “Vlad!”

Goth manages to untie the rope tied to the stake and calls out to Vlad.

“Calm down, please! “Let’s live together!”

However, Goth was unable to control the horse that was running wild due to fear.

“Hurry up and get in!”

Until Vlad’s blue eyes reached the horse.

Vlad, who was riding on his horse as if he were flying, quickly grabbed Goth’s hand and pulled him up.


“What are you doing, boss! “Go!”

“…But how does this move?”

“This is crazy!”

Goth ended up tearing out his head at Vlad’s helpless shout.

“You said from the beginning that you didn’t know how to ride a horse!”

He was a boy who was born in the city and lived in the back alleys his entire life.

Vlad’s reality was that he couldn’t even ride a donkey to carry luggage, let alone a horse.

Can I just pull on the reins to make the horse move?

“Get down, you bastard!”

Goat let out a voice full of anger as he saw the dead people approaching.

“If I die, it will all be because of you! “You son of a bitch!”

Seeing himself changing seats in a hurry because he couldn’t leave right away, Goat shed tears of inexplicable injustice.


Vlad’s sword swung once again at the dead people approaching the horse.

“get on! “You idiot!”


Vlad could only pretend not to hear the sound that the evil-stricken Goth was making.


Xayar’s horse, which had finally had a proper rider, raised its front hooves high and shot forward.

As expected, as the horse the knight chose, it created a path by trampling everything in its path.



Vlad’s final swing flashed at the dead people rushing in from all directions.


With Vlad’s shout, the sun that had been hanging over the mountain gave its last sigh and went out.


Vlad and Goth were running through the forest, listening to the cries of the dead echoing behind them.

A night where the sun has set but the moon has not yet reached.

The dusky evening that followed the boy was filled with death.


A heavy night fog filled the space between the tents.


What is that!

They are dead!

And the men’s screams echoed throughout the garrison through the night fog.


Josef, sensing that the situation was serious, quickly got out of bed.


“What is this fuss about?”

“That thing!”

Bordan, who came into the tent panting, tried to say something with his thick cheeks shaking, but he couldn’t get the words out.

“Did you come to me without even understanding the situation?”

“First of all, Joseph’s safety is important!”

“A person like that came without even a sword?”

At Josef’s point, Bordan lowered his head and looked at his belt.

There was only a useless sword sheath hanging there.

“I envy you, brother. “He would have hung you right away.”

“I’m sorry.”

Josef hurriedly put on his clothes and listened to the outside of the tent.

A strange, unidentifiable sound.

Screams and howls.

The sound echoing through the air filled Josef’s ears.



Andre and his young deacon came in front of Josef, who was just about to leave the tent to assess the situation.

“I wonder what’s going on…”

“It’s evil.”

Rather than explaining in words, Andrea opened the Bible he was holding and showed it to Josef.


A priest of the size of Andrew would be given various sacred items.

One of them was a Bible written in sacred ink.

‘This is my first time seeing something like this.’

Under the light created by the candle flame, the letters written in the Bible were trembling like aspen trees.

Although it was just a letter, it looked as if it was scared of something.

“They are not usually strong beings.”

“The priest is a man of strong faith. “Isn’t there a way?”

I could tell without having to see it in person.

Josef could now sense that something evil with intentions was invading his garrison.

The remaining two knights came into the tent out of breath.

Fortunately, unlike Bordan, they had brought swords and armor.

Priest Andrea answered the man with dark eyes.

“I am not an exorcist.”

God’s will is one, but there are many ways to approach God.

It depended on one’s innate aptitude and emerging talent.

“I am confident in blessings and healing, but in a situation like the present…”

Andrea was a great priest, but he was someone who could not exert much power in a situation where an evil being like the present came.

He was someone who followed the subjugation of monsters and carried out God’s will on his own, and the most important thing for Priest Andrea would have been the ability to heal the wounded and strengthen the strength of the warriors.

“I will use my divine power as much as I can, but if it is this level of evil, it may not be of much help.”

“All right.”

Josef made eye contact with Andrea and the knights following him.


The moment the group with their resolve stepped out of the tent, what they saw was…


“no! “I’m not your child!”

Dense night fog.

And in the midst of it all, the mercenaries were suffocating from fear and collapsing.

“Is it a confusing fog?”

“At least it’s not a natural phenomenon.”

As soon as Josef heard those words, he quickly took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth.

Because the most unbelievable thing in this world was one’s own fragile body.

A few mercenaries with a strong will were running around avoiding the fog, not being mesmerized by the voice of an unknown woman.

‘You got hit.’

Josef was convinced as he watched the garrison becoming a mess and out of control.

That someone’s evil intentions are tying you up.

-Baby. my baby

The moment Josef was chewing his lips in frustration, there was a figure slowly approaching through the screams of mercenaries and the dark night fog.


It was a faint human image.

However, the presence was strong. Every time it took a step


the group felt a tingling sensation in the back of their necks.

-are you there?

There was a woman walking silently towards the group with a pale face.

Black tears were flowing ceaselessly from the corners of the woman’s eyes.

-You finally found it, my baby.

In reality, she was a woman whose tears were streaming down, and only empty darkness was there.


Josef could feel it.

The darkness around the woman’s eyes is looking directly at her.

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Star-Embracing Swordmaster

Star-Embracing Swordmaster

Star-Fostered Swordmaster, The Stellar Swordmaster
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Vlad, a destitute youngster from the slums, held an unwavering admiration for knights. Following an encounter with a bolt of black lightning, he started hearing a mysterious voice. One fateful day, a knight cloaked in the shimmering glow of the blue moonlight appeared, completely upending Vlad’s existence in the back alleys. This extraordinary event proved that even a faint star concealed among the darkest corners of the nocturnal firmament can still radiate its brilliance, should it yearn to shine.


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