Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 7

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Chapter 7. Improving constitution (1)

Baron Prontera.

An ordinary country estate located in the corner of the continent of Laurasia.

The size of the troops possessed was also insignificant.

No, it was to the point of being shabby because it was not simple.

There are 5 knights in total.

100 enlisted men.

Even that is at the level of a ragtag vigilante.

That was the status of Baron Prontera’s troops mentioned in the novel ‘Iron-blooded Knight’.

“…However, starting today, you will be reborn as the elite of the elite in this field.”

It was a sunny sunny morning.

Perfect weather to start construction.

In the sunlight, Lloyd looked back at the 80 men gathered by the river and said.

“If you diligently scoop and carry these here.”

His hand pointed to one side of the river.

There was ocher there.

There were too many of them.

Originally, it was ocher buried under the ground.

‘But I was able to dig it all up. Thanks to Podongie.’

He was the one who secretly came here at dawn.

By transforming Podongi, he created a large-scale loess collection site in just 30 minutes.

And when the morning dawned, 80 soldiers from the territory were brought here.

It was to transport the loess from the collection site to the construction site.

He looked around at the soldiers.

“I wonder what this is. You might be wondering why I want to mobilize you guys for this kind of labor.”


“But the original army is like this. What are military flowers? Work is work.”

The Republic of Korea Army was like that.

Combat training to defend the country?

That was important, but the reality was a bit different.

‘Drainage construction in the camp construction, something to make today, and something else tomorrow. He said that he worked in the military whenever he had free time, and his military life was over.’

It felt like being a summons to a company commander.

So it was.

He wanted to let the soldiers in the territory experience that feeling as well.

Just to annoy them?

It wasn’t.

‘It’s physical training under the guise of labor.’

Ocher is heavy.

What if you carry it in a sack and walk?

Not only the lower body, but also the core from the waist to the abdomen, shoulders, and forearm muscles are trained.

Increased stamina is also a bonus.

‘I wonder if the so-called working muscles get attached.’

Lloyd thought so.

“Anyway, today we will be digging the first small and precious shovel for the revival of Yeongji. It’s an ondol room construction project for Young Ji-min. For that, you are saying that you will be moving the yellow soil here to the construction site.”

“…Yes, Bocchan.”

A few soldiers reluctantly answered.

Lloyd grinned.

“good. Then let’s start with stretching.”


“Do you want to get hurt while working? If you forcefully carry things with a stiff body, your waist goes out and your knees go around, then you are the only one who loses. Do you understand? So, you need to relax.”


“Follow me. one two.”

“Ha one…two….”

“Your voice is small. action for sure. one two!”

“under…one two!”

Lloyd warmed up slowly in front of the soldiers.

At first, the soldiers were bewildered.

However, when Lloyd frowned, everyone started to move quickly.

Rumored professional bad guy, the truth.

It was the moment when the usual notoriety accumulated like that shined (?).

‘Because there is no meaning in training if you get injured while working without warming up like this.’

Stretching at a construction site is more important than you think.

The floor is uneven or bumpy.

Or dangerous objects are scattered around.

Like most construction sites, it was poor.

But what if you move heavy objects with a less relaxed body in such a place?

The probability of an accident is likely to increase.

It was in Lloyd’s mind that he wanted to prevent such a thing at all costs.

‘I have no money to pay for treatment. prevent and save That’s why I chant such a stupid-looking slogan with all my heart.’

After stretching, he made the soldiers gather in a circle.

and raised his hand

“Follow me. Raise your hand.”

Every single thing!

The soldiers noticed and raised their hands.

Lloyd shouted in the lead.

“Good to wear a safety helmet!”


He hit the helmet he was wearing with his palm.

The soldiers also chanted slogans and followed the movements.

“Oh, put on your safety helmet…good!”

“good job. Good to wear safety gloves!”

“Good to wear safety gloves!”

“I really like wearing safety boots!”

“Real good!”

At first glance, it was a childish slogan and inspection process at the level of a kindergarten.

In fact, Lloyd also thought that way every morning when he was working part-time in Korea.

But looking back now?

Maybe thanks to this inspection process, he was able to finish his part-time job safely.

I used to think that way.

So it was.

After completing the inspection, he did not forget to arm the soldiers with safety awareness.

“Everyone, don’t forget the safety rules. If you think you’ll forget, watch this at least once.”

I listened to the sign he had made in advance.

planted firmly into the ground.

On the placard, these phrases were succinctly written.


Let’s follow the safety rules on site.

If you install it without a hard hat, you may lose your cow and fix your brain a little. If you rush as if you were the emperor of mobile warfare, you will become a patient of mobile warfare.

Tired of wearing safety boots? Yes, with this, your big toe is ready to achieve the 3-step separation that even Naroho can barely do.

Do you think this is all a lie? Then, ignore all the advice and ascend to heaven with a handful of dioxin.

ps) Do you think it’s someone else’s story

? ….”

The soldiers were speechless.

Everyone unconsciously carefully adjusted the safety equipment.

“good. If you’re ready, let’s begin. 1 group shoveled and put ocher in a sack. Team 2 carries the sack. practice!”


Transport work has begun.

Perhaps thanks to the intense (?) mental training, the soldiers’ movements were swift.

Seeing it made me feel happy.

‘As expected, they are relatively docile, probably because they are enlisted soldiers belonging to Yeongji. You did a good job convincing the baron.’

I suddenly remembered what had happened in the early morning two hours ago.

“So you want to mobilize soldiers?”

The baron’s voice questioned.

There was a hint of wonder in his voice.

Were there also doubts, doubts, and absurdities?

Lloyd replied calmly, continuing his breakfast.



“I have work to do.”

“You mean you’re going to mobilize 80 soldiers because you have to do something?”

“It is construction.”



After swallowing the bread, Lloyd wiped his hands on a napkin.

And I took out the papers I had prepared in advance.

handed over to the baron.

“It’s a business plan.”

“A business plan.”

“Let’s take a closer look.”

It was thanks to the baby I got last night.

I was convinced that I could finally start a full-scale construction project.

So, I wrote a business plan overnight.

‘Because this business absolutely needs the baron’s cooperation.’

In any case, it was a construction project within the territory.

So, permission from the baron, the owner of the estate, was essential.

It was the same from an economic point of view.

‘If I hire a separate worker, it costs money.’

personnel expenses.

or per day.

It was a cost that must be spent at any construction site.

But what if the baron mobilized the private soldiers under his personal command for the construction?

You can pamper them for free without paying a daily wage.

It was because they were private soldiers who were hired and paid by the baron anyway.

“So you can save a lot of money.”

“What if there is dissatisfaction among the soldiers?”

“It would be fine to cover it up with a little bonus in the name of special allowance.”

“Hmm, but the ondol construction industry….”

“I know you heard the explanation from Xaviel last night.”

“okay. It did. That bizarre yet new heating method of heating stones on the floor. But why?”

“Are you asking about my intentions?”


The baron’s eyes were full of doubts.

Fortunately, it wasn’t as cold as before.

‘It’s probably thanks to the money bag I gave you after expelling the debt collectors yesterday.’

Thanks to that, the baron was able to afford the interest this month.

It was inevitable that the gaze toward nature would be sharpened.

said Lloyd.

“I wanted to raise money through the territories.”


“yes. Money to pay off the debt.”


“At first, I thought about collecting money in the name of special taxes. But that….”

“There will be a lot of backlash.”

“yes. So it was. We have devised a legal method with as little backlash as possible.”

“So what you came up with is the business of constructing ondol, right?”

“yes. I will be able to earn money and Ji-min will be able to spend a warmer winter instead of paying the right amount of money. It’s a win-win for each other.”

“But something like this….”

The baron’s suspicious gaze turned this way.

“Where did you learn it?”

“Are you talking about Ondol?”

“okay. I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life. But where did you learn this?”

“I thought about it before.”



Lloyd nodded.

In times like this, you have to be even more shameless.

his words continued.

“It was just something I had been thinking about for a long time. Once a stone is heated, it does not cool well. So, I wondered what it would be like to put a flat stone on the floor indoors and let the hot air flow under it to heat the floor.”


“But this time, when I got the chance to actually make it, it turned out to be better than I thought. It was even warmer than expected.”

“You mean the ondol that the bar owner made for you?”


“So you came up with the idea to develop it into a business?”


He nodded as if it were natural.

In fact, I had absolute confidence.

However, there was still one doubt that did not disappear from the baron’s gaze.

“okay. The plan is good. This plan has been meticulously crafted to the point of admiration. To the point where I wondered if you had this kind of talent. But that’s it….”

The baron’s suspicious question flew in.

“Can I trust your intentions?”


“I mean, can I trust you?”

“What do you mean by that….”

“Couldn’t it be that you already forgot about that incident from two years ago?”


2 years ago.

That is a part that has never appeared in the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

It seemed better not to give a clumsy answer now.

Lloyd waited in silence.

Fortunately, the baron spoke first.

“It was like this even then. Of course, there was no such grandiose business plan as now. I still remember clearly what you said at the time. you did ‘Dad, this time I’m really determined and I’m going to study properly. So trust me and invest in me.’”


“I was happy. I wanted you to finally come to your senses. So I readily gave you the money from the sale of the villa. To use it as an academy admission fee. But you have the money….”


“It was wasted. Perfect without leaving a penny behind. With the scoundrels I used to hang out with. Drunk and having a dirty, dirty party with the girls.”

…Oh really.

Lloyd bitch.

He swallowed the swearing that came out of him.

‘It’s crazy, that’s right. I can’t imagine he would have done something like that.’

Somehow, even with the perfect business plan in front of him, he thought the baron’s reaction was lukewarm.

I also thought that it was only natural that I would not be trusted because I had done that much work.

‘Ahh, Lloyd is such a piece of trash.’

A high degree of trolling by the old owner of this body.

I was wondering how to get through this.

His brain spun at the speed of light.

And I finally came up with a clue to the solution.

It was thanks to his own past that suddenly came to mind.

‘But now that I think about it, I’ve had similar accidents on a much smaller scale.’

It must have been when I was in middle school.

There was a time when I forgot the money my mother gave me to pay for the academy.

It reminded me of playing with my friends at the PC room every evening.

‘From the rules to the Underwatch War Ground…. It was fun.’

But in the end, my mother caught me.

I was terribly upset.

I had to beg for my hands to become my feet.

Then, in the end, could he be forgiven by his mother after making an irreversible promise?

‘Tsk, that’s the only way for now.’

Thinking of a solution, Lloyd raised his head.

I faced the baron.

Just like the day I promised my mother that I would never go to an internet cafe again, I said to the baron.

“I will stop drinking.”


“Your words are great. If you trust me this time, I will give up drinking completely.”


The baron’s eyes darkened.

He seemed to be asking if he was serious.

Or maybe it was a trick or something.

Lloyd didn’t answer.

He just didn’t avoid the baron’s gaze at all.

He kept his silence as if he answered yes with calm eyes.

How long has it been since

Finally the baron sighed.

“Is that for real?”


I don’t drink alcohol anyway.

I don’t even like it very much.

There was no particular lingering attachment to drinking.

So if you gave up a drink and succeeded in gaining even a little bit of the baron’s trust, it was literally a nuclear gain.

And finally.

“…yes I got it.”

The baron nodded.

He returned the business plan.

“Since you say that, let’s believe it this time. Let my magistrate know. In carrying out the business in this plan, from now on you will be able to freely manage the enlisted men of the territory.”

“…thank you.”

“This will be the last time I trust you like this. Please do not disappoint me.”

The baron’s gaze turned this way.

Somehow, it seemed more generous than before.

Or maybe it seemed a little sad.

For a moment, I remembered my mother from the previous Internet cafe incident, and I felt strange for a moment.

Lloyd hurriedly finished his meal and left.

‘…Although it went through the process of ‘.’

There are still many, many mountains to climb.

At that thought, Lloyd smiled bitterly.

while he was lost in thought for a moment.

It was because of the appearance of a knight approaching and protesting.

“…As you know, I am an honorable knight. An order to supervise such a pile of dirt or carrying it is unacceptable, even from yours.”

The knight’s face turned this way.

He was a man with a savage impression.

Of course, Lloyd knew the knight’s name.

‘Sir Ulrich.’

The person he personally designated as the executive who will lead the soldiers on the field today.

He was one of the five knights of Baron Prontera.

He was the most incompetent among them.

He was also the first to betray when the baron family fell on such a subject.

‘I calmly stole the baron’s cherished horse and ran away.’

And that wasn’t all.

Did he even spit in Lloyd’s face while running away?

‘That’s why I entrusted this scene to you today.’

called on purpose

entrusted with leading the soldiers.

It was because I expected this guy to react in this way.

And he always lived up to (?) my expectations.

Lloyd silently grabbed the shovel.

And he smiled brightly at Sir Ulrich.

“aha. So will you refuse my order?”

“This is not a refusal. I ask that you respect my honor as a knight…Kuck!”


Sir Ulrich is about to speak back.

Lloyd’s shovel head hit Sir Ulrich in the face.

‘Certainly, this Youngji needs to improve his constitution at least once.’

Sir Ulrich’s molars scattered in the air.

Meanwhile, Lloyd’s eyes flashed coldly.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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