Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 70

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Chapter 70. The fugitive and the adversary (2)



A huge water balloon or hamangi flew in.

It hit Giga Titan’s side.


It was a hamang that swallowed a lot of sea water and swelled up.

It alone weighed hundreds of tons.

Of course, it was nothing compared to the weight of the 2500 ton Giga Titan.

Even so, it was possible to briefly stagger him with an unexpected attack.


Giga Titan’s legs stepped on Yeongdeok’s unintentional step.

I had to stumble so as not to fall, like a person who was hit in the side by a gym ball while tap dancing.

That stumble saved the 23rd sentry.



The leg that was about to step on the 23rd sentry was pushed aside several meters.

It shattered whole rocks and dug deep into the ground.

The fragments hit the sentinel.

However, as a result, the superintendent was not injured.

Countless fragments flew towards him.

It was because there was someone who blocked the debris.

“Get down!”


A shadow blocking the front of the guard with a cry.

I wanted to lift something with a broad end.

I wanted to wield that thing dazzlingly.

In an instant, sparks flew in all directions.


A series of flashes of light momentarily illuminating the darkness.

Through the flash, the head of the guard could see clearly.


Someone was wielding a shovel.

He was gripping the shovel handle wide with both hands, holding a strange posture he had never seen before.

But the move was no joke.

Like the arrowhead of a bow and arrow hitting a target.

He removed every single piece of flying rock.

In mid-air, he struck, blocked, and let go, and he slashed without hesitation.

‘What is that…It’s like a shield with a handle.’

That was the sentiment of the superintendent.

Before long, the man with the shovel turned around.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh, there I am….”

“You look healthy. Please follow me.”

The man, Lloyd, slung the shovel over his shoulder and nodded.

The superintendent immediately ran after him.

“Where are you going?”

“Where is it? You run away.”


“Didn’t you hear? It means running away.”

Lloyd replied as if it were natural.

The superintendent’s expression hardened.

“I can’t run away. We must keep our way.”

“You won’t be able to keep it.”

“You still have to keep it.”

“You don’t have to keep it.”

“yes? what is that….”

“Because he will protect you here.”

Running quickly, Lloyd pointed to one side.

The watchman’s gaze followed the fingertips.

and was able to find

Flames from the ammunition storage exploded in all directions.

The silver-haired knight Xaviel stood tall in the flames.

The only thing he missed was a sword.

But his expression was so bold.

Even facing a monster dozens of times bigger than himself, he did not shake even an inch.

No, rather, he raised his sword and aimed at the monster.

and kicked the ground


It ran like a gale.

jumped over rocks

Break through the blazing fire.

In front of him was Giga Titan’s eleventh leg.

passed over the leg.

Xaviel’s sword became a flash and swept his leg.

Snap! Cacan!

Sparks flew.

A small scratch was carved on the tip of Giga Titan’s leg.

As Xaviel retrieved the sword, one eyebrow twitched.

‘Aren’t you cut?’

I thought I would cut at least half of it.

It was a bit unexpected result.

‘Once again.’

Manahat’s mana waved.

The triple circle increases the torque.

Xaviel’s movements became faster.


Faster than Giga Titan’s gaze can follow.

He dug into the monster’s blind spot.

jumped up

stepped on his leg

It spurred on and leaped higher and higher.

The monster’s leg joints were there.

It was a relatively vulnerable part of the shell’s defense.


Xaviel’s sword flashed.

It slashed through space in an oblique line and rushed toward Giga Titan’s leg joints.

However, the space was split, but the monster’s skin was not split.



The sword that used blasting came out.

Surprise was evident in the eyes of the silver-haired knight who bounced back with anti-elastic force.

Lloyd, who had fled from a distance earlier and looked back at him, frowned.

‘That guy, that’s why I told him not to fight.’

My heart thumped all over.

Suddenly, I remembered what happened earlier.

“All right! bell?”


“Come on, eat this.”

“A raindrop?”

“It’s a blue sunflower seed. Hurry up before that monster catches your eye.”

Lloyd held out a blue sunflower seed to Bell.

It was right after riding the bell across the sea.

That’s how we got to the shore safely through the waves.

He first reduced the size of the bell.

I quickly looked around.

“What are your plans from now on?”

Xaviel asked with a serious look.

Lloyd replied as if it were natural.

“What? I have to hide.”


A slight wrinkle formed between Xaviel’s forehead.

“When you say hide, do you mean to launch a surprise attack?”



“Why do something like a surprise attack? I have to hide.”


“Were you thinking of fighting that monster?”

“Of course-”

“Arthur. Then you just get killed.”

Lloyd tossed off his wet, heavy robe.

He said as if he couldn’t understand the situation of having such an argument.

“This is not our city. Besides, there will be an army in this city too. But why do we have to fight with guns and knives?”

“Yeah sure….”

“What is your sense of justice?”

Lloyd tilted his head.

The wrinkles between Xaviel’s eyebrows deepened.

“Then, what were the words you shouted to the count on the sailboat earlier?”

“A cry?”

“Wasn’t this the answer to the count’s question of what to do from now on? ‘I’ll go,’ he said.”

“uh. I did cry like that.”

“But you’re not going to take responsibility for that cry?”

“I only said I was coming here, but I didn’t say what I was going to do after that?”


“Right. So from now on, what does it matter whether I hide here or not? Why should I risk my life for someone else’s business?”

“But Mr. Lloyd.”

“Do you see me as Superman?”

“yes? What is Superman? ….”

“Or do I look like a hero who will save the world?”


Of course not.

Lloyd had never thought of himself that way.

He wasn’t Superman.

He wasn’t even a hero who performed like a movie.

‘I’m just a person who wants to live comfortably and quietly for the rest of my life after paying off my debts.’

He is just a young man who works hard every day for that goal.

Just to get one more project.

trying to make money like that.

I am just an ordinary person who struggles every day.

“But to fight a monster the size of a building like that. Does that make sense?”

It was a monster that blew away a large statue hundreds of meters in one blow.

He smashed five sailboats with one blow to the body.

Even after being hit by dozens of shells, he did not budge.

Let’s fight a monster like that.

If I can, of course I will.

But it never occurred to me that it would be possible.

To be honest, I was scared.

I didn’t even dare.

It hurts my heart to think of the citizens who will be harmed by that monster, but the impossible was impossible.

Likewise, to Lloyd, saying ‘Let’s fight against that monster’ sounded the same as saying ‘Let’s make sure we commit suicide together.’

So it was.

“To be clear, I have no intention of fighting him. That’s why I said the right thing to the count and got out of the sailboat, and from now on I’m going to find a safe place nearby and hide. Until this chaos calms down properly.”

“Then what are you planning to do after the uproar subsides?”

“What the heck? I need to get the construction money from the Count.”


“Once you get the construction money, the business is over. I know. that it’s mean But I can’t help it. There’s nothing you can do. What more do I have to do here? What the hell can you do?”


Lloyd says it can’t be helped.

Xaviel’s gaze toward Lloyd grew cold.

Even the reply that came out of his mouth became colder.

“Are you like this, Mr. Lloyd?”


“I was disappointed.”

That was it.

Xaviel turned around.

I drew my sword.

Pudong and Bell, who were looking at the argument, not knowing what to do, asked Ha Mang.

“Are you willing to fight with me?”




All three phantom species nodded their heads together.

A faint smile formed on Xaviel’s lips.

“great. Then let’s go.”

“kiss! room! under!”


Xaviel ran away holding the three phantom species.

A fast-moving back view.

Beyond that figure, a message floated in my mind.

Ding dong.

[Xaviel Asrahan feels a deep disappointment in you.]

[Xaviel Asrahan’s affinity for you has decreased by -5.] [Current

relationship with Xaviel Asrahan : +1]

> to < Everyday Others > has been downgraded by one level.]

[Relations with key figures have deteriorated somewhat, but there is no RP confiscation.]

[Currently possessed RP: 1901]


Apparently, Xaviel seemed to be really angry this time.

Lloyd bit his lip.

‘driving me crazy.’

He hated not only himself, but also the fact that Xaviel was fighting that monster.

Of course, I knew full well that Xaviel was strong.

But now, this is a situation that is not in his memory.

The Iron Blooded Knight, a novel he read.

Xaviel in that novel never fought Giga Titan.

Besides, Xaviel now is not even a sword master like in the novel.

Although he possesses the triple circle, strictly speaking, he is still only an advanced sword expert.

If you are unlucky, it means that you may meet a sudden and futile end while charging for justice.

‘I can’t do that.’

I didn’t want to lose Xaviel like that.

Because he’s pretty?

Of course not.

‘The reason is simple. Because he’s the most useful guy!’

He is the one who will become your greatest asset in the future.

He is a talented person who will become a sword master in the future and support the territory.

In addition, he was an extremely competent heavy construction equipment right now.

How pleasant the quarrying work was thanks to blasting.

He had no worries about drilling holes in the ground.

‘Besides, the labor cost is free!’

A guy who works like a cow with no complaints as long as he feeds him.

I didn’t want to lose such an all-weather construction equipment like this.

I didn’t want to throw him into danger.

So it was.

‘Oh really. How pampered I am!’

He grumbled dozens of times inside and ran after Xaviel.

I tried to dry him somehow.

That’s why I came here.

As I got caught up in the ice, I was able to save the 23rd guard.

He ran away with the guard and booed Xaviel.

“hey! It’s enough to stop, so let’s jump out!”

“I don’t like it.”


Before I knew it, Xaviel, who had landed on the other side, ran side by side in the same direction.

As if it was natural, he blew his refusal.

A tendon sprouted from Lloyd’s forehead. cried out loud



“Are you a pervert? Do you have some unsalted hero fetish!”


“Yes what! am i wrong? Do you think you can stop that now?”

“I don’t know. Just-”

Chow ah!

Xaviel, who was running with all his might, stopped.

I turned around.

A huge monster chasing us.

Giga Titan’s overwhelming toes falling down.

He swung his sword as if to face it.

It fired blasts straight ahead.


Xaviel’s body was crushed with a fierce shockwave. I was pushed back about 20 meters. He managed to regain his balance, and his eyes burned brightly.

“If I don’t fight, I don’t think anyone will stop that.”

A voice that was low but clearly audible, loaded with mana.


Guess who isn’t the protagonist of the novel?

A sense of justice and ignorance are severe at this point.

But there was no time to blame it.

I didn’t have time to convince him any further.

“hey! damage!”


Could it be that Xaviel, who continued to use blasting and resisted, was annoying?

Giga Titan launched a full-scale attack on Xaviel.

It came swinging its main weapon, its club-like front claws.


Xaviel quickly dodged.

However, the front leg clubs rushed at Xaviel one after another without a break.

Wedge liquid quaang! Kwak Kwak!

Every time the club hit the ground, the ground split apart and the rock turned to powder.

Relentless shockwaves and shrapnel shook the area.

Each time, Xaviel narrowly avoided himself.

At the same time, it gradually moved away from this side.

He directed Giga Titan towards it.

It seemed that he was worried that this side would be caught in an attack directed at him.

‘That idiot!’

They were openly pulling aggro.

No matter how you look at it, he looked like a guy trying to die.

So my heart thumped even more.

‘I thought it would be like this, so I asked to hide and not fight.’

But now it was too late to subtract.

I had to pay for something.

Otherwise, Xaviel will suffer.

If you’re unlucky, you might get hit together like a 1+1 set menu.

‘I can’t do that.’

Lloyd shook his head violently.

I tried to stay calm.

‘To overcome this situation, first of all, on-site analysis.’

I wiped the sweat droplets from my eyes.

He quickly rolled his eyes.

I organized my thoughts neatly.

‘First of all, the biggest problem is that Xaviel can’t hit him.’

Xaviel’s cut literally cuts through steel.

However, the sword attack did not work.

It was because of Giga Titan’s thick shell.

‘It just looks like a mantis crayfish. Or crayfish with club paws.’


Its distinctive hard and tough shell was the problem.

‘If I can break through that, maybe Xaviel can try something.’

Lloyd inspected the rampaging Giga Titan.

But the night sky was too dark.

Besides, no matter how much I looked, it was difficult to see where Giga Titan was thin and fragile.

‘Ah, if it was a rock or the ground, I would be able to figure out all the places where the ground is thin….’

I was filled with regret.

Then, suddenly, my mind flashed.

‘uh? wait for a sec.’

Lloyd, who had been sighing heavily, paused.

Suddenly, a new idea came to mind.

Successive ideas and thoughts followed and flashed explosively.


A skill to grasp the ground.

A skill that separates the strength and weakness of the ground.

A honey-like skill that can reveal all properties up to a depth of 5 meters thanks to options.

‘But will that also apply to him?’

I thought maybe.

Measurement of living organisms.

It was an attempt that had never been done before.

I never had any expectations that it would be.

But what if?

nuclear gain.

If not, just stop.

It would be worthwhile to go down.

‘Let’s try it once. Survey!’

It was out of hope.

Lloyd tightened his eyes.

I activated my surveying skill and looked up at Giga Titan.


[Scanning begins.]

Along with an unbelievable message, data like map hacks began to emerge from various parts of Giga Titan’s body.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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