Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha Chapter 139

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# 139

139. On the sea (3)


I caught my breath.

My whole body was drenched with water. I let go of the ballista’s reticle. The sea area, where the waves and winds were raging, had calmed down before I knew it.

‘I passed the first one.’

Amkena was operating the waiting room as if nothing had happened.

It was an unexpected performance. Until Katio summoned the installation type ballista, he easily drove the water dragon away. Water pressure cannons were naturally avoided, and obstacles such as reefs and monsters such as sharks that appeared suddenly escaped. Thanks to that, I was able to pass it without experiencing any crisis.

“Why are you so good at driving…?”

Beside him, Katio stands in awe.

“From now on, I’ll leave it to the Master. You can cast a secondary magic from the deck.”

The mini-games are similar to Car X Rider, though.

Drift by accelerating and decelerating, and use the booster by collecting gauges.

Well, I’m glad it was useful in a place like this.

There are three remaining bases.

At the first base, you got Mermaid’s Tears.

A key item for underwater combat that allows you to breathe underwater.

But it’s not perfect.

Essentially, the lowest level. This only lasts 10 minutes.

‘I can only hope that useful items will come out at the next base.’

The pattern has already been identified.

Whenever you get an item from the base, a water dragon appears, and the water dragon attacks the airship in various patterns and pursues it. We have to shake off the chase and get an item to deal with him, and when all the preparations are done, press the ‘start hunting’ button at the bottom of the game.

‘If Amkena is at this level…’

I think it’s okay to collect all four items.

no, you don’t have to collect it.

I remembered the chase from a few minutes ago.

I summoned the ballista I had made in the waiting room, and Zena was ready to shoot. Even if I couldn’t kill it, I was thinking of doing some damage. However,

[‘Receive God’s Protection’ activated!]

[This monster is conditionally immune!]

As soon as the arrow got stuck in its body, this log popped up.

Immunity judgment like the one seen on the 20th floor.

However, the word ‘conditional immunity’ was written on it.

‘I need to get more information about him.’

In the end, whether you like it or not, you have no choice but to bump into it in advance to attack.

“Next time you bump into him, shoot an arrow underwater.”

I spoke to Jenna, who was practicing underwater shooting at the training center.

Jenna widened her eyes.

“In the water?”

“You’ve seen that you’re immune. I’ll have to find a way. Tie a rope around your body, connect it to the railing, and jump into the water. I’ll pull you up right away when I’m done.”

“It could be swept away.”

Belquist, who was training hard on the other side of the pool, said.

“Can’t we use a strong rope? I think we need to test it.”

Jenna smiled.

“It’s much better to know a lot about one thing.”

“That’s true, though.”

“Then decide. I’ll do that tomorrow. I entrusted the modification of the longbow, so I’ll make it a shortbow.”

I nodded.

The second base was scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

“And you two are slow. Don’t come out to the deck when he shows up. Practice on the training ground.”

“That sounds sad.”

Belquist smiled bitterly and swung his sword.

To reduce the risk, it’s good to have everyone on deck, but there’s no choice. At this rate, the ‘base tour’ would be over in less than a week. He had to learn underwater combat to the point where he could use it.

‘Me too.’

Three hours of sleep a day is enough.

The rest of the time was devoted to training.

and the next day.

The second base tour also ended smoothly.

Just in time, Amkena was connected, and we got the item after letting Amkenna drive the car. This time, as expected, a water dragon appeared.

“Zenna No. 1, here we go!”

Jenna gave me a quick salute and dived into the sea.


Hearing that bastard’s roar so much, he was tired of it.

Zena’s arrow shot from the water landed nicely on the creature’s torso.

The arrows did not pierce his hide, but did not miss.

was not immune.

‘Immune to attacks from outside the water.’

That is the blessing of receiving.

To some extent, it was expected.

That’s why we practiced underwater combat in advance.

[Nice Drift!]

[Acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Nice Drift!]

[Acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Booster On!]

[‘Capitalism’ moves quickly….]

The second chase was also safely evaded. .

I opened the treasure chest I brought from the stone island.

[Sailboat Statue of the Great Sea]

[Grade: C+]

[Can summon a ‘combat sailboat’ when used.]

[Note 1 – Can only be used in the sea field]

[Note 2 – Can only be used when Goddess’ Protection is applied]

[ Note 3 – Disappears on use]

Contains a wooden statue of a reasonable size.

It was shaped like an empty boat.

‘It’s similar to a warhorse statue.’

The difference is that the sailboat statue has a different use than the war horse.

You can tell just by reading the description.

It was an item that seemed to be used on the 35th floor.

“Only usable in the sea field. Disappears when used. Goddess’ blessing…? Goddess’ blessing… Ah!”

Jenna, who was examining the sailboat statue, clapped her hands.

“If you activate the statue, you can use it, right? If you go on a mission, you’ll have to find the statue first. Just like when you catch a statue.”

Jenna looked back at me and smiled.

You already know almost the rules of the game.

Even if there was education in Niflheim, it was an excellent understanding.

‘He’ll do well as a leader.’

Except for the downside of being soft.

Of course, I have no intention of handing over Jenna to another party.

again the next day.

We reached the third point.

[Nice Drift!]

[Acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Nice Drift!]

[Acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Booster On!]

[‘Capitalism’ goes fast!]

[These guys! What’s so fast!]

After evading the chase.

I opened the third box.

Inside was a machine in the form of an elongated glass tube.

[Oxygen supply device]

[Grade: B+]

[When equipped on a statue of a goddess, it can recharge the amount of oxygen of a hero who is in ‘water breathing’ state.]

[Note 1 – Can only be used when the protection of the goddess is applied]

At the bottom of the glass tube is a plug-like device. there is something

It seems to be stuck in a hole.


Taking mermaid’s tears will put you in an underwater breathing state.

It seemed to increase the application time of underwater breathing. It seemed to be some kind of charger.

‘Looks like a rough estimate.’

Unlike the previous missions, this mission was able to figure out the attack pattern in advance.

It was a significant advantage.

‘Is the goddess statue the key?’

The Sailboat Statue and Oxygen Resupply Device cannot be used without the protection of the Goddess.

If you recall the pattern up to this point…

‘while protecting the goddess statue, another party attacks the water dragon.’

It would be nice if the blessing of the goddess lasted forever, but that wouldn’t be the case.

It is probably a form of dividing the infiltration team and the defense team into roles, and then the defense team guards the statue of the goddess until the attack team achieves its goal.

‘I can only use one party in the attack team.’

The number of potions is limited.

up to five people. Judging from the sailboat statue given, it seems that each ship is needed for attack and defense. After recalling the current number of people in the waiting room, I began to distribute roles.

It took two days to reach the final base.

Now, the red circle pointing to the water dragon’s realm is eating up half of the map.

And at the fourth base, there was a little change.

[Baby Water Dragon Lv. 37] X 7

There were several black shadows roaming around the stone island.

“Treat it with a ballista…”


I cut Katio off.

“Call Jenna.”

A pistol-sized crossbow hangs from his belt.

Equipment that had been remodeled as of yesterday had arrived. The armor and underwear were made waterproof, and various weapons were changed to a streamlined shape.

Currently, my underwater combat level is 3.

Jenna was also at the same level 3 as me, and Belquist and Nerissa were 1 level and 2 levels each.

The two of them are still not good enough for actual combat, but it was enough for me and Zena.

“Did you call me, brother?”

“Look over there.”

“There are monsters.”

Jenna looked at me and her eyes lit up.

“I’ll be a worthy opponent!”

“Yes, don’t touch the box. Let’s deal with the surrounding anchovies first.”

“Old write!”

“Hey, what about auxiliary magic?”

“it’s okay.”

I filled my lungs with oxygen, leaving the blinking Katio behind.

with a plop!

jumped into the sea

After adapting to the underwater vision, he immediately kicked off the water.

2m water dragons captured this side.

Immediately, they showed their teeth and started approaching.

I signaled to Jenna behind me.

Jenna nodded and put her hands together.

Jenna pushed her toe.

The body was shot out at high speed.

‘…It’s different from the ground.’

The biggest feature of the water is that there is an up and down in battle.

Also, it is bound to be slower than on the ground. It was important to move while preoccupying an advantageous position in advance.

nettle liquid.

Jenna’s arrow grazed the side.

I drew my sword and turned my body.


I plunged my sword into the roof of the water dragon’s mouth as it opened its mouth.

When I turned my head, I saw a water dragon struggling with an arrow stuck in it. I immediately tore the water dragon’s neck.

The blue sea turned red with blood.

It doesn’t have as much destructive power as the ground, but it has enough lethal power.

7 minutes.

How long can I hold my breath underwater.

At first, it was 3 minutes, but I steadily increased the time with diving training.

Thanks to swinging the sword thousands of times in the water, he gained know-how.

By the time half of the oxygen in the lungs has escaped.


I raised my head above the water.

The corpses of baby water dragons were sinking under the water.

‘It’s not as efficient as I thought.’

The speed doesn’t come out right.

Compared to the Goddess Dragon, it’s ridiculous.

Not to mention the change of direction.


I brought the box on the island with a wry smile.

[‘Goddess Dragon Ktaart’ roars.]

[‘God’s protection’ has been applied!]

[Don’t miss it this time!]

Amkena, who was watching, opened the control window right away.

[Do you want to operate the airship manually?]

[Yes (optional) / No]

[Nice Drift!]

[Acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Nice Drift!]

[Acceleration gauge fills up.]

[Booster On!]

[‘Capitalism Ho’ goes faster!]

[Hyper Booster On!]

[‘Capitalism Ho’ goes even faster…]


After turning the chase.

I opened the fourth box.

[Dimension Summoning Stone]

[Grade: B+]

[Heroes in the waiting room can be summoned as airships.]

[Note 1 – Hero can only be replaced if there is no Goddess’ Blessing]

Dimension Summoning Stone.

Calls the waiting room hero.

Performance is simple, but in some ways it was the most important item.

I checked the sea area.

The red circle had eaten more than seven percent of the map.

[Congratulations on collecting all the master items!]

[Touch the ‘start hunting’ icon at the bottom of the screen to start the boss stage.]

How much basic preparation have you finished?

However, they are not completely ready for battle yet.

Amkena closed the information window and entered the operation tab in the waiting room.

The guy doesn’t even want to challenge yet.

That night I called everyone except Pria.

“I’ve got everything.”

After arranging the four items, I explained their purpose.

Mermaid tears that enable underwater breathing.

A statue of a sailboat in the deep sea that summons a battleship to the battlefield.

An oxygen replenishment device that recharges oxygen to a hero in water breathing state.

A dimensional summoning stone that summons heroes in the waiting room.

“Do you think this will work?”

“I have to try something. That’s why I gathered them.”

I spoke.

“To be honest, it’s hard to catch him with the four of us.”

Originally, I planned to add Katio to the four of them to deal with the water dragon.

Among the magician’s extensive auxiliary magic, there was something that could be used underwater.

However, if Katio is left out due to airship operation, a flaw in the party composition will inevitably occur.

“If the master connects tomorrow, I’ll use this.”

I held out a stone that glowed blue.

It was a dimensional summoning stone.

“I can’t call another party yet. It’s only a swap. So, I’m going to temporarily swap Iolka with one of you. Until we get to the 35th floor.”

“Your sister Iolka?”

“Of course, it should be able to use it underwater.”

If the Iolka cannot perform at its full potential in the water, the only way is to return the airship to the mechanic and then use Katio.

“Are you all right?”

“Because I said it.”

“I’ll go to the waiting room.”

Nerissa raised her hand.

“Do you mind?”

“Yes, I have work to do.”

Nerissa answered without hesitation.

After a bit of thought, I said yes.

Anyway, once the subjugation begins, Katio will go to another party and Nerissa will return.

And the next evening came.

“…I knew it would be like this. Of course it should be like this.”

Waiting area on the 3rd floor of the airship.

Standing above the magic circle, Iolka murmured.

“I just took a break! It’s a splendid comeback of a genius wizard, uh-huh! You must have felt how important I am!”

“Did you learn to swim?”


“You must have learned the 4th level of fire magic, right? Exploding inside the enemy. Looks like it can be used underwater. And underwater combat. Magic doesn’t have an effect. I would have said this too. Of course.”

“No, that’s… I worked hard, but it’s too much…”

“Then I’ll have to send it back.”

“Now, wait a minute! One day, one day! So!”

“I’m afraid. I’m kidding.”

I smiled.

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Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha, PMU!
Score 7.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
Han Seo-jin is a top ranker of Pick Me Up with an account name of Loki. Due to a bug he encountered while clearing one of the top floors inside the game, he was summoned inside the game as a hero… a Level 1… 1-Star Hero… Loki, the once called, master of masters, is now a [Level 1] [1-Star Hero] that must follow the orders of his master. However…


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