Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 51

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Chapter 51. You have to unite to sell (1)

“Hehe, what did you come to see your father from early in the morning?”

It was an ordinary breakfast spot.

The menu was the same as usual.

A loaf of homemade sausage on whole wheat bread.

Goat cheese with a little salad and fried eggs.

It was a baron couple sitting in front of a fairly simple breakfast table for an aristocrat.

They were laughing at this side.

But it’s a slightly different smile than usual.

It’s bright, but there’s a shadow that I don’t know why.

If the usual laughter is 100% happiness, now it’s like 90 happiness and 10 pain.

Lloyd didn’t miss that minor but small difference.

I stabbed straight from the core without any need to express it around.

“Do you have a headache?”


The baron hesitated.

A look as if he knew how.

He quickly answered the question with a smile.

“Hey, how did you know that? Even so, I had been having a hard time with my head aching since dawn. Isn’t that right, ma’am?”

“yes. I guess we should change the pillow, seeing that we are sick together.”

“Hmm, I don’t think it’s just because of the pillow.”

“Then why?”

“Maybe because we are a couple?”

“Are you talking about couples looking alike?”

“Heh, of course. How do you know my heart so well? Even if it hurts because I think of you and because of the heart she cares for me, it doesn’t hurt as well.”

“Oh, you too.”


Even in the midst of this, the baron couple, proud of their close friendship in a wide area, take off indiscriminate salting bombers.

Seeing this, Lloyd couldn’t hide his wry smile.

And I was sure in my heart.

‘For now, everyone in this mansion will win a headache.’

From the moment he woke up in the morning, he suffered from a terrible headache.

At first, I thought it was just me.

but it wasn’t

It was the same with Xaviel and the maid who brought breakfast.

All three symptoms were the same.

Exactly on both temples.

It was seriously itchy.

From then on, I thought that this was something.

I thought it might not be just a simple headache.

So I skipped breakfast and came here.

The way to find the baron couple.

In the meantime, he also checked the condition of the maids and servants he encountered.

Everyone was frowning.

Caught them and asked.

I wonder if your head hurts?

Then everyone gave the same answer.

He said that since waking up this morning, his head hurts like it would break.

And the baron couple in front of me was showing the same symptoms.

‘There’s something about this.’

This situation where everyone in the mansion suffers from the same headache.

It was obviously not serious.

But Lloyd grinned.

“Ha ha, I see. Then I’m done.”

“uh? Are you leaving already?”

“yes. I just came to say hello. We still have a lot to do.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard. I want to take it easy.”

“yes. then.”

Received a send-off from the baroness and withdrew.

Even then, he never lost his bright smile.

I didn’t bother to inform the baron and his wife of this situation.

It was because it was considered premature.

‘Anyway, at this point, telling the baron and his wife the truth about this headache won’t change anything. There’s no way a solution would come out like that.’

Of course there is no solution.

Rather, from the moment this situation was informed, there was a higher probability of a grand reunion party in the World’s Greatest Worry Contest.

‘For now, finding out the cause is the priority.’

Knowing the cause can help you find a solution.

It would be the right time to tell the baron and his wife the truth.

Thinking so, Lloyd came out into the hallway.

Xaviel, who had been waiting in the hallway, lit up her eyes.

“How are you two?”

“As expected. Same.”

“Are you suffering from a headache?”


Xaviel’s expression darkened.

Lloyd tapped him on the shoulder.

“You hang your ears like a puppy that couldn’t get enough snacks.”

“yes? I’m not a dog….”

“let’s go. I have a lot to do.”


Lloyd took the lead.

The two came out of the mansion.

Early morning in the fall.

I went down the paved road to the center of the estate.

It was quite crowded, befitting the most frequented place by Young Ji-min.

A farmer going out to work in the field in the morning.

A woman carrying the sheep’s milk she received at dawn.

A boy digging hard for today’s firewood.

Everyone was welcoming the busy day with the idyllic morning scenery.

But beyond that, they all had one thing in common.

It was that he was slightly frowning.


Wrinkles formed between Lloyd’s eyebrows as well.

Just looking at them, their facial expressions are holding back the pounding of their heads.

He approached a farmer who was out in the field.

“Hey, strong, strong morning.”

“uh! young master?”

Then, as if seeing this side, the farmer hesitated.

Soon, a welcome expression appeared on the farmer’s face.

He held his hand and smiled brightly.

“Hey, how are you doing this morning? How have you been?”

“How are you so far? Didn’t we see yesterday too? While writing the relocation contract for the Marez reclaimed land.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

“Then can you let go of my hand now? Thank you for welcoming me, but is it a bit burdensome?”

“Ah ah? Oops!”

The farmer hurriedly let go.

Lloyd looked at the farmer with a meaningful look.

“by the way. Are you dissatisfied with me?”

“yes? oh what is that…No.”

“Then why are you frowning when you seem to be smiling?”

“Yes? me?”



“huh. totally really.”

“Ouch, this…. I have a bad headache since the morning, so I stopped without realizing it…. I’m sorry, Bocchan.”

“Have you had a headache since morning?”


The farmer shook his head.

“Not only me, but my wife and children were all upset about having a headache from the wind in the morning. But what would you do? Last night, somehow, my dream was disturbed.”

“aha. Is it because you had nightmares?”

“yes. Tonight, I will pray and go to sleep.”

“okay. Be sure to do that.”

“Yes, Bocchan. Then I will go alone.”

“okay. Work hard today.”


The farmer nodded and hurried his steps.

Lloyd’s expression, which smiled and waved at him, hardened before he knew it.

He turned to Xaviel.

“Do you think it’s me?”

“yes. It seems so.”

Xaviel’s expression also hardened.

“If not only that farmer, but the entire family were the same, maybe….”

“Not only the people in our mansion, but also the residents of the territory are suffering from the same symptoms.”

It was definitely not serious.

Even after that, Lloyd continued to meet the locals.

I subtly and skillfully checked people’s symptoms so that they would recognize the reality and not tremble with anxiety.

The results were all the same.

I was suffering from the same headache.

In other words, all Young Ji-min showed the same symptoms.

Lloyd and Xaviel’s expressions became serious.

“This is no joke. What could be the cause?”

“Maybe it’s an epidemic.”

“Hmm, maybe so. Or it could be due to other environmental factors.”

“What about environmental factors?”

“If there is an environmental factor that can affect the entire territory, there must be air or water.”

Already, Lloyd was weighing the possibility of environmental factors.

His guess was correct.

The two were convinced of that when they heard the answer of a shepherd boy.

“Your head hurts. But that’s not the problem now.”

“Isn’t that a problem?”

At Lloyd’s question, the shepherd boy gave an impression of embarrassment.

“My kids haven’t been drinking water since yesterday.”


“Sheep and outline.”

“aha. Animals don’t drink water?”

“yes. I don’t know why. It’s just been like that since yesterday. Even if I try to forcefully scoop it up and feed it, it keeps turning its head away.”

“…okay? Not just one or two, but everyone?”

“yes. So I’m crazy. Really.”

“Yeah, now I know. thank you.”


A shepherd boy tilting his head.

Lloyd left the boy and moved quickly.

Walking side by side with Xaviel, he exhaled deeply.

“Whoa, I found it.”

“You mean the cause?”

“uh. Viscount, that’s a puppy dog, really.”


“Viscount Lacona. The goatee who told me to give half of the Marez reclaimed land to rule the southern territory.”

Lloyd gnashed his teeth as he turned to the mansion.

“This is what he did.”

“How did you guess that?”

“What is the guess? If this is evidence, it is obvious.”

Lloyd laughed.

Information I knew while reading the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

Based on that, he recalled what he had deduced.

“Let me ask you one thing. What was the specialty of the Viscounty of Lacona?”

“Well, I know it’s a beautifully dyed cloth.”

“yes. A fabric with a deep and mysterious color and less water loss. But how do you dye the cloth, which is a local product in the self-governing territory?”

“I’ve heard of using radona fruit.”

“that’s right. To be precise, I concentrate the juice of the radona fruit and apply it to the cloth.”

“But why….”

“The radona fruit used on that cloth. It’s slightly toxic, causing headaches. Just this kind of headache we have right now.”


Xaviel’s eyes widened slightly.

Lloyd’s explanation continued.

“And the Prona River, which runs through our land from north to south. Did you know that this river flows from the south through the Viscounty to our territory?”


“The answer came. Do you know what?”

“…Yes, I hate to believe it.”

“that’s right. A dye workshop that uses radona fruit. The wastewater from there was dumped into the Prona River.”

“Are you saying that on purpose?”



“It must be for intimidation. Besides, this is an extremely effective blackmail. To the north of our estate where the river flows, there are no neighboring estates. It’s just a valley with rough terrain. So by the time the river reaches another distant estate? The poison will already be sufficiently diluted. It means that our young man will be in a situation where he will suffer this damage from poisonous poison. So, let’s go back to the mansion for now. ASAP.”

Lloyd hurried his steps.

To tell the baron about this?

It wasn’t.

if your guess is correct.

It was because he guessed that the person the viscount should have sent arrived at the mansion sooner or later.

‘And in this case, my strong feelings don’t go as far as I can.’

He hastened his steps towards the mansion.

At the same time, the baron’s office.

The situation there was going as Lloyd expected.

There was already a guest who came to the baron.

It was an article sent by Viscount Lacona.

A stocky physique, even if not large.

A stable posture and sharp eyes.

It was Sir Cournot, the senior knight of the Viscountate who had been making fun of the Viscount when he came to Lloyd in the past.

Lord Cournot was still talking cheekily at Baron Frontera.

“My lord, the Viscount, has only one request. It is to return half of the Marez Wetland, which your family developed without permission, to the vassal territory.”

“Is it unauthorized without permission? Nonsense.”

The baron made an impression.

“You must have heard enough explanation from my son the day before? The Marez Marsh has been abandoned for generations, and this time we developed it with special funds and manpower. In that case, do you still not understand the law that the developer owns the land?”

“The Viscount doesn’t really want to understand. So he ordered the concentrate of the radona fruit from the dye workshop to be dumped into the river.”


“It is as you have heard. Didn’t your head hurt like it would break in the morning? If you stop, you would have fully sensed the Viscount’s intentions.”

“What is that now….”

“Listen carefully. The Viscount declared that he would not stop releasing Radona Fruit Concentrate until you gave up half of the Marez Wetlands. If you’re like a baron, you’ll know that. What effect does the toxicity of the radona fruit have?”


“How are you? Are you thinking of crossing half of the marsh now?”

“Sir Courno. just ask me Could this be a threat?”



The knight called Lord Cournot nodded openly.

The Baron was at a loss for words.

soon changed it

“This kind of low threat. Your master doesn’t seem to be afraid of the law. Do you think my son will readily hand over half of the reclaimed land he worked hard to develop?”

“I think you will.”

“Before that, I will formally file a complaint with the Kingdom Noble Court.”

“do it.”


“It means Hashi.”

A sneer appeared on Lord Cournot’s lips.

“Legal complaint. what good If we go all the way, the baron will probably win.”

“But aren’t you afraid?”

“I am not afraid. You won’t be able to hold out until then.”


“No matter how quickly the verdict comes out, it will take a year or two. Moreover, the fees of the noble courts are notoriously expensive. But are you confident enough to hold out for the time being?”


“You seem to be in a bad financial situation lately.”

The blatant disregard in Lord Cournot’s eyes.

The baron involuntarily had to bite his lip.

‘This is what it is.’

How does it feel to be hit in the head with a hammer?

I was upset.

However, I couldn’t think of a way to respond.

The only counterattack that came to mind was to file a complaint with the noble court.

The opponent had already had that in mind, and was playing around with us.

‘What should I do?’

It got clogged.

Come to think of it, that part was right.

His financial situation was the worst.

Although Lloyd has been showing off various wits lately.

Thanks to that, it was said that it was enough not to overdue interest.

Still, the future was not bright.

But what if you have to pay the court costs of the nobles here?

‘I can’t stand it.’

I tried to judge as coolly as possible.

However, the conclusion that came out was unreasonable.

In other words, it was concluded that there would be no power to continue the long and difficult legal battle.

‘But I can’t just continue to endure this situation.’

I couldn’t live with the headache.

Now, the locals must have thought it was just a normal headache.

But what if, over time, everyone knows the cause of this headache?

‘It’s impossible to live without drinking water from the river. I can’t just endure such a painful headache. In the end, they will not be able to endure and move to another territory one by one.’

It was almost certain that the base for such a move would be the viscounty over there.

In other words, this side could not respond and had no choice but to be beaten.

But there seemed to be only one way to prevent the worst.

‘Is there no choice but to lie down?’

to meet the demands of the other side.

Handing over half of the Marez clearing.

It was the only option that came to the baron after thinking over and over again.


I grinded my teeth unknowingly.

I thought I wanted to hit Sir Cournot in front of me.

But I couldn’t.

Now the abbreviation is this one.

I am in a position to listen to the demands of the other side.

There was no choice for the life of the people of the territory and the stability of the territory.

‘Yes, it’s land that I couldn’t even use anyway. Let’s be thankful that we can save even half of it.’

I’m sorry but I can’t help it

Let’s be satisfied with this.

So emotionally captured.

I raised my head.

I looked at Sir Cournot, who was laughing at me.

After hesitating several times, he finally opened his mouth.

“Whoa. good….”

“Stop yelling and turn off right now, right?”


Suddenly, the door to the office slammed open.

The heads of the Baron and Lord Cournot jerked in that direction.

Thanks to that, the two were able to witness it.

“sorry. I’m in a bit of a hurry I talked to him.”

I ran out of breath.

sweat like rain

Lloyd smiled bitterly and pointed at Lord Cournot.

And while running up to here, I put in my mouth the countermeasures that I came up with.

“There is a way to avoid handing over the land to people like that. I’ll tell you slowly, so let’s get rid of that cheap guy first.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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