Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 91

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Chapter 91. Legs that walk in the sky (1)

“It’s important, so I’m leaving it to you.”


Julien’s eyes widened greatly.

I’m leaving it to you because it’s important.

Are you serious now?

no, aside from that

‘Is this Lloyd Frontera?’

He never dreamed that he would hear such words from his older brother.

No, if I had heard a prophecy that something like this would happen even in my dream, I would have laughed at the prophecy.

But it happened.

It was undeniably clear right in front of his own eyes.

‘I entrusted it to you because it’s important.’

I looked at the shovel in both hands.

I was a little dazed.

Still, somehow it wasn’t a bad feeling.

Suddenly, Julien remembered an important fact.

that’s right….

“How am I supposed to shovel there?”

“How what? Have you never tried shoveling?”

“Uh huh.”

He nodded.

I really never did.

But I wondered if I could take on such an important task.

‘You’ll be disappointed. I’m going to scold you for not doing that and ignore you.’

I was prepared for that much in advance.

And again.

“Tsk. I can’t help it. Give it to me.”

Lloyd held out his hand.

Then it is.

Julien, slightly disappointed, handed over the shovel.

However, Lloyd, who was handed a shovel, neither ignored nor scolded him.

Instead, he rolled up his sleeves and loosened his shoulders.

“It only shows once. Look Carefully.”

“uh? Yes?”

“Take a good demonstration.”

I didn’t even wait for an answer from this side.

Before he knew it, Lloyd was poised in front of a pile of dirt piled up like a mountain.

Slightly lowered lower body and lower back posture.

He pointed the back of his left hand toward the sky.

“Look at your left hand. I’m taking it in reverse like this. You have to think of it as cutting it open and scooping it out, not stabbing it with the tip of a shovel. see?”

“Oh yes.”

“In this state, to the left rear like this!”


The shovel that moved the soil drew a smooth trajectory. He rushed back to the mound of dirt. took it again The soil was dug up and scooped out. moved brushed it off piled up



At some point, Lloyd was holding a shovel like a cane. That smile toward me is like that of a skilled artisan.

Julien involuntarily had to nod.

“Uh huh.”

“good. From now on, I will do what I just saw.”


“Instead, I straighten my waist only once when I have filled up the entire cart. okay?”


“It’s my style.”


“Anyway, work hard. How fast you shovel it will determine the speed at which the bell makes the wire. Now I’m off to see the scene.”

Lloyd held out the shovel.

got it in a mess

Warm body heat remained on the handle and handle of the shovel.

The moment that body temperature touched my palm, I suddenly had this question.

I said I couldn’t shovel properly.

Why was it not laughed at or ignored?

Rather, is it hard to teach this kind of thing?


“Here bro.”


“I have something to ask you.”

I raised my head.

I put in my mouth what I was curious about all the time.

“Where did you learn all these things?”

I was curious.

It was strange.

He also wanted to ask what his brother had been through.

‘Because it’s as if I’ve become a different person.’

His older brother, Lloyd Frontera, stands in front of him.

However, he was so different from the Lloyd he knew.

Didn’t drink.

I was proud of myself.

That alone was so unfamiliar that it gave me hives all over my body.

“curious. You didn’t know how to shovel like this before.”

“It did.”

“Summoning magic is the same. They said that those summoned beasts were called by my brother.”

“huh. It did.”

“Besides, Lord Asrahan was like that. He also said he had a brother, Manahat.”

“Oh right.”

“Hyung, what the hell did you go through while I was at the academy?”

Something must have happened.

There is no way that would happen otherwise.

However, Lloyd’s reaction upon returning was strange again.

“There is a reason for that. I’ll tell you later.”


“When you are ready.”


Lloyd smiled sadly.

Lloyd’s eyes seemed to have a story behind him.

The sight was indescribably unfamiliar and strange.

So somehow I couldn’t ask more.

I’ll tell you later when the time comes.

On the one hand, I thought so.

Eventually, Julien nodded.

Thanks to that, Lloyd secretly swept his chest.

‘It worked.’

Successful evasive operation while setting the mood.

Lloyd, who fooled Julien with such a subtle atmosphere, quickly left. It was with the words that it was urgent to look around the site.

Left alone, Julien picked up a shovel.


The first shovel I ever heard was heavy.

Still, I was determined to do well.

He had heard his older brother say that he believed in himself for the first time in a while.

To be honest, I was a little puzzled, but it wasn’t a bad feeling.

No, I was rather happy.

I thought I would not disappoint.

Remembering Lloyd’s demonstration, he grabbed the shovel and moved.

I took a pile of dirt with a shovel quite vigorously.

However, the result was very different from Lloyd’s demonstration.


The shovel head made a beep (?).

I couldn’t properly dig into the mound.

Rather, it slipped and stretched out on the wrong path.

I lost my shovel in that razor.


Tang Tag Lung!

After flying far away, the shovel rolls noisily to the point of complete embarrassment.

Bell, who was watching the scene, hit the floor with his chubby tail. Little Boy forgot to twist the rope with a wire and twisted his plump body.

“Bell! Baba baba bell!”

“Ppodong! Podo dodo dodo!”

I hope you laugh


As the dodo ran to pick up the shovel, Julien’s face turned red like an apricot.

The short boy’s hardships were only the beginning.

Construction has also started in earnest.

It was a yard that had already been surveyed and designed.

Preparations for trusses and cables to be used on the top of the suspension bridge were also progressing smoothly.

Lloyd immediately began constructing the pylons of the suspension bridge.

The first step was the foundation work.


Lloyd’s triple circle spun furiously.


The other two circles rotated around the alpha circle at a ratio of 2:3:3.

Using the ideal rotation ratio as a stepping stone, it collided violently.

At that moment, Lloyd plunged the shovel into the ground.

The power of the triple blast was fully loaded onto the shovel.

Woowook Kwaaaaaang-!

in the correct place.

with unstoppable force.

An enormous hole 2 meters in diameter and 35 meters in depth was drilled in the ground.

one per day.

Nine holes were drilled on each side of the river.

It was the hole where the ‘cast-in-place pile’ would be made to support the main tower of the suspension bridge.

A large amount of cement was poured into the hole.

Cement made from volcanic ash in drops filled the hole, just like when the sea artificial ground was made in the trading city of Cremo. hardened It itself became a huge cement pile extending underground.

Just after the foundation work was finished, it rained in the spring.

It was the rainy season in spring.

It rained for over ten days.

The water level of the Mazena River rose rapidly.

Also, some cracks appeared in the existing stone bridge 100 meters downstream from the suspension bridge construction site.

It was a sign of collapse after 61 years of construction.

Lloyd laughed to himself.

‘Even the sky helps this site.’

An old bridge showing signs of collapse.

Thanks to this, the attitude of the royal family has changed.

Instead of repairing the damaged stone bridge, the royal family started pouring active support into the construction site of the suspension bridge on this side.

A large amount of investment was put into the construction site of the suspension bridge.

It was basic to have a larger number of workers than before.

Professional masons and other technicians, of course.

The support from the wizards belonging to the royal family was just a thank you.

‘Thanks overwhelming thanks!’

What a magician’s construction support.

Thanks to this, construction has gained momentum like crazy.

A design based on surveying and data, as if equipped with Lloyd’s microscope.

In addition, the full support of the royal family and the highest level of manpower were combined.

The result was superluminal spacetime.

‘Crazy. This is really crazy.’

Even Lloyd, who was in charge of space-time and commanding it, stuck out his tongue.

The stone that makes up the main tower.

I just had to tell you the size to cut it.

Professional masons would stick to it if they were taught what shape and function the block had. Wizards also clung to it. The processing was completed in an instant.

The process of raising and building the main tower was the same.

Originally, it was a large block that had to be raised by borrowing the power of a crane or a boy who turned it by manpower. It was so big and heavy that it would be difficult to lift ten lumps in one day no matter how hard I tried.

However, when the wizards were put in, the story changed.

They were not just wizards, but royal wizards.


The wizards’ magic dwelled in the large stone block.

It reduced the weight of the block of ignorance by a whopping 1/5.

That alone completely changed the construction speed.

“Pull! With a command!”

“one! two! one!”

Dozens of people were clinging to it, and a large block rose up every time the crane lever turned.

The burden on Xaviel and Podongie, who received blocks from above, was also greatly reduced.

Below, cast a spell and raise it.

From above, you can receive it without worrying about spraining your back.

The whole process ran like a tight cog wheel.

Of course, Lloyd’s meticulous design was at the base of it.

Time passed just like that.

The wind grew warmer.

Magnolias bloom and fall.

Cherry blossoms blown in the wind.

The scent of roses wafts in the morning.

As he shoveled, Julien’s forearm strengthened.

And finally, the day when the first cicada cried out with all its might.

On both sides of the Majena River, 90-meter-high pylons stand tall.

The citizens of the capital who watched it cheered.

The existing stone bridge was uneasy.

I was afraid of not knowing when it would collapse.

I was reluctant and anxious every time I crossed.

However, the completion of the new bridge was approaching.

In addition, the unique appearance of the suspension bridge was of great interest to the citizens of the capital.

“What the hell are you trying to do by building a tower that high over there?”

“Did you not hear me?”

“yes? What?”

“I hear you hang a rope between the tops of that tower?”

“You mean the line?”

“That’s right. It’s like hanging a clothesline.”

“What is that….”

I chatted with some citizens and tilted my head.

Other citizens also expressed their expectations.

“Oh my god did you hear that? Hang the clothesline.”

“A clothesline? Could it be that between those towers built on both sides of the river?”

“yes. The new wife next door is like that. They say that if you hang a clothesline on it, it becomes a leg.”

“Ay, does that make sense?”

“It’s real. I heard there will be a line later in the afternoon?”


“yes. really. I reserved a seat to watch it.”

“How true? Can I come too?”


People gathered in threes and threes by the riverside.

Seats were placed wherever the main tower of the suspension bridge could be seen. He also opened a packed lunch. And I was surprised.

It was because after a while, I saw the reality of the cable being moved under the main tower.

“What is…that.”

“oh my god. It is very thick.”

“A clothesline? is that?”

“I’m going to have to listen to the clothesline.”

“Isn’t it thicker than the trunk of a fairly old tree?”

“Besides, that’s not just rope, it’s a piece of metal.”

It was true.

The cable was all a piece of iron.

Pudongi wove the 5mm wire that Belle pulled out.

In this way, a whopping 120 wires were firmly bundled together.

On the outside, the chain coat used for chain mail was tightly coated.

It was literally too heavy and full-fledged to be dismissed as ‘just a clothesline’.

Thanks to this, the same questions and worries popped up in the minds of citizens who watched the cable.

The question was, ‘How do I move that thing from the top of the main tower to the other side?’

‘Should a strong giant come and throw and catch it?’

‘Or should I move to the boat? It’s not. There are no sailboats on this river. It looks like the ship will sink if I try to move it to a halfway boat.’

Everyone wondered.

worried at the same time.

Can I float that big and heavy iron rope in the air and hang it like a clothesline on the tops of both towers?

No matter how you look at it, it seemed impossible.

I felt like an accident would happen if I tried.

Thousands of pairs of eyes focused on the top of the main tower in worry and anticipation.

There, at the top of the main tower, Lloyd and Bell were there.

“You know the drops, right?”


“It bites and pops.”


The bubble that had completed its giantization in advance nodded its round head.

Eventually, a cable came up from under the main tower.

It was a cable lifted by a crane after receiving the lightening magic of the magicians.

At the end of the cable was a chain entwined tightly.

Lloyd grabbed the chain and set it to one side.

And I picked up the bucket I had prepared in advance.

The bucket was full of dirt.

“Now, bell? Let’s eat something delicious.”


The bell opened its huge mouth wide open.

As if waiting, Lloyd poured the soil from the bucket into the boy’s mouth.

And quickly backed away.

“Come on, drop. Just like we practiced.”

“Wagwagu drops!”

The blob gulped down the soil.

He turned his round head.

Lloyd snapped at the chain he had put to one side.

And crouched down.

Bubble bubble!

A chemical reaction took place in the bubble’s stomach.

The soil that had just been shot was quickly digested.

“Bul! Ppeul!”

With my daughter!

It waggled its chubby tail.

The clear sound of bells rang in the ears of everyone around the main tower.

next moment.

A violent volcanic eruption erupted from the bubble’s butt.


Volcanic ash and gas spewing violently.

With that repulsive force, the body of the bell is launched like a rocket.

In the meantime, the chain bites hard.

A cable that comes together and is tightly connected to the chain.



On that day, the citizens of the royal capital were astonished to witness the spectacle of cable door bells crossing the Mazena River like arrows attached to ropes.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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