Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 383

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Chapter 383. Honest determination (1)

“Lake Capua. I will make holy water there.”


Xaviel frowned.

Lake Capua.

He asked where to get 2 billion liters of clear water to be used as ingredients for holy water, and even if he made that much holy water, how to spread it to the hell army.

“Does Lake Capua have that much water?”

“uh. About that much. Between 1.9 billion and 2 billion, to be exact?”

Lloyd shrugged.

The Eastern Mountains stand tall in the eastern part of Frontera Territory.

The huge mountain lake Capua at the waist of the mountain range.

It was not a natural lake.

It was a lake created by Bibeongi’s house-building activities.

But the scale was truly staggering.

‘The straight line distance of the surface is about 60 kilometers. The bending sleep distance is about 120 kilometers? It is almost the same size as Soyang Lake in Korea. The average depth is a bit shallower than that, but it’s still enough to rub.’

For reference, the amount of fresh water in Soyang Lake near Chuncheon in Korea was 2.7 billion tons.

The amount of fresh water in Lake Capua, which is about to be compared with there, is about 2 billion tons.

Perfect for making holy water.

no actually….

“Two billion liters of holy water. It’s the amount that was proposed to be made there from the beginning.”

“Is that so?”


“But that’s why I’m more curious and worried.”


“You’re not trying to turn the entire lake water into holy water, are you?”

“It’s not that it isn’t, right?”


“I’m just going to turn the entire lake into holy water.”


“Then you don’t even need to keep it. how nice.”

“But then the water supply and the water supplied to the Lacona Viscounty’s dyeing plant….”

“doesn’t care. Even if you let a little flow into the water supply, it won’t be much less than 2 billion liters.”

“No, I mean, if the holy water runs out of the water supply, the residents will ask what to do.”

“Oh that? Waterworks through which holy water trickles out. nice.”


“Drinking makes you healthy. The color of the dye will also be fine. is it good But I am a little curious.”

“What are you curious about?”

“If drinking holy water comes to rest…Shall we say holy rest?”



“You should know.”

“Oh yes. anyway.”

As if everything is ready.

It seems like everything is prepared.

Lloyd put a confident smile on his lips.

“I will change the lake itself into holy water. I already thought of a way to efficiently spread it on the day of the showdown. I’m going to make various preparations from now on to practice that method. So you can stop worrying.”

“All right.”



“Did you eat something wrong?”

“It’s not like that. Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because it’s strange.”

Lloyd tilted his head.

“Okay, Rae. He said he would understand without holding any pods. Our Xaviel is not a kid like this.”


“Are you Xaviel?”

“you’re right.”

“But why?”

“You don’t like me because I agree easily?”

“No, not that. It’s awkward.”

“You should get used to it.”

Xaviel chuckled.


You’ll have to get used to it.

Because now I decided to trust everything this person said. Because I decided to do it.

I thought so in my heart, and then came out with another word.

“Sometimes he agrees with Lloyd-sama’s words or opinions and pretends to follow them, but sometimes it hurts more if he pokes them where they hurt.”

“omg. Was it like that?”

“yes. That’s it.”

“Wicked bastard.”

“You’re not in a position to say that.”

“I don’t know. If I do it, it’s romance; if someone else does it, it’s an affair.”

“aha. You’re going to respond with shamelessness.”

“What is life? If you don’t have any weapons, you have to be shameless.”

Lloyd smiled bitterly.

It’s a word I said without thinking.

I looked back after spitting it out.

It seems like words that show the trajectory of one’s life itself.

At that feeling, I let out a bitter smile.

“Anyway, it’s done. From now on, preparations according to future plans will be straightforward. But not today. For now, I need to start acting as a human being.”

“What if you were a human being?”

“I’m home, so I have to say hello. He said he had a good trip.”

The bitter smile deepened slightly.

I saw you say this.

I felt like the count couple were my real parents.

Lloyd shook his head gently, letting go of the silly thoughts.

‘What a crazy idea I was thinking…. After all, I’m just the guy who stole my real son’s place. It’s as if the two of you have sinned. So let’s not dare to think such a cheeky thought.’

Maybe it became a bit like family.

A heart overflowing with those who come to mind little by little.

I forcibly pressed it.

Even if the count and couple looked at him that way.

At least until I tell you the truth about the real Lloyd, you don’t dare to ask for family love.

I made that promise and repeated it over and over again.

And he greeted the count couple.

“I have been.”


It was the count couple enjoying a chat after dinner.

what were you talking about

They were two people sitting side by side drinking tea with warm smiles.

Then, my eyes widened at the greeting from this side.

I got up without saying anything first.

I’ve moved on a busy step here.

“Are you here?”

clasp both hands.

It’s the face, it’s the whole body.

When we meet eyes warmly.

I have passed countless words without words.

Lloyd could feel it all.


Didn’t you suffer all this time?

Are there any injuries or pain?

Did you have a good meal?

So are you okay?

They were two people who sent eyes that made me feel more questioning because they didn’t take it out.

It must have been because of those eyes and hands.

My heart is breaking without knowing.

I was stunned by the warm feeling without hesitation.

The promise that I repeated while coming to say hello a while ago was also put to shame.

Lloyd stopped laughing brightly as if he were talking to his real parents.

“yes. I’m here.”

No longer words were needed.

The count couple warmly welcomed Lloyd.

He said he had a lot of trouble going far.

I pat him on the back and sit next to him.

Looking at the rough back of my hand.

I laughed silently for a while.

And I thought.

Although this child is not their real son.

I don’t know what reason this happened.

Even so, this child also became like a son.

He is a deep, kind and sincere child.

that someday I’ll tell you everything

So, I will never reveal that this child is not my real son.

I don’t want to hurt this good kid’s heart by expressing that for no reason.

I wish it didn’t happen like that.

I thought so.

Just like a real son.

They smiled more heartily, worried with all their hearts, and welcomed them warmly.

It was thanks to that.

Lloyd had no time to know the hearts of the count couple.

He just assumed that the two of them still didn’t know their secret.

On the one hand, I was grateful, and on the other hand, I swallowed my sinful heart.

On the other hand, I made a promise.

no matter what situation arises.

no matter what hardships come

I will protect these two like parents.

So it was.

That night when everyone was asleep.

Lloyd used the ending spoiler to get a glimpse of the upcoming battle with the Hell Corps.

“…omg! Huh!”


kick the ground

jump over the body

run again

let out a rough breath

“Huh! omg! Hell Legion Invasion! When! 90 days later!”


Defeated a satan.

He jumped over the corpse and extended his shovel.

The aura-covered shovel furiously extended.



A greatsword that blocks the shovel.

An eye light flashed behind the black greatsword.

The Hell Knight’s greatsword passed the shovel. spilled out


The shovel slipped.

The greatsword moved skillfully.

The moment I felt that, I hurriedly lowered my body.


A storm of swords sweeping through space as if to tear it apart, or even break it!

My hair was blown out of whack.

Goosebumps sprouted.

But there is no time to realize it.

It was because I could feel the life behind me.

“…Great! The scale of the invasion!”

It flew like a bouncing body.

He moved the step to the side and swung the shovel.



I managed to block the greatsword flying from behind.

No, I didn’t block it, but I felt like my whole body was being crushed.


I lost my balance.

I fell.

Did I miss the shovel?

My hands were so numb that I couldn’t feel them.

But I didn’t even have time to look at it.

I heard it from the head.


Another Hellnite who slapped me from behind.

His eyes were burning right in front of his nose.

At the same time, my heart felt hot.

Like being supported with a hot iron.


The sound was not loud.

No, it was laughably quiet.

I wondered if this was the sound of a person’s body being pierced through a piece of metal.

Cook Cook! cook!


Even in front.

Even from behind.

The black greatsword pierces the whole body in succession. pierce through hold the blood break the life write evil dig in

The sensation of feeling each broken organ intact.

Every time that happens, my whole body shakes.

My mouth fell open all of a sudden.

But no voice came out.

Only faint moans came out, like deflated balloons.

My eyes quickly blurred.

The gray sky shook.

Are your eyes filled with tears?

But why are the tears dark red?

“…Hee hee hee!”

I have to speak.

what should i say

Consciousness dissolves rapidly.

In the strange sensation of life leaking out along with blood.

In the ghastly goosebumps and unreal pain that grips the whole body.

I could only hear the sad voices of the Hell Knights who had stabbed me.

– The one who will be the new servant of the master.

– Welcome Lloyd Frontera.

– Also congratulations.

– Now you will be with us Kim Soo-ho.


what kind of bullshit

please stop

What do you want to shoot?

No words came out.

My eyes went blurry.

there is only one visible

The blue eyes of the Hell Knight approaching.

coming this way

getting closer

like swallowing it.

Like digging out both eyes.

As if pulling into the abyss.

closer. continue. Madly. kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill


Lloyd screamed and stood up.

I clenched my toes tightly.

I grabbed the blanket and grabbed it.

I pulled it toward my body, which was drenched in cold sweat.

And he looked down at his chest.

“omg…! Huh! Heo Eo Eok…?”

does not exist.

There is no greatsword piercing the chest.

No penetrating wounds, no bleeding.

So until just now….

“It was a dream. haha. under.”

Goosebumps that still haven’t gone away.

wet pillow.

A dark and quiet bedroom.

As soon as I confirmed that, a smile of relief flowed out.

“And me. All in all. haha. What is your dream?”

It was a truly terrifying dream.

It was a dream that made my teeth tremble.

In fact, it had to be.

“If only…Are you dreaming of what you saw as an ending spoiler? Whoa.”

A nightmare you just woke up from.

It was the same as what I saw as an ending spoiler before falling asleep.

When I thought about it, my teeth trembled again.

‘I didn’t sleep well after seeing the ending spoiler.’

It was the most terrifying death I’ve ever seen.

It was so vivid that it gave me goosebumps.

So it was.

ever since I saw it.

Even when I lay down to sleep, I couldn’t fall asleep.

It was because my heart was so confused.

Still, I can’t help it.

First of all, it’s good to sleep well.

That way, you will be able to work with strength from tomorrow.

It’s the best way to stop their invasion.

He said he tossed and turned over and over again to himself.

After tossing and turning for a while, I finally fell asleep.

‘But tsk. I only slept for about 30 minutes.’

It seemed like it was still dark outside the window.

Lloyd picked up a glass of water from the bedside table.

In an instant, he quenched his burning throat.

As a result, I lost my sleep completely.

‘Whoa. You’re wrong tonight.’

It seemed impossible to go back to sleep.

While I was awake, I wanted to organize the contents of the ending spoiler I saw earlier.

‘So I died surrounded by hell knights. The number of Hell Knights surrounding me at the time was five? That was it. furthermore….’

A battlefield that came into view at a glance during the last fierce battle.

No, the territory that has become a battlefield.

Hell Knights were rampaging everywhere.

The White Lancers were helpless.

Dragon Solitas and Yongyong were struggling.

Even Xaviel was surrounded by dozens of Hell Knights and was struggling.

Even the number of Hell Knights that briefly came into view seemed to exceed at least 200.

‘At least 200 balls. Perhaps it’s actually much more than that.’

But 2 billion liters of holy water?

Maybe my future self didn’t use it properly?

‘no. It may have been that way even though I used it. Probably. Then it must be that the method of spraying the holy water I am thinking of now is not good enough. I need to redefine my plan. The most certain information is that the invasion is 90 days later. So, in the meantime, I’m looking for a new spraying method. Make more reinforcements. It may be a tight time, but we can change the ending. no i will change I have to change it.’

Calculating hard, I picked up the glass of water again.

I drank two more drinks in a row.

But my hands continued to tremble.

I couldn’t hold my water glass properly.

Suddenly, the corners of his eyes twitched.

“Ah, why are you doing this?”


I’m not even a child

It was just a dream.

But why am I still breaking out in a cold sweat?

Is it because my heart hasn’t calmed down and my whole body is shaking like this?

why the hell am i

“I don’t want to die….”

I don’t know.

Tears came out.

I cried and cried.

It was scary.

I was afraid.

I don’t like to die either.

He didn’t want others to get caught up in it because of himself.

The burden of having to take responsibility for it was so frightening.

So it was.

Lloyd cried silently for a long time.

I sobbed silently in my own bedroom.

That’s why I didn’t really know.

Outside the locked bedroom door.

That Xaviel had been standing all night in that hallway without a word.

Because I can’t open the door.

That I was making a resolution alone.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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