Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son Chapter 208

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Episode 208. However, Han Ibi

also spoke with a puzzled expression.

“Oh this… I didn’t do it.”

Wang Jiayuk said while raising his eyebrows.

“So who else is here? “It’s not like the Hinayana did it… So you want to say that the sword did it?”

“Probably… I guess so.”

‘Unbelievable. Is this the brain wave or something that I saw in the Baek8 Research Institute information earlier? I thought it was just words, but I never thought it would really sparkle and explode…’

At that time, Wang Ga-yuk said.

“Zhongli Little Colony. “What are you thinking so hard about?”

“Oh no. Anyway, the stone wall was charred black, so the marking was done properly. Please go quickly.”

Wang Ga-yuk looked closely at the charred marks again and said.


The two walked back inside.

How far did you have to walk?

After a considerable amount of time had passed….

I suddenly heard Han Ibi shouting.

“Holy shit!”

Wang Jiayuk asked in surprise.

“Why are you doing that?”

“It’s definitely the same place we passed by earlier… but the marks I left behind have disappeared everywhere. Even the burn marks.”

Wang Ga-yuk said.

“yes? This doesn’t make sense. “Could it be another place that looks similar?”

Han Ibi shook her head.

“That can’t be possible. “This is definitely the same place as before.”

‘I have a Cheonan barrel.’

Wang Jiayuk said while tilting his head.

“So… are you saying that there is a follower following us and erasing the mark?”

“Hmm… I really don’t know. But… doesn’t it seem strangely cold from earlier?”

Wang Jiayuk said with a puzzled expression.

“I don’t feel particularly cold, but…”

“Is that so? But why do I keep getting goosebumps running down my spine like this?…”

That was then.


I heard something ominous.

Han Ibi was startled and quickly regained her strength.

And then…

“Ugh! what’s this!”

Han Ibi was startled and let out a loud noise.

A long, black object writhing across the floor.


It was clearly a snake.

Wang Ga-yuk also discovered it and shouted.

“It’s a poisonous snake! Hehe! “I don’t like pear snakes!”

Wang Ga-yuk was scared and was about to climb up a stone wall.

Of course, it soon slipped down, but…

at that moment.

There was a ‘cracking’ sound and the snake’s head was cut off diagonally and slithered away.

This was because Han Ibi quickly fired the sword.

However, it is still a poisonous snake wriggling and flicking its tongue.

It looked even more terrible than when it was intact.

Who said…

that a snake can bite and kill a person even if its head is cut off?

It’s a good thing that I lost my mobility.

Wang Jiayuk finally regained his senses and spoke.

“This is it now. Amitabha Buddha.”

But Han Ibi’s face was heavy.

“I don’t think it worked at all.”

Hearing those words, Wang Ga-yuk tilted his head for a moment… but soon turned as white as a sheet of paper.

Because other snakes were writhing and coming towards us.

There were many different types of snakes…

from common venomous snakes such as pit vipers, rattlesnakes, and chiljeom snakes to exotic snakes such as cobras…. It

seemed like a collection of all kinds of venomous snakes.


Now Wang Jiayuk was on the verge of going completely crazy.

He was struggling to get away from the snakes creeping close to the wall.

I was so excited that I couldn’t even feel the drool running down my chin.

But suddenly, Wang Ga-yuk realized that Han Yi-bi was thinking deeply about something without moving a single inch.

Wang Jiayuk spoke urgently.

“Oh no, Zhongli Xiaoxiao. Why are you doing this in the meantime? “Have you let it all go?”

At that time, Han Ibi said while striking her left palm with her right fist.

“Right! “Now I understand!”

Wang Jiayuk said as he ran further back.

“What do you mean?”

Ebi Han said.

“The star mark I drew earlier is gone.”

Wang Jiayuk said in bewilderment.

“No, what does it matter in this situation?”

“It’s important. Of course, I rarely wonder, but when I really have doubts about something, it’s so painful that I can’t sleep at night.”


At that time, a large snake made a terrible sound.

Wang Jiayuk said in horror.

“Ugh! So are you saying you’re just going to die now?”

But Han Ibi looked at the diagonal direction of the ceiling and muttered to herself as if she hadn’t heard anything.

“yes. If it’s a mark, you can erase it quickly. But what about burn marks? Soot is carbide… so it’s difficult to completely erase it… then…”

At that time, a very thin and small yellow snake broke away from the group and was approaching Wang Ga-yuk.

“Ugh! “How can I do it?”

Han Ibi said with an excited face.

“okay! This is a type of kimunjin. I didn’t find any clues when I came in, but there’s probably a sign that makes you spin around in circles without being able to find your way. Since the effect of Qi Wen Jin is influenced by the observer, once it disappears from sight, it is restored to its original appearance…”

Then Wang Jiayuk spoke with an almost distraught expression.

“So what are you saying? Are you saying that all of this is an illusion created by Ki Moon-jin?”

Hanyibi nodded and said.

“That’s right. So, we have to come up with a silver bullet to break the momentum.”

Then, Wang Jiayuk’s expression suddenly became indescribably serious.

He trembled once and then said:

“iced coffee! The Buddha’s skin is so deep that it cannot be understood… I guess he sent a donation to the poor monk so that this poor monk can become enlightened.”

It’s not that it wasn’t, but now Wang Ga-yuk no longer looked afraid.

An extremely peaceful and calm appearance.

A small yellow snake reached him first and made a threatening gesture as it circled around Wang Jiayuk’s body.

But Wang Ga-yuk said with a grin.

“ah! As expected, the welcome is so beautiful.”

Moreover, other snakes were also secretly following the snake… Although

it is small in size, it can be said to be a dragon among the four.

It was a snake that felt like something special.

At that time, Wang Jiayuk went one step further and said with a grin like a crazy person.

“iced coffee! I had no idea that Ki Moon-jin was this great. Such vivid hallucinations. Doesn’t it look like a real, living snake? ha ha ha.”

He even extended his arms towards the snakes as if to pet them.

It was then.

“be careful. These are snakes with more than average venom. “I heard that I worked hard at the Salt Society to study poisonous substances.”

It was Han Ibi.

Wang Jiayuk asked curiously.

“They say this is a hallucination created by Ki Moon-jin.”

Han Ibi said while scratching her cheek.

“Yes. This room and that hallway. But snakes are real.”


“It’s true that they are living snakes. So you have to be careful.”

Wang Jiayuk was silent for a moment.

And then soon….


Wang Ga-yuk screams as if the cave is about to leave.

Fuzz rose all over his body and goosebumps appeared.

At that moment, a seven-pointed lion opened its mouth and aimed at Wang Ga-yuk’s legs.

In an instant, Wang Ga-yuk steps on Na Han-bo and jumps onto Han I-bi’s back.

So in the end, Wang Ga-yuk ended up being carried on Han Ibi’s back.

Han Ibi said, raising her pitiful eyes upward.

“Wang Daehyeop. What are you doing now?”

“Ugh! Lord of the city. Forgive me. “But I hate snakes!”

“You were clearly talking about enlightenment earlier.”

“That’s because I thought it was an illusion. “What should I do now?”

“Tsk tsk. “I am very curious about whether awakening can be returned in the same way.”

After Han Yi-bi finished speaking, she suddenly looked ahead.


Black snakes flocking towards you.

It could easily be called a ‘wave of darkness.’

Han Ibi muttered.

“Ugh. The cost of this food alone must have been quite a bit. “I’m afraid someone might say it’s not a Sapa… They told me to go away from the Sacheondang Gate.”

But the strange thing was…

the snakes seemed to be moving, led by a small yellow snake.

I guess you could say he was a kind of commander…

that was back then.

Several snakes bounced off the ground.

Ebi Han said.

“Oh dear. That’s against the rules. “When the legless snakes try to jump up.”

At the same time, there was a beam of light passing by like lightning…

Han Ibi was unfolding a light sword with a sword.

Poisonous snakes whose bodies are instantly divided into three and four pieces and fall down.


the moment I cut one down, a blue flame appeared with a ‘flash’.


Part of the snake’s body burned black with an unpleasant sound.

The pungent and disgusting smell of burning meat spread throughout the cave.

Han Ibi muttered.

“This… I think it really is a technology that uses static electricity… Is this the last struggle against probability?”

At that moment, the yellow snake waved its body in front of Han Ibi as if it were dancing.


dozens of snakes rushed towards Han Ibi again, heedless of their colleague’s sacrifice.

Han Yi-bi lowered her body again and fired a blue and red sword.

Snakes being cut down in chunks…

Then, snakes that were roasted whole with a ‘crackling’ sound also appeared.

Han Ibi muttered.

“Ugh. It’s all good, but it smells really bad. “I don’t know if this is a brain wave or something, but I think I need to pause this…”

But his hands were moving so busy that they couldn’t be seen.

‘Agility × 3’ was truly amazing.

Is this the state where you can cut down whatever you want?


“Damn it. There are so many of them. “It can’t go on like this.”

At that moment, Han Ibi took out the Bongwangdo from her arms.

Then Wang Ga-yuk, who was on his back, was surprised and said.

“no! When did you ever have that?”

Ebi Han said.

“You must be tired if you know. “I promise.”

Then, in an instant, the fuselage was separated and fired.

Whoosh whoosh!

The movements of a queen bee that dazzles the space.

Although they were poisonous snakes with terrible abilities, they began to retreat helplessly from the attacks of the diligent and courageous queen bee.


“There are too many!”

Wang Ga-yuk cried out.

It’s not that there were too many poisonous snakes.

If this continues, he will collapse from exhaustion while killing.

It was then.

Clap, clap, clap.

The queen bee quickly returned after being called by her master.

At that moment, Han Ibi picks up the sword and tries to cut her own arm.

Wang Jiayuk, who saw this, was startled and tried to stop Han Yi Fei.

“No! Zongli’s gift. No matter how hopeless it is, how can you kill yourself…”

Han Ibi said with an annoyed look on her face.

“It’s not like that, so please don’t worry?”


Han Ibi quickly cut her arm with a sharp sword.

Bright red blood flowing down.

He seemed to be holding it in his left palm…

and then he threw it at the snakes.

Wang Ga-yuk said.

“What are you doing?”

Ebi Han said.

“Are you spraying my blood?”

“Then why did you do that…”

But Wang Ga-yuk realized the reason before he could even finish his sentence.

Surprisingly, the poisonous snakes were running away like crazy to avoid the spot where Han Ibi sprayed blood.

Wang Jiayuk was watching the scene with his mouth wide open.

“How did this happen…”

Han Ibi said while scratching her head.

“Actually, I don’t know why. “It seems that poisonous substances really dislike the smell of my blood, so I tried it as a test.”

At that time, Wang Jiayuk spoke with a solemn expression.

“Lord Zongli.”


“By any chance… have you learned the poison technique? It may seem like the poison technique is good, but in reality, it is completely useless to the practitioner, so absolutely…”

“Great King.”


“If you’re going to have such a serious talk, would you please come down to the floor and do it?”

(Continued in the next part)

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Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Murim Possesses The Youngest Son
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Han Yibi, frustrated with his life and job, stumbles into a run down comic store only to find his father’s martial arts novel there. As he reaches the last page of the novel: “Will you… continue?” When I woke up, I thought I was a noble but… I became dirt poor again. I got the unlucky short end of the stick. The ruined Murim world too, also is a fool for pointing fingers at everyone for being insufficient. I have to take down the faceless demon to get home? Save the original story to yourself! Let’s just grow stronger and help the main character. That’s how I’ll get out of this world!


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