Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 5

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Chapter 5. Acquire bond points (1)

[Xaviel Asrahan’s affinity for you has increased by +2]

[Current relationship with Xaviel Asrahan: -29]

[36 RP acquired due to slightly improved relationships with key characters. ]

[Currently owned RP: 36]

[You can bloom talent skills by investing the acquired RP.]

‘What is this again?’

Messages floating in the air in front of my eyes.

Somehow it wasn’t unfamiliar.

‘Come to think of it, I saw something like that when I first came here.’

Was it when Xaviel first woke him up?

Even then, I think I heard the sound of RP saying blah blah.

‘I thought he was just dreaming.’

Looking at it now, it doesn’t seem like that.

Anyway, it was crazy.

What is talent skill and what is RP?

‘Feeling? Improving relationships with key people?’

Lloyd’s eyes moved quickly.

I checked the message floating in the air before my eyes.

It wasn’t something difficult to understand.

‘Haviel’s liking has risen and the relationship has improved a bit? So I got something called RP, and I can use it to bloom my skills?’

Lloyd stopped walking.

I looked back at Xaviel.



“What did you just think?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Didn’t you chew on me or criticize me? Ah, that guy was so delicious, but looking at it now, it doesn’t seem like garbage as much as I thought. Something like this.”

“Never before.”

“Yes, yes.”

“doesn’t exist.”

“really? Didn’t you always think of me as complete trash?”


Xaviel said with a serious expression.

“There is no one like pure trash anywhere in the world. I think that no matter how messed up a human being is, somewhere in the corner of his heart, he might have a little bit of a human side.”

“…That’s really comforting.”

I’m saying it again, but it seems that Xaviel has a strange talent for sticking every single word very carefully into the bone, even the marrow. Even while I’m not even aware of it.

“Let’s go home.”

I took a step again.

Returned to the baron’s mansion.

I sent Xaviel to the inn.

After being alone, I locked the bedroom door.

I opened a message related to skills in earnest.

Opening it was simple.

“Skill window.”

I tried it just in case.

[Call up the skill window.]

“Huh. It’s real.”

From the moment I entered the novel, I thought that something like a novel had happened.

But the reality was much more fictional than I thought.

Lloyd looked at the skill window that appeared in front of him with admiration.

[List of currently blooming talent skills]

[Surveying knowledge of geography and space detected.]

[…] …Soil mechanics knowledge detected.]

[…] …Mathematical knowledge detected.]

[Possible to bloom with ‘Basic Survey’ skill]

[RP required for flowering = 15]



It was literally the basics of civil engineering.

Surveying to understand the topography and space prior to designing a structure.

Because that was the very beginning of construction.

‘But that surveying skill can bloom?’

It seemed that the type of skill that could bloom was largely dependent on the knowledge or talent that they originally possessed.

Looking at the message that kept popping up, Lloyd was convinced of that fact.

[Material mechanics knowledge detected. Static knowledge of handling stationary objects detected.]

[…] …Structural mechanics knowledge detected.]

[…] …Water and sewage science knowledge detected.]

[…] …Steel structure design and reinforced concrete design knowledge detected.]

[…] …Abundant knowledge and experience in CAD programs are detected.]

[By combining the above talents, you can bloom with the ‘Basic Design’ skill.]

[RP required for blooming = 20]


In addition to surveying, even design. These were all fields that I studied tirelessly in school.

Lloyd unknowingly clenched his fists.

‘Amazing, Great.’

Even so, I was about to start a construction business.

To settle the baron’s debt.

to make big money.

In the future, he had in mind that he would even engage in large-scale civil engineering projects.

What was most needed there was precise measurement and design.

‘But there was no such equipment here. You can’t even dream of GPS surveying. Besides, what about the design? There was no answer.’

The design of the ondol room had to be drawn by hand.

It was a moment when I missed CAD, which was used conveniently in Korea.

But they all equipped it with skills.

Lloyd made a bold decision.

‘Let’s bloom the basic survey and basic design.’

First, I invested 15 RP into basic surveying.

The reaction was instantaneous.

[Basic surveying skill has blossomed.]

[Skill name: Basic surveying]

[Consumes a small amount of mana. It is possible to calculate the height of the topographic area of the land observed visually with an accurate numerical value. You can also roughly grasp the properties of soil and water that make up the topographic surface.]

[Area that can be measured at once: 100㎡]

‘Is this true?’

Lloyd rubbed his eyes.

To be able to measure an area 10 meters in length and width at one time with the naked eye.

Even the nature of the soil and river within the range can be grasped.

It was truly a fraudulent ability.

‘Let’s check first.’

I opened the bedroom window.

By the way, the bedroom was on the second floor.

It overlooked the courtyard of the mansion.

He looked around the courtyard and used his skills.

“Basic Surveying.”

[Surveying begins.]

message rang.

At the same time, part of the field of vision changed like augmented reality.

10 meters wide.

10 meters tall.

Numerous numbers and information floated over the terrain of that range.


It felt like I had a 3D map hack turned on in my head.

I invested 20 RP while I was away and my basic design skills also bloomed.

[Basic design skill has bloomed.]

[Skill name: Basic design]

[Consumes a small amount of mana. The contents of the design drawing desired in the air are imported in the form of 3-dimensional points, lines, and planes. Automatically detects and corrects errors in physical properties on the drawing.]

[Volume of structure that can be expressed at once: 1000㎥]

‘Then test this too.’

I used the skill right away.

A virtual black space was formed in the air before my eyes.

Inside, I was able to manipulate the dotted line surface freely.

You could even import the terrain of the area you just identified with the basic survey!

It was literally using the design program CAD as a futuristic 3D hologram version without restrictions.

‘Ooh. Crazy, crazy.’

At this point, it is beyond admiration to the point of fainting.

How would you feel if you became the god of architecture?

‘Of course, the measurement and design area is still a bit small.’

That will naturally be resolved as you develop your skills later.

However, Lloyd felt a little regret.

‘It would have been better if I had talents like heavy equipment and construction equipment.’

If so, he could have made construction equipment.

But he didn’t have that talent.

He was a civil engineer.

I wasn’t a mechanical engineer.

Lloyd looked around the skill window, licking his lips.

Then, all of a sudden, his gaze stopped.

‘What is this?’

[Phantom species random drawing]

[You can draw a fantasy species by investing RP.]

[A powerful and unique fantasy species will be absolutely loyal to the owner who summoned it and provide various abilities.]

…A notice was written.

‘Is it some kind of draw? Like a mobile game?’

I thought there were all kinds of special things.

I wanted to try it if possible.

But I couldn’t.

It was because the remaining RP was not enough.

[Draw 1 time = 50 RP]

‘I don’t even have a chin.’

I had just consumed two skills and consumed most of my RP.

So, the remaining RP is only 1.

‘I need to collect more RP.’

I already knew how.

To gain favor from the important people around you.

It was to improve the relationship.

In fact, there were quite a few ways to do that.

Especially when it comes to this time.

‘This is the right time.’

Suddenly, the contents of the novel came to mind.

The Iron Blooded Knight at the beginning of the play.

The days when Xaviel was still part of the baron family.

Baron Frontera suffered severely from debt collectors who visited him almost every day.

Maybe even today.

called a servant

asked quietly.

The servant nodded.

“Ah yes, young man. Even so, guests came to visit the lord earlier.”


guest at this time.

Lloyd grinned.

‘Look at the timing. How nice it is to do this right at the right time.’

I just needed it.

I came up with a good idea to get more RP.

After leaving the bedroom, Lloyd headed for the baron’s office.

“…But what are you going to do!”

As I approached the front of the office, a furious sound flowed into the hallway.

It’s an old house, so the soundproofing isn’t good.

Or is the turmoil on the inside bigger than expected?

When Lloyd opened the door, he realized that the correct answer was the latter.

“How long are you going to keep putting it off, Baron? Isn’t it already five days past the promised date?”

“That’s right. We won’t be alone if we continue to procrastinate like this.”

There were two debt collectors who came.

A bloated stomach.

A skinny man with a pale complexion like a patient.

Two people put their hands on their hips and held their chins high.

On the other hand, Baron Frontera?

I was sitting in my office chair, sighing deeply.

Somehow, the drooping shoulders and expression made him look like someone who had committed a sin.

‘Well, it’s unlikely.’

A pot-bellied and skinny boy came to the baron today.

The two are vicious usurers.

Never give up money to receive.

Even when the debtor died, they were people who made money by selling the body.

‘Of course, I end up having my head cut off by Xaviel while doing that.’

It’s a future that hasn’t arrived yet.

This is an incident that will take place after the baron commits suicide a year later.

‘Tsk, how did I borrow money from people like that?’

I unknowingly clicked my tongue.

took one step forward.

He uttered it in a calm voice.

“No matter what anyone says, Baron Frontera is the owner of this estate. If you come as a guest, will you be polite enough?”

Was it only then that he noticed the existence of this side?

The two moneylenders turned this way.

The baron lifted his bowed head.


The baron’s surprised voice.

I bowed my head slightly towards him.

The pot-bellied man tilted his head and intervened.

“Who are you?”

“I am the eldest son of this family.”

“eldest son?”

“That’s right.”

“aha. The eldest son whose behavior is very peculiar?”

“Thanks to that, I am somewhat famous.”

“Is that why you intervene like this in the midst of adults talking?”

“Maybe it’s for the honor of the baron’s family, the owners of this estate.”

“Is it a big deal then?”


“I think the owner of this estate will change soon.”

“We’ll see if it changes or not if we watch it a little longer.”

I smiled.

“Let’s look at the invitation first.”


The pot-bellied eyebrows twitched.

I laughed at him even more.

“Do you have an invitation letter?”

“What kind of invitation are you talking about in this country….”

“Article 3 Section 6 of the Kingdom Nobility Law. All nobles in the kingdom have proper rights and honor as vassals of the king, regardless of position or rank. Nobility can exercise the right to defend their rights and interests.”


“Based on the Kingdom Law, strictly speaking, I am saying that visiting a noble family without an invitation is grounds for trespassing under the Kingdom Law.”

“Are we trespassing?”

“Ah, did you understand now?”

They clapped their hands.

Who will keep that law in reality?

But it was a statutory law.

Suddenly, the cider scene at the beginning of the novel ‘Iron-Blooded Knight’ came to mind.

It was right after Baron Frontera and his wife committed suicide.

The funeral was held at the baron’s mansion.

Two moneylenders came to the funeral home.

Even the corpses of the baron and his wife had to be sold, so they were begging them to give them up.

Then Xaviel drew his sword.

I put that law into my mouth.

He cut them down with a single knife.

Afterwards, Xaviel was handed over to trial.

Fortunately, no punishment was received.

Actually, that law existed, and it was a situation where two moneylenders came without an invitation and went overboard.

‘Of course, it’s not like that right now, so I can’t kill it right now.’

Instead, it’s perfect to kick it out here.

“So, just take a look. Please learn good manners the next time you visit.”

“You don’t think there will be any problems with this?”

“If you watch a little more, you will know.”

Two snarling usurers.

It was like

The guys trembled and left the office.

He saw off his back with a sneer.

It was only then that Baron Prontera’s panicked voice was heard.

“now…What have you done?”

Looking back, the baron’s face was completely frozen.


It must be so.

‘Even if I appeased and sent the creditor who came to me with great enthusiasm, it would not be enough, so I provoked and kicked him out.’

A bitter laugh came out.

Guys like hyenas.

It also reminded me of bitter memories in Korea.

Parents who suffered from investment fraud.

Debtors who came every day.

The back of my father, who was suffering from that backache and getting smaller day by day.

‘I’ll never be like that again.’

The weaker you fall, the more you suffer.

Especially against guys like that.

But right now, the Baron wouldn’t be in that situation.

Being confident in a tight situation is much more difficult than you think.

No, in reality it would be almost impossible.

“Answer me. What did you just do?”

Suddenly, the baron’s face was distorted.

It seemed that his son, who had no concept, thought he had done something wrong.

In this case, it is better to show rather than explain in a few dozen words.

I took the pouch out of my pocket.

I put it on the baron’s desk.

There was a heavy crackling sound.

“Do not worry.”


“This should be enough for this month’s interest. Take care of this. It will be quiet for a while.”

“this…What is it?”

It was the down payment that I earned from the sale of the ondol room today.

However, it was not directly explained.

At least for now, there is someone else who is more trusted than this one.

“If you are curious, call Lord Asrahan and listen.”

He bowed his head towards the baron.

He quickly escaped the office before being caught.


Only then did the breath I had been holding in burst out all at once.

Shaking his head once, he brushed off his beating heart.

I didn’t go to the bedroom.

Instead, we headed to the backyard gymnasium.

The gymnasium was full of moonlight instead of people.

I paused for a while and waited.

Had I waited an hour?

‘The time has come for a reaction.’

It was time to think so.

The long awaited response finally came.

Ding dong.

[Baron Arcos Frontera’s affinity for you has increased by +6.]

[Current relationship with Baron Arcos Frontera: -14]

[60 RP obtained by improving the relationship with a key person]

[Currently owned RP : 61]


I clenched my fists.

As expected, it seemed that the baron had called for Xaviel.

Through Xaviel’s explanation, you must have heard about what this side has been doing recently.

‘It went as planned.’

Self-explanation for a job well done is less effective.

It is all the more so if the person who used to act like a dog chaban is a good deed that he reveals himself.

‘Nice job Xaviel.’

If it was Xaviel, he would have explained it objectively and coolly.

So the explanation would have been more credible.

‘Thanks to that, the accumulated RP became 61.’

It was rewarding to wait in the gymnasium without people on purpose.

The time has finally come to select the first fantasy species.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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