Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 377

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Chapter 377. Hell Knight’s Passion Age (2)

This is Namaran, the city on the cliff.

It was just past midnight, and the city was enveloped in silence.

It is dyed by the black-purple magic barrier that has risen up.

Under the moonlight shining with ominous energy.

In the empty public hall in the center of the city.

A song that was more grotesque and bizarre than the magic barrier and could send the eardrums of the listener to the afterlife was flowing mercilessly.

“Twinkle, twinkle! Little Star~ Beautiful Beach~ Yes. West God! Come from, come from, come from the eastern sky↗!”

– that…That’s it…!

“Baanjjaak~ Twinkle! Jaak is a star~ It’s beautiful!↗!”

– …don’t shine!

“It’s shining↘eh↗!”

Lloyd’s composed song filled the public hall.

Needless to say, because of his good voice, he violated the Hell Knight’s hearing even more mercilessly.

In that chain, the commander of Hell’s 1st Corps, Sir Geolexius, was tormented by the passing wind or even the words of the song.

I couldn’t be bothered, so I openly threw up.

– stop!


– Do you think I’ll confess as you think?

“huh. I think so.”

– ….


– That won’t happen.

“Well then, let’s see. Hmmmm!”

Hell Knight’s lower jawbone trembled.

Lloyd cleared his throat and smiled.

He tilted his head and asked sarcastically.

“So you’re saying that the King of Hell has no plans to tell me what he’s up to or what his plans are yet. Right?”

– Yes!

“That means you want to appreciate more of my jade marble song.”

– that….

“thank you. Then the next song starts, huh?”

– Hey wait!

Sir Geolexius exclaimed urgently.

However, his urgent pleas did not scratch even a millimeter on Lloyd’s conscience.

“Yo monkey ass sucks. Red is an apple~ Do apples taste good? If it’s delicious, I’m going to go to the middle of the day↗!”

– …Hehe!

The skull of Sir Geolexius is broken.

But the knight of hell couldn’t even tremble at will.

It was because Lloyd noticed that Xaviel started adding bits (?).

Empty! Empty! bang! Empty! Empty! bang!

The grandmaster’s scabbard, wrapped in an aura, fell vertically.

He pounded the Hell Knight’s skull, chopping the exact bits like a machine.

– Draw! Woah! damn!

A series of shocks that seemed like the skull would split.

Meanwhile, Lloyd’s tortured song continued.

“Bongna↗I’m weird~ uh. Trains are long~ Trains are fast! Flying is fast!”

– Stop that!


– Hoo-wook. That’s right, stop….

“Are you going to tell me the plan of the King of Hell?”

– As I said earlier, I am a knight, and I do not think it is the duty of a knight to speak carelessly of the master’s secret to a dangerous enemy.

“Then keep listening to the song.”

– what?

“Going to the next song?”

– Hey…!

Sir Geolexius held out his hand urgently.

But before he could reach out, he was hit by Xaviel’s counterattack.


– Gagging!

My chin rattled at the raised knee.

It felt like not just my knees, but the whole beautiful hill hitting my chin.

Sir Geolexius barely escaped fainting and had to place his hands on the floor.

And immediately regretted it.

“crane! The pope is ding ding ding ding ding ding!”

Bang bang!

According to Lloyd’s bright lyrics.

Xaviel’s scabbard rushed in, splitting bits.

“Uh~ let’s get together! The teacher is waiting for us!”

– that…Heo Eo Eok….

rather than being a teacher.

It seems that the door of reincarnation is waiting for me.

At this point, I’d rather faint.

Lord Geolexius’s hellfire eyes streamed down like tears.

But Lloyd’s song continued to run like a runaway locomotive.

If the songs so far were upbeat and exciting.

This time, as if to appease the Hell Knight.

With a gentle soft voice, he let out a series of out-of-pitch chirps.

“You can’t cry. You can’t cry. Who is Grandpa Santa↗? They say they give a hug to a crying child~”

– ….

I’d rather cry out loud.

I just want to cry out loud.

But that was impossible.

It was because of Grandmaster Xaviel’s scabbard falling while splitting the beat along with Lloyd’s song.

“Santa Grandpa knows~”

Tung! Turton! Bang bang!

“Who’s the good Angie~ the bad Angie~”

Bang bang bang! empty! thud!

-Keuhuk kuhkkeok! Black!

Fierce continuous blows as if the top of the head were about to burst!

In the midst of the beet threshing storm, Sir Geolexius thought sincerely.

who the hell is santa

I don’t know.

But I guess I know this.

Who is not a good boy?

Who is more evil than the king of hell.

– that…Heh heh! Stop that! really stop!

In the end, Sir Geolexius could not stand the double-sided blows of physical and auditory violence.

I shuddered and cried out with sincerity.

Is it because of that?

Lloyd’s song, which was like an endless medley of dung flies in a food waste bin, finally stopped!

“stop? really?”

– omg…Heo-geuk and thank you….

“Thank you, it’s still early.”

Lloyd just smiled.

He asked the Hell Knight with a cold look.

“So, are you ready to tell me the answer I want?”

– that….


– Anyway, I am a knight. Don’t take that….

“I haven’t come to my senses yet. right?

– Wait a minute, that’s not….

“Hmmmm ah. Add echo and one or two.”

– for a moment!


– Oh no. Still, please sing….

“Are you in pain?”

– …Yes.

Hell-knight Sir Geolexius nodded obediently.

said in a hushed voice.

– The most terrible song I’ve ever heard while living as a Hell Knight was the chorus of angels. But to think that a more irritating and dirty song would exist in this world…I really couldn’t imagine.

“Yeah thanks for the compliment. But so?”

– You can do everything except sing. you can torture me Even if I suffer in every way, I will endure it silently. But can we please just stop singing that song?

“I can’t.”

– But it’s painful. It’s not just the ears that hurt. I feel like my pride and honor are insulted. I don’t know if you know, but I’m a knight of hell. Only to live and die in the fires of battle and the glory of destruction.


– Your terrible song…It feels like breaking it all over. I feel like they don’t recognize me as a knightly being at all. That is insulting and humiliating.

“Then, wasn’t it humiliating and humiliating to live a life of servility to a guy who forced you to obey without doing anything for you?”

– what?

Lord Geolexius hesitated.

Lloyd’s smile became meaningful.

“lets think. Wasn’t the King of Hell a bit harsh?”

– What does that mean? Did my lord be mean?

“The lord is an asshole. Did that person properly provide you with welfare benefits?”

– compound interest…what?

“The natural rights you should enjoy at work as a professional.”

– What the hell do you want to say?

Sir Geolexius’s eyes darkened.

Lloyd Frontera.

I was confused as to what the hell this idiot meant to say such bizarre things.

However, whether or not Hell Knight doubts that.

Lloyd’s voice grew softer.

“What I’m trying to say is simple. You’ve never been off work before, have you?”

– Knife withdrawal…?

“uh. work on time. When I run out of time, I go home without paying attention to my boss. Have you tried it?”

– There is no such thing as a knight. He is always there to support his lord. Besides, I don’t even have a house.

“Whoa. You don’t have a house?”

– of course. To Hell Knights of Hell, such things are nothing but luxury.

“How about this? Tsk tsk tsk. be pitiful.”

Lloyd’s eyes filled with a light of pity.

Sympathy overflowed.

The moment Hell Knight tried to refute that gaze.

Lloyd’s tongue changed gears in half a beat.

“What about the 4 major insurances? did you do it?”

– …what?

“I mean insurance. National pension, health insurance, employment insurance, and even industrial accident insurance. So, what if you get hurt, get sick, or lie down while working? Are you in charge of that?”

– Of course….

does not exist.

I’ve never heard of such benefits in Hell.

Upon thinking about that fact, Sir Geolexius kept his mouth shut.

Lloyd’s sharp questioning continued.

“Is there anything like that? So, even if you get beaten here and get a bone disease, you won’t be able to deal with industrial accidents, right? Aren’t you getting a penny of consolation money? really?”

– that….

“Oops. Really, that guy from the King of Hell.”

– Disrespecting my lord….

“Don’t insult me? But you don’t seem to do it now? uh?”

– ….

“Think about it, huh? I’ll ask you straight up. Are you still guaranteed a vacation?”

– ….

“Oh no way.”

– ….

“You really weren’t there? A vacation too?”

– That’s right.

“Wow. that’s not quite Then what about monthly? What is the annual leave?”

– What the hell is that….

“Are you even hearing it for the first time?”

– that…yes

“haha. heh heh heh Tsk tsk tsk!”

Lloyd laughed sadly. I shook my head. tongue-in-cheek

Sir Geolexius had to feel that his neck bones were shrinking for no reason.

Listening to it, I thought I was stupid.

I don’t know why, but I felt a bit embarrassed.

So I felt regretful, as if I had not received any of the benefits I could have received.

Of course, Lloyd caught such a Hell Knight at the speed of light.

He didn’t even smear saliva on his lips and let out subtle words.

“That is pitiful. That won’t work. know?”

– I am….

“Yeah, I know that feeling. it would be unfair you will be sad I felt like I was being taken advantage of when I found out that I was being loyal, serving, and dedicating my body like this. But do you know what?”

– What do you mean?

“Isn’t that your fault?”

– ….

“Hey. A person, even if not a person. Just because you work for someone else doesn’t mean you don’t have rights, right? is not it? No matter how much you receive a hefty salary, you still have to take care of your rights.”

– Pay salary?

“hey. no way.”

– ….

“You didn’t even have a salary?”

– Ji Hell’s knight is for honor, not trivial money….

“Honor is a piece of shit. If you don’t have money in life, you have no honor and dignity. don’t you know that?”

– ….

“hey. No matter how loyal and devoted you are. and really No matter what, you should get the minimum wage. So if you summarize the facts that have come out so far, how about working all day without work? Accommodation is zero, vacation is not guaranteed, huh? You don’t even buy insurance? Even the minimum wage is all scammed? Who is the King of Hell?”

– Ha, don’t make fun of your mouth. He is my lord!

“Ah yes I know. As the lord, he must have been condescending, giving orders and serving, as if it were natural.”

– That’s….

“Is that your master? really? What do you think, Xaviel?”

Lloyd winked.

Receiving that glance, Xaviel quickly agreed.

“I think you are the worst lord.”


“yes. I am also a knight, but lodging and salary are provided by the lord.”

“Cancer. That’s the right job and the right job.”

“I think so too.”

– ….

Lloyd and Xaviel’s dazzling passwork, receiving and sharing like hot cakes and hot cakes.

At that conversation, Sir Geolexius bit his molars.

The king of hell is his master.

Unconditional devotion and service loyalty for him are natural.

Don’t compare your honor and pride that you’ve built up so far with so much money and benefits.

I wanted to shout out loud.

But that didn’t work out.

Feeling still shouted that it was natural to be devoted to the King of Hell.

It was because the cool-headed reason that had been squashed in the corner whispered that something was wrong.

‘So I….’

The truth is that you were treated unfairly.

But you didn’t know that, and you obeyed the king of hell like an idiot.

And the king of hell took advantage of my loyalty the whole time.

The moment you realize the truth.

– I am….

Hellknight Sir Geolexius shuddered.

He struggled to sip blood and gnawed his brain.

– Even at your words…There is a point…think.

“Tsk tsk. yes i know It must have been hard to admit.”

– Oh no. Maybe I’ve been aware of it for a long time….

“Ugh. don’t cry There are times in life when you are used like that. huh?”

– That’s right…Why did I….

“Tsk tsk tsk. Oh cry again You did nothing wrong. is not it?”

– Hehehehe! But I….

“Are you okay? Hey, looking at it, what did you do wrong? really you’re not wrong Is it wrong to work and serve faithfully and faithfully? no The guy who only used it to Ji’s advantage was at fault, and that guy is a bad guy.”

– Is that so?

“of course.”


completely passed

This hell knight seems ready to open up now.

So now all I have to do is make this guy mine.

Then he will be able to tell you the information about the King of Hell with sincerity.

Premonition of success. Confidence.

Lloyd clenched his fists inwardly.

With expressions and eyes that seemed to understand everything.

He nodded warmly at the shaking eyes of the Hell Knight.

He spoke softly, as if encouraging.

“So straighten your shoulders. raise your head You are really confident and cool guy. I’m not the type to rot in a place like that. you know?”

– Then….

“What can I do now? Are you confused about how to live in the future?”

– ….

“Looks like I can tell you. do you want to hear it?”


Sir Geolexius nodded heavily.

Towards such a Hell Knight.

Lloyd landed the final blow.

“It’s simple. Let’s just write a contract with me.”


In Lloyd’s arms, the contract that had been carefully written in advance appeared.

commuting time and lodging environment.

In-house welfare such as vacation and insurance.

Conditions such as salary are written in detail.

Indeed, it was a full-fledged and full-blown employment contract.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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