Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 69

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Chapter 69. Fugitive and Adversary (1)


Explosive sprays gushed out.

A huge silhouette rushed in between them.

Total length 90 meters.

A sea monster weighing about 2500 tons.

Giga Titan roared and stretched out its crouched body.

It broke the whole wave and rushed like a huge meteor.

He crashed into the waist of the mermaid statue with his heavy head.


It was hair that was tightly intertwined with dentin and chitin.

It was also a torso headbutt with 2,500 tons of weight intact.

The mermaid statue could not stand the blow.

Even if it is tall, the height of the statue is only 29 meters.

In front of the overwhelming gigantic size of Giga Titan, it was nothing more than a toy.

Just like that, the waist of the mermaid statue was shattered at once by the transcendent torso head-butt.


The dismembered upper half of the statue was blown away.

Like a cannonball fired by a catapult.

It flew over a distance of hundreds of meters across the sea off Cremo Harbor.

I was stuck in the central square of the peaceful city of Cremo where I was welcoming the evening.

Kwajajak! Kuang-!

The sudden fall of the statue.

It was as if a rock weighing dozens of tons had fallen.

The statue shattered paving stones and fountains at once.

It bounced and rolled without hesitation.

I rushed towards the edge of the square.

Five buildings were crushed, including a peaceful bakery, flower shop and fruit shop.

After that, it continued to roll across the boulevard and lodged in a bell tower.

The screams broke out late.



“That! What is that!”

“Hey here! A person has fallen!”

“Someone help me!”

A statue that flew like lightning and a building that was crushed by it.

The screams and cries of those trapped in the rubble and those trying to rescue them were mixed.

The dizzying run of fear-stricken people raged between the blooming dust and scattered stones.

A very sudden devastation.

Such devastation was clearly visible even from a sailboat floating in the offing.

“Alternatively, alternatively…what is this…! Christine! Don’t let go of my hand!”

A middle-aged man holding onto his daughter’s hand in the midst of a great disaster.

The Earl of Cremor’s eyes widened in astonishment.

A groaning sound escaped from his trembling mouth.

He couldn’t believe what was happening right now.

The devastation that came into my eyes also felt just as unreal.

It was because it was a situation that was against his common sense that he had never even imagined.

‘How the hell did he rush all the way here?’

I didn’t understand.

It had to be.

For the past decade, Giga Titans have only appeared far offshore.

Even if they showed up, they just attacked ships operating offshore. There had never been a raid so close to a city as this one.

‘I can’t believe it…Is it because of the mermaid statue?’

The count’s distorted gaze turned to the spot where the statue had been.

The statue that had been standing majestic until just now had disappeared.

It was terribly crushed, barely remaining below the waist.

The count’s eyes widened even more.

‘I hoped that Giga Titan would move its habitat because it felt threatened when it saw that statue….’

It seemed that the situation had reversed itself.

Rather than moving its habitat, the large monster seemed to have chosen to attack the mermaid statue it deemed a threat.

As a count, it was deplorable.

‘Is it my mistake?’

heavy sunken eyes.

The puzzle of the current situation was quickly put together in the count’s head.

‘I think it’s because of the mermaid statue. That’s why Giga Titan’s behavior was different from usual. That’s why the coast guard post couldn’t detect its presence early.’

The usual Giga Titan was different from today.

Every time it appeared, it roared openly from the sea far away.

It was also easy to detect the presence or absence thanks to such a majestic roar.

Just like that, to let everyone know that this is their territory.

That was the appearance pattern that Giga Titan has shown over the past 10 years.

Therefore, coastal guard posts also focused on discovering it and alerting the city.

But today was different.

‘I came close by diving below the surface through the bottom of the sea. Surprisingly stealthily and boldly.’

It wasn’t just an act of showing off and letting people know that it was their territory.

Attack, not show off.

Punishment, not threat, to intruders.

That was the new behavioral pattern that Giga Titan showed today.

‘But only those guys predicted that.’

The Count’s gaze turned to the other side of the deck.

There were two young men there.

It was Lloyd and Xaviel.

‘Especially that bold friend’s escort knight. Did that knight say that he felt the presence of Giga Titan approaching below the surface?’

A presence that his own knight, Lord Ginoban, had not felt.

But that silver-haired knight felt it.

The meaning was clear.

“It’s dangerous, my lord! Don’t let go of my hand!”

A strong hand stretched out towards the count who was lost in thought.

He gripped his wrist tightly.


It’s like rescuing someone from drowning.

I stretched and pulled and hugged her with all her might.

Thanks to this, the count and the count’s daughter were able to keep from falling even on the deck that was shaking all over.

“I’m sorry, lord.”

A rough voice screaming like crying.

It was Sir Ginovan, the count’s escort knight.

Sir Ginovan was looking at me with sad eyes.

A bitter smile appeared faintly on the count of Cremor’s face.

“Kyung, don’t blame yourself.”

“But, lord, I….”

“You just did your best. It’s just that even with your best efforts, you couldn’t make up for the difference in skill with that silver-haired knight. No one in our city noticed the Giga Titan’s approach. I couldn’t have predicted either. But how can I blame you alone?”


“There is absolutely nothing wrong with you in this situation. If so, it would be my fault.”

The Count’s voice became hoarse.

A resounding cry flew towards such a count.

“Count! It would be nice to build strong trust with a knight who is your confidant, but could you listen to me for a moment!”

It was Lloyd’s cry.

cried Lloyd, clutching at the railing on the other side of the deck.

“People are missing! Call the captain right away!”

The sea he cries out and points to.

Indeed, there was an uproar there.

Five sailboats that could not get out of the vicinity of the statue were severely damaged.

Many of the people on the sailboat fell into the sea.

To make matters worse, the sea was raging wildly.

It was because of Giga Titan.

It was a situation where the giga titan, which was as large as 90 meters, ran wild.

The nearby sea area caught up in the wave was like a crucible of chaos. Drowning people and wreckage of sailboats were swirling and floundering in a haphazard mix.

Lloyd’s cry continued.

“First of all, saving them is the most urgent thing! Count, please command this boat and rescue as many drowning people as possible! I will go to the city!”

“A city? What are you talking about!”

“It seems that Cremor Harbor is going to receive a lot of uninvited guests!”

Again Lloyd’s hand pointed to one side.

There was Giga Titan with his head raised.

He stood up among the rolling waves and stared at one side.

A distant place where monsters stare.

There was a mermaid statue there.

There was the upper body of a broken mermaid statue that had been blown hundreds of meters away and had been slammed into the side of the spire.

“It seems that he thinks that the statue of the mermaid is not finished yet!”

“You mean you’re going to land in the city to destroy that thing?”


It was right after Lloyd’s answer echoed.

As if to prove his words, Giga Titan began to move.

I lowered myself.

It split the waves with its gigantic body.

It started swimming toward the city.

“If he goes up to the city, the damage will be out of control!”

“Then what should I do!”

“I’ll go!”


The Count doubted his ears.

Do you want to go there directly?

Could it be that he is going to swim at least?

But Lloyd didn’t answer further.

As if not wasting time to answer, he exchanged glances with the silver-haired knight.

Together, we ran towards the stern.

threw something into the air

Before long, three large summoned beasts appeared in the air.




Dduwang-! with a splash!

I dived into the sea where the giant porpoise and the bubble were bobbing.

It was the same with Hamang.

Following them, Lloyd and Xaviel jumped into the sea.

I climbed on the bell’s back.

“Come on everyone! Get as many people out of the water as possible before we set off!”

“kiss! room! under!”

Even the bell that burned Lloyd and Xaviel.

Podongi and Hamangi too.

Everyone moved in a hurry.

He saved the people who were struggling around him.

After rescuing the elderly and weak, who seemed to be in a hurry, Lloyd made Pudongi and Hamangi small and took them into his arms.

And set off for the city.

“Hey Bell?”


“let’s go!”

Lloyd patted the bell on the side.

Beep beep beep, daughter and daughter!

The bell that drank the sea water waggled its tail.

A fierce explosion erupted from the guy’s bottom for a moment before the clear sound of bells resounded.


The Volcano Explosion skill exploded.

The exhaled gas hit the waves furiously.

The anti-elastic force rapidly pushed the body of the bubble floating in the water.

As if a rocket was launched or a banana boat splits the sea, it was shot toward the port like a darting arrow.


Like that, Lloyd and Xaviel, who boarded the bubble, quickly drifted apart.

Only then did the Count suddenly come to his senses.

“everyone! Bring the rope! Captain! Move the sailors! hurry!”

Now is not the time to be idly by.

It’s time to save even one person.

The Count threw off his cumbersome overcoat.

He commanded the captain and crew until his throat exploded.

A long, disastrous night was beginning.

Kwaang! Perong! Kwaaang!

It was the time when the darkness after sunset colored the sky.

A roar rang out as if to dispel the darkness.

Cannons spewed flames.


A 9.1 kg steel ball with a diameter of about 14 cm flew at a speed of 408 m per second from the muzzle.

It cut through the darkened coastal sky and hit the target.


As much as about 600 kJ of kinetic energy was converted into impact force.

The hit target flinched.

It was because it was ticklish.


Giga Titan, who had been hit in the forehead by a large Culverine shell, shook his head.

The beaten spot tickled.

The tickling continued.

Wedge liquid! Wedge love! Perpuck! Puck!

Guard posts along the coast.

Large culverines for coastal defense fired at all of those outposts.

Black bullets flew and hit Giga Titan’s whole body.

Of course, it couldn’t hurt anything.

Only (?) large shells could not pierce Giga Titan’s dentin-chitin shell. It didn’t even leave a scratch.

Giga Titan roared.


Landing was immediate.

The waves parted.

Rising up the rough waves, he climbed onto the shore.

Eight pairs of legs resembling a centipede stepped on a rock on the shore. They smashed the guard post.



The soldiers guarding post 23 on the Cremo Coast screamed.

I struggled not to be crushed by the collapsing guardhouse building.

the superintendent shouted.

“Everybody get out! Run away!”

The middle-aged superintendent pushed the soldiers.

However, contrary to shouts, he did not escape outside the guard post.

Even after sending all the soldiers out, he remained at the post alone.

And looked up at the monster through the roof of the collapsed guardhouse.

‘It is my duty to protect this place. But do you know how to let go easily!’

Before I knew it, a torch was in the hand of the guard.

Next to him was a powder keg full of tumbling and rolling gunpowder.

The warden threw a torch at the powder keg.

After checking to see if there were any remaining soldiers, he ran outside.

I ran away from the post with all my might.

In the meantime, the flames had moved to the powder keg.


Post 23 exploded with a roar.

All the bricks that made up the outpost’s cannon and cannon posts were smashed. It became innumerable fragments that gushed out and shot out. I tapped the bottom of Giga Titan’s body.

“ha ha ha! How is it!”

The 23rd sentinel, who was barely caught in the explosion, shouted.

I swung my fist and glared at Giga Titan.

‘This must have been enough damage!’

It was natural.

All the gunpowder stored in the guard post exploded.

The blast hit the body all the way down.

It was a situation where any living thing could not help but be hit.

‘Because it’s a blow that’s on a different level from hitting it like a cannonball!’

The hard shell would have been caught in the flames.

It would have been crushed by numerous fragments.

So now that monster can’t carelessly install it anymore….


Giga Titan looked down this way.

And the ninth leg was robbed.

The flame at the tip of his toe went out.

That was it.

Giga Titan started moving again.

as if nothing had happened.

As if there were no injuries at all.


The 23rd sentinel’s eyes shook.

I couldn’t believe it.


Even while he was absent-minded, Giga Titan’s gigantic body continued to move forward.

It was like having an unrealistic nightmare.

But this was the stark reality.

Giga Titan’s big eyes staring at the town of Cremo, a trading city.

His steps toward the statue of the mermaid impaled on the spire of the plaza there.

Citizens and their families, who will be placed defenseless in front of them.

‘This crazy!’


The 23rd sentinel gnashed his teeth.

The city has its own family.

After 10 years of marriage, there is a wife who has barely conceived her first child.

However, the monster was approaching the city without hesitation, where his wife would be.

‘I have to block it unconditionally.’

A determination flashed in the eyes of the superintendent.

he bent down

I heard a stone

ran out

I threw it.

“Aww! You son of a bitch! at there!”


threw a stone

It was nice not to have to touch it.

It didn’t matter if I couldn’t hit.

Even if you die here.

His only goal was to stop the monster.

To drag out even a few seconds like that.

He thought that those few seconds could save his wife.

“Stop! Stop right there!”

continued to shout.

threw and threw again.

Could it be because of the determination of the superintendent?

That’s it!

For an instant, Giga Titan’s footsteps stopped as if it were a lie.

Before long, the huge head came back to me.


“ha ha ha….”

Our eyes met.

The superintendent laughed hard.

A gigantic foot from Giga Titan fell towards him.

The superintendent’s face contorted.

That’s it.

I grabbed the stone with all my might.

I glared resolutely at the huge feet rushing in.

That was the moment.



so insignificant.

A 60-meter-tall water balloon, or a water-drenched hippopotamus, rolled out of nowhere and gave Giga Titan a slap on the side.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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