Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son Chapter 103

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Episode 103. Simple institutions continued thereafter

under the full moon .

However, it was possible to break through without difficulty by utilizing the ‘Design Analysis’ function of the Machine Gun Office.

The two women and Moon Won-bi had no way of understanding Han Yi-bi, who seemed to have suddenly become knowledgeable about the institution.

Wang Qinglin asked with suspicious eyes.

“Go ahead and talk. “What on earth happened behind that wall?”

Han Ibi answered naturally.

“No, I told you before. “The big frog gave me a gift.”

“Did they give you something like a drawing of the institution? “Then, let’s show it to us.”

“No, it’s nothing like that.”

At that time, Baek Mi-hoo said with a serious expression.

“It seems like we’re just circling in the same spot right now.”

Wen Wenbi asked.

“Are you Ki Moon-jin?”

Baek Mi-hoo said while shaking his head.

“I’m not sure because I haven’t studied enough, but I think it’s probably some kind of institution or a very rudimentary level of Gimunjin.”

Han Ibi intervened.

“I heard that if you enter Qimunjin, fog will come in, mountains will rise, and the sea will disappear… I don’t think that’s true, right?”

At the same time, we tried to activate design analysis of machine guns.


Han Ibi said as she looked around everywhere, looking for something strange.

“great. These rooms and hallways seem to have been intentionally built to resemble each other. But…”

Han Ibi said as she approached the wall.

“The point where the stone wall connects to the floor really bothers me…”

he said after observing it closely.

“It would certainly be unpleasant to be trapped in an institution of your own making. In this hallway, we used the slight difference in the angle of digging down to distinguish it.”

Of course, it was not Han Ibi herself who discovered it, but it was thanks to the machine gunner’s mark.

However, the three people who did not know this fact could not help but gape at Han Ibi’s amazing transformation.

Wen Wenbi said.

“Zhongli Little Colony. By any chance… isn’t the Qingcheng Sect separately teaching its students about mechanical engineering?”

Baek Mi-hoo also helped.

“Or isn’t that what you learned from Zongli Family? “I heard that in a family like Zhuge Emperor’s, he thoroughly learns about organ studies and Qi Wen Jin.”

Ebi Han said.

“Not really. I just told you because… it looked weird. “Now, let’s go.”

The three people looked at Han Ibi, who was leading the way, with some suspicion, but…

what appeared was truly a new road that had appeared.

Wang Qinglin said with joy.

“and! “I guess we’re really there now.”

It’s not that it’s not, but now I can feel the slope of the cave gradually rising.

Wen Wenbi said with a happy expression.

“It looks like the gate is over now.”

Baek Mi-hoo said.

“It was a really long night.”

Han Ibi also nodded.

Wen Wenbi said.

“It was said that the end of the gate would take place at Daejeokgwangjeon (大寂光殿). “If you open the cover over there, it will most likely be an enemy bomb.”

Ebi Han said.

“It’s a really big temple.”

Han Ibi first stepped on the step in front and opened the wooden cover above her head.

‘Please… we should be first. No, by the way, there are kids who passed through this ignorant gate…’

Han Ibi stuck her head out from above the cover.

And then,

“Oh! “This…”

A mumbling-like sound was heard from Han Ibi’s invisible upper body.

Then Wang Qinglin asked urgently.

“why? “Who is there?”

Han Ibi spoke again.

“This… is a bit strange…”

Wen Wenbi, who was curious, also pressed for an answer.

“Jong-ri-hyung. “What’s going on?”

At that time, Han Ibi raised her lower body on her arms and climbed up onto the ground and said.

“It’s not like there’s anyone…”

“Then what is it?”

Wang Qinglin, who was impatient, followed Han Yi Fei and climbed straight up onto the cover.

The remaining two immediately followed.

Han Yi Fei and Wang Qinglin were seen looking around with bewildered expressions.

This is because it was not a pavilion that enshrined Vairocana Buddha, but was in the middle of a forest full of bushes.

Wen Wenbi said with a blank expression.

“Zhongli Little Colony. This place… where is this place?”

Wang Qinglin said with tears in his eyes.

“Maybe I took a wrong turn.”

Ebi Han said.

“I heard that this temple was built quite a long time ago. “Like the frog incident earlier… Could it be that we ended up in a place that even the Murim Alliance doesn’t know about?”

Baek Mi-hoo nodded.

“Maybe so.”

Ebi Han said.

“Hagisa… eh. Well, what does it matter even if that were the case? “Anyway, we escaped through the gate, so success is success.”

Baek Mi-hoo said.

“It’s so different from the sight of Iljumun Gate I saw earlier…”

An uncomfortable silence continued for a moment.

At that time, Wonbi Wen clapped his hands and said.

“aha! Come to think of it…”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Wen Wenbi.

“…Isn’t finding your way a part of the test? So, the group that comes to the match quickly will be the final winner.”

Then Wang Qinglin, who became impatient, spoke.

“Then I don’t have time to talk like this. “I need to go somewhere quickly.”

Anyway, the bushes were very dense.

It was to the point where I couldn’t even see ahead.

Wen Wenbi said.

“Where should I go?”

There is no way there is a sharp answer.

The four of them decided to just go in one direction.

The mountain path at night was eerily quiet.

Wang Qinglin said.

“It’s pretty dark.”

Ebi Han said.

“Well, I’m glad it’s not as bad as that underground cave.”

Did he walk around the corner?

A huge, waving entity was revealed before my eyes.

The round full moon in the sky appeared to be falling into pieces and breaking apart.

Wang Qinglin opened his mouth wide and said.

“What is this? “Is it the sea?”

Wen Wenbi shook his head and said.

“That can’t be possible. Even the nearby sea is incredibly far away. Even if it looks like an ocean, it is most likely a wide lake or river.”

Han Ibi thought to herself.

‘Wow… I knew the continent was big, but a lake so vast that the horizon touches it. There is no doubt that it is a physically great country.’

At that time, Baek Mi-hoo spoke.

“That’s strange. “If you walk this far, you might see a different scenery.”

Wen Wenbi nodded and said.

“okay. Maybe this isn’t the way to go. Since we’ve been walking left so far… how about trying walking right this time?”

Baek Mi-hoo answered.


Han Ibi and the others walked through the bushes, this time in the opposite direction from where they had come.

As time passed by again.

Wang Qinglin said, tilting his head as if it was strange.

“Nonsense. “Is this possible?”

Han Ibi said with a frown on her face.

“That’s what I wanted to ask.”


Once again, the vast, vast lake was spread out ahead.

Wang Qinglin said with an annoyed expression.

“What kind of temple was built in a place like this?”

Wen Wenbi said.

“So, it must be a demonic cult… If you can look into the inside of a demonic cult, how can it be called a demonic cult…” The

four people stood there for a moment and thought.

Wang Qinglin’s expression was becoming increasingly grim.

“If this is the case, there is no reward for passing the institution quickly.”

At that time, Han Ibi took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

Then, as if he remembered something, he pointed his finger toward the sky and said.

“aha! “Look at that.”

The heads of the group soared into the sky.

There was a full moon rising beautifully.

The moon is as original as it appears in movies…

Han E-bi continued.

“How about using the moon’s position as a standard?”

Baek Mi-hoo nodded.

“It won’t be easy, but I can’t think of a better way.”

As soon as the four people got out of words, they started walking again, using the moon as a guide to the unstable direction.

It was then.

“Aaaah! what!”

Wang Qinglin shouted, pulling his hair violently as if he was going to rip it off at any moment.

Han Ibi expressed agreement with her feelings for the first time since joining the Murim Alliance.

This is because a lake of endless size stretched out in front of them again.

Wang Qinglin said nervously.

“Aren’t we… trapped on an island?”

Wen Wenbi also spoke, unable to hide his perplexed expression.

“The island… probably not. “I think maybe we’re circling the same area because we don’t know much about geography.”

At that time, Han Ibi raised her finger and said.

“There is no way to check where on earth we are, so let’s go up high and look down.”

Wen Wenbi raised his eyebrows and said.

“That’s a good idea.”

Three people began to follow Wang Qinglin, who had already turned and moved in that direction.

There was a low hill where Han Ibi pointed.

It didn’t look very high, but it could still be considered high ground here.

On that mound, as elsewhere, dense bushes were growing luxuriantly.

Everyone must have been exhausted, so the four climbed the hill in silence for a while.

It was Wen Wenbi who spoke first.

“What a strange place. It didn’t look that high, but it wasn’t even halfway up yet, so it was like… this was like…”

Baek Mi-hu answered.

“It’s a shallow hill, but it feels like climbing a high mountain.”

Wen Wenbi said.

“It’s not just me, right?”

Han Ibi answered.

“you’re right. Moon Sohyeop. “I’m having a really hard time right now.”

At that time, I heard the voice of Wang Qinglin, who was ahead from a distance.

“Oh my! “What is this!”

The three people looked a bit nervous and made eye contact and launched the new weapon towards that place.

“100 million!”

Wen Won-bi was also unable to stop the empty wind rising from his throat.

This was because a completely unimaginable scene unfolded there.

Baek Mi-hu said while frowning.

“Um…what are those?”

Han Ibi also said with a wrinkled expression.

“Maybe… maybe…”

Wang Qinglin shouted.

“It’s a tomb.”


They could see burial mounds on both sides of the road they were taking up the hill.

Wang Qinglin said.

“Ah… I feel bad…”

Wenbi Wen said.

“Well, what’s there to feel bad about… everyone who is born has to die…”

Baek Mi-hoo also added.

“okay. “Isn’t it common in any region to bury someone in a mountain?”

Ebi Han said.

“It’s still spooky, so let’s pass by quickly.”

The four people agreed in their hearts and hurried their steps.


the faster we go forward, the more the tombs become more and more crowded instead of shrinking…

Han Ibi said.

“This, this… I think we went up the wrong mountain that is used as a cemetery.”

Wang Qinglin said.

“It’s really strange. “Why are there so many tombs in the place where the temple disguised by the Demonic Cult was located?…”

Han Ibi said with an expression as if she were possessed by a ghost.

“Perhaps… the demonic cults are the ones who killed and eliminated both rats and birds without their knowledge.”

“Kya! Don’t even say that. “Because I don’t want to hear it.”

It was then.


This time it was Moon Won-bi’s groan.

Han Ibi asked.

“Why are you doing this? “Moon Sohyeop.”

Wen Wenbi said while pointing his finger.

“Look at them.”

Then the rest of the group’s eyes widened at the sight.

That’s right…

there was an endless row of wooden coffins lined up next to the tomb.

Baek Mi-hu frowned at Ami again and muttered.

“If the tomb was built like this, why on earth is the coffin outside the burial mound?”

Wang Qinglin said.

“Maybe they left it there like that because there was no place to bury it?”

Wen Wenbi answered.

“Well… that might be possible, but it would be better to pass by sooner.”

It was then.


(Continued in the next part)

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Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Murim Possesses The Youngest Son
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Han Yibi, frustrated with his life and job, stumbles into a run down comic store only to find his father’s martial arts novel there. As he reaches the last page of the novel: “Will you… continue?” When I woke up, I thought I was a noble but… I became dirt poor again. I got the unlucky short end of the stick. The ruined Murim world too, also is a fool for pointing fingers at everyone for being insufficient. I have to take down the faceless demon to get home? Save the original story to yourself! Let’s just grow stronger and help the main character. That’s how I’ll get out of this world!


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