Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son Chapter 170

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Episode 170. Kunlun Yongnyeo (崑崙龍女)

At that moment, Han Ibi saw.

Her sword had an incongruously long and broad shape.

Inside, Han Ibi found herself with a surprised expression and shouted.

“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

Ki Serim straightened his sword without saying a word.

The atmosphere becomes more and more sinister.

Her eyes were so sharp that it was impossible to believe that she was the same person as Ki Se-rim just moments ago.

Han Ibi, who could not understand the English sentence, stuttered and spoke.

“What is this…”

However, Ki Se-rim said nothing and just glared at Han Ibi.

“There’s some misunderstanding…”


Her sumi sword technique was developed sharply.

The blade cuts off Han Ibi’s arm in an instant.

Han Yi Fe was startled and deployed the Immortal Myeongwangbo to avoid it.

“By any chance… did Ban Bang-geun order it? “I thought it was strange that this guy was so kind, but…”

But she just let out a ‘hmph’ sound and came back to hit Han Ibi’s head with a heavy move of the Sumi technique.

When it comes to this point, we have no choice but to respond properly.


A loud noise disappeared over the magnificent lake.

Han Yi-bi immediately launched a sword attack and defended himself with Han Jo Sword and Cheongpung Sword Technique.

Strength versus strength.

One person pushes down and the other person blocks.

On the outside, there was no movement.

However, the two were now holding on with all their might.

Sunlight hit and scattered on the sword, which was full of internal power.

Ki Serim’s history is beyond imagination.

I was able to realize how a woman’s body achieved the title of Five Dragons.

Such outrageous strength!

At that moment, Han Ibi made a Gaesan Goryu ball and pushed hard.

Ki Se-rim had no choice but to take half a step back due to the enormous force.

Han Yi-bi, who took advantage of the gap and escaped, raised the Immortal King Treasure and retreated the Five Arms.

Ebi Han said.

“That’s interesting. “A world-class person with a woman’s body.”

Ki Serim said.

“It’s amazing that there is a man who can push me with his strength.”

“It’s good to fight, but let’s fight knowing the reason. sister. “I’m the kind of person who can’t resist being curious.”

At that time, she once again stirred up the herbivorous wind of Sumidao method and swept away.

A move that is both fast and heavy.

Han Ibi said while defending with the existence and musangsaeng (有無相生) herbivory among the Cheongpunggeombeop.

“I guess the Kunlun Sect always welcomes guests in this way.”

Clink, clink, clink.

A terrifying development that can be understood as the meaning of the sword rampage.

Han Ibi clicked her tongue and said.

“Tsk tsk tsk. If this continues, I’m really going to bleed. “Don’t regret it later.”

Han Yi-bi increased her internal strength and violently poured out herbivore of her body’s sexual glands.

Then, Han E-bi, who had been focusing on defense until now, switched to offense.

However, Ki Serim did not panic and defended himself tightly while deploying the Sumidaobeop Daecheonse (大千世).

However, the force was so strong that it was difficult to tell whether it was defense or attack.

Han Ibi said with a smile.

“sister. Your strength is truly inexhaustible. “Aren’t you born with the wrong gender?”

Ki Serim said.

“Who are you so cheekily calling me your sister?”

“Then, considering your age, I guess you’re my aunt… Anyway, I’ll call you whatever you want.”


Ki Se-rim shouted and suddenly transformed into a herbivore of Cheolwigan (鐵圍間), digging into Han Ibi’s blind spot.

Then, Han Ibi was surprised and had no choice but to switch to defensive mode again.

At that moment, Serim jumps up and down.

She stretched out her long arms and stabbed with a long, flat sword as far as she could.

The speed was so fast that it felt as if the sword had become several times longer.

Han Ibi missed the right moment to strike with the sword.

The long sword was already about to penetrate the tip of Han Ibi’s solar plexus.


Han Ibi unconsciously twisted her body half way and threw away the long sword with the back of her hand, which caused an arm attack.


Ki Se-rim snorted.

“He’s a guy who uses bizarre martial techniques.”

Han Ibi said as she used the centrifugal force that twisted her body to strike Ki Serim’s solar plexus with a herbivore of a tiger dragon’s head.

“It seems like everyone is the same.”

Then, Ki Se-rim suddenly took a deep breath and countered with the Hongsajangbeop.


A sandstorm blowing up everywhere, as if compressed air had exploded in an instant.

The hair of the two people holding their palms together was blowing wildly in the wind.

Ebi Han said.

“sister. I guess you took good care of your hands. The softness is beyond compare….”


Ki Se-rim snorted again and suddenly switched to the Kunlun Sect’s German method of Golden Dragon and Eight Eight Seas and tried to grab Han Ibi’s wrist.


Han Ibi, caught off guard, quickly recovered her arm.

However, the mystery of the Eighteen Years of the Golden Dragon lies in its ever-changing movements.

In the end, Han Ibi’s arm was caught in her grasp.

The power was so strong that Han Ibi frowned and said.

“Ahh. “This hurts a bit.”

Han Ibi waved her arms to shake off the hand, but it did not budge.

In the meantime, Ki Se-rim’s right arm was shaking and a long sword was flowing in.

The target is Han Ibi’s neck.

Is this what it means to catch and stomp?

Han Yi Fei had no choice but to raise Han Zhao’s sword to defend herself.

Meanwhile, Ki Se-rim pulled his arm diagonally.

Han Ibi loses her balance.


The long sword struck the handle of Hanzo’s sword.

Due to a combination of outrageous strength and momentary carelessness, Han Ibi ended up dropping Hanzo’s sword.

‘Shit. This was aimed at this.’

Although Han Yi-bi regretted it for a moment, she pretended to fall and got up on the Bagua.

Through successive level ups, I was now able to use about 80% of the sixty-four trigrams.

‘Mumangbo (无妄步).’

The sword was deflected by a single sheet of paper along with a horrifying ‘thud’ sound.

However, the knife that missed the target changed direction and was pushed back without a moment to catch its breath.

Han Yi-bi neutralized it by successively stepping on the Small Guabo (小過步) and Pungbao (豐步).

Even with his arm being held, he is amazingly avoiding a large knife.

The development of an endless variety of walking techniques that will literally make you stop your tongue.

It was then.

“That’s a great step.”

A voice came from behind.

Han Yi-bi stepped on the Daejangbo (大壯步) again and rotated her body to confirm the identity of the voice.

And Han Ibi was surprised.

“Ki Daehyeop.”

Unexpectedly, the person whose voice was spoken was none other than Ki Bong-rim.

He continued.

“But you won’t be able to beat the Five Dragons’ Kunlun Dragon Woman like that.”

A thought passes through Han Ibi’s mind for a moment.

Without realizing it, my heart was pounding.

‘iced coffee. I can’t believe it…’

Ki Bong-rim was hiding in Yeoseonpyo-guk.

He clearly said he was Cheon Shin-woo’s friend… but Cheon Shin-woo didn’t even mention a single word when he was dying.

This is the person who even asked for a favor.

So how do you know if they are real friends or not….

At that moment, a long sword sweeps in, aiming for the leg.

The intention is to block the walk itself.

Han I-bi became deaf.

Gi Bong-rim’s voice was heard.

“Are you planning on throwing away the bridge?”

Dear baby.

But surprisingly, what Han Ibi stepped on was not the ground.


Gi Se-rim’s cry.


Ki Se-rim and Ki Bong-rim, who were watching, were surprised.

Because what Han Ibi was pointing at was Ki Serim’s thigh.

He stepped on Gi Se-rim’s thigh through the ear cane, flipped his body backwards, and suddenly made a rock attack and waved his arms wildly.

The brightly shining Crocodile Jihwan!

In an instant, a powerful force that surpassed Ki Se-rim’s strength came rushing in.

Ki Serim felt pain as if her arm was going to fall off.

So I have no choice but to let go.

Han Yi Fei spun her body backwards and instantly picked up the Hanzo sword that had fallen to the ground.

There is no need to hide your true colors anymore.

There was no reason to use the awkward Cheongseonggeom technique.

‘It will be difficult if you deal with two top experts.’

It has to be finished in an instant.

Power and speed are polar opposites.

Han Yi-bi raised the demonic sword of the demonic sword and immediately struck towards Ki Serim.

The ultimate quick sword.

The figure of Han Ibi, who was slashing with her sword along with the floating Myeongwangbo, was like looking at a ghost.

Then Ki Serim was embarrassed.

This is because Han Ibi before she started practicing Mahyeondo and Han Ibi now seem like completely different people.

Clap clap clap clap clap!

In an instant, more than a dozen herbivores appeared.

Ki Serim manages to block it in the nick of time.

Perhaps, if her Tao wasn’t so wide and large, she would have been injured a long time ago.

However, even though it seemed like he would collapse at any moment, Ki Se-rim was holding on by utilizing his superiority in weapons and spiritual strength.

If this happens, the plan to finish it quickly goes awry.

Han Yi-bi made a sudden change and realized the circular Yijeong (元亨利貞) of the Mubonggeombeop with all the power of Gaesan Hyeopryugong.

Ki Bong-rim’s expression changes momentarily.

The storm of quick swords disappeared in an instant.

Such a heavy and slow move.

The Hanzo sword was falling on Gi Serim’s head.

Ki Se-rim wondered inwardly and prepared to block it with his long sword.

It was then.


Ki Bong-rim’s thrown sword and Han Ibi’s sword collided and made a loud sound.

Gi Bong-rim shouted.

“this guy! Are you really planning to kill me?”

Then, Ki Serim was the one who seemed more perplexed.

“What do you mean? Brother.”

Ebi Han said.

“You are the ones who tried to kill me. Now that I think about it, why not give it a try? “I was also curious about my limits.”

Ki Serim was jumping up and down like Gi Serim.

“We were fighting well, so why did you intervene? “I was just about to take him down.”

Then Gi Bong-rim said.

“You already lost. “I’m no match for him.”

“That’s ridiculous!”

“If you had left it like that, your head would have been rolling on the ground by now. “Aren’t you ashamed of your title as Five Dragons because you couldn’t figure out the secret of Geomcho, which is full of Byeoncho?”

Then Ki Serim was grinning with his face red.

Ebi Han said.

“Hey, I’m sorry… aren’t you trying to fight me? “Why are you two fighting?”

“The exam is over.”

“yes? “What test?”

“Anyway, I heard that a shaman was haunted by a ghost named Poong, but that’s how you learned it in such a short period of time.”

Then this time, Han Ibi was surprised.

“Do you know Lord Feng?”

Gi Bong-rim shook his head.

“no. But I have seen the martial arts method before.”

* * *

“Isn’t this a bit too much?”

Ki Bong-rim said with a chuckle.

“I am truly sorry. “There was a request from the head of the Maeng clan, and I was also curious.”

‘what. Also, this is Maeng Gap-son.’

The three were sitting in a shabby guesthouse nearby, drinking.

Ki Se-rim said with a pouting face.

“Anyway, I can’t admit defeat. “It was just my brother who didn’t know anything that interfered.”

Ebi Han said.

“But who gave that tacky nickname?”

Ki Se-rim said, rolling her eyes.


“Yongnyeo… Yongnyeo… Well, the more I pronounce it, the more I think it’s okay. “No, but…”

Han Ibi said, looking at the two people in turn.

“Are you two really brother and sister?”

Gi Bong-rim said.

“The father is the same, but the mother is different. “My mother died of illness when I was very young.”

“It’s truly a shame.”

Han Ibi suddenly thought of her mother and muttered.

Gi Bong-rim said.

“It was so long ago that it’s okay now.”

“But… how did you know I was coming here?”

“We cannot ignore the information network of the Murim Alliance.”

“I feel bad because I feel like I’m being watched somehow.”

“I consider it an honor because no one is watching.”

“The whole thing about being friends with Lord Cheon Shin-woo was a blatant lie, right?”

“that’s right. “I just went there because I had to do some research.”

“I heard the story about Jeon Seo-gu was somewhat lame… But why did you lie like that?”

Even so, I probably cried a lot.

“ha ha ha. “It was to get information from you guys.”

“But what kind of research did you do?”

“I can’t tell you that.”


“I can’t tell you that either. All I can tell you is that me and the Maeng clan ate together the other day.”

“Ah, I understood everything in that one word.”

“You’re a smart friend.”

“That’s too much praise.”

At that time, Ki Bong-rim looked left and right for a moment and lowered his voice and spoke.

(Continued in the next part)

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Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Murim Possesses The Youngest Son
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Han Yibi, frustrated with his life and job, stumbles into a run down comic store only to find his father’s martial arts novel there. As he reaches the last page of the novel: “Will you… continue?” When I woke up, I thought I was a noble but… I became dirt poor again. I got the unlucky short end of the stick. The ruined Murim world too, also is a fool for pointing fingers at everyone for being insufficient. I have to take down the faceless demon to get home? Save the original story to yourself! Let’s just grow stronger and help the main character. That’s how I’ll get out of this world!


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