Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 399

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Chapter 399. Goodbye (1)

I am not sick.

Who said sacrifice is noble?

‘It’s funny, really.’

Lloyd let out a sly smile.

After you have done this yourself.

Because he dies once on behalf of someone and then comes back to life.

The mention of sacrifice felt really funny.

‘It’s no big deal, right?’

My name was tingling.

No, to be honest, I didn’t feel anything.

When I was pierced by the great scythe of the King of Hell, I was honestly really scared.

When I woke up, I felt no sensation at all.

It didn’t hurt at all.

It wasn’t my mood.

I didn’t feel any pain, as if I ate the finest painkiller extract with three meals a day instead of a side dish.

Xaviel was looking up at this side with a surprised face.


It’s like trying to find something to say.

But nothing seems to come out.

That expression with his mouth wide open without being able to shout.

So more laughter came out.

“Are you very surprised?”


Asking Xaviel.

I pulled the two hands that held the king of hell.

The scythe of the king of hell that pierced through the pit of the stomach from behind my back.

The large, sharp blade pierced the King of Hell even deeper into the back.

It burrowed out of the man’s stomach.

The King of Hell shuddered with shock.

The dark demonic air flowed out.

But he can neither fall nor kneel.

Because this side won’t allow it.

– …why?

The King of Hell, who is being asked by a trickster.

A more delightful smile bloomed on his face.

“Yongwang Sponsorship Membership. Resurrection is its benefit. Fortunately, it worked.”

– That shit! then….

“Oh right. I was going to do this from the beginning.”

Magi snapped at the pierced stomach of the King of Hell.

But I held him tighter.


never let go

Stay like this, struggling like a bug stuck on a tack.

– Wow!

“Are you sick? Did you think so too? I’ve seen it somewhere before. The iron-blooded article kindly mentioned it.”

– Iron Blood…of?

“uh. do you know there it was The only way to hit the lich.”

– No way.

“that’s right. A lich only takes damage from his own weapon. Other than that, he recovers from any attack and, of course, is basically immortal. So, to deliver a meaningful blow to the lich? We have to take the lich’s weapon and use it.”

– But you…Could that be possible….

“uh. that’s right. Originally impossible. Anyone who holds a lich’s weapon, without exception, receives an irreparable blow to the soul, goes insane and becomes a madman.”

– But you….

“You did it. in good condition like this.”

I glanced down.

The sickle that pierced this side of the stomach and stabbed the back of the King of Hell.

When I saw it, I felt eerie.

So I smiled brighter.

“Didn’t you hold it with your hand?”

– That shit!

“Uh huh. Don’t try to push it away.”

The King of Hell struggled fiercely.

I gripped his neck and ribs even tighter.

Then the guy swung his arm.

He hit his face with his elbow.


It fit right.

But it didn’t hurt at all.

Originally, the face should have been sunken and crushed.

“It tickles.”

No, it wasn’t that itchy.

I didn’t really feel any blows.

Quaang! Kwajak! Kwadeuk!

Elbows flew in succession.

As I was doing that, I laughed again.

“and. The Dragon King Sponsored Resurrection is real.”

it’s true

it’s really right

To be honest, I was dubious when I asked the jewel of truth the last question and received the answer.

I couldn’t believe it even after hearing it, so I tilted my head inwardly.

Are you actually resurrected?

‘The effect was real.’

I suddenly remembered.

The last question I asked the jewel of truth.

The answer given by the Jewel of Truth to that question.

What should he do to end the king of hell?

What was in the answer came to mind.

‘Resurrection, a benefit of the Dragon King Sponsorship Membership. I said it’s not just about saving the dead. They said that for 5 minutes from the time of resurrection, absolute protection and recovery magic that do not die in any environment are applied as a set.’

In fact, if you think about it, it was a natural story.

For example, what if someone died by drowning and was resurrected in the water?

But what if there is no protection magic?

‘It’s like being resurrected in the state of being drowned, then struggling on the spot and then drowning again.’

What if a person who died in a fire was resurrected on the spot?

But what if there is no protection or recovery magic?

‘As soon as I was revived, I inhaled smoke again and suffocated. Or, with severe burns still intact, he struggled in pain and won the Shock Company.’

So, absolute protection magic and recovery magic given for 5 minutes.

It is a bonus time and service given to the resurrected to escape the hostile environment that brought death.

Thanks, what about this now?

I really enjoyed the service.

– Wow! Whoops!

Quaang! Tuck! Kwajik!

The King of Hell ran rampant like a beast caught in a trap.

Trying to shake this off somehow.

hit with the elbow

He hit his face with the back of his head.

However, thanks to the absolute protection magic, there was no feeling.

‘Not through.’


He pulled the King of Hell with more force.

Then the king of hell seemed to realize that his struggles were not working.

– Wow!

He grabbed the scythe that had pierced his stomach and protruded.

It seemed like it was the intention to break me.

But unfortunately.

Even that attempt was already expected by this side.

‘What a mess!’

I shouted as I saw the king of hell grabbing the sickle blade.

At the same time, a message appeared before my eyes.

Ding dong!

[Exclusive option for Mana Heart skill ⑥: Activates attack design.]

[Loads slot #1 ‘sloppy’ data.]

[250 RP is consumed as an option cost.]

[Currently possessed RP: 7718]

At that moment was

– …What?

The hand of the King of Hell, who was about to grab the scythe blade and break it, stopped.

An additional message popped up before my eyes.

[The target designated as the attack design target is resisting.]

[Attempting to nullify the attack design motion with the mighty will and power of the mythical being.] [The

application time of the attack design option is reduced to 1/10.]

[But 1 There is no problem as the action data for slot #1 ‘missing’ is designed to be 0.2 seconds long.] [

The data for slot #1 ‘missing’ has been applied to reality.]

The moment the message is finished.

The two hands of the king of hell gripping the scythe blade moved forward as if sliding.

The blade of the sharp sickle flashed.


– Big!

Four fingers excluding the thumb on the right hand of the King of Hell.

In his left hand, his thumb was cut off without hesitation.

Of course, those fingers never recovered.

– Kim Soo-ho! You bastard!

The angry cry of the King of Hell.

Laughter came out of nowhere.

Attack design It was good that I made it in advance.

It was good to use it when it was decisive and not hastily.

praising yourself

He pulled the King of Hell even more.

His angry cry grew louder.

– dare!

right! Kwahak!

A shock wave of black magic exploded from the whole body of the King of Hell.

Originally, it was a magic that would have shattered the whole body as soon as it hit.

However, thanks to the absolute defense magic provided by Resurrection, they were not affected in any way.

– until when! Do you think you can survive like this!

Of course I know.

Absolute Defense Magic I think there are about 4 minutes left.

Now is the time to slowly move towards the end.

“therefore…Let’s go together!”

dragged the king of hell

walked back


give it strength

Step by step.

Threaded together in a scythe.

I dragged the King of Hell and moved on.

Ding dong.

[Skill-only option ③: Power saving mode (改) is in effect.] [

You can maintain the state of using Asurahan Simbeom even weakly even in extreme exhaustion.]

[Currently maintained mana amplification rate: 25%]

Kii this person…!

The faintly rotating three-pronged circle added strength.

Was it because he was pierced by his own scythe and received a serious blow?

The king of hell was dragged slowly while struggling.

– Like this! you! What can you do with me!

“huh. I think I can.”

– dare! What do you believe in!

The King of Hell’s shouts intensified.

A smile came out at that sight.

“There is no corner to believe in.”

There is no need or reason to tell you that in advance.

Because I don’t want to mess things up at the last minute.

He groped around and continued to yank him.



took a step

Towards the end of the wide platform.

towards the target there.

Only then did the King of Hell realize their intentions?

– Are you Kim Soo-ho?

For the first time, the King of Hell showed a puzzled expression.

– no way?

I could feel him hurriedly trying to turn around.

I put strength into my right hand that was gripping the guy’s neck.

“What do you mean? Let’s just go quietly.”

– Wait a minute! Kim Suho!

The struggle of the King of Hell intensified.

A series of black magic shockwaves burst out.

A series of meteors fell all around and exploded violently.

However, the remaining absolute defense magic was 3 minutes.

That’s enough.

Even dragging the king of hell to the final place.

To leave you with the last words, Xaviel.

“yes? Xaviel.”

I raised my head.

I cast my gaze.

far away

I saw Xaviel lying down.

He was trying hard to crawl this way.

You can’t do that.

don’t do it alone

I feel like I want to shout.

But I don’t even have the strength to shout.

Still trying to catch this one.

to dry anyway.

He was giving me an anxious look.

The sight made me smile.

“Yeah I know. I don’t like doing this either. I really didn’t like this method. I was hoping that somehow another method would work. however.”

Neither was it.

It should have been like this from the beginning.

I brought everyone with my vain hopes and made them suffer.

“That’s it. No matter how much I think about it, there is no other way.”

Xaviel’s lips twitched.

calling this name

Seen, heard and felt.

yes i know your heart

But what can I do?

“I guess this is right. So I guess I’ve come this far. The more I persevere, the more persistently I endure, the more I think the people around me will suffer too much. Because I can’t stand it.”

A laugh came out.

In fact, I wanted to live longer.

In the Prontera estate, which has now become their home.

With everyone who has laughed and chatted together so far.

Relax in a not-so-special way.

I just wanted to live.

But now I get it.

Even that was greed.

It was an unreasonable hope and a presumptuous wish.

“Of course, I wanted to deny it at first. why wouldn’t it I want to continue living. However, no matter how much I think about it, even if I pass this moment safely, the next phenomenon of restoration of destiny…I was not confident.”

Even if I kill the King of Hell here.

Even if it safely passed the restoration phenomenon of this fate like that.

The phenomenon of restoration of the next destiny will begin again.

on a larger scale than now.

in a far worse form.

They will come and make everyone around them miserable.

“I couldn’t stand that. It was scary. To be honest, I don’t think I can handle it anymore. In the end, these things happen because of me alone. But I don’t think it’s real to make the Count’s couple and you all unhappy just by saying that I should live comfortably. that’s really…Because I’m scared.”

He pulled the king of hell with even more force.

took a step

“So I guess that’s probably it. In the end, if you have to do one or the other. Xaviel If it’s only going to end when either you or I disappear. I think it’s right to be the one who disappears. ‘Cause you’ve been here from the beginning Because I intervened. Even so, I was stubborn, so I endured and said I couldn’t disappear, until here…Because you came.”

even I did not know.

My eyes got hot.

I laughed hard though.

I hope that way, Xaviel will be less sad.

I think I can alleviate some of the guilt.

“So that’s what I’m saying. Please tell me when the king’s sister wakes up later. He said thank you for the proposal. I was happy. I’m sorry to leave you like this. And thanks to you…It’s been fun. In my life, where I was rotting worthlessly in an insignificant, remote gosiwon, musty closet in another world, in another dimension, maybe…It must have been the most rewarding, enjoyable, and happiest time. The days I spent with you.”

Is Xaviel crying?

Or am I crying

Why does my eyes keep blurring?

“Thank you for being with us during those times. So no regrets. I’ve seen you live like this you will be remembered by everyone If you don’t forget the days we spent together, if you remind me of it from time to time, then you can just assume that I’m alive in it. So….”

i will live in it

I’ll just be satisfied with that.

Vain hopes and unfulfilled hopes.

putting everything aside

Considering the memories of the past few years as miraculous luck.

more vigorously.

dragged the king of hell

I took the last step backwards.

The King of Hell struggling and shouting something.

But the sound was no longer heard.

The door of reincarnation swinging from behind.

together in it.

jumped in


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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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