Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 79

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Chapter 79. Rising to fame (1)

“What did this guy’s father say? I told you not to do anything dangerous.”


What kind of situation is this?

This isn’t Baron Prontera.

This is a hospital room in the county’s residence in the trading city of Cremo.


‘Why are the baron and his wife here?’

Lloyd raised his head in embarrassment.

The baron couple were laughing as if they were crying as they looked this way.

There was no time to ask questions.

The baron’s hands squeezed both cheeks urgently and violently.

“Let’s see. Are there any injuries?”

“Oh that….”

“Tell me. Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

“Well, there is no particularly uncomfortable place-”


“It’s a little hard to breathe because you’re crushing your cheeks with both hands.”

“…Ah ah.”

Only then did the baron flinch and loosen his hands.

Of course, he was scolded by his wife.

“What if you get excited over a sick child first? What if I get hurt more?”

“Um, that’s because I’m in a hurry…. Are you okay anyway?”

“Ah yes. it’s okay.”

Lloyd smiled bitterly.

The baroness, who is bruising her husband, but is looking at her with a worried look. A baron who shows off his evasive powers (?) by casually asking questions to her while being scolded by such a wife.

It was nice to see the two of them.

On the one hand, my heart ached as I saw that the two of them were not doing so well.

‘Perhaps it’s because I came all the way here in a hurry, day and night.’

They were a baron couple who always wore clean clothes.

But now it was a little different.

The couple’s travel clothes were full of stains everywhere.

Dirt marks were also left on the elbows and knees.

From the Barony of Frontera to here in Cremo. I could see at a glance how urgently the two had rushed to the schedule.

Literally, as soon as he arrived in Cremo, he must have skipped even changing clothes and rushed straight to the hospital room.

“Have you received a call from the Count?”

Lloyd asked what he could guess.

The baron nodded.

“Yeah, that’s right. The Count sent me a telegram.”

“How did you contact me?”

“They said you were serious.”


“And he gave a brief account of what you had been doing. That was it.”

“They left the same day.”

The baron’s backstory was taken over by his wife.

It was the couple’s words.

About 10 days ago, the couple was spending their daily lives as usual.

According to Lloyd’s request, the construction of the ondol room was completed and the management of the water supply supplied to the self-governing territory was checked. On the other hand, he also prayed for Lloyd’s safe return.

It was in the afternoon when an unexpected telegram arrived.

It was news like a thunderbolt.

Lloyd said it was serious.

The words before and after it didn’t even catch my eye.

Did Giga Titan attack Cremo? Did Lloyd bravely stand up to Giga Titan? ….

None of that rhetoric mattered.

That Lloyd is serious.

At the end of the letter is the magic seal of Count Cremo.

Only two facts echoed in my head, telling me one truth.

It was that Lloyd was really serious.

My heart sank.

There was no time to procrastinate.

I immediately put on a dress.


If you relied on such a thing, your feet could be tied up because the wheels were damaged in the snow and ice in winter.


If you take a lot, you will only have a lot of food to prepare, and both departure and movement will be slow.

So the couple rode their own horses.

Only one escort was accompanied by Lord Bavaria.

It ran all day long. Even the night was regarded as day, relying on torches and moonlight to urge their steps. It was a forced march that even the horses carrying the couple and Lord Bavaria were exhausted.

But the couple didn’t even know how difficult it was.

I hurried even more, saving even my sleep.

Meals were also solved by horses and the like.

That’s how I arrived here in Cremo in just nine days.

When I arrived, I had neither the mind nor the thought to tidy up my clothes. I hurriedly tidied up my coarse hair and ran to the count’s mansion.

Only then could I hear it.

It was news that Lloyd had awakened while they were on their way to Cremo.

“So you don’t know how relieved I was. She pretends to be okay now, but here your mother almost fell over because her leg gave out.”

“Oh, you too.”

“Why? It’s true.”

“If you say things like that, your child will feel embarrassed.”


“There is nothing you can’t say in front of a sick child.”

“Keah hmm hmm.”

“By the way, did you take good care of your doll?”


it’s a doll What is it?

Lloyd, who had listened carefully to the story of the couple coming here, tilted his head. And it was only after listening to the baroness’ words that I was able to realize the identity of the doll she mentioned.

“The amulet your mother gave you when you set off.”


I remembered.

The burdensome pink doll that was said to prevent nightmares if you hugged it every night.

Lloyd involuntarily swallowed his dry saliva.

“If it’s that doll, it should be at the inn.”

“To the inn?”


Lloyd quickly supplemented the answer.

“I was staying at an inn before the commotion started.”

“Is that why you didn’t bring it here?”


“Then you haven’t used it before?”

“Yeah sure….”

Of course not.

I felt like I would rather have a nightmare with a pink teddy bear appearing if I slept with it.

Lloyd swallowed his words.

It didn’t seem like there was anything good to do.

said the baroness with a pitying face.

“Oops. I guess you didn’t like the doll.”

“Umm, to be honest, yes, a little bit.”

“Then make me a bigger one.”


hey? What do you mean?

Somehow, I had a bad feeling.

Unfortunately, that premonition turned into reality.

It was with the Baroness’ benevolent smile that said to leave it to her.

“I was told to use it as a talisman, but seeing that I didn’t use it, it must be because I didn’t like the doll because it was small. So that’s what I’m talking about. I’ll make it much bigger than before so that it’s easier to hug soft and fluffy.”


“You still don’t like it? Even if it’s a ribbon….”

“No, thanks. Never.”

Lloyd shook his head hastily.

A bitter laugh came out of nowhere.

To be honest, this kind of attention and affection was burdensome.

But on the other hand, the tip of my nose frowned without even realizing it.

A baron couple who forgets even the usual dignity and formality and expresses their affection like this. It was because seeing them suddenly reminded me of my childhood in Korea.

‘I felt like this even then.’

When I was young, my father was a very busy man.

It was hard to see his face because he was always busy with work.

Sometimes, on days when I spend time at home, I only see him sleeping all day.

Whenever that happened, I wanted to play with my father.

But I persevered.

I listened to my mother telling me that my father needed to rest.

But then, one day when I was 7 years old.

I fell while playing on a children’s kickboard in front of my house. As I fell, I hit my forehead on the floor. I added a little exaggeration, so I got an egg-like bump.

I went home crying.

It was a holiday, so my father, who had been sleeping, woke up in surprise.

He hurriedly took me to the hospital.

On the way back from the hospital, I stopped by a Gyeongbokgung restaurant.

I still can’t forget the taste of the pork cutlet we ate together. The stories I shared with my father at the time, the expression and voice of my father’s concern were still vivid.

A father who only knew what to do.

It was a day when I felt with my skin how much my father cared for and loved me.


Lloyd took a deep breath.

I brushed off the tip of my nose that was about to frown.

And he said to the baroness.

“thank you. Then, how big do you plan to make the doll?”

“As much as one?”

The Baroness smiled broadly and spread her arms.

Seeing that, Lloyd’s smile brightened.

“Yes, that would be just fine.”


“yes. So, while you are already making it, can you make another one?”

“one more?”


“Are you going to sleep with two of them?”

“It is not.”

Lloyd shook his head.

Then, he pointed at Xaviel, who was standing next to the hospital bed.

“I just want to take care of one of the young ones who always work hard to escort me.”


Xaviel’s shoulders shook slightly as he watched the family reunion with a calm expression. The baroness’s exclamation, ‘Oh, you have a beautiful heart’ made her neck move greatly.

Lloyd’s smile turned evil like a water ghost.

joy alone.

Divide the tragedy.

After all, dark history is less shameful when two people go through it together rather than alone.

A few more days have passed.

In the meantime, Lloyd’s health was recovering day by day.

The bruises all over his body quickly healed.

Muscles that had been torn due to overuse also regained vitality.

Nursing care and care full of sincerity by the baron couple.

And it was thanks to the influence of Triple Circle and Mana Heart.

The resilience itself was vastly different from before.

Even the doctor who examined his body was on the verge of sticking out his tongue.

“You are all better now. You can ride a horse and go hunting right now.”

“is that so. Then what about my heart?”

“It runs just fine.”

A heart that seemed to stop when he was in a coma.

But now the heart beats normally.

Lloyd briefly informed only Xaviel of the reason.

To the rest, he took off his pretense.

He just said he didn’t know what it was.

Thanks to that, the things about his heart remained a mystery to people. He said he didn’t even know the secret to catching Giga Titan, and in fact, he didn’t even know what he did was right.

Of course, it was met with suspicion.

But what if you insist that you don’t even know?

After laying the iron plate a few times, no one asked how they caught Giga Titan.

‘Of course, people still think that I have captured Giga Titan. It’s just that you feel like you don’t want to reveal the secret. That’s just right.’

It was a phenomenon caused by the mana circle anyway.

However, no one except Xaviel knew of the existence of the Mana Circle.

Lloyd thought there was no need to tell him.

and got out of bed.

I went out to the Countess.

walked into the city.

I went up to the podium prepared there.

I stood on the podium and looked at the open square in front of me.


A large number of people gathered in the square.

A crowd so crowded that it is impossible to count.

A native merchant, a dock stevedor, a sailor, a fisherman, a scholar, a carpenter, and even a child. All were citizens born and living in the trading city of Cremo.

They were cheering towards the podium.

And that wasn’t all.

On both sides of the podium, trumpets played upbeat and grand tunes. The rooftops of the buildings along the perimeter of the plaza were sprinkled with finely cut colored paper.

Lloyd’s chest naturally rose.

‘Whoa. It seems like I’m a bit cool.’

Kim Soo-ho, who only poured nosebleeds every day in the small room of the Korean gosiwon.

I never thought that the day would come when I would be treated like this. On the one hand, I was a little burdened and nervous, but I felt more proud than that.

A feat that happened by chance.

But in any case, merit is merit.

Being properly treated with confidence.

Don’t take it out saying you’re embarrassed, and be refreshing.

Lloyd looked to the side, determined.

The Earl of Cremo next to the podium nodded.

It meant that the voice amplification magic was ready.

Lloyd picked up the marble from the podium.

I cleared my throat.

“Kuhm hmm.”

The sound resonated clearly throughout the plaza with voice amplification magic. Thanks to this, the sound of the cheering citizens became a little quiet.

It was waiting for words from this side.

Meanwhile, Lloyd pulled a note from his sleeve. It was a slip of speech written in advance because of the Count’s request to give a speech.

‘It’s not clear what it’s about. The sailors who struggled to rescue the drowning man on the night of the disaster are heroes. The real heroes are the guards who sweated hard to save those trapped under collapsed buildings in the plaza and the volunteer firefighters who risked their lives to put out the flames. And finally, all the citizens of Cremo who have come together to overcome the difficulties of disaster are true heroes. Roughly that way.’

It was so obvious that it made me shiver.

So Lloyd was troubled.

Originally, I was going to finish the speech smoothly, but my heart was shaken. Seeing the crowd gathered like a cloud, an unexpected desire slowly rose up.

And chose.


He bit his molars tightly.

I brought the amplifying magic bead to my mouth with a feeling of exclamation.

“You may not know, but there is something called Ondol in this world.”

His calm voice spread wildly to the corners of the plaza.

People tilted their heads.

It’s ondol.

What does that mean?

Lloyd’s speech continued.

“It warms up the entire floor of the house like a roasted sweet potato. It doesn’t even compare to a fireplace. No need to tear your eyes from burning eyes or cough from smoke. You don’t even have to sit in front of the fireplace all night watching the fire, refusing to sleep one by one, worried about a fire.”

I had no idea what it was.

But it was a strangely engaging story.

The square grew quieter.

People held their breath more and opened their ears.

Lloyd’s fraudulent remarks soaked into the cochleas of the people who had been opened like that.

“yes. That’s what I make. Today, I have a seat, so I will only say this much. If you have any further questions, please contact the Barony of Frontera, east of Cremo. We will do our best to answer and construct it at any time. Enough then. thank you.”

Don’t be too wordy.

Just tantalizing enough to arouse curiosity.

So, later, orders for ondol construction will flood in.

Lloyd bowed his head after finishing his speech or ondol advertisement.

And came down quickly from the podium.

Citizens still look dazed.

And the laughing count.

An iron plate was placed in front of everyone’s reaction.

Rather, he approached Count Cremo and even greeted him casually.

“Thank you for making this a place before you leave the city.”

The count only smiled bitterly without saying a word.

He had recently heard of the existence of ondol through the information network. But I would have thought he was the one advertising the ondol in this speech.

‘This is a more coveted friend.’

Aside from being bold, it is not an ordinary bet.

Appropriately when appropriate.

When you’re bold, be bolder.

I thought he was a guy who knows how to hit and run properly and push his own gains.

‘Besides, the actual ability is also outstanding.’

I still don’t know how I caught Giga Titan.

However, there was one fact that was confirmed.

His ability to carry out construction was superior to any builder he had ever seen.

‘That’s because the artificial foundations on the sea that were intact even in the attack of Giga Titan tell us.’

The Count’s gaze turned to the sea in front of the port.

I took a look at the artificial ground left there.

A mermaid statue completely destroyed by Giga Titan’s attack.

Despite the uproar, the ground made of rebar and cement remained almost intact, with only one side slightly crushed. It was enough to erect a new statue right away.

‘Certainly not a talent to rot in the countryside.’

The count’s gaze toward Lloyd flashed secretly.

The count’s eyes remained the same even after Lloyd’s party left the city after the speech.

“Please have a good trip. See you next time.”

The Count, who personally sent Lloyd’s party off, immediately returned to the mansion.

and that evening.

Count Cremo’s report detailing Lloyd Frontera’s abilities and achievements was carried on the ankle of the messenger and flew toward the kingdom’s capital city.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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