ReLife Player [Re: Life Player] Chapter 461

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Relife Player 461

[Chapter 130]

[Queen Thief (4)]

The academy is an educational institution established on land that has turned into a red dungeon.

It is a land with many stories.

As a result, various ghost stories circulated around the academy.

Among them, there were ghost stories that existed in real life, and there were also ghost stories that were accepted as legends, going up and down people’s mouths over a long time.

The ghost story related to Academy Lake also belonged to such a legend.

…The former Zodiac Namgoong Nebula player and the people who raided the academy dungeon found an artifact at the bottom of the lake.

Minji, so?

So, the people who raided the dungeon tried to get their hands on the artifact, but not only did the artifact hide the owner, but a very complicated trap was set up to prevent them from wandering near the artifact.

ah! Guys! Guys! I’ve heard of this in class! So, Yun Seong-jin play…

Bing-goo oppa, please stay still. I’m talking. Anyway, that’s why player Seongjin Yoon told people after researching. Artifacts are waiting for a hero to appear who will drive away the darkness of this world. So let’s establish an academy on this land so that such heroes can emerge!

At the bottom of Academy Lake is a stone Maitreya that has a mysterious energy.

Dol Maitreya wears a bronze mirror connected with a string around her neck, and the bronze mirror could be said to be the core of the legend.

Artifact Cheoksa (斥邪) Danyu Jo Mungyeong. It was called a rough-patterned mirror that warded off evil spirits.

But is the artifact amazing? What kind of magic is there that people have been talking about all along?

It’s just what the name says. All beings reflected in the mirror have magic that cancels all debuffs and buff magic that have been added.

Ariel tilted her head after hearing Minji Kim’s explanation.

Unknowingly, Eunha returned to her friends and quenched her curiosity.

At the same time, his eyes followed the instructors simultaneously deploying magic.


The lake splits in half.

Students shed exclamations when they saw the lake split as the cross section was cleanly cut as if it had been cut with a knife.

Soon, the stone Maitreya was revealed in a place that was revealed as if a curtain was pulled back.

A stone Buddha that can be commonly seen in the

“…….” temple.

However, a very insignificant existence was giving off a strangely huge presence.

Most of all, the bronze mirror that Maitreya was wearing around her neck was shining bright enough to catch the eyes of the students looking down at the lake.

…No one knows whether or not the legend is true that if you are chosen by that artifact, you will become a recognized hero. However, since the academy was established, no one has ever been selected as an artifact.

Since no one has appeared so far, the legend may feel more believable.

On the other hand, the students began to burn their enthusiasm to become the masters of the legend related to the artifact.

Eunha looked down at the lake with calm eyes.

Cheoksa Danyujo Mungyeong became the material for Onyang’s sword in his previous life.

In other words, Onyang is chosen by Artifact.

The people at the table were no more than attendants.

With today as an opportunity… On Taeyang’s position within the academy will be solidified.

in a previous life.

On Taeyang, who was taught by Hwang Jin-hee in < The Swordsman >, achieved remarkable growth.

And based on that skill, he breaks through the trap of the Chuksa Danyu Jo Mungyeong and is recognized as the owner of the artifact in front of people.

The person who will become the owner of Cheoksa Danyujo Mungyeong gains the symbolism of a person who will one day be reborn as a hero, and he draws attention from those around him.

Thus, he finally gains the influence that Min-ho Mok cannot afford.

─Is anyone leaving? Well then, I think it would be best to leave soon… Everyone is queuing up right now.

Minji asks her friends.

Most of my friends raised their hands, aspiring that they would become the owners of the artifact.

However, Eunha did not raise her hand.

what. No Eunha, you won’t do it? It’s something else you don’t know. Maybe you will become the owner of the artifact.

I’m done. do it yourself

Then Minji expressed a question.

Eun-ha flatly refused and went to friends who did not participate in the game.

The reason for not participating was obvious.

-Because I wasn’t chosen. I’ll stand in line for a long time knowing I’ll be dropped for something.

in a previous life.

Eun-ha once participated in the game after being pushed by Lee Yu-jeong’s back.

I was able to reach the place where the Dol Maitreya is.

However, Chuksa Danyujomu-gyeong did not acknowledge Eun-ha as the owner.

Surely this life will be no different.

With that in mind, Eunha decided to watch her friends participate in the game.

And wait for Taeyang On to become the owner of the mirror and show the side of < Braever >.

The process of reaching Dol Maitreya is very difficult.

< Index > Even if Seongjin Yoon removed the dangerous trap, all sorts of traps were holding their breath around the Maitreya stone.

Students participating in the game had to break through the trap without using magic to prevent it from being damaged.

However, it was possible to raise physical abilities simply by pouring mana into the body.

Breaking through the trap isn’t the end.

The most important thing is to be recognized by Dol Maitreya.

On the other hand, Maitreya Dol judges whether the student who breaks through the trap is the owner.

If the student’s skills are not good enough, the head of the Maitreya stone becomes huge and prevents them from removing the mirror from their neck.

However, it is too early to be disappointed that Mitreya’s head has become huge after breaking through the trap.

The student puts his hand on the stone Buddha’s face and releases mana from the body.

Although their skills may be lacking, it is said that if Mana meets the expectations of Maitreya Dol, her head will become smaller and she will allow her to take out the mirror.

Is that really true?

…you said player Seongjin Yoon. I guess I just have to do it and move on. What should I do?

Hmm… I feel uncomfortable because I

feel like I’m being cheated on by some kind of shallow trick.

Most of the students were unable to break through the flooding traps, and there were cases where only a few of them managed to reach Dol Maitreya.

However, the students had no choice but to turn their bodies away from the gigantic stone Maitreya.

Where did the source that the person who becomes the owner of the mirror would become a hero in the first place come from? Player Seongjin Yoon probably doesn’t have the ability to prophesy…

I wonder if there was someone in the party who had a similar ability.

Don’t you think it’s too convenient? I’m very suspicious

Just tell me you’re mad at me for dropping out. Why do you say you’re suspicious after you’ve been eliminated?

Senna was also eliminated.

After somehow breaking through the trap, Maitreya Dol greeted her with a huge head.

In the end, she came back disappointed and took out her anger on Eunha.

In this case, just agree with what I say.

…It’s hard to deal with Ariel, but please don’t do that to yourself. what!? Noh Eunha! what did you say now? Did I say it was hard!? How could you gossip behind me?

aha. So am I having a hard time?

The fox grabs the horse’s tail and hangs down.

In his story, a fish with a very good ear whines.

Eunha was plagued by foxes and fish, and it was difficult to even watch the game.

In the meantime, the dropouts continued one after another.

…In the end, Minho also fell.

Jinparang tried to evade the trap by using his head uncharacteristically, but was eliminated without even getting near the Maitreya stone.

Mok Min-ho, who was standing next to Jin Parang in line, passed the trap with neat movements that made the students admire, but he was not recognized by Dol Maitreya.

Nevertheless, compared to other people, it is said that Dol Mireuk recognized his skills, so his head was smaller.

It was one thing that I couldn’t take out the mirror hanging around my neck.

ah. Now it’s Eunhyuk’s turn.

A few more people pass by.

Soon enough, Eunhyuk Choi’s turn came.

Eun-ha, who magically brought a cold bottled beer from somewhere, as if she had just taken it out of the refrigerator, moved to Hayang’s side.

I don’t think I’ll be able to watch the game quietly if I’m near fish and foxes.

Would you like a drink? huh. I only have one bite. thank you.

After opening a bottle of beer, Eun-ha first suggested it to Ha-yang.

She smiled and carefully took a sip of her drink.

Eun-ha looked down at Choi Eun-hyeok, who was approaching the stone Maitreya, bringing the bottled beer she drank to her lips.

I heard that you were taught by < The Swordsman > in Jeju Island this time. I wonder how much your skills have improved.

Eunha: I think there are many people who think like you. Watch the people who went to the party come back.

The line to enter the game is very long.

Even people watching the game in full swing got tired of it and left.

Then, as she said, where did you hear the news, people crowded around the lake again.

Choi Eun-hyeok was dodging the magic of the trap while receiving their gaze.

What do you think?

It’s okay. better than before

Eun-ha checked Choi Eun-hyuk’s skills.

Avoid anything that can be blocked as much as possible and choose a way to preserve your stamina.

From Eunha’s point of view, it was an efficient way to block if possible, but I didn’t think it was that bad.

Instead, Choi Eun-hyeok was slowly but steadily advancing without any damage.

Hayang, won’t you do it?

me? Um… I’d love to, but I can’t use magic. I’m not confident in chess.

Finally broke through the trap.

Eun-ha asked Choi Eun-hyeok, who put her hand on the face of the stone Maitreya, whose hair had grown slightly.

she smiled bitterly.

Eun-ha handed her the drink she was drinking, saying that she was like an egg.

ah sorry I thought I could do it…

but then she sighed.

This is because the head of Dol Maitreya has hardly grown.

So when Eunhyuk tried to lift the string, unfortunately the string caught on Mireuk’s forehead and did not try to come off.

It was as if they were sighing when they saw it everywhere.

It’s a pity it’s a pity.

The artifact seems to match Eunhyuk’s body mana to some extent…

Eunha was surprised inside.

It was because if something matched just a little bit, Choi Eun-hyeok could have become the owner of Cheoksa Danyu Jomungyeong.

There are artifacts and skill stones that suit me and don’t. On what criteria is this determined?

Wouldn’t you know that better than me? Am I still learning? And Eunha, you… know more than we do. I thought you might know.

Seeing Eunhyuk, who was unfortunately eliminated, she seemed to suddenly become curious.

she asked, handing her a bottle.

He took the remaining sip and emptied the bottle.

I don’t know too well…. I think there may be a complex reason. Like the amount of mana in the body, gifts, things related to enlightenment…

Then what kind of person does that artifact want?


the galaxy blurted out.

A little while ago, the 1st year general instructor said that stone Maitreya reads the feelings of greed from the mana shed by the participants.

The more greedy they are, the bigger the stone Maitreya’s head grows.

However, Eunha did not know how far she could believe the story.

It was because the source was not clear, as Serna suspected a moment ago.

Above all—

-Can there really be people in the world who are not greedy?

If there really is such a person in the world, it must be a person who is no different from a saint.

There is no one in the world who is not greedy.

Eunha was firmly convinced.

In that sense, Onyang must have also had greed.

Otherwise, he would not have had seven wives without greed.

…at last.

Undoubtedly, Dol Maitreya must have acknowledged something of On Taeyang.

Eun-ha raised the corners of her mouth as she watched the man she had been waiting for go to the stone Maitreya.

However, the corners of her lips that had gone up suddenly went down.

…doesn’t live up to expectations.

too weak

Onyang is considered a promising player, but

he did not meet the standards of Eunha.

His sword-swinging skills are poor. Unable to respond to irregular attacks.

In addition, it seemed like a waste of stamina due to useless movements.

There was still a long distance left to approach the stone Maitreya, but I noticed that the movement was slowing down.


huh. why?

Didn’t Onyang say that he only trains at the training center whenever he has free time? That’s right. That’s why Onyang has a really good reputation among students. It is said that he is known as a promising player who does not neglect his efforts. Do you think that looks okay?


even if there is a difference, the difference is too much.

Eunha frowned.

If he had progressed according to the future he knew, On Taeyang should have grown into a dealer who could stand up to Min Ho Mok by now.

Even if you haven’t been taught by < Sword Sword >, that’s too weak. Having already been hit by the same trap three times…

On Taeyang rolls on the floor.

It also looks like a warrior advancing like an obstinate.

However, when the galaxy saw it, it was nothing more than a terrible sight.

The situation he was in was urgent, but it was not a situation in which he should be urgent.

In fact, Eunha’s friends had avoided that level of trap casually.

– Eunha: Maybe your expectations are too high? You are better than other kids. It’s just that he’s worse than Eunhyuk or Minho.


Taeyang is working hard, but Eunhyuk and Minho have been working hard since long ago. So I don’t think it makes sense to compare them with Taeyang.

Jeong Ha-yang speaks in a serious tone.

He listened to her.

Maybe it is.

It seemed that his expectations had risen because his friends had met them.

…but that’s the case. That’s why you’re on the same level as people who are just called prospects.

At that time, Eun-ha realized that all the opportunities and connections that On-Tae-yang needed to gain in this life had flowed to him and his friends.

Therefore, it can be said that what Taeyang can see now is the result of his own growth.

If it was unavoidable, it was unavoidable.

With the exception of the < Brave > gift, I don’t have the charm that I have to attract as a party member.

But I can’t train a kid who hates me…

It makes me worry in many ways.

Eunha sighed.

In the meantime, Onyang was finally able to reach Dol Maitreya.

I have no choice but to have a big head….

Eunha tutted and clicked her tongue.

Dol Maitreya probably didn’t like On Taeyang’s ability to break through the trap.

The stone Maitreya’s head was huge.

But before returning, Onyang’s mana matched with Chulsa Danyu Jomungyeong…


Onyang put his hand on the stone Maitreya.

Eunha opened her eyes wide.

There’s no way this could happen….

Recognizing Onyang’s mana.

I wondered if the head of Dol Maitreya would get smaller, but at some point it stopped getting smaller.

I can’t even get the mirror off.

The stone Maitreya’s head seemed to be bigger than when Choi Eun-hyeok held it.

Nevertheless, Onyang did not give up and tried his best to pull out the mirror.

Of course, there was no way the string connecting the mirror could pass through the large head.

Onyang was also eliminated.

In the end, Onyang sighs and turns around.

Eun-ha looked at the warm sun rising from the bottom of the lake devastated and heard White speak from the side.

Her voice is strangely bright.

Eventually, she opened her mouth and…

─Eunha, why don’t you try it once?

As if I’ve been waiting for this moment.

she smiled brightly

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ReLife Player [Re: Life Player]

ReLife Player [Re: Life Player]

Re:Life Player
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
[Undead] Noh Eunha. After losing his family and closing off his heart, he just wanted to kill the monsters he loathed. I regressed before my life came to an end in the deepest part of the [Abyss Dungeon] that was impossible for mankind to raid. Since I’ve been reborn as a baby, let’s make this life different. I will do anything for the sake of my happiness. I’ll kill in order to live, and I’ll do my best to survive. Even if I have to walk a th**ny road by myself without anyone acknowledging me. This life, I will definitely—


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