Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 339

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Chapter 339. Chewing on the aristocracy (2)

‘Oh, this is the right atmosphere.’

The main meeting hall of the House of Nobility, which is the first to enter.

Lloyd looked around at the scene inside and smiled contentedly.

I like it.

Unexpectedly, it was extremely noisy.

High-ranking aristocratic nobles were openly arguing with blood in their necks.

Thanks to that, it was a luxurious atmosphere and I didn’t feel anything.

There wasn’t even a hint of elegance to be seen, like the crumbs of a cookie in a nitrogen cookie bag.

I even felt a sense of familiarity.

‘thank god. The atmosphere of being too classy and saving face is suffocating.’

Actually, it was kind of like that.

He had never been luxurious in his life.

It was like that even before my parents went into debt in Korea.

I wasn’t particularly poor.

It wasn’t plentiful either.

I lived an average life that is common everywhere in Korea.

As a result, the luxurious life was far away.

I have never had a similar experience.

It was the same here.

‘All I can say is that you’re a noble family. Didn’t you just go through a lot of hard work until now?’

First, to pay off the debt.

After that, to prevent the crisis that came to the manor.

Now I want to solve the Fate Restoration phenomenon and the side effects of Winter’s Heart.

Isn’t it working and working and working again without a break 365 days a year?


Oh Mr.

Why do I suddenly burst into tears?

Lloyd quietly wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

It was just before he was ushered to his seat that an unexpected greeting knocked on his ear.

“Brother, it’s been a while.”


young voice.

A slightly trembling greeting.

A somewhat familiar tone.

I turned to where the voice came from.

But nothing was visible.

No, it was very slightly visible below the field of view.

It was a chestnut-like crown that somehow resembled this one, and orange-colored, curly hair.

“Is it here?”

A groaning sound coming from below.

Somehow, the tone was a bit harsh.

I followed the voice and lowered my gaze.

There was a familiar face there.


“under. Are you doing it on purpose? I know I’m short too, right?”


“I haven’t seen you in a while, and if you keep doing this, will you tell the Minister of Home Affairs?”

“Minister of the Interior? Are you Jesu?”



“Anyway, are you okay?”

“Um, maybe.”

Lloyd laughed lightly.

The Julien I haven’t seen in a long time.

It was still there.

As before, it was childish, bright, and wild with eyes and expressions.

‘Instead, the timid appearance has almost disappeared.’

Perhaps it is thanks to the influence of the powerful Home Minister (?) Miss Serajad.

Thinking so, Lloyd asked.

“But what happened? So far.”

“What is it? I came here because I was worried. You were called to the aristocratic house. Then what would it be? From now on, you will be tormented side by side by the nobles who are in favor and the nobles who oppose you.”

“So you’re afraid that something big will happen to me?”

“What about it?”

Julien shrugged his small shoulders.

“I don’t know if my brother knows, but because of the revelation he received, the entire royal capital wasn’t in an uproar for two days. You can’t imagine how much I suffered thanks to you.”

“Are you just asking a question at your place of work?”

“Did you just ask a question?”

The guy is fed up.

I held back a bitter smile.

“All of a sudden, my immediate superior is anti-Revelation.”


“Have you heard the news? According to the revelation, your older brother is trying to be generous with the royal family. Isn’t that some kind of tactic? How dare you look at the royal family’s sacred objects with the subject of a single subject? What do you think of this situation? Are you sure you want to turn your back on the royal family and side with your family? Do you know that you will become a traitor then and so on. From the time I go to work in the morning to the time I leave work in the evening, I seem to have suffered from a barrage of questions like that about 180 times.”

“…oh sorry.”

“Yeah no what did my brother do wrong It’s a sin that I’m an older brother.”


“So, brother, do your best. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t die.”


“go for it.”

“It sucks.”

Lloyd laughed bitterly.

Even if he said that, he could feel Julien’s heart, even coming to the aristocratic house.

I’m worried about this

I’m afraid I’ll get into trouble.

In the middle of worrying, as soon as he heard the news of his admission to the aristocratic house, he must have given up everything and came.

‘Besides, it’s noon now, so it must be working hours. My immediate superior is anti-revelation transition. What would he have done to come this far while on duty, a newcomer at work?’

Perhaps because of Julien’s sincere personality, he would not have left the workplace without permission.


Could it be that he risked leaving work early, even accepting being stamped out by his immediate supervisor?

‘To leave early suddenly like that, I would have had to be honest about the matter.’

You will probably be hated by your direct superior.

You will be working hard in the future.

It wouldn’t be Julien who wouldn’t know that.

But I have endured even that and came this far.

just to see your face for a moment.

to share a few words.

Even so, to give strength to this side.

I was grateful for the heart that had made up its mind and had come this far.

“Yes ma’am. I’ll be back.”

Tap the boy on the shoulder.

That was just enough.

After exchanging eye contact with Julien Xaviel, I followed the guide.

I was seated in the seat I was directed to.

It was a chair in the center of the main conference room.

Lloyd realized the meaning of the seating arrangement.

‘Hmm, with me in the middle, the nobles are split on both sides.’

The nobles on the left were sending friendly glances towards this direction.

Whereas on the right?

Just looking at it, it was rough.

His facial expression, his eyes, he was showing off that he was very thick.

‘That’s why the left side is in favor of Revelation and the right side is against Revelation.’

It’s comfortable because it’s just the atmosphere.

Lloyd checked the plan with a grin.

Soon, the head of the aristocrat began to speak.

“Pay attention for a moment. As everyone is watching today, the eldest son of Count Frontera, Count Lloyd of Frontera, Young-sik, readily responded to the request of the aristocratic house. The head of the aristocracy would like to express my deepest gratitude to Lloyd Frontera Youngsik for such cooperation.”

The head of an aristocrat whom I had never seen before.

A chubby man who resembled a bulldog gave a conventional example toward me.

Lloyd also gently returned to him.

After that, several routine procedures followed.

Pros and cons of revelation implementation.

A total of ten aristocrats representing the views of both sides were introduced.

Divided into two camps, they sat down in their assigned seats and glared at each other with their eyes in between.

However, representatives of the pros and cons did not openly argue with each other.

Instead, a full-fledged plenary session began.

It was a hearing directed right this way.

No, strictly speaking, it was a bombardment of questions intended to favor the camp.

“Nice to meet you. He is the head of the Marquis of Alcante. I would like to express my gratitude again to Youngsik, Count Lloyd Frontera, who responded to my request for admission, and ask a question. Count Lloyd Frontera’s Youngsik?”


“You have been involved in several large and small incidents with the royal family, and throughout all of these cases, you have demonstrated countless dedication to the royal family. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Have there ever been times when you didn’t like those things?”

“There were many times when I felt afraid.”

“Are you afraid?”


“Could you explain a bit more?”

A hearty smile appeared in the eyes of Marquis Alcante, a member of the pro-choice faction.

Seeing that eye smile, Lloyd realized.

‘That Marquis is only trying to ask questions that openly stir me up.’

Perhaps through such questions and answers, it seemed that he was trying to strengthen the fulfillment of the revelation.

Lloyd shrugged inwardly.

‘If that’s the intention, thank you anytime.’

I will openly paint this face with gold.

There is no reason to give up.

“Because I am human too. It was the same when His Highness the King was poisoned and lost between death and death, when he encountered the monster domino phenomenon in the East, and when he faced the bone dragon. I thought it was going to go wrong and I was going to die. I was afraid. But-”


Lloyd wet his tongue and replied.

“I was more afraid that the foundations of the royal family would be shaken than that I would be wrong or die.”

“Oh oh.”

Marquis elasticity.

Would it be rude if I felt like a professor who received an exemplary answer?

The Marquis of Alcante looked at the opposition with a satisfied and meaningful expression.

Those eyes are like….


He’s such a fucking loyalist.

Besides, you’re young and bright, aren’t you?

But according to the revelation, won’t you give me something?

If you give it to me, I’m sure there will be someone more loyal to the royal family and helpful?

…seemed to say

So ended the Marquis of Alcante’s question.

Next was the turn of the opposition representatives.

“Let’s start with an introduction. As for me, I am the head of the family of the Marquis of Cordoba. Count Lloyd Frontera’s Youngsik? Are you ready to take questions?”


The warm bath of the pros.

Is it the cold bath of the opposing faction next?

Lloyd swallowed a bitter smile and nodded.

Soon, a sharp question from the Marquis of Cordoba flew in.

“Youngsik, Count Lloyd Frontera. There is a precedent in which you damaged and lost the ‘Heart of Winter’, a sacred object of the royal family. Is that correct?”

“you’re right.”

I knew it.

I thought I would catch the case.

Lloyd replied leisurely.

Questions from the Marquis of Cordoba followed.

“If so, do you feel responsible for the incident?”

“of course.”

It sounds natural.

I feel it very deeply and intensely.

Because of that, how much do you still notice the king’s sister?

In addition, because of the heart of winter that I ate at that time, I won the side effect.

So, are you still struggling with this?

Lloyd said with a heartfelt, heartfelt heart.

“Even now, when I think about it, it is very sad. The heart of winter that was lost due to the accident, and the life of the site that changed its name at the time. Of course, it wasn’t my intention, but since I was the person responsible for the accident at the time, I still feel a great sense of responsibility and sorrow. That is all.”

with a serious expression.

In a voice that is soft and gentle.

I spoke to the opposing Marquis of Córdoba.

Was this answer a little unexpected?

“…Uh hmm! All right.”

The Marquis of Cordoba cleared his throat and finished the question.

Like that, the cold bath is followed by the warm bath.

It was the turn of the pros.

“Count Lloyd Frontera Youngsik? I don’t know if you know, but I use the bridge you gave me every day when I go up to the aristocratic house. The Roy-Harvey Suspension Bridge.”

“Ah yes.”

“After having that leg, my commute has become so much easier. Since there is no need to worry about the bridge collapsing during the rainy season in spring, you can cross the river more safely. It is the same today. Perhaps tomorrow, I will use the Roy-Harvey Suspension Bridge to return home after entering the aristocratic court. First of all, on behalf of the people of the Royal Capital, I would like to say that I am truly grateful.”

“Ummm yes.”

“So that’s the question. Is it true that you first proposed the construction of the Roy-Harvey Suspension Bridge to His Majesty the King?”

“Yes, it is true.”

“okay. Of course, I believe it was a heartfelt proposal for the citizens of the capital, who suffered inconvenience and threats from the bridge over the Mazena River, which often collapsed. Am I right?”


Lloyd shamelessly nodded.

Of course not.

In fact, it was an offer to make money.

But there was no reason to reveal it.

‘You’re putting a gold lacquer mask on your face like that. Then you should get a flatbread. Why do you refuse?’

I’ve never been asked to paint anything.

But you know how to do it.

So just take it.

Thinking like that, I could be shameless without limit.

I hit the conscience in my heart that was about to shout ‘Lies!’

Of course, the same was true when sharp questions from the opposition came flying.

“Youngsik, Count Lloyd Frontera. Let me ask you one thing. Back in the days when there was a monster domino crisis in the East. Why didn’t you actively defeat the monsters that invaded other nearby territories?”

“Yes, I wanted to get rid of it too.”

“You wanted it?”

“I desperately wanted to get rid of it. But I couldn’t. I know. The fact that I did it because my ability was lacking and I was not good enough. So it’s still painful. I often toss and turn during the night and sometimes wake up in a cold sweat.”

“No, I’m not asking you to tell me about your suffering….”

“I know. No matter how much I complain about my suffering, the truth won’t change. I am a sinner. Even if this body was broken, I should have rushed to save not only my territory, but also the people of other territories. But I couldn’t. I won’t blame anyone else. It’s all because of my ignorance and incompetence. So painful and sad. My heart hurts. so that…Whoops not. I will stop making excuses. sorry.”

“Hey, I’m not sorry, I just want to look back on what happened then….”

The opposing aristocrat was visibly embarrassed.

‘Why is Lloyd Frontera doing that?’

Originally, I was trying to pressure Lloyd with sharp questions.

By wrapping things that weren’t even wrong as if they were wrong.

Deliberately getting Lloyd into trouble.

Provoking with aggressive questions.

Because it touched my feelings like that.

I was trying to provoke a backlash.

‘Everyone gets angry if things like that continue. I’m going to defend myself while yelling at you. That’s how I tried to drag the author into the argument….’

It was a mud fight prepared by the opposition.

emotionally arousing Lloyd.

What if I provoke you and drag you into an argument?

What if we exchange arguments that are dotted with accusations and excuses like that?

I thought that alone would be a great success.

It was natural.

‘Of course, people reveal their bottom in the process of having such a muddy fight and argument. The moment you see such a bottom, your excellent reputation will be damaged.’

To damage the reputation of public servant Lloyd Frontera through random bottom-line arguments.

That was the purpose of the Opposition.

That’s enough.

Damaged reputation reputation.

It was thought that this alone would create public opinion against Lloyd Frontera’s awarding of sacred objects.

But what about reality?

‘Why is he doing that?’

No matter how much pressure and sharp questions this side throws.

Even if you deliberately ask questions that distort the facts and touch your emotions.

Lloyd never fell for provocation.

No, rather, he responded to the question on this side.

He even had tears in his eyes and was showing complete self-reflection!

‘Thanks for asking the question…Doesn’t it look like garbage?’

The opposing aristocrat Córdoba strongly felt a sense of doubt (?) unknowingly rushing in.

Of course, he was completely unaware.

Aggressive questions and fact-distorting provocations planned by himself and his opponents.

That’s the fact that in the IT world of Korea, Lloyd, who has been trained through numerous malicious comments and team game pads, has no sense of hitting.

Thanks to this, the gloomy future that Lloyd would play with and chew on everyone in the main meeting room of the House of Aristocrats with even more shameless and sticky tongue and tricks from now on.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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