Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 55

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Chapter 55. The first achievement on the continent (2)

“Dig, spread, cut, bring, trim and bury. This is what you will do from today.”

“Jjajak Chit!”

Under Ongdalsaem deep in the mountain.

Lloyd stepped on a small rock.

His speech began amidst the chirping of mountain birds.

Human soldiers of the Corps of Engineers.

Luxurious Orc miners.

All of the staff’s eyes turned to Lloyd.

A work briefing under the guise of Lloyd’s speech followed.

“As you all know, this is not a very safe place. We are up in the Eastern Mountains. So what should I be careful about?”

“It’s an attack by wild beasts!”

“You have to watch out for monsters too!”

“If you’re hungry, you’ll be in big trouble!”

Engineers and Orc miners scrambled to speak.

A satisfied smile bloomed on Lloyd’s lips.

“okay. all right That’s the answer. Monsters as well as beasts can appear. Therefore, when moving, they must move in groups of 20, consisting of 10 humans and 10 Orcs. Everyone knows which group they belong to, right?”


“That’s right!”

“good. Then, let’s check the assigned roles. What do the 1st to 6th teams of 20 mixed humans and orcs do?”

“Cutting and grooming Giant Bamboo!”

“okay. 7 8 9 trillion?”

“We carry the trimmed giant bamboo to the water pipe burial site!”

“Then what about 10 11 12 trillion?”

“Repair the plumbing site!”

Lloyd asks and the engineers answer.

All questions and answers were straightforward.

Lloyd’s smile became even more heartwarming when he saw the sappers.

‘I raised him properly.’

Suddenly, I remembered the time when I mobilized the soldiers of Yeongji to carry the yellow soil for the construction of the ondol room for the first time.

At that time, they were ordinary soldiers at the level of vigilantes.

They were nothing more than young people from the neighborhood that could be found everywhere.

But now it’s completely different.

‘Everyone at that level will adapt quickly to any field in Korea.’

Now, the ordinary youth vigilantes in the neighborhood are gone.

I couldn’t even find a pale face.

Faces all tanned in the sun.

The eyebrows habitually slightly frowned in the glare of the scorching sun.

Just like that, between the coarsely grown beards, dignity was peeping out before I knew it.

The same was true of the crew’s attire.

Their overalls were shabby but special.

Various patterns of embroidery were engraved on the left chest of each of them.

A heated stone mark representing ondol.

A flat ground sign indicating a paved road.

A deep pit sign for a coal mine.

Someone made a sign of a rectangular stone chamber that meant a storage room.

Most also had embankment markers indicating the Marez clearing.

All of those marks were proof of participation in numerous construction projects.

It was also a kind of decoration that boosted the pride of each member of the Corps of Engineers.

‘Besides, everyone’s stamina has gotten really good.’

It wasn’t that his muscles were full like the gym man.

However, he was able to boast that his strength was stronger than that of the soldiers of any territory.

All day long, they carried bricks and soil and various materials.

Hammering and sawing and shoveling were the default options.

Each of those labors gave them tough yet sacred muscles.

It could be said that he has become a veteran who will win the foreman position like chewing gum if he adapts a little even if he is thrown into the field of labor in any world.

“But don’t get caught off guard and mess around. The first person to get hurt on the site is a veteran who only believes in his familiarity and is clumsy in installation. Do you understand?”


“Then, except for the 13th group, which consists of only engineers, the rest of the personnel are put in with a strong slogan!”


A total of 12 articles.

120 sappers and 120 orcs raised saws and tools such as axes.

Then, in an orderly fashion, they rushed towards their work papers.

First, groups 1 to 6 headed for the forest near the speech site.

There was a colony of giant bamboos, thicker than the body of an orc warrior.

The human sappers and Orc miners who had been put into the Giant Bamboo colony became one and flashed their tools.

“Let’s take turns starting from this side!”

“I like to use an axe!”

“It works out!”

Seogduck! Seogduck! Kwajik! Knock!

Human sappers charged with logging saws. Orc miners wielded the Great Ax with one hand.

In an unexpected logging storm, the giant bamboo colony was cut down piece by piece.

At the same time, the cutting of the felled bamboo continued on the side.

cut to a certain length.

trimmed the outer surface.

It was the same on the inside.

The little sappers went inside the bamboo.

The inner surface was smoothed out and a hole was dug.

Giant bamboos were cut down and trimmed, and processed into bamboo conduits of a certain length.

When the processing was finished, it was the turn of the waiting 7 8 9 groups.

“Everyone listen. one two!”



Human sappers and orc miners worked together to move the giant bamboo conduit.

We crossed steep mountain roads and stream rocks.

Sometimes chasing away roaring wild beasts.

And sometimes, by beating a monster that drools.

Numerous bamboo conduits were delivered to the water supply pipe laying site.

Then, 10 11 12 teams received bamboo conduits from the water supply pipe laying site.

On the spot, with the cooperation of the bell and the blacksmith, reinforcing materials were added to the bamboo conduit.

“Bell! Moan-!”

Daughter and daughter and daughter!

The bell, which had eaten the soil beforehand, vigorously shook its chubby tail.

It made a loud alarm sound with a bell hanging from the end of its tail.

At the same time, it gave a lot of strength to the gungdi.

Chow ah!

From the bottom of the bell’s upturned tail, a red-hot steel claw was ejected in the form of a rebar.

The blacksmiths rushed to the rebar.

Even if there was no fireplace, it didn’t matter at all.

It was a soft (?) rebar that had just been pulled out.

Thanks to this, blacksmiths could easily handle rebars.

7 8 Rebar was wrapped around the bamboo conduit delivered by Joe in the form of a ring.

It was a reinforcing material that would firmly support the conduit so that it would not be split or burst due to water pressure.

In the meantime, 10 11 12 workers assisted Podongi.

“Ppodong! Podo dodo dodo!”

Ho ba ba ba ba ba bat!

Wherever Podongi went, a storm of dirt piled up.

A long pit was created in the place where the storm had passed.

It was a place to bury the bamboo conduit.

Of course, it wasn’t sold casually.

“Ppodong! Podo-dong!”

Every time Pudong digs the land, he follows the spot Lloyd marked.

Precisely kept the depth and width of the pit I had heard beforehand.

It was according to the standard that Lloyd had measured and designed in the early days.

ground conditions.

Earth Pressure and Overload Effect of Earthquake Hydraulic Overload.

It was also the result of calculations that considered both the bearing capacity of the ground and the expected subsidence of the ground.

As such, when Pudongi made an outstanding performance and dug a pit, 10 11 12 groups followed without fail.

“Come on, clean the floor!”

“Ooh quik!”

The human sappers and orc miners straightened the cross section of the pit.

Sufficient reinforcing materials were also applied to prevent flooding and subsidence.

The floor was leveled and stones were laid.

Lime-mixed mud was applied thickly.

A huge manicured bamboo conduit was placed on top of it.

Lime mud was once again thoroughly smeared around the bamboo conduit.

The soil was firmly compacted and covered over it.

It was a redemption process.

This completes the work of one section of the pipe.

Of course, even in the midst of that, everyone tried to keep exactly the specifications instructed by Lloyd.

I started working on the next square right away.

The same process was repeated.

In the meantime, Lloyd directly commanded 60 members of the 13th Corps of Engineers.

I went to the valley that runs through the middle of the mountain range.

There, the construction of an aqueduct was started.

The first to act was Xaviel.

“Come on, Xaviel. know?”

“As expected, is it okay to blast the place you marked with blasting?”

“of course. Do you do business for a day or two?”

“Are you trying to nag me that if I don’t dodge quickly after detonating it, I’ll have to stomp under a pile of collapsing stones?”

“It’s not?”


“If you show me just one demonstration of being knocked down, I’ll put a tombstone in front of you instead.”

“…I’ll be back.”

There was an exposed limestone bedrock near the planned aqueduct construction site.

Xaviel drew his sword and stood in front of the bedrock.

He aimed at the spot Lloyd had marked.


Spa Papa Papat!

The silver-haired knight’s sword moved dozens of times at an invisible speed.

At the same time, it contains the explosive power of colliding mana circles.

The result was sophisticated and unstoppable destruction.


Dozens of explosions occurred inside the bedrock, which must have endured for hundreds of thousands of years.

The explosive power split the hard bedrock.


At the end of the explosion, the split rock came out in the shape of a giant dice.

Then, the masons and 13 corps of engineers rushed to the rocks with hammers in front.

“Hey everyone, don’t be bruised! Be careful not to injure your eyes from the bouncing stone fragments!”

Following the marks Lloyd drew, he broke the rock into small pieces and divided them.

The peaceful valley soon became full of crumbled limestone fragments.

In the meantime, the carpenters were also busy sweating.

They were given the blueprints for the aqueduct that Lloyd had given them.

It was their task to weave the arch fulcrum upon which the stone arch would be built, according to the design.


A vigorous extension followed.

A wooden base was made.

A sturdy base in the shape of a rainbow.

A limestone block was placed on top of it.

The blocks were tightly interlocked to form an arch.

After the arch was built, the pedestal was dismantled and reassembled next to it.

The pre-hewn limestone blocks were then put back on the pedestals.

Another arch was made.

As such, the construction continued without a break.

On one side, the giant bamboo was cut down, trimmed with plumbing, and buried.

In the valley, a three-story arched aqueduct was built of limestone with a height of 17 meters and a total length of 82 meters.

Every drop of sweat flowed through the buried pipes one by one.

The stacked limestone blocks rose with each command.

And finally after about 2 months.

In the drizzling rain of late autumn, the two works were merged into one result.

“Now be careful! slowly! Fix it tight!”

Lloyd stepped out wearing an extension belt around his waist.

I climbed directly over the completed aqueduct.

There, he supervised the laying of the last bamboo pipe.

17 meters above the ground.

The top of the narrow aqueduct was slippery with rain.

A slight misstep was just right for a fall.

That’s why I deliberately set out on the most dangerous front line.

‘That way the atmosphere on set won’t be cluttered.’

No matter how many bonuses and rewards you get, risky work is risky work.

If only the workers are replaced with such dangerous work, the atmosphere at the site will soon become a mess.

‘You calculate the risk of what you’re doing and the money you’ll get from it. That’s how you measure the value of your own life.’

That was the natural psychology of a person doing dangerous work.

Lloyd did not want his sappers to make such calculations.

‘That’s not a good feeling. I’ve seen that too.’

I knew that feeling well enough.

Actually, it was a dirty feeling.

A life counted in money.

It feels like an accessory that can be replaced at any time.

Once you feel that, you have a sense of skepticism about the field.

So Lloyd personally led the riskiest task atop the most dangerous aqueduct.

It was with the strongest of the working personnel.

“Now, be careful and move your feet. Xaviel? Lord Bavaria? Arosh? Give a command.”



“Three cakes!”

“Let go!”


Lloyd and Xaviel Bayern Sir Arosh became a team.

Bamboo plumbing was raised over the aqueduct. moved put it down connected

Finally, the final plumbing was laid and connected.

Of course, the work did not end there.

‘It’s over. OK.’

It is not the end with just laying the plumbing.

Is the water flowing properly?

You have to check it out to the end.

For that, Lloyd went up to Lake Capua.

We arrived at the water intake facility that made the lake water flow through the pipe.

There, I turned the valve on the water intake door.

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!

The steel water intake door opened.

The lake water passed through a floating filter made of woven bamboo and flowed into the pipe.

Lloyd’s eyes watched the flowing water sharply.

‘The flow is just right. It’s just as designed.’

From the water intake of Lake Capua here to the manor below the mountain.

He designed the water pipe so that the flow rate of water flowing through the entire pipe is maintained within the range of 0.5 to 3.0 m/s.

What if the flow rate in the pipe is slower than that?

Particles such as grains of sand will settle inside the pipe, build up and clog it.

Conversely, what if the flow rate is too fast?

The water pressure inside the pipe will increase, causing damage to the pipe.

‘But the current speed you see…I don’t have to worry about that for now.’

Lloyd continued to watch the flow of water.

And on the other hand, I waited.

what he is waiting for

It was a hopeful communication that would come from the territory under the mountain.

how long did you wait for that

‘Now it’s time for a reaction to come.’

It was around the time Lloyd nervously bit his lower lip.


“…It is!”

Shouts began to rise one by one from the bottom of the mountain.

From the water purification plant in the estate to the water intake here.

It was the cry of the engineering corpsmen who lined up one by one along the place where the pipes were buried.

Now they were relaying the shouts coming from the territory to the next member.

The call was slowly coming this way.

“…It comes out just fine!”

“…It comes out without any leaks!”

And finally, one completed powerful cry was delivered to Lloyd.

“Water is coming out of the water purification plant in Yeongji! It comes out well with no leaks in the middle!”

Everyone at the scene cheered.

end of long work.

I clenched my fists in front of the fruits I finally tasted.

I shared a look of pride with the person next to me.

As such, the scene heated up.

Of course, Lloyd was the only exception.

“Whoa. That’s it. Then, let’s go to collect the construction cost soon.”


It’s like saying let’s go to a local internet cafe, calmly.

Or confidently like going to get a service drink.

Lloyd smiled and tapped Xaviel on the shoulder.

So, Xaviel had to feel puzzled.

Construction costs? Collections?

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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