ReLife Player [Re: Life Player] Chapter 170

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Relife Player 170

[Chapter 058]

[When the fox rain stopped (3)]

I would have said it. Please don’t bring anything of value to school.

There was a sound of whipping.

A whirring, short sound echoed through the classroom at regular intervals.

Children who were hit by the soles of their feet could not stand the pain and burst into tears.

However, Lim Do-hoon did not lower the cane until he hit the set number.

Starting tomorrow, anyone who brings valuables to school will be confiscated as soon as they are caught. Even if you lose it, it’s your responsibility, so I know that!

Lim Do-hun hit all the children in the class equally.

Serena was no exception.

Seo-na knelt on the desk and lowered her head so as not to show her crying face.

Even when he was whipped, he endured the leaking sound with his mouth clenched.




Both Hayang and Eunhyuk.

The two swallowed the pain and were whipped.

don’t say it again

Lim Do-hun said as he passed the children who could not stand the pain and collapsed on the desk.

Stealing other people’s things is definitely a bad thing.

But he says he doesn’t care at all about who stole the wallet or not, or for what purpose.

Even so, there is only one reason to hit you guys.

I don’t want to suspect that there is a culprit in my class who stole my wallet.

Do you want to doubt the classmate you’re supposed to spend a year with?

A child who was hit and fell down begged for help saying he was wrong.

Lim Do-hoon suppressed the crying child with force and brandished a cane.

─Don’t doubt your classmates.

Lim Do-hoon, who hit Min-ji, looked down at Eun-ha.

Eunha closed her eyes when her turn came.

He took one hit and frowned.

Lim Do-hoon was a former player.

Even if he hit with more or less force, he gave more blows than ordinary people.

I endured the pain nonetheless.

Eunha, who had been hit by a total of five times, slowly raised her eyelids.

Lim Do-hoon, who was standing at the teaching table, was looking around at the children who couldn’t make eye contact.

I will say one last thing.

Lim Do-hun opened his mouth to the children who were rubbing the soles of their feet and who were crying, almost lying on their desks.

Don’t confuse difference with wrong.

You and Ain are the same person.

You’re just different, but it’s not who’s right and who’s wrong.

No one is wrong in this world.

There are just different people.

I want you to look at each other not as an object of criticism, but as an object of understanding.

Lim Do-hoon left the last words to the children who could not answer.

Please don’t try to judge the world you will live in.

—I hope nothing like today will ever happen again.

That day the children had to stand the punishment all afternoon.

The incident that happened in class 3 of 5th grade spread throughout the school that day.

I couldn’t help but spread it.

Not only did the children raise their voices to the extent that the other classmates snooped on them, but also because Lim Do-hun made them punish without giving them time to rest.

Now, not just the class, but the entire school was cluttered.

hey what’s going on

I heard Serna stole it?

Did you hit the teacher?

Eun-ha frowned when she saw the other classmates who came to ask questions as soon as it was after school.

While talking to each of the children they knew, they looked down at Seo-Na as she was tidying up her schoolbag with her head down.

Minji-ya, take Seo-na home today.

It will happen even if you don’t say it. But what about you? where are you going

teacher’s room.

Eun-ha left the class behind her friends.

The children who made eye contact avoided to the side.

did you hear that Yesterday, Ain, who was drunk, suddenly stabbed a person walking down the street with a knife.

really? Why did you do that? I don’t know either. I heard it on the news, so don’t ask, it’s a murder.

Then you stab someone for no reason? scary.

Somebody said it, but Ain seems to have the nature of a monster, so he gets excited easily.

It was annoying to hear.

Children passing by the hallway were spreading nonsense about Ain.

Eunha looked back.

The children who didn’t notice our eyes were talking among themselves and walking.

They weren’t the only ones.

did you hear that I heard that class 3 of 5th grade wasn’t a mess today? I knew it would happen one day. Jinseo is her child. Ain all live in slums.

I’ve been through the slums before and the people there look so scary!

I once saw an Ain player arguing with a convenience store guy. It was very scary because I was angry.

Children everywhere were pouring out stories about Ain.

Why did I just find out now?

I didn’t know because I wasn’t interested in school life.

To think that speculation about Ain was so prevalent in the school.

As if they had waited, they would turn into swords aimed at Serena.

… is it silver?

Eun-ha, who entered the teachers’ office, found Lim Do-hoon rubbing his eyes while leaning on a chair.

It was a sign of deep fatigue.

what happened sir?

you don’t know

Lim Do-hoon did not answer.

Eun-ha left the man who was breathing long and listened to the surroundings.

It wasn’t hard to figure out what had happened.

It seems that he was called to the vice principal.

The sympathetic principal, who couldn’t hold back his anger, was holding a bunch of teachers and talking about what happened a little while ago.

Apparently, there were calls from parents saying that the corporal punishment they inflicted on their children was excessive.

are you okay?

Who am I?… At least I won’t be cut. It’s nothing for you to worry about.

…I guess so.

Eunha swallowed useless words.

That’s not what I wanted to ask.

Lim Do-hun had a dark face that was not like him, not revealing his emotions.

He is a former player.

However, four years was enough to make him a teacher who is attached to children.

The feelings he must have felt today are indescribable.

I’m tired. just tell me the point What is your reason for coming here?

I want to check the school CCTV. for the last 3 days.


Lim Do-hoon frowned.

Turning his chair around, he responded while observing the trends of the other teachers.


Do you know the teacher? Seona slippers disappeared. Today, Seo-na was accused of being a thief…


I’m trying to find out who the culprit is. Wouldn’t it be on the CCTV


It’s no use.

Lim Do-hun, who entered the password on the laptop screen, opened the folder that was lying on the desktop.

It contained a bunch of video files.

Is this a CCTV video?

The video was recorded from yesterday to today… As you can see, it looks like this.

The picture quality is so bad.

It was a screen recording the hallway.

The quality of the picture quality was so low that we could barely see the whereabouts of the children walking down the aisle.

There are CCTVs installed on each floor, one at each end of the hallway. Exceptionally, one in front of the teachers’ office.

Doesn’t it light up the inside of the classroom?

as you see. This is due to concerns about human rights violations.

Lim Do-hun snorted as he played a video showing the 5th grade hallway.

The video on the screen could not confirm the crime, which must have occurred during lunchtime.

What about the first floor hallway? The CCTV closest to the stand or the shoe closet…

only took pictures of the front door. Students who went to school in the morning can confirm it, but I don’t know the time of the crime…

Eunhyuk said he found slippers in the men’s bathroom on the 1st floor today…

Eunha kept her mouth shut on the way.

The time period could not be specified. I didn’t know when the slippers were lost.

We should be able to sort out a suspect, but it’s inconclusive.

It will take some time to find the culprit.

Above all, it was unknown whether the culprit was a single culprit or not.

Although intuition was convinced that it was a crime by the majority.

What is the reason?

The problem is that we don’t know the intentions of the people who made this happen.

I couldn’t help but think that an elementary school student was going too far to decorate this work.


Lim Do-hoon’s smartphone vibrated.

Revealing his annoyance, he stared at his smartphone, which had been ringing for a long time, before answering the call.

He changed his tone of voice to the parents and waved his hands.

Eunha bowed her head and said hello.

came out of the office

For what purpose?

unresolved question.

As soon as I found the culprit, I wanted to ask him.

On the way home, I remembered what happened at school today.

Reflecting on whether there were any children who were hostile to Seo-na.

He immediately shook his head.

Because all the classmates had a bad opinion of Seo-na.

Because I was afraid of myself.


The road back home felt endlessly long.

Did the captain come early too?

Since when have you been with me?

From the time I woke up this morning.

Early moning.

Eun-ha and Min-ji met Eun-hyuk, who was protecting Seo-na’s shoe closet.

Apparently, Hayang is going to school with Seona today.

Seo or slippers? Bye?

Bye. I checked as soon as I arrived in the morning.

Have you checked what’s inside the slippers? Doesn’t it contain tacks or something?

Uh wait… I haven’t checked that out…

Minji asked inquiringly.

Embarrassed, Eunhyuk hurriedly opened the shoe rack.

Minji stretched out her hand and fumbled to the soles of her slippers and said there was nothing wrong.

Haven’t you seen the suspicious kids?

yeah no!

While Min-ji was trying to figure out if there was anything that Eun-hyuk missed, Eun-ha deployed a sensor network.

There was a sign that could be felt right nearby.

It was useful. While using < Invisible >, he was guarding the bookshelf and shoe cabinet.

let’s go up You don’t have to keep it here.

Is it really okay? it’s ok here Because Yuha is watching. What if there is Yoo-ha…

After hearing that Yoo-ha was there, Eun-hyeok walked out in front of the shoe closet without any regrets.

The three went up to the van, asking Yuha, who was hiding somewhere, behind them.

There were several children in the class who went to school early in the morning.

Minji greeted them awkwardly and went to Seona’s seat instead of going straight to her seat.

Why are you standing and sitting?

I was trying to check if there were any swear words written on my desk. If it’s written with a pencil, you can’t see it even from a distance. I might have written a little bit.

Minji checked Seo-na’s desk, even the meaningless scribbles, one by one.

After checking the desk, it was a chair. I checked for tacks on the chair and searched the desk.

Why are you there?

You never know what’s in the desk. Um… I don’t have a textbook. Looks like you put it in a locker.

Why are you opening the note?

just in case Your handwritten notes might be torn to shreds. It could even be a strange curse word…

Minji’s prosecutor continued after that.

I checked to see if there was anything I could trip on on the way from the back door of the classroom to Seo-na’s seat, and I went out to check if there were any buckets in the women’s bathroom.

He said he had a suspicious bucket, so after emptying it, he threw the bucket itself into the bathroom downstairs just in case.

…Captain Minji, what did he see? It’s not raining, so what else is the reason to check if the plastic umbrella opens properly? Why are you taking it to the bathroom?

don’t think about it Because I don’t know.

Eun-ha stood at the edge of the window and looked at the children entering their class.

Are there any children who show strange signs?

It was still good.

Serena is late.

I know. He’s not such a late kid…

Seona didn’t go to school even when the empty seats started to fill up and the number of kids passing the aisle increased.

Hey guys.


Are you late today?

…Sorry I overslept…

Hayang and Seo-na arrived at school at the end of the day.

As soon as Ha-yang opened the classroom door, Seo-na instantly shrank.

Stepping cautiously through the door, she greeted her classmates out of sight.

Did nothing happen? Yeah… But Seo-na is not feeling well.

Eunha grabbed White.

Hayang answered in his ear.

Seo-na was not feeling well today.

The tail and ears were hanging limply.

To the extent that you can clearly see the eyes of the children doing their morning self-study.

But, I’m glad I have slippers today.

I know.

Seo-na was wearing slippers.

I couldn’t think of it positively.

The classmates are reluctant to see Seo-na.

Not just classmates.

Misunderstandings about Ain continue to spread throughout the school.

There was no way that Seo-na, who had a good ear, could not hear.

…frustrating and annoying.

My chest felt stuffy and my stomach felt hot.

I wanted to solve it somehow, but I couldn’t figure out how to solve it.

Seo Na-ya, lend me the locker key.

…huh? why…?

That was when

Minji reached out to Seona, who was starting her morning self-study.

Seo-na, with her triangular ears pricked up, showed a puzzled face.

you are studying in the morning I’ll bring out the first class textbook.

…No, I’ll do it.

it’s okay. listen to me


Seona couldn’t speak.

I’ve been extremely reluctant to give my locker key to anyone since it was forcibly taken away by my classmates yesterday.

It was she who took out the locker key from the depths of her bag after thinking about it.

Stay seated. I’ll get it.

…thank you.

Serena was very sorry.

Minji, who replied as if it was nothing, headed to the back of the classroom.

Should I check the locker too?

did you forget about yesterday?

Eunhyuk spoke in a low voice so that the other children could not hear.

Minji asked nervously.

opened the locker.


The two were not the only ones who could not find words to say and opened their mouths.

The same was true of the classmates who turned their heads before they knew it.

…who is this.

Eunha broke the silence and opened her mouth.

Petals that have fallen from the locker.

It was a white flower.

Who are you-

It wasn’t just the flowers that fell.

Mixed in were several corpses of thumb-sized worms.

-Who are you?

He poured mana into his voice.

Something that was entangled in the stomach could not be digested anymore and was pulled out.

A feeling of heaviness pressing down on the whole body covered the entire space.

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ReLife Player [Re: Life Player]

ReLife Player [Re: Life Player]

Re:Life Player
Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
[Undead] Noh Eunha. After losing his family and closing off his heart, he just wanted to kill the monsters he loathed. I regressed before my life came to an end in the deepest part of the [Abyss Dungeon] that was impossible for mankind to raid. Since I’ve been reborn as a baby, let’s make this life different. I will do anything for the sake of my happiness. I’ll kill in order to live, and I’ll do my best to survive. Even if I have to walk a th**ny road by myself without anyone acknowledging me. This life, I will definitely—


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