Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 368

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Chapter 368. How to re-engrave the sketch (2)

“If I dare say, for the next two months, will Your Highness have to spend as close to me as possible 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day?”


Lloyd’s voice tapped on my ear.

A word that comes out boldly as if inserting a straight line.

At that suggestion, King Alicia stopped talking.

And I seriously thought about it for a while.

Should I hit you over the head with an inkwell right here?

Or should I just slightly change the structure of the author’s cheekbones with my bare hands?

But she managed to exercise patience.

remembered on the one hand.

‘I used to be like this. Someone who doesn’t say crazy things without thinking.’

It has always been so.

Looking at it right now, he just looks like an idiot.

In the long run, it was often a tombstone.

That was the irony of Lloyd Frontera.

“under. Really.”

Having reached that point, she laughed as if picking up the absurdity she had dropped.

“Jim has to stay with you 24 hours a day for two months.”

“Yes, it is. majesty.”

“Does that mean Jim’s left arm will be healed?”

“It will be so, Your Highness.”

“Will it be? I’m not sure.”

“Because I dare not be sure.”

“Sounds like it’s just a possibility.”

“However, if there is a possibility, shouldn’t we grab hold of it?”

Lloyd’s voice became more serious as he answered the king’s question.


If you see it, you should grab it.

Even if it was an illusion.

At least once you hold it, you will be able to determine whether it is an illusion or not.

Moreover, when there is no other way like now, you will have to try even more.

‘From what I saw in the ending spoiler, it definitely is. Because you are the king’s sister. From the moment he found out that his left arm was paralyzed and dying, he would have used all kinds of methods. Even so, they all failed.’

That was the same as meaning that the symptoms of that left arm could not be cured by the methods used by the royal family.

So you have to fix it yourself.

Maybe this is the only hope and possibility.

‘I must be persuaded.’

If persuasion fails, the king may lose his left arm and become corrupted.

With that in mind, Lloyd carefully chose each word of what followed.

“Your Highness probably remembers. The other day, when I indiscriminately absorbed Your Highness’s mana.”

“hmm. every remember Such a terrible experience was rare.”


“Okay. It’s all in the past, and as a result, you saved Jim. But if you mention what happened then, that means that your proposal just now has something to do with it, right?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

“Could it be that you want to absorb Jim’s mana like back then?”

“It is the opposite now, Your Highness.”

This is why conversations with the king’s sister are comfortable.

Every time I guess the intention of this side before I put rhetoric or give a lengthy explanation.

Lloyd politely bowed his head.

“Actually, the name of the mana management method I used at the time is called the ‘shady mind method’.”

“A shady mental method?”

“Yes, Your Highness. As you can guess from its name, it is a simbeop invented by Sir Xaviel Asrahan, and I have some help with its completion.”

“Hmm. Interesting. It is the simbeop that produced the Grand Master and the Sword Master.”

King Alicia’s eyes flashed as she looked this way.

Indeed, he is a swordsman from the core.

As soon as the story about Simbeop came out, his eyes were shining.

Lloyd said with a bitter smile on his lips.

“Yes, as you said, this is the mental method that raised Lord Asrahan and me.”

“Because there is something special about it?”

“Here comes a special method for mana absorption, processing circulation, and discharge.”

“Like you absorbed Jim’s mana in the past?”

“Yes, it is.”

comes over

The king’s sister is showing interest.

So now is the time to land the final blow.

Lloyd, intuition, said.

“Therefore, I came up with the idea of daring to tell Your Highness the secret ways of thinking.”

“The trick to Jim?”

“It is, Your Highness.”

“Did you think you could heal Jim’s left arm?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

good night. The flow of the story isn’t bad.

Lloyd whipped his tongue even more diligently.

“For two months, 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, I will stay by your side for as long as possible. I will bind one hand of mine and the other hand of Your Highness, and circulate my mana through Your Highness’ left arm all day long.”


“The mana circulation is cut off and the symptoms of paralysis will be alleviated.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Then what next?”

“I will alleviate the symptoms of paralysis and at the same time teach Your Highness a shrewd mental method.”

“I think Jim will have a hard time learning that.”

“I know what you are talking about. Your Highness’s mana circulation system must have been completed a long time ago, reaching the level of a sword master, and we are also well aware of the fact that it would be extremely impossible to learn a new core method in such a situation.”

“But how can Jim learn that?”

“For two months, if you constantly reflect on your body the path of mana that I induce through your hands that touch me, you will surely be able to learn it.”

“In other words, you will lay the learning board, so from then on, it sounds like you are telling Jim to do his best.”

“I am truly sorry, Your Highness.”

Lloyd bowed his head deeply.

And, on the other hand, I felt it.

‘it’s okay. It came over.’

I felt that the king’s sister was willing to accept this proposal.

But at the same time, I also felt that there was a bit of hesitation.

Indeed after a while.

The king asked with a slightly uneasy expression.

“Your suggestion has been well received. To be honest, it’s very tempting. But there is something that bothers me a little.”

“If you dare to tell me, are you concerned about the reaction of the people around you?”

“So it is.”

A bitter smile crept across the king’s lips.

“As you are well aware, Jim is still without a partner. However, if you stick together for two months, day and night, with someone who has not promised a future and you, who are both a subject and a public servant…Who would misunderstand you and Jim in that situation?”

“You are indeed right, Your Highness.”

Lloyd flatly affirmed the concern expressed by the king.

In fact, I had already guessed and worried about it.

It was also something that had to be addressed.

‘Even if a girl from an aristocratic family did something like that, there would be an uproar. Because you are the king of this country. But getting caught up in such a scandal and going up and down in gossip? I absolutely hate it.’

It won’t be a simple scandal.

It must be a matter of prestige for the royal family and the king himself.

Fortunately, however, Lloyd already had a countermeasure in mind.

“If it’s such a misunderstanding, there’s no big problem, Your Highness.”

“It sounds like you have a plan.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

“Tell me.”

The king’s name fell.

Lloyd said he couldn’t breathe.

“I dare to believe in and have no doubts about Your Majesty’s vast and outstanding leadership and charismatic governance.”


“Also, I firmly believe in the great political and state management skills that Your Highness has shown so far, as well as the persuasive power to conquer everyone.”


“This is my hope and secret, Your Highness.”


Lloyd shamelessly shook his head.

King Alicia clicked her tongue involuntarily.

Soon, a groan escaped from her mouth.

“So to sum it up, it means you’re leaving the matter to Jim.”

“I really apologize for this ruin.”

“Are you truly sorry?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Whoa. Squeeze your tongue with an awl.”


“No, I’m talking to myself.”


I heard everything.

But Lloyd didn’t bother to argue.

He already had a gut feeling.

That the King’s sister was determined to accept her offer.

I decided to take care of the gossip that would arise as a result.

Indeed, King Alicia nodded.

“I see.”

“Did you say that?”

“I know very well how mean, despicable, and nasty you are.”


“Also, Jim knows. Even if there were some gossip that would disturb Jim’s ears right now, your suggestion wouldn’t be so bad. No, I won’t deny that maybe your suggestion could be the helping hand Jim needs most at this point.”

“If you do?”

“I will accept your offer.”

“Your last name is ruined.”


I spent an hour with this.

Lloyd was relieved inwardly and bowed his head.

“Once you come, I will prepare to assist Your Highness by your side in order to teach the dark simbeop….”

“Do I really need to prepare?”


I was startled without knowing.

Lloyd raised his lowered head.

Thanks to you, I was able to witness it.

King Alicia looking over this way.

A strange smile appeared on her lips.

“I can just start right now, but is it something that requires a lot of preparation?”

“Uh, that….”

“Didn’t you tell me yourself? Good for Jim. A good way to heal Jim’s left arm. That’s it. If it’s a good thing, you don’t have to postpone it because you have to go through the procedures and preparations. Isn’t it?”


isn’t it?

Lloyd wanted to respond like that.

But the words didn’t come out right away.

King Alicia curled up the corners of her mouth and tilted her head to one side.

“Or is it something that requires some extra preparation that I won’t be able to reveal to Jim?”

“Ah, that’s not it….”


“Actually, my heart is ready.”


“No. I will implement it immediately.”

“It is good.”

Her lips finally form a satisfied smile.

Seeing this, Lloyd unconsciously felt a drop of sweat run down his back.

Ever since King Alicia accepted our offer.

It was because the development of the situation that was flowing was completely different from what was expected.

‘Umm, I thought I’d have to be very shy, show rejection, or be completely hesitant, so I’d have to soothe the king’s sister and prepare for the training camp.’

Because I actually saw it.

Quite the opposite.

Why are you procrastinating on good things?

Why don’t you start right away?

Rather, it was brushing this way!

’10 points for activeness. Wow.’

It was probably because he was very nervous about his left arm.

It must have been that he couldn’t easily reveal it to anyone and was suffering alone.

Thinking like that, I could understand the King’s positive attitude after making the decision.

“I understand, Your Highness. If you come, I will start the training camp right now.”

“Okay then what should I do now?”

“First of all, as I told you earlier, it seems we should tie each other’s hands.”

“My left hand and your right hand?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Lloyd looked around the office.

Just in time, I saw a leather strap used to tie a bundle of papers together.

“I will supply mana through your tied hands.”

“You mean to circulate mana through Jim’s left arm?”

“That’s right, Your Highness. At the same time, I will carefully observe and analyze the mana circulation path that Your Highness has completed.”

“Based on the results of the analysis, would you like to peek at the place where the foundation of the dark mental method will be created?”

“You are correct, Your Highness.”

“If you do, it will be a process similar to your specialty, surveying or designing.”

“It is, Your Highness.”

“I see. Implement it now.”

“Yes, Your Highness. Excuse me if you do.”

Lloyd approached the King.

The king held out his left hand with a slightly awkward gesture.

Is it because of paralysis symptoms or because of hesitation inside?

But Lloyd didn’t care.

Tried to.

right hand stretched out

The fingertips touched.

I stopped for a bit without realizing it.

got it It was warmer than I thought.

But that was then.

“What are you so hesitant about?”

intertwined fingers. not to take it off at all. Tighten the pod.

“Make sure to tie it up quickly.”

“…I understand, Your Highness.”

From then on, how did you tie your hands?

He was unaware of how flustered he was.

How difficult it was to wrap and tie the laces with your left hand.

The fact that the king’s sister, who was worse than that, reached out her remaining hand.

Thanks to that, they barely remembered that they were able to complete the knot that tied them together.

“It’s because it’s hard to tie it like this. I shouldn’t even be able to solve it if it’s dizzy.”

“…It seems so.”

At least when I came to my senses, the king’s sister’s and this side’s hands were properly tied.

how tight you tied it.

It was almost tingling.

“The blood doesn’t seem to flow well.”

“Is that uncomfortable?”

“That is not true. Just-”


“Anyways, in case your Highness would be uncomfortable.”

“Jim is fine. After all, when you wash, use the toilet, or change clothes, you should loosen your hands for a moment.”

“That is true.”

“If you do, what is the problem?”

“Um, no. If you do, I will start mana treatment right away.”

This is 5 trillion 500 million times more awkward than I thought.

My face feels hot.

To cover it up, I tried to start mana treatment right away.

But that was then.

“for a moment.”

The king’s sister pulled her left hand.

The flow of mana she was trying to inject into her left hand was disrupted.

What else is this time?

I got my attention.

Then, she sees her grinning smile.

“Before that, I remembered something important that you must do tonight.”


“Come this way.”

She pulled her left arm more.

They lined up like a broken doll in that chain.

I was dragged helplessly.

Then, a hand pressing on her shoulder pushed her into a chair.

It was an office chair.



She sat down on the chair next to her.

I pulled a chair and closed the distance.

Are you trying to pick up something on the desk?

He stretched out his upper body and stretched out his right hand.

The face came this way.

I could feel my breath for a moment.

Should I step back?

It was embarrassing.

But then something was squeezed in his left hand.

Looking down, it was a pen.


Mumble without knowing.

Then, the king’s sister stared at this side.

“why? I bet it’s not the first time you’ve ever held a pen.”

“Yes, of course….”

“If you do, do as Jim tells you from now on.”

What are you trying to do?

Why is the king’s sister smiling like that?

But why does my heart beat so fast at that smile….

‘Are you crazy? it’s crazy? Wake up man.’

I desperately held on to my mind.

It cannot be captured like this.

Can’t break down here.

My dream is to date and marry an ordinary woman, give birth to rabbit-like children, and live a happy life.

So, here, being caught by the king’s sister, choosing a wedding hall, thinking about where to go for a honeymoon, thinking about how many children to have and what style of home education to give birth, such a situation should never happen….

“Now, this is a document requiring a signature, and this is Jim’s signature.”



Her voice came in like a crack in the delusion.

I came to my senses hastily.

saw her

A mischievous glance at this side.

Following that look, he lowered his gaze.

Before I knew it, I saw a pile of papers spread out on my desk.

She said.

“Sign it.”


“Sign it.”


All in this bundle of papers?

An ominous premonition slowly bloomed.

But why do these kinds of premonitions fit so well every time?

Her mischievous smile grew brighter.

“For the time being, day and night, we have to stick together. This is really good. Surely you’re not trying to make an excuse that it’s hard to sign because you’re left-handed? Jim’s signature is very simple, as you can see here.”

“Hmm, Your Highness?”

“So sign everything.”

“Do you mean all these documents here?”

“of course.”


“Until it’s all over, you should refrain from even dreaming about sleeping well.”


Please contact me, sister…no sir

I begged and begged in my heart.

But to no avail.

The night was long.

There was a lot of paperwork.

In the meantime, this side was playing with the pen, shaking her awkward left hand.

The king’s sister looked this way and smiled happily the whole time.

Is it fun to leave your work behind?

Is it fun to see this moaning?

Or do you have your own reasons?

It was a very long night anyway.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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