Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 384

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Chapter 384. Honest determination (2)

It hurts.

Whenever that person is like that

Every time I try to carry everything alone.

My heart hurts and I feel numb.

‘FALSE. Why are you?’

Xaviel let out a faint sigh.

I leaned against the wall in the hallway silently.

And I glared at the door on the other side.

bedroom door closed.

A small sound came from the other side.

It was the sound of a fake Lloyd Frontera sobbing under his breath.

Where did the confidence you always showed go?

What did you do with that shameless composure every time?

Now, like everyone else, she is crying softly.

It is only when he is alone that he reveals his honest heart.

‘I don’t want to die….’

Did you just repeat that?

The moment he remembered Lloyd’s sobs.

Xaviel unknowingly clenched his fists.

I don’t know why.

I was kind of angry.

‘Why do you want to shoulder everything by yourself? why?’

In fact, he is not even the son of the Prontera family.

Even though he just overwrote Lloyd’s shell.

Then when it’s really difficult, you can take a step back.

Why is he trying to take on all the responsibilities so much harder than the real Lloyd?

Why do you risk your life every time and struggle?

Are you secretly holding your breath and sobbing?

‘You’d better speak. It’s hard. that it is a burden It’s scary. That’s fine.’

Of course, I knew very well that I couldn’t do that.

I also knew that I wasn’t that kind of person.

always pretend to be okay

Always pretend to be calm.

I knew very well that he was such a person.

‘It’s been like that for a long time. Even in ant burrows. Even in Cremo. Even in Namaran. Even when I encountered the bone dragon in Terrmina Grand Garden. I always found a corner to escape from. At one point, even that would be an operation. I even thought so.’

You know, it was all sincere.

That man was always afraid.

I was afraid of risking my life.

Even so, I pretended to be okay and overcame all the hardships.


Xaviel’s fists grew stronger.

And on the other hand, I made a promise. I was determined.

I will protect that stupid friend even more.

No matter what.

no matter what happens

I will protect that coward who pretends to be calm.

‘So don’t whine about not wanting to die. because that won’t happen Because if that moment comes, I will be the one who dies. for you…I’d be happy to do that.’

A soft sigh came out.

Meanwhile, the fake sobs continued to be heard.

Are you covering your face with your hands?

Did you bury your face in the blanket?

Even though I was trying to hold my breath, the faint sound of crying made my heart ache.


It’s an unnecessarily long night.

I hope this darkness will recede soon.

Xaviel looked up at the hallway ceiling with a mixed feeling.

It was a really needlessly long night.

Xaviel’s wish came true.

The laws of time invariably drove away the dark night.

In the vacant place in the sky where the darkness had receded, the clear sun was shining brightly.

And Lloyd’s expression as he opens the bedroom door….

“What is it?”

Lloyd opened the bedroom door and flinched.

He paused and furrowed his eyebrows.

I stared at the wall in the hallway across from the bedroom door.

Xaviel was there.

Leaning against the hallway wall.

with arms folded tightly

With an expression that seemed to know.

It’s similar to usual, but with a calm look that somehow feels different.

I was calmly accepting the twinkling eyes from this side.

“What. from morning. Why are you here?”

Lloyd asked, trying to suppress his premonition of being embarrassed.

But, Xaviel just let out a deep sigh without answering?


“why. what. why. Why are you sighing from the wind in the morning?”

“I just can’t sleep.”



“Then how long have you been here?”

“Not long ago.”


“yes. By the way-”

Guy Xaviel nodded calmly.

Seeing that, Lloyd felt a sense of relief (?) in his heart.

However, at Xaviel’s remarks that followed.

My heart, which had been trying to calm down for a moment, suddenly sank.

“Lloyd-sama, what did you do last night?”


“It’s a bit strange.”

“Is it strange?”


what’s wrong with that guy

‘Couldn’t you have heard me crying at night?’

I covered my mouth with my hand.

I covered my face with a blanket.

The self-silencing process was also perfectly done.

So the sound wouldn’t have leaked out anyway.

Lloyd felt his heart race with impatience.

But I don’t know if I know how this side feels.

Xaviel’s still calm words flew in and stuck in his cochlea.

“Lloyd-sama, for some reason, your eyes are a bit swollen.”


“Really. My eyelids are more swollen than usual. if….”

Xaviel nodded his head to one side.

With eyes that seemed to know everything.

“Did you cry?”


shit. did you hear

Damn. did you hear

damn. It won’t be.

Lloyd said yap and spread the iron plate all over his face.

“under. What do you mean by that?”

“I am saying this because it seems to be true. Could it be that you cried because you had a scary dream or something?”

“Oh, of course not. I am not a child.”

“Is that right?”

“Why do you keep asking me for obvious things?”


“what. why. what.”

“It seems like you keep pretending to be calm.”

“Ugh. no it’s not? Peel off the pods of prejudice coated on your eyes, young child.”

“Is that so?”


“Tsk. You seem to be in trouble.”

“I’m worried, of course.”

Lloyd took Xaviel’s sharp question lightly.

I received it and passed it on more calmly.

“I heard that the army of hell is coming, huh? Would that be a person if there were no worries?”

“but. I guess so.”

“of course. This is a true self-portrait of this era, in which I live a steadfast life even though I am mentally complex and under severe pressure.”

“…Hmm. It seems like you’re just saying something.”

“It looks like a short horse and a man.”

“I think so.”

“Tsk. done Let’s do something.”

Lloyd laughed.

I wanted to quickly change the topic.

And seeing the worst ending spoiler of all time last night.

The fact that the contents were completely turned into a nightmare.

That’s why my heart broke for a while.

It was true.

But I didn’t want to show it off.

‘Then it’s a nuisance.’

After all, the world is all about living alone.

I can give and receive a little help from time to time.

However, in the end, the responsibility must be borne alone.

Lloyd realized this very painfully and uselessly early in his days at the high school in Korea.

‘Especially when the bioequivalence test was part-time.’

There were many people with similar facial expressions.

Faces that remained blank as blood was drawn every hour.

He was sitting in the gap with the same expression.

I got it right then.

Everyone around you and yourself.

You said that you came all the way here to shoulder a life that no one takes responsibility for.

‘That’s still the case.’

It is a situation where the army of hell will attack.

There is no one who can stop it instead.

Although someone might be able to help.

Ultimately, this is something that needs to be addressed.

That responsibility also falls on this side.

‘It should be. Because it’s a restoration phenomenon of fate that was created because of me. Because all of this is happening because of me.’

I tried hard to live.

I tried to live well.

So naturally, a lot of things changed.

The ruined estate was revived.

The fate of those who fell into the pit in the original work has changed.

I worked so hard and achieved a lot.

It felt rewarding each time.

I was proud.

However, there was one fact that had been overlooked.

He was also responsible for those actions.

The responsibility now fell on our shoulders.

‘So this is all my responsibility.’

You cannot pass it on to someone else.

should not be passed on

Reaffirm your resolve.

I’m holding the responsibility in a corner of my heart.

Lloyd grinned.

“First of all, I thought I’d use the Jewel of Truth for the first time in a while.”

“What if you use the gem of truth?”

“Hell Corps. To find out how much it’s going to hit.”

I hadn’t gotten that information yet.

In the ending spoiler last night, I found out the time of the invasion, but I didn’t find out the exact size of the invasion.

It was because the situation in the ending spoiler was so urgent and confusing.

‘That’s why I have to use at least the Jewel of Truth.’

I can’t write ending spoilers again.

If you try now, you will see the same situation as last night.

In addition, the remaining CP was also intermittent.

Lately, I’ve been using CP too much.

I will save it when I can save it as much as possible.

Thinking so, Lloyd walked with Xaviel.

Get out of the manor house.

along the paved road.

Past the village, past the apartment complex.

We arrived at the dam reservoir built outside the territory.

It was a reservoir where the jewel of truth was submerged.

‘Hmm. Fortunately, the dam management is fine.’

As soon as Lloyd arrived at the reservoir, he inspected the dam and its surroundings, as was his custom.

Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be any problems.

“Then I will go. You are here.”

After asking Xaviel, he jumped into the Fondant Reservoir.

I took a deep breath and dived deeply.

In that deep water where the morning sun shimmers obliquely.

At a depth of 70 meters, I saw a building quietly sleeping.

General’s gun in the shape of a pyramid.

It was the jewel of truth.

He climbed to the top of the jewel.

The core material Kiaora, which had been obtained from Seoul in the past, was placed on top of it like an altar.

‘good. The Jewel of Truth is also well maintained. There doesn’t seem to be any trace of someone using it in the meantime.’

The scale on the chiaora was uniform.

That means that while he was wandering around outside the territory, no one touched it.

‘What is it? If I just leave it alone, no one will touch it.’

It was originally built under 70 meters of water.

First of all, you have to swim all the way down here to use the Jewel.

With just that one condition, all ordinary people are eliminated.

Besides, how would you operate a jewel while holding your breath at this depth?

‘It’s going to be difficult even for a fairly advanced sword expert. Because I have to move up to Mana while holding out at this depth. If it’s someone who doesn’t have a dark mind, it’s possible to become a sword master?’

In fact, it was meant to be.

‘Because the elves in the territory aren’t greedy. If there is something to find out the truth, you are the type to think about it yourself. So what about orcs? In the first place, I do not worry about exploring and finding out the truth. They think that worrying about it will cause muscle loss.’

Also, due to the arrogance inherent in dragons, Solitas would not rely on such jewels.

So if you think about it, who will use the Jewel of Truth in the Territory?

It was safe to assume that there would be almost no one besides himself.

‘anyway. Let’s ask what we need now.’

Lloyd touched the altar with both hands.

Moved Mana Heart.

Rotated the mana circle.


Activated mana was absorbed into the altar.

Mana woke Book from a deep sleep.

The entire huge jewel trembled faintly.

Light poured from the sky.

It illuminated the entire underwater world brightly.

It opened the eyes of the mythical building.

Finally, Bao-ok spoke as if asking for it.

With a huge voice ringing in my head.

Spreading the feast of water droplets and light in front of you.

Sounds, texts, and vibrations all hit my five senses.

[Those who seek truthful answers from the Jewel of Truth. In exchange for a truthful answer, you will have to reveal to the world one secret truth that only you know about yourself.] It

was a procedure I had already gone through.

Lloyd brought out the answer he had prepared in advance, saving the vibe that came out of the time.

‘I will reveal my secret. In fact, I truly care for and love my people, especially those who work in the field with me.’

said shamelessly.

confessed as if

It’s a bit strange.

It was an undeniable fact.

So it was also the answer I chose.

‘Because among my secrets that no one knows about, I don’t think it will hurt me the most if they are revealed. But I have only one concern. What should I do if all the local residents and workers know my heart so well?’

I was worried (?) that it might be like that.

Usually, this side is so wonderfully built up virtue.

Because he always showed me a kind, broad-minded and warm-hearted figure.

So I thought that maybe quite a lot of people already know this kind of heart.

‘Tsk. It’s because I’m so great and proud. If this answer doesn’t pass, I’ll have to reveal another secret I’ve prepared.’

Lloyd thought so and waited for Bo-ok’s reaction.

Bo-ok’s answer came back soon.

[You willingly offered a secret truth that only you knew about yourself in exchange for a truthful answer.] ‘


Lloyd flinched.

At that moment, letters of light appeared on the flat surface of the altar at the top of the jewel.

It was a secret that this side just revealed.

Parts Tsutsut!

The letters shone brightly.

Through the water to the surface.

rose and soared

engraved in the sky

Everyone nearby can see it.

It was a font that was so vivid and clear, and even thick.

[The Jewel of Truth announces. Lloyd Frontera says he truly cares for and loves all the territories of the Frontera county, especially those who work together in the field! We have informed you of the jewel of truth that only reveals the truth!]


Lloyd became dumb from eating honey.

I stared blankly at the thick letters that slowly scattered.

First of all, the joy that his answer passed through one queue was short-lived.

But why


Am I getting a little bit of an unfair feeling?

‘…Did no one know my sincerity!’

How much I cared for and treated everyone with kindness!

something very sad

Although I did reveal a little bit of money from time to time.

I did a lot of hard work, though.

Even so, my salary and allowances were never delayed, and I took care of them.

‘If you don’t lose your salary and take care of your allowance, isn’t that what you cherish and love?’

I didn’t understand.

So it was more unfair.

But Lloyd was an indomitable Korean.

Even if the resentment of the moment bloomed, I did not forget to move for the purpose.

‘Eh. Let’s hear the answer quickly.’

He strained his hand on the altar.

I asked a question in my mind.

‘I want to know the size of the forces of the hell army that will invade this place in 90 days.’

immediately after asking the question.


Regardless of the will of this side, the mana heart was activated.

A little mana was absorbed into the altar.

It was amplified through the altar.

shot towards the surface.

There was a huge wave on the surface of the water 70 meters up in the distance.


Wavelength that strikes the water trapped by the dam.

A shockwave running through water pressure.

Bo-ok’s answer resonated in my head through a shockwave.

[The power of the Hell Corps to invade the Prontera domain is….]

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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