Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 90

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Chapter 90. Between Time and Space and Trust (2)

Director of the Royal Forge.

The eyebrows of Wells Cogidus, the best craftsman of the dwarves, twitched.

“This is so…Is it a skeletal structure to support the weight?”

Dwarves’ distinctive stubborn eyes skimmed over the blueprints.

In the drawing, a structure he had never seen before was drawn.

‘It’s like a skeleton.’

The bars made of straight lines were connected to each other.

It formed a triangular structure and was connected in a row.

Overall, it was a structure in which dozens of short bars were placed diagonally between two rows of bars connected by a long straight line, forming a triangle.

The flow of force to be placed over the structure.

The load balance that a structure will support.

Like an outstanding craftsman, Kogidus immediately grasped the purpose of the structure in the blueprint.

“Could this be something for the legs?”

“Yes, that’s right. It is a structure called a truss.”

A smile crept across Lloyd’s lips.

He is also a dwarf craftsman.

It is as described in the novel.

Cogidus’s question flew again.

“also. In this way, a large load can be received over a large area with a minimal structure. But who designed this? Are there any dwarf artisans on your side?”



“I did.”


“I designed this.”


The gaze of Cogidus looking up this way became strange.

Soon, harsh words came out of the mouth of the strict craftsman.

“Is this a complete lunatic?”

“haha. Is that so.”

“Everything. Are you actually here to threaten me?”

“…Did you notice already?”

“of course.”

Corgidus snorted.

“This item can’t be made by quite a few blacksmiths. No, in this workshop, there is no one other than me who can make it properly. Because the entire structure of such a large piece of iron must be made with uniform rigidity. But what if I leave this in the hands of another artisan?”

Of course, a big accident will happen.

Cogidus was sure.

Even if it is a truss structure that is fine on the outside, it will be. Even if the production is a little clumsy, there will be a part where the rigidity is not uniform.

But what if you only look at the outside that looks fine and make a bridge out of it?

“It will surely collapse. Yes, it is a lump of iron. Even though it looked fine until just a moment ago, it suddenly broke off in an instant. That is the scariest thing.”

What if the truss breaks like that?

So what if the bridge collapses?

It was almost certain that an accident in which dozens of people would die would happen.

“But you dare to come and show me the blueprints for such an object? Did you know I didn’t know that intention?”

“no. Please, I wanted you to know this.”

Lloyd smiled softly and answered calmly.

Cogidus stuck out his tongue.

“Are you trying to test my conscience?”

“If you don’t want to do something, you can’t help it.”

“So you want me to suffer while witnessing an accident in the future?”

“It’s a personal choice, so I won’t force it.”

“Don’t you have the confidence to interest me and get my order?”

“yes. doesn’t exist. Are you sure that I am good at something? That’s why.”

“Is that so?”

“I thought appealing to the conscience of a renowned artisan would have a better chance of success.”

“But can I be honest about that?”

“If I hid it anyway, everyone would know.”

“Heh heh heh?”

Cogidus’ thick beard trembled.

He’s a guy who has no shame.

But somehow, I didn’t feel bad about it.

It was because it was a rare attitude among those who came to visit him.

‘Usually, most of them were the ones who talked about their status or stimulated my sympathy by asking if they could make something like this.’

The Lloyd that appeared in front of me today was a little different.

It was clearly stating only the purpose.

He did not go through obvious provocations, such as asserting his position or stimulating his sense of selfishness.

Rather, it clearly and neatly emphasized the fact that the construction would be carried out safely only with the help of this side.

In the end, after thinking about it, Cogidus made up his mind.

“Where are you looking for other blueprints?”

“What do you mean?”

“From the blueprint.”


Lloyd’s hands got busy.

He unfolded the blueprints he had brought in order.

Every time that happened, a fresh shock delighted the craftsman’s eyes.

A large socket to secure the cables of the suspension bridge to the pylon.

A link-type joint joint that considers expansion and contraction due to temperature changes in the bridge.

A flap that is a wind control device to dampen the vibration that the bridge structure will experience due to the wind from the river.

Numerous other modules and parts unfolded before my eyes.

The famous craftsman’s eyes were stained with responsibility.

And finally, he nodded his head.

“Let’s do it. sun.”

“Are you sure?”

“Then would that be a lie?”

Cogidus’s hard eyes pierced Lloyd’s face.

“Looking at the other blueprints you show me, it becomes clearer. Only I can make this in this kingdom. But what if you leave it in someone else’s hands and have an accident where your legs collapse? Isn’t this a matter of conscience before interest?”

“thank you.”

“Thank you, bitch. It’s my first time making things, so there are a lot of things I want to hear explanations for. Don’t even think about going home today.”

“Even so, I thought so.”

Lloyd grinned and opened the backpack.

Inside it was a packed lunchbox for late-night snacks that had been packed in advance.

It was even for two people.

“Heh heh heh?”

Could it be that he foresaw this situation in advance?

I feel it once again, but this guy is no ordinary bet.

Cogidus’ eyes toward Lloyd were colored with satisfaction beyond interest.

Three days have passed.

In the meantime, Lloyd had to be held captive in the royal forge of Cogidus.

Cogidus was strict and meticulous, befitting the best craftsman.

Even Lloyd, who designed it, would point out parts he hadn’t thought of and ask for principles and directions for production.

Thanks to this, even Lloyd had to break a sweat inside on several occasions.

‘I’m not a craftsman for nothing.’

In fact, his design was greatly helped by skill. As a result, there were cases where minor details were easily overlooked.

I didn’t realize it normally, but when I received a question from a craftsman who looked like a major professor, I felt that part.

‘I’ll have to pay more attention to the design in the future.’

With that promise, he was able to escape (?) from the royal forge in three days.

Of course, that didn’t mean he could rest.

No, I got even busier.

The work to be done began now.

“Now then, let’s have a fun cooking time.”

Duduk. Dduduk!

Lloyd untied his gloved knuckles and looked ahead.

A small banquet specially provided by the royal family.

There was a pile of dirt there.

It was the cooking ingredient of the day.

‘It came just as I ordered. Should I call it the royal family?’

Yuto is clay mixed with oil.

stone clay and sand.

Masato and Gravel.

There, finely crushed basalt, obsidian, olivine, lapis lazuli, talc, and tin were piled up in separate heaps.

‘First of all, Yuto.’

Lloyd’s shoveling began.

scooped up yuto He hit it with a shovel and cut it wide. It was rolled out into a pizza dough shape with a diameter of 1 meter.

On top of that, various types of soil were laid in order.

On top of it, stones such as basalt and obsidian were scattered.

And he presented a gift to the bell who was waiting with his belly growling beside him.

“Hey baby bell?”


“I made it according to the recipe you told me before.”


“Would you like to try it?”



The bell that transformed into a big one took a big bite of the clay pizza.

He chewed hard and swallowed it.

Then, it twitched its tail vigorously.

Daughter and daughter and daughter!

The bell on its tail rang loudly.

The bell lifted the tip of its chubby tail.

and shouted


At that moment, Lloyd moved.

A large granite tray prepared in advance was propped up under the blob’s rump.


A much thinner iron bar than usual spurted out from the bell’s butt.

Red-hot thin iron bars piled up on the granite tray.

Lloyd turned the tray round and round according to the timing.

Thin rebars gushing out rolled around the circumference of the tray like a coil.

Lloyd shouted.


As soon as his cry broke out, the wind blew from both sides.

It was thanks to Xaviel and Julien, who had been waiting in advance, that they vigorously wielded a large fan.


The strong wind quickly cooled the rebar.

The diameter of the rebar was at most 5 millimeters.

It looked much more like wire than steel.

‘good. First of all, I was chosen properly in terms of appearance.’

Lloyd’s eyes flashed with joy.

What the bell said was true.

I heard that if you eat the soil according to that recipe, you can pull out a thin wire.

Indeed, the literal result was fully served on a granite tray.

‘Then let’s see if the performance was selected properly.’

This wire is what will be used as the material for the cables that will support the suspension bridge.

As such, the ability to withstand the pulling force had to be tested.

‘A load cell would be perfect for measuring tension like this.’

Unfortunately, there was no way to get such a modern device here.

So he tested the tension of the wire with his body.



“Catch this.”

He held out the freshly cooled wire. I made Xaviel hold on to one end.

And he took the other side himself.

“From now on, I will pull this. You must never waver and endure.”

“All right.”

“You can’t pull at all instead.”

“Should I just hold on?”

“huh. Because we need to test exactly how much force it will break.”

If the pulling force on the other side is added, the calculation becomes complicated.

So, the other side that Xaviel is holding is a fixed value.

I had to calculate only the pulling force of this side.

“Then let’s begin.”


I gripped the wire tightly.

Mobilized one mana circle.

Even the skill option was used to accurately measure the strength.

[Shinbeop skill option ④: Circle shift is activated.]

‘Because we have to test our strength step by step, start with a low gear.’

Gear was set to 1st gear.

Circle reacted immediately.

[The gear of the Alpha Circle is set to 1st gear. Fixed at RPM 1000.]


The rpm for the first circle was fixed at exactly 1000.

The amplified power of mana was put on his right arm.

pulled the wire


wire pulled taut.

did not break

It held up well.

‘Then step 2.’

[The gear of the Alpha Circle is set to 2nd gear. Fixed at RPM 2000.]


The wire was pulled tighter.

But it still didn’t break.

In the meantime, I raised the gear more.

3rd, 4th…Finally, the moment I went up to the 5th gear, the wire broke.


‘good. Between 4th and 5th gear on a single circle basis. Once more.’

tests continued.

Initially at a fixed RPM via circle shift.

Later, gradually turn off the shift option and at more detailed RPMs.

Thanks to this, I was able to grasp the tension of the wire pulled out by the bell in detail.

‘It cuts off between about 4600 and 4700 RPM. If I calculate this as strength, is it okay?’

It just wasn’t good enough.

Wire as a material for cables in the modern world.

Even compared to that, it was not much comparable.

Now it’s time to make the cables.

Lloyd’s hand slipped into his inside pocket.

I took out the phantom bell that I was enjoying taking a nap in from my inner pocket.

“Is that Podong?”

“Kung-Eol-Kung-Eol Boo-Dong?”

“I’m sorry I woke you up, but could you do me a favor for a second?”


“From now on, Bell will pull out the wire.”


“When the wire comes out, can you gather it up and roll it up tightly when it cools down? Only about 120 bundles. Like a bundle of dried banquet noodles sold at a mart, like this.”

Lloyd picked up a branch.

I drew a picture on the floor.

It was to help Podongi’s understanding.

“how is it? can you do it?”


The round head nodded vigorously.

Podongi liked doing Lloyd’s favor.

A hearty smile crept across Lloyd’s lips.

“Ok, thanks. Shall we eat this first?”



Little Boy who ate red sunflower seeds transformed into a 10-meter tall man.

It was from then.

Podongie vigorously rubbed her hands together.

The bell also shook its gong, preparing to release a steel moan.

“Podo-dong! Boo-dong!”

“Fuck! Bell!”

This completes preparation for cable fabrication.

Lloyd’s head quickly turned.

I pointed out the third worker that I had decided in my heart.



The gigantic appearance of the phantom species seen for the first time.

Even Lloyd’s appearance of doing it freely.

Julien, stunned by the sight, flinched.

Lloyd’s lips curled slightly.

“I want to start some foundation work for the pylons of the suspension bridge with Xaviel.”

“Oh yes.”

“So we have to leave this place empty.”

“Uh so?”

“I want you to take care of this place.”

“I? how?”

“How is it?”

Lloyd picked up the shovel.

He pushed it out to Julien.



Before he had time to reply, a large shovel was placed in Julien’s small arms.

“Now imagine you are grilling meat. The meat is delicious. But the cooked meat ran out. The only meat left on the grill is undercooked. So you have to wait until the new meat is cooked. The flow of delicious food has stopped. How do you feel?”

“Ummm, I think I’m going to get a little nervous and annoyed.”

“yes? Also what do you know I mean-”

Lloyd’s smile changed significantly.

“Let’s do some digging. Blobs eat dirt faster. Exactly according to the recipe. Understand?”


“From now on, the soil you move with your shovel will pass through the bells and become wires, which will then be made into cables to support the entire suspension bridge. okay? So work hard.”


Julien’s neck vibrated.

A delicate young boy who has grown up quietly studying.

At last, he realized the meaning of this seemingly simple shoveling that Lloyd entrusted to him.

“Wait a minute there.”

I hurriedly grabbed Lloyd who was turning around.

I didn’t believe it, so I asked.

“Then isn’t this very important?”

“Oh right.”

“But you leave it to me? Why?”

I was curious.

It was strange.

The opponent was Lloyd Frontera.

He was always the older brother he hated and never trusted.

Of course, Lloyd had never believed in himself either.

Every time the party refused to drink together, they often got angry and cursed at each other, calling them ‘something like a nerd’.

But why now?

Looking at yourself with such serious eyes.

Saying it as if it were natural in a caring voice.

“It’s important, so I’m leaving it to you.”


Unknowingly, Julien’s eyes widened.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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