Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 390

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Chapter 390. Before the Storm (2)

“Whoa hook. Lloyd Frontera Is that true? If you come here, you’ll be able to meet guys with as much strength as we do?”

blooming dust.

A bloody smile blooming in it.

The mermaid queen looked over and smiled happily.

It was a literal ‘killer smile’ that made the viewer’s hamstrings flinch.

‘Ooh. You can see that even the cheekbones are gaining muscle.’

If the whole body is trained, even the muscles of the face can grow so fiercely.

Lloyd unknowingly shrugged his shoulders.

Instead, a welcoming smile bloomed on his face.

“haha. under. Thank you for coming, my queen.”

“Thank you. I wanted to see if the Jewel of Truth was built well anyway, but what?”

“Is that so.”

“yes. That’s why elite warriors came with us.”

The mermaid queen’s eyes pointed to her back.

behind her pointing.

The front yard of the manor house had already been turned into a competition (?) for muscle masses.

It was crowded with elite mermaid warriors who followed the mermaid queen.

It didn’t end there.

Even while Lloyd was looking behind the Queen.

In rare cases, mermaid warriors fell down from the sky.

Someone in the front yard of the mansion.

Another one at the backyard training ground.

Some warriors are at the entrance to the mansion.

It could be said that it was a mermaid bombing.

“You came a lot more than I thought?”

“no. Not long ago. I only brought 1,000 people neatly.”

“however…How the hell did you get here?”

“You saw it. I came running.”

“dot…Do you?”


The mermaid queen’s muscle-puffed killer smile shone even more heartily.

“We are originally a species that swims in the sea with only one dolphin kick, from the deep sea to the waves of a typhoon. That’s because I have confidence in the strength to spur something with my fins. It was awkward at first because the buoyancy disappeared after coming out of the water, but it didn’t really matter. Rather, it moved by jumping while kicking off the ground, so it was comfortable because there was less resistance than moving in the water.”

“Is that so?”

“It did. It was a fresh experience. It was so exhilarating, especially when it soared to a height of 300 meters in a single leap.”

“Then what about the landing?”

“You saw it before.”

The mermaid queen shrugged her shoulders.

“When landing, use your upper body. That’s convenient. It was good to momentarily load the muscles while touching the ground with both hands. I really liked the feeling of awakening the muscles of the whole body at once, starting from the wrists and forearms, to the core including the abs, such as the biceps, triceps, and shoulders. When leaping again, I was able to use my fin muscles properly. It must have been a comprehensive upper and lower body routine.”

“In the end, the conclusion was that the whole process of coming here was exercise.”

“of course. I landed on the nearest beach and passed three or four human villages in continuous leaps. Fortunately, the humans are all very polite and kind. When I asked where the Prontera estate was, they all scrambled to give an answer.”

“…Everyone will be polite in front of the queen’s physicality.”

“hmm? What does that mean?”

“Oh no. Anyway, thank you very much for coming. ruler. everyone this way I will guide you to your accommodation for the time being.”

Lloyd swallowed a bitter laugh.

The journey the mermaids went through to get here was clearly drawn.

I could vividly understand the shock and horror of the simple villagers who must have encountered them.

‘A lot of you must have been surprised. If I were a villager, I would have started looking for the Woohwangcheongsimhwan.’

Anyway, unexpectedly, he guided the 1,000 elite mermaid soldiers who arrived first to the bee apartment.

After the lodgings were assigned, he confronted Count Frontera and the Mermaid Queen.

Fortunately, the count did not faint when he ran into the queen.

After that, the waiting reinforcements arrived one after another.

The next batter was the Orc Tribal Federation.

“Kwuik! Prontera Territory is a blood alliance of the Iron Sand Tribe! The Iron Sands are a member of the Orc Tribe Alliance! The alliance’s clan is a brave alliance! Help, we are friends!”

“Help me, friend Kwiik!”

“Help Brother Quiik!”

“Help me, my girlfriend!”

“…There is a traitor here!”

An astonishing 30,000 Orc legions flocked to the territory.

Muscles twitched all over, filling the avenue.

Warchief of the Orc Federation, Krash, visited the mansion as a representative.

Thanks to this, Arosh, an Orc young man who stayed in the manor, was delighted.

“Uncle Kwike!”

“Oh, my nephew!”


The muscular high-fives of the uncle and nephew made the sound of drums exploding.

The complexion of Count Frontera, who had come to greet me, turned slightly pale.

Still, there were no hiccups.

The orc warchief was tough but generous and polite without pretense.

Just the moment when the eyes of the mermaid queen meet.

‘Your back muscles aren’t normal?’

‘Thick torso. It’s not an ordinary core.’

A fire flared up in their eyes at each other.

If I get a chance someday, I want to compete properly.

Whether it’s arm wrestling or lifting a lump of iron side by side, they want to compete properly.

They exchanged glowing and burning eyes as if they were yearning.

After that, reinforcements arrived one after another.

300 elven archers came from Everglow Forest.

As the best snipers, they arrived at the estate very quietly and calmly, unlike the previous two groups.

Followed by 500 sprinters from the centaur tribes of the Great Northern Plains.

1 battalion of artillery from the county of Cremor.

Two companies of mountain spearmen from the county of Namaran.

A regiment of elite Mamluk cavalry sent by the sultan to the east.

They rushed to arrive and crowded the territory.

And finally, 10,000 Magentano royal troops knocked on the door of the estate from the west.

The king who directly commands the troops under his direct command.

It was with Alicia Terrmina Magentano.


Lloyd, who went out to greet the royal family, rubbed his eyes involuntarily.

This was the reason why an unexpected person appeared at the head of the army under his direct command.

‘what. What. Why is the King’s sister here?’

It was absurd.

It was an unexpected appearance.

But did the surprise of this side read through?

When I looked up, the King’s sister was sending an open, bitter smile toward me.

“It’s been a while, Lloyd Frontera.”

“Lloyd Frontera, the little boy, is truly overjoyed to see Your Highness, the rightful owner of this land.”


“Your last name is ruined.”

“Hmm, rather than bewildered, it looks quite surprised.”

“No. How dare a small man.”

“Even the obvious lies now?”

“Neither is that. How dare a small man.”

“Then why did you start with the rabbit eyes that surprised you when you saw the luggage?”

“It’s because I dared to worry and worry about you.”

“worry? worry? you? us?”

“It is.”

This time, the king’s sister opened her rabbit’s eyes lightly.

Lloyd moistened his lips.

He drenched it with saliva and teased his tongue.

“As the small man disclosed earlier in his request for assistance, this invasion by the Hell Corps will not be an ordinary situation.”

“I guess so. It would be an unprecedented act of aggression. But?”

“So I am concerned and worried about Your Highness.”

“no way?”

“You are right.”

“Do you dare to worry about Jim’s safety?”

“I apologize, Your Highness.”

“Tsk tsk.”

The king’s sister clicked her tongue and looked this way.

I sent it with an option to look sad.

“Worries and concerns from someone who has not yet been able to properly receive my sword. How should I interpret this?”

“Please regard it as loyalty to Your Highness, the absolute lord of the small man.”

“Chungjeong? Is that all?”





The king’s sister and I met eyes.

What are those eyes that are secretly sad and dissatisfied?

Why did I break out in a cold sweat when my eyes met that gaze?

‘Why are you looking like you’re going to eat me?’

Goosebumps run down my spine without even realizing it.

As if quickly clearing the chills.

He shrugged his shoulders and said.

“It will be a very difficult and dangerous fight, truly unprecedented. However, if something unsavory happened to His Highness in the meantime, the small person dared to wonder what kind of aftershock would befall the royal family….”

“Are you afraid of that responsibility?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

It was sincere.

In fact, even while sending a request for support to the Magentano royal family.

I wondered if the king’s sister would come all the way here in person.

I didn’t even have that kind of expectation in the first place.

‘It’s a big deal if the king’s sister goes wrong. That’s a bit burdensome.’

Of course, the king’s sister was stronger than this one.

But what about opponents?

Isn’t the Hell Knight Corps much stronger than that?

Besides, if you think of the king of hell who will command them?

Safety could never be guaranteed.

However, the king’s sister seemed to have a different idea.

“Lloyd Frontera. This is definitely the territory of Jim.”

“yes. I know, Your Highness.”

“However, I knew that my territory was going to be invaded, but did you think that I would just keep my arms crossed and watch?”


“It’s disappointing if you see Jim that way.”

“I am truly sorry, Your Highness.”

“Really this time?”

“Yes, it is.”

Lloyd swallowed his embarrassment and lowered his head.

I thought that if the king’s sister came out like this, I wouldn’t be able to stop her.

‘I can’t tell you to come back and leave your troops behind. I should be careful not to hurt the king’s sister.’

Obviously, the king’s sister’s family power is a great power.

On the one hand, he had to be careful not to put her in danger.

It was while I was making a promise to myself.

Did the news spread that the king’s sister came directly with the royal family?

I saw two people approaching from the other side as if they were hurriedly running.

It was the Countess and the Frontera couple.

“Your Highness. Arcos Frontera, who has been bestowed with this land like grace, welcomes His Highness the King, the rightful owner of this land.”

“Marbella Frontera, wife of Arcos Frontera, would like to see Her Highness the King.”

how fast you ran

The count couple didn’t even think about tidying up their disheveled hair or clothes, and they raised them from the beginning.

The faces of the two were flushed with surprise and tension.

Well, I did that too.

‘Come to think of it, this is the first time the two of you have met the king’s sister in person.’

How surprised they must have been at the situation where the king personally went to the territory.

A hearty smile appeared on the lips of the King’s sister as she watched the couple.

“Jim is also very glad to finally meet you. Lloyd Frontera was always so eager to brag about you to Jim.”


“They say that they are truly the best lord and wife and parents of the most unique lord in the world.”


“Seeing you in person, as Jim does today, Lloyd Frontera’s endless praise was absolutely infallible. How can this not be a really happy and welcome meeting?”

“Seo Seong-eun is doing nothing!”

The count couple bowed their heads with thrilled faces.

The king’s sister’s smile became even more heartwarming.

Then, I slowly turned around.

But those eyes are like….

‘Did I do well? I think he’s asking.’


Should I nod my head at this?

But why do I get nervous when I see those eyes?

So, the King’s sister seemed to be looking for praise.

Or it seemed that he was delighted with himself because he left a good impression on the first meeting with the count couple.

Eventually, he gave her a small nod.

Then, the king’s sister seemed more pleased.


what is it


Why do I feel like I’m going through a meeting tutorial?

No matter how I look at it, I can never say that this is an illusion.

‘Oh, that’s dangerous. Dangerous.’

An ominous (?) premonition soared.

So, this side’s long-held dream is to meet an ordinary woman, have a sweet love affair, get married, give birth to rabbit-like children, eat well, and live well.

I was hoping for just that.

There was no such thing as a bloody romance with the strongest sister on the continent in any corner of that old dream.

‘see. It is felt. This is not serious. Really….’

I feel like I’m going to get caught.

I think I will end up like a poop puppy in the neighborhood being captured alive by a lioness.

But I don’t know if I know how you feel.

At some point, the king’s sister was having a pleasant chat with the count couple.

It literally looked like fun.

I wondered if there was such a bright smile.

Looking at his profile, even the pouring early summer sunlight looked dazzlingly fresh….

‘…hey! Wake up man!’

Lloyd shook his head.

I tried to ignore the feeling that I didn’t know myself.

Now is not the time to enjoy soft emotions.

Now, the hardships to overcome are not far away.

He poured cold water into his own chest.

And the final preparations for the final battle were made.

Execute the evacuation plan for the residents of Frontera and Lacona.

Thanks to Solitas’ collective teleport magic full of cooperation.

I was able to send all villagers to the dragon’s lair.

After all, five days had passed.

The morning of the scheduled invasion of the Hell Corps dawned.

I went outside in the rising sun.

Under the guise of taking a walk, he went to the jewel of truth in the north of the territory.

It had one purpose.

‘Let’s check. What kind of results will that result from the preparation that has been built up so far? …I’m checking.’

Are you prepared enough?

will you be able to survive

Or is there anything else you need?

I thought I should check it out at least once.

But I couldn’t write an ending spoiler.

‘I don’t have enough CP.’

To prepare for this situation, I used ending spoilers one after another.

I thought I had accumulated quite a lot of CP during that time.

Now, even that CP has come to a point where it is not enough.

‘Because there is a jewel of truth instead. Let’s concentrate for now.’

Lloyd jumped into the water.

I crumpled up my complicated thoughts.

I touched the altar with both hands.

Moved Mana Heart.

rotated the circle.

Key Yiing-!

A huge jewel glowed faintly in the darkness 70 meters deep.

Before long, all of my senses were tapping into my consciousness.

[Those who seek truthful answers from the Jewel of Truth. In exchange for truthful answers, you will have to reveal to the world one secret truth that only you know about yourself.] Familiar voices and procedures


Lloyd brought out the answer he had prepared.

‘The secret I will reveal this time is….’

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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