ReLife Player [Re: Life Player] Chapter 504

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Relife Player 504

[Chapter 138]

[Another strategy (2)]

Noh Eun-ha, 18 years old, 13 years old.

A new school year has begun.

In his second year at High Academy, he mainly took classes that would help him create and manage a clan.

Occasionally, there were also classes on how to effectively manage party play.

why am i listening to this?

Ah, I think I overheard…

Should I just drop it?

How to create an elective training clan.

Eunha groaned silently as she looked at the textbook, which was packed with letters.

Not only was the content too difficult, but there was so much of it that it was difficult to cram it into my head.

Besides, he didn’t understand the instructor’s lecture at all.

─Therefore, if you want to create a clan, you must meet the minimum conditions set forth by the National Mana Management Organization. It had to have at least 10 members, as well as a clan hall to perform the functions of the clan


However, as the number of people he wanted to recruit increased, it became difficult to stick to his initial position.

So he decided to broaden his horizons with the idea of creating a clan, not just a party.

Do I have to memorize all of these clauses to create a clan?

However, Eunha regretted her choice not long after the semester started.

Unlike parties, which can be formed and disbanded at any time, clans were subject to the strict standards of the law.

It wasn’t easy to create it, and it wasn’t easy to memorize the tasks and related matters to be done as a clan after it was created.

I’m used to running a party, so I don’t have anything to do anymore.

Clan work is different.

If you think about it, in your previous life, Lee Yoo-jung ran a party and she used to take care of the little things.

But in this life, without her, she might end up managing a clan with more duties than a party.

The more Eunha thought about it, the darker she felt.


-I guess you need an administrator.

The Clan’s Housekeeper Administrator who specializes in Clan administration.

Recognizing the need for an administrator, he took care of the students who were taking lectures with him.

Among them, I was looking for someone who was good at being an administrator.

Then, he shook his head.

The quality of an administrator is obviously important, but you need to find someone you can trust.

Eunha had no intention of getting involved in administrative affairs.

This meant that the magistrate would naturally be in charge of all the affairs of the clan.

In other words, the administrator is entrusted with full power over the clan.

It becomes a real Clanlord.

As a result, Eunha thought that if he had to recruit an administrator, he had to recruit not only ability but also someone who could be trusted.

In that sense, the most suitable talent could be said to be her fiancé.

-If it’s Seohyun, I can trust him.

However, I am not sure if a direct descendant of the Sirius Group will become the administrator of a single clan.

Seohyun Han entered university this year.

It is said that he is living a freshman life in the department that trains clan administrators.

According to her story, she repeats home and school every day.

In any case, it was very welcome for her to become an administrator.

The problem is that we are still not sure whether Sirius Group will allow Han Seo-hyun to become an administrator.

I don’t know.

Let’s go think about it then.

Eunha decided to stop thinking.

He hadn’t even decided yet whether he wanted to create a clan.

Just in time, the lecture was over.

Eunha barely caught her breath and got up from her seat.

Shall we kill time at a nearby cafe?

The galaxy checked the time.

There were no classes left.

However, Hayang takes the next class.

Eun-ha, who promised to have dinner with her, decided to kill time somewhere until her class was over.

right then-

─Where are you going? what about the class? done?

why do i have to say that

When it’s time, let’s go get some coffee. Let’s spend some time with me

He ran into Hoshimiya Kaede in the hallway.

Hoshimiya Kaede, who had come from afar, immediately frowned upon seeing the galaxy.

As soon as she tried to turn away from the corner, she was caught by Eunha’s calling.

I will refuse. I will refuse to refuse.


It looks like class is over, isn’t it? It’s over why

Then it will be time.

She carried a national bow on one shoulder.

Kaede Hoshimiya responded to Eunha in a harsh tone.

Even so, Eunha remained calm.

After being hit by Hayang and hit by Seohyun, Kaede Hoshimiya’s attitude was truly at the level of aegyo.

She would be very offended if she heard that.

Eunha didn’t bother to say anything.

Sorry, I’m busy. I don’t have time.

why are you going

to train

I might miss out on this day

…No Eun-ha. Are you saying that makes sense now?

Hoshimiya Kaede is dumbfounded.

Eunha shrugged.

She sighed and turned away as if she wasn’t worth dealing with.

find someone else because i’m busy

Kaede snorted.

she took a step

Eunha quietly let Kaede pass by.

And just in time for her to feel distant to some extent—.


So much so that everyone passing by in the hallway could hear it.

Eunha put her hands together and shouted.

Then, with a smile on his face, he looked back.

Just then, she was looking back.

Our eyes met.

With that groan, it’s not like it’s blushing…

Kaede Messimiya trembled and moved her pursed lips.

He giggled and giggled at the sight of her coming closer.

─I’ll buy you coffee. let’s go.

─What is it? what?

Academy Cultural Center cafeteria.

Eunha, aiming for a quiet time after lunch, took Kaede Hoshimiya there.

Around the time Eunha was sitting by the window overlooking the lake and playing pineapple.

Kaede Hoshimiya, who was buried in a chair with her arms crossed, opened her mouth.

Eunha tilted her head.

You said let’s drink coffee together.

So you’re drinking coffee right now.

what is so dissatisfying

Kaede Hoshimiya puffed out her cheeks, revealing a displeased attitude.

Eunha couldn’t help but be confused.

Then, Messiah said—.

—If this is the case, why did you call me? I just buy you coffee and sit in front of you and talk on your phone. Oh, I’m sorry. Did I do too much?

When you’re with me, focus on me. ok i will do that from now on

A comment by Kaede Hoshimiya.

After hearing her point, Eun-ha immediately realized her mistake.

Talking to Seohyun Han, I ended up wasting too much time before I knew it.

Even if he thought that Kaede Hoshimiya, who was sitting directly in front of him, had been ignored, there was no room for refutation.

Then, suddenly, she changed her expression and changed her words.

…no. You said it wrong. I want you to stop focusing on me. uh?

Thinking about it made me feel bad. … then I keep knocking?

that’s not the sound

Then what are you saying? don’t phone And to focus on you?

Yes, for me, focus…. I feel like

I’m confused about my self-identity.

Hoshimiya Kaede pursed her lips, revealing her heart.

Eun-ha, who happened to play with her, giggled.

Soon he turned his phone over to focus on her.

Hoshimiya Kaede looked at him with an uncomfortable face.

so. what? Did you chat with Hayang? not with my fiancé. two-legged child. I don’t understand what kind of things you like about you, like Hayang and your fiancée.

don’t you understand? Do you know what happens when you understand?

How does it go?

What will happen… Of course he will fall in love with me.

…I’m in a bad mood, so I’ll pretend I didn’t hear it.

Kaede touched her temple.

She seemed to be exhausted from even having a brief conversation with Eunha.

On the other hand, Eunha seemed to be cheered up by teasing her.

Even after that, the conversation that seemed like a fight continued.


─Ah, that’s right.

Why are you sleepy again? There was a story about you training with Onyang these days?


Eunha changed the topic as if she had just remembered.

It was a story I had heard through Jinsona.

Recently, Kaede and Sun-sun are training together in the training building.

When Eunha heard the news, she thought it was very unexpected.

Because Kaede and Onyang hadn’t had anything to do with each other until now.

Don’t be surprised.

Moreover, the two were not different from each other.

One is a ranger.

The other is a dealer.

As a result, Eunha wanted to know how the two people, who had no contact at all, became close.

…not friendly. We’re just training together.

who said what

I was simply curious.

However, it seems that she took his words differently.

She made a puzzled face for a moment, then bit her lip and made an excuse.

Eun-ha smiled at her as she bowed her head as if she had committed a sin.

How did you end up training together? You don’t like training with other people. Let me tell you, it’s not that I don’t like training with other people, it’s that I don’t like training with you.

do you hate me so much

…Why don’t you put your hand on your heart once and then tell me.

I haven’t done anything wrong Excited. anyway so? How did you end up training with him?

Hoshimiya Kaede shuts her mouth.

It was the face that asked why he had to say it.

But she let out a long sigh and continued as if it was nothing.

At first, we met face-to-face a few times in the training hall and said hello.

We became friends without knowing … What does it have to do with you who I’m close to. anyway. so?

during winter break. huh.

I stayed at the academy and was training…

Let’s hear the story.

It is said that she and On Tae-yang met each other in training-dong last year and were acquainted with each other.

Then comes winter vacation.

She, who tried to stay at the academy to train even during vacation, and On Taeyang, who tried to train at the academy even during vacation, ran into each other.

From then on, the two started training together.

So what kind of person is On Taeyang in your opinion? Why?

just. curious.


Eunha heard the story and asked.

Come to think of it, in my previous life, I was curious about how Taeyang On became close with Kaede Hoshimiya, who had a difficult personality.

However, if you listen to her story, the two met in the training dong and slowly got to know each other.

Eunha guessed so and asked—

-I’ve never really thought about it.


If I had to say it, I would say that he is a very hardworking person. … By reason?

Why should I consider him a member of the opposite sex?

Kaede raised her eyes.

she asked with her eyes tightened.

Please don’t misunderstand me. Just know that you’re training with him because he suits you, and for no other reason. … okay. sorry.

I also don’t want to hear that from you, who is crossing both legs.


Kaede Hoshimiya speaks as if she is clearly displeased.

Seeing her attitude, Eun-ha felt as if she had asked something she shouldn’t have asked.

I regretted asking about it.

Since then, Eun-ha has had to listen to the sound of her legs from time to time.

Oh, then I’ll train with him later in the evening…

Yes, it’s a pair of legs. What are you training for? why is it lamb … Hey, I’m sorry?

I don’t know.


trash bastard.

Haven’t I said anything yet?

ok leg.

How did the tide turn around?

Kaede seemed happy to have the upper hand over him for the first time.

Eunha sighed.

In the end, he decided to just listen to whatever she said.

If Kaede Hoshimiya speaks honestly about the person called On Taeyang—.

-I’m not a hard-working person.

by her standards.

On Taeyang was a person who did not neglect his efforts to train himself.

And Kaede really liked people who worked hard.

It was inevitable that even during the vacation, they would evaluate him positively as he came from the academy and trained while sweating profusely.


─A lamb leg.

I thought he was a good guy, but now I see he’s trash.

then at that time.

Kaede came across the story that Eunha and Hayang got engaged shortly after dating.

It could be said that the evaluation of the galaxy, which was not good from the beginning, was an opportunity to fall again.

In such a situation, On Taeyang, who contrasted sharply with Noh Eun-ha, spoke to her.

─What? Are you here to train too? I’m surprised I thought you guys would go home and rest…

On Taeyang from the 31st class of Higher Academy.

Even though she was passive in interacting with people, she was not unaware of Onyang. Of course

, he knew that

Jin-seo, Cha Eun-woo and Ariel, who were close to him, hated him very much.

However, she did not judge people carelessly by the words of others.


She evaluated On Taeyang with the most objective point of view.

After that, the impression she felt was that On Taeyang was a very sincere person.

It was the reason she continued to train with Onyang until now.

By the way-

—I’ve been thinking about it before… Kaede If your skills are as good as yours, you don’t have to join Noh Eun-ha’s division, do you?


You said you don’t like kids who brag about their status. …….

But why are you in Noh Eun-ha’s division?

The day I came after pouring all the stress on Noh Eun-ha.

On that day, Kaede Hoshimiya, who trained with Onyang and won against him, was asked such a question.

On Taeyang, who was lying on the floor sweating, looked up at her as if he did not understand.

…It just seems like I’m acting with them somehow. I’m not Noh Eun-ha’s division.

Kaede couldn’t treat Onyang as comfortably as he did with Noh Eunha.

When you think about it, it was a strange thing.

It was because he used to put up a wall against others, but he was comfortable with Noh Eun-ha and the people she hangs out with.

When I noticed it, it was like that.

Maybe it’s because she’s been through all the bad things that were bad from the beginning…

Soon after, she smiled bitterly.

The impression she had of Noh Eun-ha was not good at all.

In addition, she avoided him and even threatened him to become a member of the party.

There was no way Eunha Noh would get better.


─I admit one skill.

Noh Eun-ha’s skills were acknowledged.

At first, she didn’t like that he had that kind of skill without even trying.

However, the more I got to know him, the more I could see that he, too, was not neglecting his efforts behind the scenes.

No, maybe more than myself.

There was a reason for such skill.


-I’m not an arrogant kid for no reason.

Noh Eun-ha was a maniac obsessed with protecting his people.

The attitude he showed whenever he defended his person could be said to be very arrogant in the eyes of others.

She thought so too at first.

However, after learning why Eunha was arrogant, I realized that Noh Eunha is not an arrogant person.

Of course-

—His personality is trash, though.

Inseong was trash.

It could be proved by the fact that he was straddling both legs.

It was garbage that couldn’t be removed.

However, it was not pleasant to hear the sound of other people cursing Noh Eun-ha.

─Have you come across a weakness for Eunha Noh? Kaede: It’s because I can’t believe that a guy like you hangs out with Eunha Noh.


I want you to be honest. If Eunha Noh is really like that to you, I’ll help you somehow.

Believe only what you see on the outside.

Believe only what you want to believe.

Misunderstood, misunderstood, determined.

She didn’t like the sound of On Taeyang talking freely.

It was as if he was obsessed with slandering others.

It looked like that in her eyes.

And of course she didn’t like it.

-Shut up.


tell him to shut up

What are you saying…

I decide who I’ll date. It’s not for you to argue.


And what are you swearing at?

I’m worried about you…. A guy who can’t even win against Noh Eun-ha, why worry about others?

what? what did you say now

He said that he was not even a mouse tail. He said that he is not even half as good as Noh Eun-ha.


Warning shot.

She drew the bowstring.

An arrow made of mana grazed his cheek.


No blood came out.

However, Onyang seemed to be mesmerized by the arrow that passed so fast.

i’ll stop I don’t think I will be training with you in the future.

There is no sign of the warm sun moving.

Kaede turned away from him.

She quickly walked out of the training ground and bumped her head against the wall.

Why am I…

Shame came to me.

Although he himself was cursing Noh Eun-ha to his heart’s content.

Nonetheless, she was so angry that others were swearing at her that she acted in a fit of rage.

She banged her head against the wall until she calmed down, regretting her actions.

This job to Noh Eun-ha—.

─I can’t say anything…

It was obvious that Eunha Noh would make fun of me when she heard it.

She belatedly checked her surroundings.

Fortunately, no one was there.

I got a call from Jo Ara.

They tell you to set aside time on the weekends.

[Taeyang will be training at the academy even on weekends. Don’t worry, I think you can go.]

Okay. Thanks for calling.

He goes to meet Onyang’s family.

After hearing the schedule from Jo Ara, Eunha nodded.

After the phone call, he was lost in thought.

Come to think of it…

What happened after Onyang healed his mother’s illness with the elixir?

A thought that suddenly came to mind.

Eunha tilted her head.

In a previous life, he used an elixir to cure his mother from mana depletion.

After that, I heard that his family got out of poverty with the fame of < Braever >.


—Come to think of it, On Taeyang rarely mentioned his family.

On Taeyang, who walked the path of a player to make his family happy.

However, he was reborn as < braver >, curing his mother with an elixir and not talking about his family.

So did people.

No one paid attention to the hero’s family.


─I wonder if the family lived well after all?

Will the hero who finally saved the country make his family happy?

Eun-ha suddenly felt suspicious.

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ReLife Player [Re: Life Player]

ReLife Player [Re: Life Player]

Re:Life Player
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
[Undead] Noh Eunha. After losing his family and closing off his heart, he just wanted to kill the monsters he loathed. I regressed before my life came to an end in the deepest part of the [Abyss Dungeon] that was impossible for mankind to raid. Since I’ve been reborn as a baby, let’s make this life different. I will do anything for the sake of my happiness. I’ll kill in order to live, and I’ll do my best to survive. Even if I have to walk a th**ny road by myself without anyone acknowledging me. This life, I will definitely—


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